
Self-ownership Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"You are the owner of your own brain, your own mind, your own happiness, strength, and health; it's yours."
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened, but no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"Wake up to the lies of the matrix and don't sell your soul to culture's lies."
"No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"It is the highest implementation of human self-ownership we've ever had."
"A human being owns nothing except their efforts and their efforts shall be seen."
"I wanted to own 100% of the suffering I went through in my life."
"Take your power back, because it is yours and no one else can take that from you."
"Every man has a property in his own person; this nobody has any right to but himself."
"The queen conscious woman takes authority and takes ownership of her own soul."
"You can't physically consider yourself financially independent unless you truly own your life."
"We have to take control of the things that we feel is ours."
"Own yourself, call your power back, own that power, own your strength."
"When you own yourself and you own your stuff and you own your work, no one can cancel you."
"Stop handing your reality over to the narcissist and own that it is blue, your reality is safe, don't pawn it off on a narcissist."
"You as a free beautiful independent human being with an ailing of Rights, own yourself."
"My body is my own; it doesn't belong to anyone else."
"When you own it, it takes the power away from other people."
"I own everything that has ever happened to me."
"We are the free citizens of democracies and we own our own minds and we can reclaim our minds."
"I've always said I'm not a fan of cancel culture because they've tried to cancel me... Thank god I own myself, cancel cancel culture bro."
"Forgiveness is about letting go, it's about reclaiming ownership of your heart, your mind, and your body."
"Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that free self was another."
"We are sovereign. We are not slaves. We do not belong to anybody."
"Master of my fate, and I own my own masters."
"You own your space and you got to own your future. When you show up in a room, you got to own that room."
"Your mind is one of the few things in this world that truly belong to you."
"Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you truly own yourself."
"You're not here to compete for something, you own yourself."
"There's nothing in your timeline that owns you."
"I'd rather face ridicule for doing what's right."
"There is no price too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"It's about control, my body, my mind. Who's gonna own it, them or me?"
"The only thing you truly own is your free will and your thoughts."
"I'm not a tool anymore, I bought myself back."
"Owning yourself, owning your worth attracts people who are high vibing, high frequency, high achieving in whatever aspect that means for them."
"I don't play no sports, you know, so when I get off right there who you playing for, sir? No, I don't play no sports, this is mine I own companies."
"No one has a higher claim over your life and property than you."
"Don't let anything in your current world inhibit you from taking an ownership of what you can have now."
"It's not about defeat, it's about owning your power."
"Chloe was unapologetically herself, she owned her com herself completely."
"Our integrity sells for so little, but it's all we really have. It is the very last inch of us, and within that inch, we are free."
"You own yourself, you own your production. No one should have anything to say about what you do unless somehow other hurt others."
"It's the differentiation between healthy business thoughts and practices and being owned mentality."
"They both fought diligently for the right for you to be your own person. No one is going to ever give you anything worth having because anything given can be taken away and therefore is not a right."
"Our body belongs to ourselves, our minds belong to ourselves, and we should have the right to do with it whatever we want to do."
"Own it and you can live in it, you can utilize it, you can grow and be happier."
"It's about creating a beautiful lifestyle for yourself and owning it."
"If I can own my 24 hours, then I could do what the hell I want to do in this world."
"I just adore, super super inspiring people in that they completely just like, they don't shy away from just owning what they've been through."
"Congratulations, T.S. Madison, honey, I own that!"
"My body just belongs to me, and before that just wasn't a meaningful statement to make."
"You own yourself and if you don't tell yourself you can't earn anything else because you cannot not the owner of anything."
"I reject the idea that anyone else has a higher claim to my life for my body than I do."
"Own your power. Us women are so powerful."
"Reclaim your heart teaches readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you."
"When I embrace my passion, I own my place in the world."
"There's no price too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"This, however, cannot be unless first of all our own selves begin to belong to us."
"The minute that we switch on and take ownership of ourselves again, life would be great once again."
"I love that moment, I love Keyleth really owning her own power."
"Own who you are, own who you are."
"The minimal state allows for a level of freedom and self-ownership that a big government system can't offer."
"Own yourself, and that doesn't mean what you might think. It's not about money. It's about 'I own my soul.'"
"Own your divine power, replace people-pleasing with empowerment."
"The internet hates when you start owning whatever they're trying to clown you on."
"I can't belong to any one person."
"When you own who you are, you can command a man's attention without even trying."
"Your body is your sovereign right."
