
Personal Life Quotes

There are 1864 quotes

"You need to make sure you're a priority in your life and not other people."
"We need to focus on our own happiness first, especially when it comes to the life that we are living for ourselves."
"My personal life is not anyone else's entertainment."
"You can have a very whole life and not sacrifice everything. You don't have to choose between family and career or personal life. You can have them all."
"My whole life is here; I don't want to see Lowry's go out like this."
"We're three men here with families, with obligations, responsibilities."
"There is something in your relationship life that is going to be going to the next level."
"Happy Valentine's Day to everybody. Michael Popok is on his babymoon, he has a little vacation pre-baby, so it's pretty exciting times."
"It gives my partner Lisa more time to do the things that she needs to do instead of being a caregiver 24-7."
"In terms of personal life, I like to split things up into health, wealth, love, and happiness."
"We should put equal, if not more, effort into our friendships and personal relationships than we do into our careers."
"Tracy actually had a family, Tracy actually had a marriage. Tracy was actually doing the right way."
"I'm just having fun with my friends, I'm in love, which is great, and I'm just gonna chill."
"I'm going to show you that I can have a job, I can have a wife, I can have children, and still reach spiritual peak."
"Spending time with my kids and going on a fun coffee date with my mom."
"A person's life persuades better than their word."
"I live a real life like the rest of y'all. I work a 9 to 5, I got a girlfriend, I just got my first apartment, I'm 22, I'm living up."
"I hope when it's all said and done, people remember me that not only like the jokes that I told...but when...my children talk about me, they're like, 'Yeah, man, he was a really good solid person through and through.'"
"It's not that big a deal. It is. It affects every aspect of our lives."
"Stop letting these influencers influence you entirely. Take what they do with a grain of salt, enjoy being entertained by them...and then return back to your life and live for you."
"Content creators love to hide who they really are when the curtains close and the lights dim."
"The point of the interview was for Pete to open up about his personal life."
"Something really significant is going to happen to you this coming December, and I actually think it pertains to love."
"If you find yourself just going on dates like a different date every week and not settling down, don't be too hard on yourself."
"Tom Cruise, who's a very good actor with a very problematic lifestyle. Honestly, you can't deny it, the man knows how to act. He's good."
"He started dating a woman that worked there. The two weren't married but they were partners in life."
"My actual life feels a little bit better now."
"Underneath his charming charisma and talent, however, was a sad, tragic, and horrifically violent life behind closed doors that would continue to haunt him up to his dying days."
"Why? Because I just recently got married and had a baby."
"I've been married to the same woman for over 31 years. I've got three grown-up children, I have two grandchildren."
"If you find the perfect one, it won't take away from your career or your work. You can do a good balance."
"Her personal life would hit a high point too when she began dating fellow NXT trainee Buddy Murphy."
"First and foremost, I need to get home to my daughter."
"I'm going to be optimistic about the life that is mine."
"Life is far from perfect for me, but I really am just truly happy and grateful for this opportunity."
"The model, reality star, businesswoman, mom, and real estate mogul."
"I'm currently not working. I'm a full-time grandson."
"My happiest I've ever been in my life is when I'm content in my personal life, and I get to just make music."
"Time to go back home and check on my crops. It's Tuesday night farming night."
"Tragically though, the next dreadful months of Lake's life would make even her most bitter enemies shut their mouths."
"Richard maintained his innocence throughout the process, eventually remarried, and moved on from the case entirely."
"I don't give everybody that from the outside world my inside life."
"Kris Jenner's late-night shenanigans at home with Cardi B, Kim Kardashian, love, friendship, family."
"Jupiter transiting your moksha houses... seek bad pleasures, more sex, more passionate love."
"Happy wife, happy life. No matter what nonsense maybe, my wife knows that I love her very much."
"As much as I'd like to take a vacation, we need to get back to my apartment."
"Make your own decisions and live your own life."
