
Boundaries Quotes

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"You need to make sure you're a priority in your life and not other people."
"You can learn a lot about somebody by how they treat your boundaries."
"It's so important, self-care is huge. Unless you know how you feel, then you're not able to set a boundary."
"Do you respect yourself and your life enough to set a clear standard and boundary that you will not allow your life to go to waste?"
"Boundaries are crucial for those who have suffered from narcissistic abuse to learn and implement."
"Creating boundaries is essential in healthy relationships because they provide the foundation for your expectations, behavior, and how you communicate with others."
"If you're making me late to things, that's my biggest thing. It becomes disrespectful at one point."
"Anger's core message is a concise and potent 'no', said as forcefully as the moment demands."
"If you don't like it you can't change it, but you can create your own boundaries and set yourself apart from it and protect your energy from it."
"Boundaries are very simply, 'Here's what's okay, and here's what's not okay.'"
"You got to learn to be able to tell people no."
"You've got to know when to say no to family, friends, and those who mean you no good."
"We provide space for each other. I'm not your therapist."
"Self-care... also looks like learning when and how to say no."
"Clear boundaries are needed in the situation or relationship. Protect and honor your energy in a balanced way."
"Boundaries are really about allowing the people in your life to authentically know who you are."
"My personal life is not anyone else's entertainment."
"You are not a bad person for setting boundaries and disengaging and creating distance from someone who harmed you."
"Only people who cannot take advantage of you anymore will hate you for stepping into your power."
"Learning how to set and maintain boundaries is also really important so people feel safe and empowered."
"As much as self-care is about doing things, like working out and drinking water and getting good sleep, I feel like it's being able to say no to things that you don't want to do."
"Once you understand what drives him towards the video game, it can help you set healthy boundaries."
"Knowing your boundaries and getting to know how you're most productive and how you're happiest, the happiest is really really important and that all comes then into your time management."
"This person is going to help you have healthy boundaries."
"It's up to you to figure out where you draw the line in engaging with your audience."
"If you say, 'Hey, don't put anything wet on the computer,' and the next day they're spraying it with the hose, they know what they're doing."
"Listen to your gut and don't give people your time that don't deserve it."
"After receiving some wise words from Isabelle at the Log Cabin hotel, I learned how to say no every now and then."
"Comedians regularly remind us their job is to push boundaries and offend our sensibilities."
"No is a complete sentence. You don't need to over-explain yourself."
"Create distance from the things that make you feel bad about yourself—aka boundaries."
"It wasn't the girls being the friends that bothers me. What bothers me is that there was zero boundaries and there was zero respect."
"Boundaries are things that you set for yourself, not for other people."
"One of the biggest distinguishing features between women of high self-worth and women who have no self-worth is boundaries."
"Selfless love does not require you to sacrifice your sense of safety, your sense of autonomy, your sense of self-love."
"You have to like kind of establish what is a healthy boundary, and a lot of people don't even know what healthy boundaries are."
"I think your priority should be to devote whatever attention necessary to condone and set boundaries."
"Feel the pain, be able to say moving forward, if a person treats me in a way that is similar to what I just experienced because I've allowed myself to feel the pain of how it actually feels on the inside, I'm going to draw a line and say it ends here."
"Queen of swords is about honesty, truth, clarity, and setting boundaries."
"August is looking like a month of cutting out negative things, things that aren't serving you, putting in healthy boundaries, taking a step back, looking into your life."
"You're not going to allow outside interference, and you're definitely not going to allow past interference, not anymore."
"I think we need to start putting our foot down on Mom, on kids, on brother. You're nice, you have a big heart, don't let anyone take advantage of it."
"We have to qualify people for the different dimensions of access in our lives."
"You have to be able to say, 'I love you, but I'm sorry, this does not work for me anymore.'"
"I feel like I cross over the borderline of being a parent and being a friend."
"You're going to create a lot more solid, healthy boundaries in your life that are going to help you move forward."
"I think there are plenty of kind people who still know how to say no to certain things and not be taken advantage of."
"If someone asks you to stop, they just need to stop. People need to realize that."
"There are going to be times where you can't get me and that is intentional."
"You shouldn't sacrifice yourself to the point of being a martyr because that becomes counterproductive."
"True freedom without boundaries is terrifying for children; it's chaos."
"You thought you were playing a game, breaking records, uncovering secrets no one was meant to find."