"Being a dark horse means that you own every part of your life."
"Whatever you wanna do, man, you gotta kinda just, you gotta own it, really. You gotta really, you gotta own that [ __ ] and just say, this is what I'm doing, and kinda, that's that."
"Own your reality, own your life, and own what the [expletive] you got going on because it's really real life."
"I just want to own myself, be proud of who I am, be proud of what I make."
"Own yourself. I'm not owned by a company, I'm not owned by a corporation. I own myself, and I'm always going to keep it real with you guys and share my thoughts."
"When you own Your Truth, when you own that Ace of Wands which is a renewal ace at this point... that'll be a wonderful day, full ownership."
"You think you know slavery, everybody always talks about how hard they work in the fields or if they had a good master or not. It's the knowledge that your life doesn't belong to you, the spiritual, emotional knowing."
"Because whoever does not have two thirds of his day for himself is a slave, whatever else he is: statesman, merchant, civil servant, scholar."
"Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. You do not belong to yourself."
"It's improving yourself, owning yourself, I like that."
"It's easier to believe that somebody else has their hand on the wheel than to take ownership of driving your own path."
"Owning a hundred percent self responsibility."
"The person who can own their 24 hours can create freedom."
"You have to take ownership for sure."
"We put so much emphasis on it, and actually, we just have to own it."
"We're claiming our space, we're claiming our truth, we're claiming ownership and courage over our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual fields."
"You are owning who you are and you're not afraid to show it."
"You are the owner of your own mind, to be used 100% to maintain, activate happiness, strength, and health."
"To refuse to be intimidated by anyone. It’s a right and you need to own that."
"We're not above that, so just own it. It's totally fine; just own it."
"Every person is a private, exclusive owner of his own physical body."
"Life is very fragile, life is short, you just need to own it as much as possible."
"Humans are sovereign and they own themselves."
"When I tell you there is so much power in confronting it and walking in it and owning it."
"Your life experience is your life experience; no one can take that away from you."
"I don't belong to nobody. I'm free."
"You were never theirs because you were always your own."
"Owning your domain, owning who you are, owning your presence, owning your star."
"The one thing you own is your mind and your attitude."
"Take on ownership of yourself because it's beautiful, it's amazing, it's strong, it's superhuman. We are more than normal, we are superhuman."
"All a man owns really is himself, his own life."
"Authenticity might be thought of as ownership or self-possession."
"No matter what you do in your life, be happy and own it, and enjoy it, and be proud of what you do."
"There's power in owning your sexuality."
"His life was his own in a way it had never been."
"Only you know the experiences you've had and you are entitled to your belief systems, so own and embrace them."
"If you don't own who you are, then you end up being a pawn of other people."
"The world could see me one way, but if I don't own it, I'm going to act based on how I see me, not based on how you see me."
"Freedom would be one word, ownership would be two words."
"You are the property of yourself; you have the right to conduct your life in any way that you see fit so long as you do not interfere with the rights of others."
"Your life belongs to you and nobody can take that from you."
"I am my heart's only owner, or at least I used to be."
"Once you own yourself, you own who you are and you present that to the potential woman that you desire to acquire."
"The only morality with any weight is morality that is based upon the idea that I own myself and you own yourself."
"Your thoughts are yours and yours alone, never forget that."
"Own your [stuff], wear your confidence with pride, stop overthinking."
"Your power is your own here; Saturn is putting a lot of emphasis and responsibility on you to take ownership of your own power."
"It's really only when we experience our values firsthand that we own our power, and it can never be taken away from us again."
"Allow yourself to own your own life."
"The only thing that we own, human beings, the only thing that we can call our own, is our sense of honor, our virtue, our morality."
"I am being able to help others, I want to empower other individuals to take a hold of their life and their mental health and who they are and own that."
"A high-value man knows his own worth and he owns that."
"I am owning my femininity as a woman and my power in that."
"Your life is yours and yours alone."
"You're feeling that you have ownership again over your life."
"We need to show up and own that a little bit more; that's kind of amazing when you actually digest that and think about it."
"Don't touch me. You don't know me. You do not own me. I'm not your property."
"We have property in ourselves, our ideas, our beliefs, our ability to move about, our mobility."
"Your mind and nobody can have you."
"Find your joy and be exuberantly joyful wherever, however you can, and own it."
"You don't belong to me, you belong to yourself."
"You're just determined you're going to start owning your power and taking your life back."