"Jackie's awareness of her husband's Affairs is a topic of curiosity, while some biographies suggest that she anticipated such behavior in their social stratum."
"It's not so much about her lifestyle, her sin."
"I want to ask you something... Will you become my partner in personal relationship too?"
"Joey Dunlop was kind of a softie at heart, sharing in his success with his family and performing charitable works."
"I feel like I didn't go out much, obviously I stream every day for like eight hours, I think one day off a week, but for me, you know, streaming and gaming, it is my job, so it's not necessarily my escape."
"The liberal worldview was one that recognized that there were things indeed the most important things in life that were located outside of the realm of politics friendships art music family love." - Barry Weiss
"Asians age very well...and I'm married with two kids so I don't think she's going anywhere."
"Paris was a man who lived his life on his own terms and kicked ass at it."
"You can have real discussions... I mean, my life right now consists of pretty much nothing but a series of genuine discussions."
"Having a girlfriend literally means that like I'm happier like in my spare time I'm like fulfilled."
"God has a plan for your life and a plan for my life."
"Bring home the sailor to myself and then introduce her to the devoted."
"There is a very special person about to manifest."
"When am I gonna have kids? The answer is, I don't know. I don't plan on having kids anytime soon."
"Four days after Beau's funeral, I watched Joe shave and put on his suit."
"She transported into an alternate universe where she never met her husband, she stayed with her ex, and he was also married to someone else."
"Mind your business and take care of what is in your life what matters to you."
"Thank you so much for respecting my family time, I adore all of you, I will see you tomorrow."
"Simple facts of the matter: I have four kids, I have a dog, I'm up at all hours of the night, I need Black Rifle coffee in the mornings."
"Speaking of, after divorcing his wife to marry his twenty-year-old secretary, Charles W Post never got over his chronic stomach pain."
"I have this new residence... this is going to be chaos."
"It's one of the many things that I'm grateful for in my life. I have a good partnership in my marriage, and I'm glad that it's been able to birth three children but also this show and this community."
"There's a lot of exciting things happening this year... I'm getting married."
"Most of the time I would say I'm very happy, I'm living a very, very good, very happy life."
"Your relationship will be at a whole next level in three years from now."
"I just have a lot of things one in my life and my life outside of fighting is fantastic, you know? I have such a great life and such a good support system that, um, you know, I don't really feel the pressure."
"I just want to go home and take care of my responsibilities."
"Your own life is your most precious possession."
"My dad came up to my job and stuff, he borrowed my truck."
"It's a weird feeling when you're having your quiet Saturday night and then all of a sudden somebody calls you and it's like what the [ __ ] are you doing."
"As soon as Julie came into his life, she wasn't thrilled about that part about him having a secretary."
"He loved Joni. She was the love of his life on this earth. And she was his partner. The co-founder, the co-leader of Daystar. The family."
"Not only did Peter have a career outside of the Guardians but he had a romance as well."
"I make good money. I don't have a crazy life. I saved my money, and I make a lot of money in UFC." - Anderson Silva
"Listen to the music, that's the soundtrack to my life."
"My job does not define who I am... I'm a father, a parent, a little league coach."
"Britney Spears went scorched earth and finally told all, and guys, it's heartbreaking."
"I've been married to my wife Tammy for 33 consecutive years."
"It's hard to believe that George is already 30."
"Money, sex, or kids. You may think you're arguing about something else, but really it comes back to one of those three things."
"Britney deserves to just be able to live her life."
"This is a game that despite its flaws manages to capture a bit of the struggle of what it's like to write while also trying to be a good spouse or a good father."
"He was around his family all the time, this was no wonder."
"Give your wife the same energy you give your company."
"I found out when I woke up I found donuts on the bar which is always a very good start to the day."
"We're officially engaged, thank you guys for all your support."
"My vlogs don't necessarily include my kids all the time, but you guys don't understand how much I just love hanging out with my kids."
"We all kind of like the snuggles as well, don't we? I mean, if we're being real."
