
Self-prioritization Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"You need to make sure you're a priority in your life and not other people."
"Prioritize yourself, period. Married or not, dating or not, single or whatever, prioritize yourself and your happiness."
"If you're constantly a people pleaser, it will erode at your own ability to get things done for yourself."
"The relationship that you need to prioritize right now is the relationship with yourself."
"Is the mountain first, or you are first? What comes first, you or the mountain?"
"Your guardian angels are reminding you how important it is to put yourself first."
"Just because something feels familiar, it feels like we should stick with it. You don't gotta stick with nothing. Stick with yourself. That is the best way to go about life."
"Nice people are polite and considerate and compassionate, but they prioritize themselves first because they know you can't pour from an empty cup."
"Your health is your wealth. Put yourself first."
"Don't ever work harder for somebody else than you're gonna work for yourself."
"The key to success is putting yourself first and also going after your own happiness."
"Stop saying yes to every date, stop being available all the time, and start prioritizing yourself."
"There's nothing wrong with being overly nice. That's not a negative thing. However, the issue arises where you put yourself last."
"Prioritizing yourself is an absolutely okay thing to do."
"I'm not going to become just a soldier; I'm gonna be me first."
"My priorities changed; I cared more about how I felt rather than how I looked."
"At the end of the day, it's singles, man, not teams. Got to look out for number one."
"We set ourselves up for failure by never saying no because we commit our lives to being lived for someone else other than for ourselves."
"You cannot please everyone, and the one person you should always make priority is yourself."
"You're living for you and not feeling the need to carry other people's problems."
"Thank you for reminding me to put myself first."
"People who prioritize themselves are better friends, better lovers, better family members because they're always healthy enough to give more to those relationships and offer more."
"I owed myself my life working for me. I did not owe all these other people another sellout stadium."
"You are of no service to anybody if you don't put yourself first. Just don't put only yourself first. There's a line in the sand that we have to draw."
"Nothing can come in before that, not your family, not your husband, not your boyfriend, not your children. You have to come first."
"It's okay to be selfish, which to me it's not selfish, it's called self-prioritization. It's me putting my needs as something that's important, just as important as anyone else's."
"Kids do what they're taught to do. That's how kids learn."
"I think the one person that you need to put at the top of that list is you yourself."
"You are more important than your children, your happiness is more important."
"When you go into your next relationship, gift yourself first."
"You should always take priority over yourself when we're talking about a lot of cases you know you should make sure you are safe and you are happy before you move on and try to make someone else safe and happy."
"Put yourself first financially, and watch your future thrive."
"Focus on what's right for you, not what other people want for you."
"You're moving very quickly, ahead of many people when it comes to choosing yourself."
"You guys are going to finally put yourselves first."
"Prioritize your goals and dreams over pleasing others."
"In 10 to 20 years, guys need to stop taking BS from women, start putting themselves first."
"Respect it but don't let anybody, anybody impose their way on you. It's you. You're with yourself and you've got to make yourself happy first."
"It's really important to choose yourself over everything, not being selfish but selfless."
"Put yourself first and your abundance will double."
"The fact that you want to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and putting yourself first."
"Exist as an individual before you exist as a partner."
"Be selfish with your time, be selfish with your career."
"This is your year to do things yourself first. If you treat you right, everything else will come."
"Putting yourself first will lead to all the success and fulfillment you desire."
"Prioritize yourself and invest in your happiness."
"Walk away from anything or anyone that is no longer serving you, and happiness and fulfillment will follow."
"Putting myself first in the past has always been the second option."
"Put more energy into yourself than other people."
"Victory comes from walking away from what no longer serves you, with the courage to put yourself first."
"Schedule yourself in. Make yourself a priority."
"I want you to remember how you feel right now and I want you to look in the mirror and say [ __ ] you myself and for the rest of the year you remember how you feel right now and you prioritize your goddamn self"
"I'm gonna start putting me first... I'm gonna show up this year for myself."
"I fill my cup up to 100% and people only get the overflow of me."
"Make yourself happy before you make other people happy."
"My train always moves because I prioritize myself."
"Taking more control and being a little bit more selfish."
"A lot of you guys are choosing you. It's like all these I'm just gonna move on my own way or a lot of you guys are moving toward a love that seems to be your wish fulfillment."
"Put yourself first and just know that in November, there is so much progression, happiness, joy, fulfillment, movement coming your way."
"This is your protagonist energy... it's all about self-love, personal development, putting your own needs first."
"Your needs are important, put yourself first."
"Step up your game, put yourself first as a man, mental point of origin."
"You've got to be your own mental point of origin first. You've got to help yourself. You cannot help other people until you help yourself."
"Your happiness matters more than anyone else's opinion."
"Don't worry about everybody else, worry about you."