"It's really important not to give them everything. You have to have those boundaries."
"If you're in a successful relationship, the boundaries are kind of intuitive. You know what they like and what they don't like; they know what you like and what you don't like, and you kind of respect that inherently."
"You know that I must remind you, it's almost 11 PM. You don't invite someone to your apartment at 11 PM."
"You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm."
"Learning to love and setting boundaries is crucial because we cannot love everyone."
"You need to be in contact with other humans who are boundaried, who are not codependent, who can support you and be there for you."
"You don't get to dictate other people's feelings and emotions like that."
"The limit does not exist. This person's perception of boundaries isn't real."
"Stop sexualizing people in areas where they do not want to be sexualized."
"Clear boundaries are needed in this situation. Protect and honor your energy in a balanced way. Spend time alone if needed and reconnect when you're able."
"Use your outside voice and say no when you need to. Realize that no is a complete sentence."
"I think there's got to be a line drawn where it's like, 'this is embarrassing now.'"
"Every second that goes by is just another moment to show who you are, how much you love someone, what your boundaries are."
"You cannot create boundaries if you do not know what you are protecting."
"I want to be the queen of taking care of my relationship with God. I want to be the queen of creating boundaries so that I can experience who God is calling me to become."
"Your real power is going to come from authenticity. Your real power is going to come from having boundaries."
"When your boundaries are observed by a narcissistic person, they will likely tell you that you're being controlling, and obviously, that's a bit of a projection."
"In a healthy relationship, they will acknowledge those boundary violations and shift the behavior."
"Our unwillingness or our inability to set boundaries with narcissists results in all of us enabling them."
"You may be so accustomed to poor boundaries from your families of origin that the concept of setting boundaries literally feels foreign to you."
"Healthy relationships exist within boundaries, and boundaries have to be communicated."
"The reason why people do not respect you is because you don't have any boundaries."
"If you don't enforce a boundary, you're teaching the person that 'I'm sorry' is a substitute for respecting my boundaries."
"So many of the problems in our communities because parents haven't set healthy boundaries on you, they haven't taught you how to set healthy boundaries."
"You have the right to say yes and to say no to whoever you choose to."
"If you want someone to adhere or respect a particular boundary, it has to be clearly laid out."
"It's easier to loosen a boundary than it is to tighten it."
"Poor boundaries can really impact our lives in many ways: it can put us at risk for entering into toxic relationships, it can put people at risk for dangerous situations, it can also result in people taking on more than they need to, taking on more caregiving responsibilities, more work responsibilities in a way that can really take a toll on both their physical and their mental health."
"When a person has poor boundaries, they will often blame themselves even for a very negative or even a problematic or traumatic interaction, saying, 'Well, it's my fault I had poor boundaries,' which can not only result in self-blame and shame but a whole cascade of negative emotions associated with that."
"A boundary is first and foremost a demonstration of self-respect and respect for others."
"Clear boundaries are not walls to keep other people out; they are parameters that keep you safe within yourself and within your life."
"You are the only one who gets to say what goes on in your life."
"When people do not honor your boundaries, they are teaching you and telling you what they really think about you."
"Having clear boundaries means learning to say no."
"People don't respect people that don't have standards, people don't respect people that don't have boundaries."
"It's impossible for a people-pleaser to have standards and to have boundaries."
"People will treat you accordingly... Raise your standard to the level of your value. People will respect what you respect."
"Boundaries represent standards and are the evidence of self-love."
"Any woman that does not have and enforce boundaries is a clear indication to any skilled deceiver that this is a woman that lacks self-love."
"When you enforce boundaries, it weeds out the pretenders from the contenders."
"The first thing with setting boundaries is you have to know if a boundary has been violated."
"A boundary is really being clear about what is okay with you and what is not okay with you in relationships."
"Drawing boundaries is probably the most loving act that you can execute in a relationship."
"There's certain boundaries and certain things that you can't cross around me because I have to guard my heart spiritually."
"Girl, you're doing absolutely the right thing. Don't feel bad about setting boundaries."
"The last thing...is what if someone won't respect my boundaries? What do I do? Ultimately, you have to make the decision on whether or not this person should be in your life."
"When we begin to abandon ourselves, that's when we're allowing behavior to happen that we know is blatant disrespect."
"The biggest thing that leads to modern slavery is unhealthy boundaries."
"Setting boundaries with the narcissist in your life is very, very important."