"Your relationship is going to take an important stage."
"My life away from the screen couldn't be any better, you know, grandkids, family, yeah, it's perfect."
"I just wanted to say that I've been off YouTube for a few weeks because my husband was sick."
"I wasn't really hiding my normal life of normalcy that I could show it."
"At some point in their marriage, Asgore was forced to sleep out here on the couch."
"God is number one. My wife is right under God. My children are number three."
"I'm just a single mom focusing on being a mom."
"It's already a touchy even if I wasn't in social media and I had to rehome my dog."
"You've manifested something very surprising coming into your life."
"Being a father is the greatest thing that I've ever done."
"Congratulations to 2 Chainz who just got married."
"This is my wife, this is a life right here, 2:30 in the morning outside at work recording YouTube."
"I don't know if I could ever get over the fact that Burger Charger has [__] five kids and is married."
"I've honestly been sleeping beautifully, no matter who is in my bed."
"The Bezos divorce is the most money anyone got in history from a divorce."
"He was the first person in modern history to accumulate a fortune of over 100 billion dollars."
"Thank you mods thank you so much for your for your help tonight thank you guys for keeping me on track because your girl gets a little add I'm gonna go eat dinner with my kiddos."
"He's worth 160 billion dollars, it was three divorces though, wasn't it?"
"You'll receive unexpected gains in love and romance."
"Honestly, I live a such a blessed life but I still get upset just like other people."
"Do you have a girlfriend, Brock? I do not have a girlfriend, no."
"Time is precious, so whenever I could spend time with my kids, I would want it."
"I love how you do not care at all what, like, no one is watching when you're with Flynn."
"I couldn't imagine doing it for one day never mind 25 years without me wife."
"My biggest joy was just marrying that man that would just allow me and Pat the marriage and then tell me 'oh stop doing that.'"
"It's weirdly invasive when people think that they can be upset about your life choices if it doesn't directly affect them."
"Bill and Melinda Gates announced they were getting divorced."
"I've never made a bad decision when I make it with Karen and Jesus."
"I've never been happier, and I haven't spoken to my family in three whole years."
"I'm Papa Dave when I'm at home with the grandbabies or I'm my wife's husband when I'm at home. I'm not Dave Ramsey because when I get there nobody cares."
"Shane Dawson is back and apparently he's having a baby."
"After me and my woman smash, we eat popsicles. Good job, good game."
"What she chose to do in her personal life and her own personal time did not reflect on the love that she had for her sons in any way, shape, or form."
"Do you want things to change or do you want to be perpetually outraged you know and that's the thing like what what do you want."
"American actor and producer Tom Cruise is a household name, so it's understandable that he has a security team to match."
"Keep it private, don't air your details in public."
"It's not until you have a fight with your wife one night when she decides to tell you what it's like being with a chubby panda in bed."
"I gave 18 years of my life to stand in the same spot as you. Don't you think I ever wanted other things?" - Fences
"Spending time with him going to the beach going to get ice cream those are the things that actually help me do better on the competition floor."
"I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. My life is wonderful."
"So happy to see Edward get a little bit of light in his life."
"2021 is gonna be emphasized by a relationship."
"I have so much goddamn Tito's on my tour bus you have no idea."
"It was one of the most special nights of my life."
"It's not even, it's a rumor, it's that I'm dead, it's aren't they."
"So something's coming in to tower you, and it's a ton of cups, something very happy, an unexpected something to put a smile on your face."
"I'm in a really happy relationship with Harry and I love him so much."
"We've been thinking about trying for a baby lately."
"There's warmth in bin Laden's household; there were these poetry competitions that his kids were reciting."
"Live your life with somebody that makes even grocery shopping an adventure."
"My wedding is next Sunday on Animal Crossing!"
"I start the day honestly with cuddles with both my kiddos. I start with coffee."
"Passionate about something, showing that your life is of value to yourself."
"I gotta wrap this up and get on the road and I gotta go check on my cat so love you guys appreciate it thanks for hanging in there again and I will see you guys on Monday morning."