"Don't make everybody happy; make yourself happy. You can't accomplish anything if you try to please everyone."
"Put yourself first and listen to your instincts."
"If you don't pay yourself first, nobody's going to pay you."
"You always say I've done things with you, no I never put a man before myself again."
"Break out of that pattern of needing to please other people and to put yourself out in order to do it."
"You should do what is best for you, not anybody else, not listen to the [ __ ] [ __ ], not listen to everybody else."
"Remember if you live your own life, prioritize your personal life over the public."
"Put yourself first. Act like an Aries, not a Libra."
"I feel like a high-value woman prioritizes self-care."
"Choose you for once, because we cannot shift into a higher vibrational frequency without you coming from a pure open unpacked Connected To Source place."
"You have to choose you. You have to choose you."
"I now understand why you had to choose yourself and your highest path, and I admire you for that."
"If you put yourself last, you will pay a price."
"Critical still gets millions of views because he is a nice guy that people like."
"I feel like for some of you... you are deciding to put yourself first."
"Make sure you put yourself first and know what you like."
"Putting yourself first, self-love, personal growth."
"We should choose ourselves first and love ourselves."
"I think you do the bravest thing and choose yourself."
"I'm just going to do this for me." - Mariah Carey
"Never put the collective above your own success."
"You need to prioritize you first and foremost at all times."
"Put yourself first, you have one life to live."
"Don't put yourself last. It's really, really important. Put yourself first."
"I will not risk my health or happiness for a company... I must prioritize myself."
"Choose yourself when manifesting your dreams."
"I was the one who told him to cancel this tour because I said you have to start thinking about you."
"You can't make everybody happy, Aries. You have to make yourself happy."
"You need to make yourself your own mental point of origin."
"Gemini, you're doing what you need to do, moving forward with your life regardless of this person. You're not keeping your life on hold for this person. You only live your life once, right?"
"Claim that affirmation: I matter, and I put my happiness, my health, and my success first."
"I made a vow to myself that if I ever did again I would choose choose me in a sense."
"Be the prize. Mental point of origin. Put yourself first with every decision that you make."
"Prioritize yourself and allow for it to unfold."
"Your intuition is telling you to prioritize yourself."
"Putting your own needs first is not a selfish act. It's an act of self-care."
"You have to care more about you than what other people think."
"It's the opposite in my life; I'm always afraid to do for myself."
"You got to reach for it, you got to try it. Maybe I need to just focus on me in this moment in time. It's okay for you to say you're going to prioritize personal development."
"Worrying about other people and not putting yourself first will always cause you to level down."
"You're gonna stop sacrificing just to make others happier."
"Prioritize yourself; you have one shot at life, this is it."
"Your spiritual, emotional, and psychological healing are your number one priority."
"Taking care of yourself first is an acknowledgement that your well-being forms the foundation upon which you can support others."
"You're choosing your happiness at this time and nothing is going to get in the way of that."
"It's about you looking out for yourself first, always."
"Putting yourself first is always a positive karmic choice."
"You never sacrifice what you need to do for yourself for any woman."
"Their happiness right now is their main key, whether you're their happiness or not. They're gonna do whatever they can."
"Don't allow yourself to become a mere trophy, put yourself first and prioritize your own happiness."
"I see you putting yourself first, I see you trusting yourself, trusting your path."
"You won't even answer. Oh, I won't. And whose rights am I here for? Yours or mine?"
"Just book it, ignore all that [ __ ] and just book it."
"You have to take care of number one first before you can consider anybody else."
"Put your own needs first because you're always looking at other people and helping other people out."
"Just realize that your happiness comes number one, comes first over anything."
"So long as you let others ride roughshod over you and so long as you're making others' needs a priority before your own, you're going to stay stuck."
"Recognize when someone is not investing in you and prioritize self-love."
"Don't feel guilty for moving on or choosing yourself."
"Trusting your gut and your intuition... Put yourself first."
"You gotta make yourself your mental point of origin."
"Only you can put you first. Now up front, the Staples Center is designed to look like an all-seeing eye, a thousand light symbolism at the top."
"Sometimes in life, we have to make 'you' moves, even if others don't understand."
"Remember to take care of yourself. It is absolutely the number one priority these days."
"As soon as you put yourself first... the universe says, 'Right, send in the divine counterpart, Libra is ready.'"
"I'm in the mental point of origin camp. Take care of yourself, make sure you put yourself first, you know, all that sort of stuff."
"It's time for you to receive, pay yourself first."
"I have to care for me and mine and put myself above everything if I'm to make good decisions and good investments."
"Take the time out for yourself, be selfish with this time."
"Choose yourself. When you commit to you, others commit to you."
"You're making yourself your mental point of origin."
"You have to see what you want is more important than what anybody else wants."
"Put yourself on top and prioritize what makes you feel good."
