
Mental Control Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Nature can be merciless but righteous. Trust deeply and be confident that you have control over your mind."
"An ability to tap into deeper parts of our brain, to regain control and willpower over our own bodies, and do things we never thought we were capable of before."
"Ultimately, unless you have electrodes in your head and someone's stimulating them, we are in control of our thoughts and behaviors."
"We are in control of our thoughts and behaviors, understanding how to unlock the power of your brain is one of the most important things you can do for yourself."
"Learning to control your heart rate and thereby your mind using your breathing goes: breathing, heart rate, mind."
"That's the power that you can have taking control of your own mind and manipulating the variables that create your entire emotional landscape."
"The biggest benefit of meditation is that it allows us to observe our thoughts and thereby gain a degree of control over our mind."
"An anchor thought is a predetermined and planned thought that you go to in your mind to help control what you're thinking about when your mind starts to spiral."
"Trying to control the mind with the mind is like trying to grab a fog."
"Being in control of the way that you think is a superpower that's in all of us, and yet only a few of us take the time to harness that power."
"Victory in life... victory over our thoughts... victory in our emotions."
"Breath is the commander of the mind state and the mood."
"It's a state of highly focused attention, dissociation, and sensitivity." - Dr. David Spiegel
"When you start controlling how and when your mind thinks a particular way that's when your mind starts to get purified."
"Any project is much more likely successful if someone's passionate about it."
"Nothing is more powerful than controlling the space that you're in mentally and physically."
"You can wake up and control the way you're thinking and feeling."
"The speed of your thoughts correlates with the speed of your exhalation."
"Nothing holds power over you except the decision you make within the power of your mind."
"You're still in charge of what goes on in your head and you're still in charge of the relationships with the people you love. That is what you're in charge of."
"The great master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self-discipline necessary to help you take full and complete possession of your own mind."
"See thoughts become things see thought patterns is the only access that the enemy got to God's people if you think it he know what you're trying to do he know how to control you."
"Change the channel whenever a negative thought comes in. Whenever a worry or a stress comes in, remind yourself that it's just a thought, it's an illusion, it's not here and it's not coming."
"Cognitive... ability to move an object just by thinking about it."
"The war has begun. It's just being practiced on the level of psyche. We're in the middle of a psychological war being subtly fought through media and sometimes not so subtly fought—an invasion of the mind, policeman of the brain."
"The pathway to controlling our thoughts begins with understanding our relationship to Jesus Christ."
"Your thought life is in your mind, this is the control tower of your life."
"You're in control of your thoughts and ideas."
"If I concentrate hard enough, I can force my words back into order."
"I'm in control of my thoughts, that's what's going to determine where I'm headed next."
"My mind is my tool to use in any way I wish."
"You can control what enters your subconscious mind."
"You're only free when you're the master of your thoughts."
"Your mindset is yours to set, no one set your mind for you. You set your mind."
"Your mind will do what you tell it. Now that you know that, tell it great things all the time."
"Ranting helps your brain get control over chaotic emotions."
"Self-regulation teaches us how to fly with the pilot and co-pilot of our minds."
"Conscious control of thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"You are not your thoughts. You are more than what they told you. You can control your thoughts."
"Professor X mentally traps the Phoenix in Jean Grey's mind to keep it at bay."
"Being in control of your own thoughts at any given point in time is an incredibly powerful thing."
"He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure, his every thought is allied with power."
"Right now, you definitely are in control of your thoughts and right now or at least this week you're literally not letting anything or anyone have control over you."
"Once the bloodmaster's voice disappears from her mind, she'll be hungry and driven by vampire urges."
"Literally everything can be solved by just being able to control your thought patterns."
"Controlling our thoughts because this controls everything." - Dr. Charles Stanley
"Our mind is the control tower of our life. Whatever happens in our life starts right here." - Dr. Charles Stanley
"What we think about is really what controls us." - Dr. Charles Stanley
"Our self-talk creates our world... we have to take control absolutely a hundred percent."
"When you master yourself, you don't stay in your head. You don't emotionally feel bad about certain things and you can control certain things mentally and emotionally."
"You only have control over your thoughts, not over what happens in the outside world."
"The journey of mastering mental control over the energy field is a profound odyssey of self-discovery and transformation."
"I was able to manipulate my thoughts and take myself down whatever path I desired mentally."
"Whoever controls the mind controls the body."
"Through concentrated mental control, there is a latent power more potent than physical force. The person becomes aware that the attitude of the mind has a power of controlling, directing and governing other forces."
"It's my freedom to think about anything, to focus on anything in my mind. My mind is actually under my control."
"Any time the mind starts to take over."
"So exercising control of the mind, unlike physical control which can be done through fear and some other external force, but the exercise in control at the level of mind ultimately really has to be voluntary by the individuals themselves."
"Take your mind back, take authority over it, take responsibility for your life."
"The constant awareness of who we are is really all we need to overcome the mind."
"The only thing you have control over is how your mind reacts to these things."
"Your mind is in control of everything."
"I teach all golfers that they are endowed with free will. They can control their thoughts. In fact, they are responsible for their thoughts."
"Focus is about taking charge of your mind."
"Being in control of your attention and control of your thoughts is the superpower of the 21st century."
"You are always in control of your mentality and your thoughts and your mind."
"We need to concentrate on having more power over our minds."
"Our mind is the control tower of our life."
"If you learn to have your mind within your control, then it becomes your greatest ally."
"How valuable is that, to do it by thought alone?"
"Your mind is your own as you watch the last of it go dwindling off the spiral is beginning to close, getting smaller, going away."
"The whole purpose of yoga, yoga chitta vritti nirodhah, Yoga is the suppression of the modifications of the mind."
"Fill and empty the mind, visualizing the mind controlling all of this breath, all of this movement."
"You have the power to tell your thoughts which ones can stay and which ones need to go."
"We're going to reveal a technique to help you take control of the path of your own mind."
"You control your mind, not outside events. Know this for strength in love."
"Imagination can torment us or serve us, so you must be its master, not the other way around."
"There is a spiritual conflict that is raging in the universe around us; it is a war of good against evil, and the prize is the control of man's mind."
"Learning self-discipline is the process of taking control of your entire mind as a whole."
"Attention doesn't just allow us to pick and choose between things that we're looking at or things that we're listening to; it also allows us to pursue one line of thought over another."
"Noticing when the mind flits off... can give you some control over what happens next."
"If you could stay in control of your mind and stay calm and have no fear, you'll win every single time."
"He's able to control his mind and be very consistent at it, believe in that skill and constantly produce results."
"Your mind is under the control of the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"Systematic, consistent repetition can bring the mind under control."
"The ability to have control over your own mind is where it starts."
"When you're in the grip of an opponent's genjutsu, the chakra that flows through your mind is under their control."
"Remember, the mind is controllable; we can control it, it does what we tell it to do."
"Five four three two one, not listening to it, no. I am redirecting my thoughts."
"I am in control of the mental atmosphere I've created."
"You have control over your thoughts."