"Your preferences, desires, limits, and deal breakers... those are the things that not only make up your boundaries, they also make up who you are."
"It is the most loving thing that you can ever do because what is it to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships? It's really about allowing the people in your life to authentically know who you are."
"Speaking up, having the confidence to lay out what your lines are, what your non-negotiables are, what your boundaries are, is the most important thing you can actually do for a relationship, any relationship."
"You can be caring and loving and still say no."
"Understanding that we live in a world with boundaries, and it is your right to have them too."
"Boundaries are not like this strict set of rules that are going to keep you in bondage; they're something that is going to set you free."
"You do not have to be friends with anybody, just like they don't have to be friends with you."
"Good fences make good neighbors. The stronger your boundaries, the closer you can get to somebody."
"Setting boundaries and cutting people off can be different; cutting people off can be a boundary, but it is not the only way to have boundaries."
"If you really do appreciate and value the relationship, you'll set those boundaries not because you're trying to push somebody away, but because you are trying to keep them there."
"Boundaries help you decide: Is this a relationship I want to be in, or is this a relationship that I need to leave?"
"When you start to complain a lot about a situation or a person, it is an automatic indicator that you need some boundaries."
"Love is like a liquid... and boundaries are like the bottle."
"In what we teach, we teach a lot of things about personal boundaries, self-love, inner game, getting present moment, letting go of trauma, all that kind of stuff."
"The power of having your standards and boundaries is immense."
"Setting your boundaries is essential for gaining respect."
"Creating stronger boundaries is the number one way for most women to improve their lives."
"If you're not setting boundaries, then you are really inviting people to ignore your needs."
"Setting boundaries and sticking to them is crucial for healthy interactions."
"Saying no is just as important as saying yes. I think that's great life advice and design advice."
"It's okay to love again; there's a lot of growth, the room for a new relationship, but you might just have to set new boundaries."
"The cost to children of parents not being able to set boundaries has never been higher."
"Human beings need boundaries because it makes them feel secure."
"Create healthy boundaries with those around you."
"Having healthy boundaries means deciding what you want to include in your life and what you don't, and who is going to be in your life and who you want to let go of."
"Sometimes God got a blessing for you that you cannot get until you cut the [expletive] [expletive] off because they don't deserve that blessing."
"When it comes to your family, you have to understand that you have to set up boundaries for yourself. You can't just have people around you just because they're related to you."
"Learning how to say no is the most self-loving, self-respectful thing that you can do for yourself."
"You teach people how to treat you by what you tolerate."
"Don't [mess] up my peace of mind while I'm alive and then wish me to rest in peace because I'm not with that."
"The power of saying no, just saying no to things, respectfully saying no."
"Instead of setting yourself on fire to keep others warm, you're starting to recognize how you need to let other people carry their own weights."
"Healthy membranes that let the things in that you want to let in and keep out the things you don't want to have in is a perfectly happy, healthy state of nature."
"We need to have healthy distance. We need to find you need to have a home base where you can decide who comes in and who doesn't and where you can protect yourself."
"Do it with compassion... You can be assertive, set boundaries, and still be nice."
"It's okay to just not respond to everything."
"Don't do anything physically with anyone that you wouldn't talk to them about."
"Acknowledging that you can care about your subscribers while at the same time understanding that they're ultimately strangers is really important."
"Communicating your limits doesn't mean that you are weak or unskilled... it just means that you have boundaries and that's totally human."
"Boundaries aren't there just for one person; they're for both of you."
"It's okay to not let men control you. It's okay for you to also have those personal boundaries."
"One of my favorite boundaries is standing up for myself."
"The most powerful boundary you have is to simply not engage with someone who is not good for you."
"Boundaries are actually creating a better, more connected relationship with that person."
"When somebody bumps into your boundaries, you cannot get mad."
"Create boundaries for yourself so that it's safe for you to love again, ensuring you don't overstep and others don't overstep with you."
"Strength is learning and knowing that you don't even deserve to be in that atmosphere of toxicity or abuse, and you put up stronger boundaries."
"A boundary is the imaginary line that uniquely defines your personal happiness, your personal integrity, your personal desires, your personal needs, and therefore most importantly, your personal truth from the rest of the universe."
"Setting boundaries is hard, but boundaries are also facts."
"When acquaintances share personal stories too soon, it's often a sign of poor boundaries."