"We have to own ourselves and we have to own the product of our liberty, our dignity, and our responsibility."
"That's when we're at our baddest: you don't like to put anybody down, you just own yourself."
"A human being belongs to themselves; we are our own property."
"We're not our own; we've been bought at a price."
"This doesn't own what you are. Just own it."
"It's only really when you take ownership of what you've done in life can you actually be healed."
"I've decided to take that power back; it does not belong to time, it belongs to me."
"Own yourself, be connected to yourself, live your own damn life."
"I don't belong to the spirits anymore, I belong to myself."
"My life is mine and I do not need the approval of others or society."
"You are not their property, not even God's property, but your own."
"By going through them, you get to the other side, and what's on the other side is you owning yourself."
"Everyone is a big woman embracing her power, owning it."
"They were not slaves to greed or pride or lust or envy; they belonged only to themselves."
"I am my private property, you are your private property, you belong to yourself."
"I belong to myself first, Brady, or I intend to."
"I am mine before I am anybody else's."
"Own it, because then we're going to end up with you in front of us, a knowledgeable you, a savvy you."
"Another part of my character is for people to really own who they are."
"They see you as being very powerful, like very empowered in your own power, owning it."
"Pluto requires courage more than anything, to step boldly into your own power to own your own self."
"You ultimately are who you are and you have to own who you are."
"It's like waking up and remembering that you fully claim yourself, that you belong to yourself first."
"I am ready to take ownership of who I am in a way that I feel like I abandoned by becoming an influencer."
"Then awakening arrives by itself; the ultimate cannot belong to anyone, nor can there be someone who is awakened."
"It's a return of your sense of self, ownership of your own narrative."
"There's no such thing as being weird, there's no such thing as being crazy if you own your weirdness."
"The central tenet once again of my entire philosophy in life and on this world is that every person owns themselves."
"You can't control a situation, but you can own your emotions around it."
"I need to take ownership over my own story and speaking out about it really helped me feel the relaxation, the calm, the really like owning myself and my story."
"You are your own grown-ass adult person and you are entitled to have your feelings."
"This is you owning your power, taking your power back."
"You own your life, take ownership of it."
"Your life belongs to you, and self-awareness is definitely one of your strategies to having this victory."
"You're taking full control and ownership of your life."
"People cannot knock your testimony because it's yours."
"I believe that the most fundamental human right is that we each own ourselves."
"Struggles for freedom are first and foremost struggles about self-ownership."
"Don't you feel free for the first time in your life? Don't you feel as if you belong to nobody but yourself?"
"Shoes don't make the man, but in the ring, it belongs to you."
"At some point you're your own person, you don't own me, I'm not a product."
"Own being a woman, own that femininity."
"It was more about me trying to own my own space."
"You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings."
"I want to own myself and be the person that I want to be, not for a man or whatever."
"I'm taking ownership of my life and I'm doing the next step."
"They are owned by no man; this person is their own person here."
"I have to be more responsible and just own my actions and deal with the consequences of what I do, of the decisions I make."
"I belong only to myself and not to anyone else."
"The more we can claim it, the more we can work with it and own it, and be in alignment with our authentic self, that leads to even more developments that are in alignment with what you wanted to experience in this lifetime."
"I'm owning it for myself, and I know more of who I am and who I'm not."
"A customer who owns his own identity versus a company owning the customer's identity."
"When you get to that point, you can own your time, you can own your free time."
"The real way to close this economic gap is entrepreneurship, owning our own businesses."
"Courage to be yourself, courage to be independent, to go your own way, to really own all of your energy."
"Own your success but own it for you."
"Stand strong in your power, own the power that you harness, and just be you, live the life that you want."
"This is you really owning your world, this is you really leveling up."
"Own yourself; you're independent, creative, and amazing."
"Let people own their story, let people own their truth."
"Nobody controls you, nobody owns you, you are yourself."
"She has a tattoo that says 'Property of no one'."
"Being a true owner of ourselves and our experiences, we have to admit the things we've done wrong just as much as we've done right."
"Take ownership and have courage to be able to recognize where you can say no and lean more into what you really want to become as a person and as a soul."
"You're your own person, no one owns you."
"I was never meant to be nobody's employee; I was always meant to own myself and my time."
"I own myself and my labor, and what proceeds from my labor is mine."
"One of the most empowering feelings in the world was being able to start actually owning that anxiety."
"This is all about you taking ownership of your energy, of your power, of your profound place in this whole puzzle."