"A blessing on your love life and your heart."
"Happy wife, happy life, happy ex-wife, happy life as well."
"I'm just waiting for a date now, so hopefully within the next couple of months."
"Couples have videos of them doing it, he doesn't know?"
"One of the ways that you continue to keep things spicy is you introduce new things into the bedroom."
"At the end of the day, it's not about my life, it's about your life."
"I've lived in nine houses in my life, this is my tenth, and it's by far the best."
"You're either getting laid or you're getting money, but you're not doing both at the same time."
"I just want to enjoy my love. I don't want to put my baby in that."
"Love how you keep us in the loop for a lot of your personal things that you don't have to."
"Life's good, I don't see myself getting married."
"I never thought I'd have children, I never thought I'd be in love, I never thought I'd meet the right person." - Angelina Jolie
"Someone's private life is by definition private."
"His life was a mix of triumphs and challenges, navigating Fame, sexuality, and personal loss."
"Avril Lavigne wanted to have a normal life." - Delving into the complexities of fame and identity.
"Your love life is being affected right now by your subconscious mind."
"What next? Wine, colosseum, acting, business, motherhood."
"Tony Stark's been living out of... he has a daughter named Morgan."
"Thank you all so much for watching it means the world. Later this week I've got my wife's here I think we're going to go to the gym and try to be you know productive members of society."
"For all the romance books I've read and all the Happy Endings I've enjoyed, I can't imagine my own. I'd like to hope I'll have one but hope can be dangerous."
"We're still just the arms family we're still Daniel and DJ in Houston and Emily and Weston we're still the same people."
"I want to live my life the way I think I should live my life without judgment from other people."
"Things only get worse as Barbara's husband Sam is up for re-election."
"That last night had ended like so many with us sitting outside at the pool happy and content, drinking wine, talking."
"For 17 years, she spent her life looking at us."
"Sex toys make being at home way more enjoyable."
"My mama didn't even know what I... she still don't know what to call it. She thought I just like play games, that's it."
"You are the gatekeeper in your life, your world, your empire."
"What if she had an abortion the day prior or something that was doing her routine went to the dentist whatever put her son down and then things started going wrong."
"A life the husband always wanted with a loving wife without knowing the dark truth."
"Living a full life naturally makes you less available, drawing people towards you."
"Every day of my life is kind of out of the ordinary that people I think would be interested to see."
"I'm honest about it for the most part and obviously, it has to be, it's on camera who I was with or whatever."
"Oh, I hope you're doing okay. Seems that I keep getting home later and later."
"Venus is in your fifth house, helping with your love life even though it's been quite hard."
"So if you hear football in the background, my son is studying and watching football."
"It highlights your situation, so if you have a good relationship at home, you're like, you know what, we have a really good relationship."
"Congratulations on the engagement! You and Lizzy are so cute."
"The internet is so interesting that people think they know you from watching 10 minutes...of your day."
"I feel like you will have something, another child soon, and probably a boy."
"Focus on new love because that's what you have coming your way."
"He'll somehow find a way to ruin my next orgasm."
"It's high time for Stella Lane to settle down and find a husband, or so her mother tells her."
"Apparently Bernardo Silva has named his dog John after John Stones."
"I'd much rather enter my 40s being a guy who has a talk show that talks about my life with my friends."
"It's been a while since I've been on camera because it's been super super busy."
"The day I share anything about my relationships is only because I was able to tell my dad about my relationship."
"I mean, I'm in my underwear all the time essentially, like, not actually, but like, I'm just some random freaking guy."
"But you know the outward things that I saw of Alec with his kids and his wife were just that. They seemed to enjoy each other's company."
"As the protagonist at the center of this friend group, Carrie demonstrates a woman's struggle to reconcile her sharp modern mind, conventional fairy tale-loving heart, and unfiltered sex drive."
"Your mind plays a very important part in what you're creating in your life."