"She chose herself, and by doing so, she gave us all permission to put ourselves first."
"I'm so over uh over trying to be a people pleaser I'm so over that in my life I don't really don't care."
"They really need to put themselves first and free themselves."
"Put yourself first and create boundaries with people."
"If it doesn't benefit me, I don't even address people no more."
"I'm gonna live my life for once. I'm gonna think about what Josh wants today."
"Basically just do what you can for yourself for your family just only worry about you."
"You owe no one an explanation. One answer to one question is more than necessary. You are the most important person to you and the decisions you make in life for you to live his what counts."
"We're putting ourselves first because we're in the worst position. We're in the emergency situation."
"Living for yourself first before anyone else, putting your own oxygen mask on first."
"You gotta put yourself first, and that's, I think, what you did."
"It's about choices, seeing opportunities, and choosing yourself."
"There's gonna come a time where you gotta choose you over that relationship."
"You can't please everyone in this world, you've got to do you, do you make yourself happy and then everyone else comes after."
"You're not missing out on anything for anyone moving forward."
"Don't overdo it, honor yourself and put yourself first."
"Women are taught to prioritize themselves from an early age."
"This year is all about choosing yourself, choosing your truth, choosing your true passions."
"Putting yourself first in situations where you deserve to be first."
"Make yourself the priority, not your woman, not your girlfriend, not even your wife."
"Embrace being 'bad,' reject societal expectations. Be selfish and prioritize your own growth."
"Nothing in life is guaranteed, but you always have the choice to choose yourself."
"You gotta do you, gotta go where the happiness is."
"You chose you over everything and everybody else. Your hard work is paying off."
"When you sit there and beat yourself up for choosing your happiness over the happiness of others, you're never ever ever gonna allow that happiness to come full circle for you."
"You have to really put yourself first and know that just because that's something that you feel you deserve, you have to know and believe that you deserve love first."
"Put yourself first and put the girl dead last. And when there's disrespect being shown to you, yeah, collar on it."
"Transformation happens when you prioritize yourself and set boundaries."
"I choose peace over explaining myself to anybody."
"Just put yourself first and just show yourself and see what could happen."
"It's exciting, I feel like you guys are putting yourselves first for once."
"Put your happiness in front of you and for you and you make that your goal."
"You are the priority first in any relationship... Always put yourself first."
"The best thing anyone can do... is prioritize their own growth."
"Make sure you invest in yourself in some way first, whether it's worthwhile education or tools that you need to take advantage of good opportunities."
"It's about making yourself happy, doing what you want, getting up in the morning and saying, 'What do I want to do today?'"
"Life changes for the better when we prioritize how our life feels to us instead of how it looks to other people."
"They're prioritizing themselves and they're almost also there's an energy here of someone who maybe didn't realize when they're putting energy towards situations that really didn't even serve them or make them happy."
"I choose to remember that when I give myself permission to validate my fear of standing alone, I may then choose to prioritize myself and create in myself a loyal companion."
"It's okay for me to put myself first, it's okay for me to take a breather if I need to, it's okay for me to not know the answer here."
"I always say, I will always consider you, but I will always prioritize myself."
"You will always be considered, but you will never take precedent over me."
"It's okay sometimes to be selfish. You gotta make the move for you."
"You gotta do what you gotta do for you first. It's okay sometimes to be selfish, man."
"You really do need to pursue your own happiness, regardless of disappointment from others. Create a life that feels good for you."
"Make a decision. Are you choosing to prioritize yourself or another in this situation? Accept Divine guidance pointing you toward your own joy. You deserve it."
"I think you're really just learning to prioritize yourself finally and learning to embrace all the blessings that life has directly in front of you."
"You're learning to prioritize yourself."
"I said it does not matter, I'm just not going to risk it. I have to prioritize myself first and I can't risk going any deeper into this situationship."
"No more nice person, no more people-pleasing."
"This is your life you only have one life to live it's about you it's only you you have to be selfish with this life you got to be selfish with you."
"You are making yourself your own first priority."
"I want to be my own person, my own priority."
"You're not wrong for being confident. You're not wrong for knowing your worth. You're not wrong for wanting to put yourself first."
"Self-prioritization: Embracing your inner worth, the foundation of genuine self-respect lies in understanding and prioritizing our needs before we seek validation from the outside world."
"You know what right now I got to be a little selfish with my time. I need it for me right now. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with that?"
"It's time to prioritize you instead of trying to help people who aren't helping themselves."
"...you're really prioritizing yourself and your dreams."
"Looks do matter, whether you're ugly or beautiful. You can still be attractive and put yourself first, and make yourself a priority no matter what."
"It's not selfish to look out for yourself."
"Self-care is just my answer for everything."
"Make this year about prioritizing yourself."