"You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you."
"Practical boundaries really helped us... to stick to our values and honor God in the way that we wanted to."
"You're not gonna wait around for them forever, you're not gonna be messed around by somebody because you have your boundaries."
"Boundaries aren't just a trend or buzzword, they're important for a healthy life."
"I have a one-strike and you're out policy. If someone treats me really badly once, they're out."
"Everyone has a right to silence. You don't need to be at anyone's beck and call. You have to get comfortable with other people's discomfort so that you can take care of yourself first."
"We are all human, and that's okay; we all have our boundaries, we all have our choices."
"If you are burned out, or if you're in an environment that expects this of you, then it's time to just say no."
"You don't have to give people a billion chances. You know how to treat others, and that's common sense."
"So even if you're able to forgive your parents or whoever we're talking about here, doesn't mean that you have to accept them as an active relationship in your life."
"How to say no without apologizing... it's very very difficult. First and foremost it's accepting the reality that you're welcome to say no, you're allowed to say no."
"Love yourself enough to say no to others' demands on your time and energy."
"There's a fine line between journalism and street photography."
"The more you love a job, the more careful you have to be about keeping boundaries."
"It's okay to find someone attractive; we are, after all, human. The important thing is to have healthy boundaries."
"The job of the comedian is to push the envelope."
"The role of healthy anger is to set a boundary between what's nourishing and to let in what's healthy and to keep out what's dangerous and unwelcome."
"It's okay to set boundaries, and that actually that's less hassle than constantly bending over backwards for people."
"One of my favorite boundaries is standing up for myself. It is knowing who I am, knowing my worth, and valuing that over what people might think."
"With boundaries, you think that boundaries would hold you back, but no, these boundaries are setting you free."
"Vulnerability isn't me telling you the same insecurity 10 times a day; that's not vulnerability, that's dumping."
"The lessons are definitely about self-love, healthy boundaries, learning to not base your sense of self-worth on the other person or anyone outside of yourself."
"Doing something illegal or making false allegations against another person is where I draw the line."
"You're going to be learning how to set boundaries."
"You are so refined to the point where you have the proper boundaries in your life, you know what you want to focus on, you know what you don't want to focus on."
"You need things like anger to learn where to set your boundaries; you need things like grief and sadness to help you form intimate connections with other people."
"I don't need to participate in everything because I get overwhelmed, and that's okay."
"Consenting to one activity one time does not mean someone gives consent for other activities or for the same activity on another occasion."
"Encourage women to assert their boundaries. I know that's a mouthful, but to me, I feel like that actually gives more insight to the situation than just say no."
"Setting and maintaining boundaries is a form of self-respect and an important aspect of self-care."
"I don't think it's ever smart, unless absolutely necessary, to get involved in relationships that are not your own."
"Some of us may have wished that one day we won't have to go through hardships alone again, and yet once again, this is what's happening to us."
"You are the Garden of Eden, and when someone has sort of crossed a line, you almost prohibit them from your paradise."
"Boundaries when it comes to your business are very important."
"There's a difference between walking by a woman and saying something nice and then continuing on versus starting a conversation and expecting her to entertain it."
"Developing healthy boundaries teaches you to live a life of authenticity and to live from a space of integrity."
"You can keep your money then, and you can say goodbye, because I certainly don't need entitled, toxic people trying to ruin my life and my business over 20 bucks."
"Children need boundaries...as they age, they have to be able to press on the boundaries, and we figure out as adults how to responsibly expand the boundaries according to their ability."
"I don't really want to talk about my traumas with strangers."
"You have the option of walking away from our family or our friends who are not treating us correctly."
"You're the CEO of your own life. What you allow will continue."
"Stop giving your life away just to make somebody else happy."
"I'm a firm believer that you teach people how to treat you and you teach people how to love you."
"If you don't care enough to enforce your boundaries in the moment, you'll regret it later when they destroy your reputation with tens of thousands of people with their dishonesty."
"I'm free to say no if something is not best for me."
"You guys are really starting to get your thoughts straight, getting straight with what you'll tolerate, your boundaries."
"I believe in second chances, but if you mess with me again, you better watch out."
"Becoming someone else's doormat is the quickest way to rejection, loss of respect, friendzone, and losing the love that you seek."
"Someone who is self-sufficient no matter what's going on, you're self-sufficient but also you set healthy boundaries. You've got strong self-esteem."