
Disease Quotes

There are 875 quotes

"What I'm saying is aging is caused because cells lose their packaging, and then eventually cells lose their identity, disease ensues, cells check out, they become zombie-like, and then our organs fail, and we die."
"Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies are major contributors to the global burden of disease."
"For everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. You are not alone."
"This disease affects so many, yet remember, you are not alone. Do not lose faith or hope."
"Inflammation is at the heart of many of the different conditions that we struggle with these days: heart disease, cancer, depression, strokes, Alzheimer's. Whatever it is, we know that inflammation often sits at the heart, right at the start."
"Our bodies are a good example of collaboration; when that collaboration breaks down, as in cancer, it can kill everything."
"Coronary artery disease begins as inflammation in the lining of arteries... Alzheimer's disease clearly begins as inflammation of the brain."
"I can't get away from it; people are always asking me opinions... I don't meet anybody that hasn't been touched by this disease."
"Virtually every disease that we're being exposed to today is from the adrenals working too hard."
"Some core of the person's self may remain. This means you may be able to continue to connect with your loved one throughout the late stage of the disease."
"The obvious suspect at the moment is sugar. Sugar is driving all of the chronic metabolic diseases that we know about today."
"Loss of population through disease changed native society."
"This is the Xi virus and it will always be the Xi virus to me."
"This disease will be essentially eradicated."
"Inflammation is the starting point of disease."
"Disease is overwhelmingly the most important historical force."
"People still get those really awful looking pox pustules all over their body."
"All human disease can boil down to a loss of communication at the cell level."
"Deadly diseases have been literally plaguing humanity for as long as we’ve existed."
"Oh, the rats got up. Oh, nice thank you. The rat infected me."
"Our view is not that they don't get infected, we think they probably do, but they seem to have a much milder disease in general."
"That's not mom, that's the disease acting that way."
"Plague had been something that all lived with in these houses forever."
"Addiction itself is not a shameful affliction... but a disease that some are more predisposed to be consumed by."
"Kuru, a terrifying and incurable neurodegenerative disease that for nearly 100 years terrorized the Foray people of Papua New Guinea."
"Prions are responsible for bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE, better known as mad cow disease."
"I've never heard of Swamp fever mind you unfortunately very little is known about the disease..."
"I just think it's cool that science is like digging deep into the mysteries of our relationship to disease."
"It's about a disease that takes from you your power, your control, and your dignity."
"Fear breeds disease. Disease breeds fear. Come from a place of acceptance that this is happening for a divine reason."
"Disease was, if not the decisive factor, a crucial determinant of Europe's dominance in the modern era."
"The curse, which is what disease is, doesn't come without a cause."
"Everybody's acting like this is the plague of the century."
"The WHO concluded that the disease got its start after being born on a flower in the form of a glittering sprite then leaping onto the back of a pig."
"Demystifying a disease is important for Public Health."
"This disease could potentially be eradicated from the surface of the earth."
"Unintended ways diseases change our perceptions of society, health, and our bodies."
"There are no experts on an unprecedented disease."
"Choosing life, you'll try and cure diseases. Choosing death, you'll try and build diseases and kill someone before the doctors can fix them up."
"So sickness is lack of optimal cell function that's it that's cancer that's diabetes that's heart disease that's that's schizophrenia it's every disease on the planet health is optimal cell function sickness is lack of optimal cell function."
"Experts have been able to date the site back to 400 A.D to a massive malaria outbreak that mainly killed babies and small children."
"It's not all that wild to consider that people had lots of anxiety regarding physical wellbeing and death during a time of disease and pestilence back in the Middle Ages."
"A vast majority of cows are infected with this virus."
"Food is by far the biggest cause of disease."
"Disease was almost impossible to avoid for everyday people in the Middle Ages."
"You don't need a medical study to show you what people are dying of."
"Cancer can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with."
"It's a disease that we need to manage for immunocompromised people and older people that still face some threat."
"Fear breeds disease, and disease breeds fear."
"All chronic diseases are caused by poor mitochondrial function."
"Crown rot is severe damage of the crown due to infection."
"This is similar to the Shadows plague virus in the Babylon 5 universe that decimated Earth and destroyed many other worlds."
"Many of these diseases are not individual diseases; they're dysfunctions in common pathways."
"That's the only thing that has to happen, we get a disease the [ __ ] mosquitoes bite us or cause complications of [ __ ] sun like God."
"Ebola could be a vector agent for bioterrorism."
"The number of people dying of resistant organisms could potentially even surpass cancer."
"They experienced intense pains in head and bones, and soon boils appeared all over the body."
"And when, in the subsequent centuries, venereal syphilis came in from the Old World, the result on the native American populations was as devastating as it had been on the Europeans hundreds of years earlier."
"The signs fit only one disease, and this disease was syphilis."
"The result on the native American populations was devastating."
"The Black Death still seeks out victims to this day."
"That means it's possible that tetanus was a co-infection in Black Death victims."
"You've been infected with the previously unknown waterborne bacterium... it's imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection."
"We can reverse disease by respecting the body."
"Disease is still a long ways from becoming only a fictional horror."
"This disease is a wimp. Coronavirus is a wimp."
"The vast majority of cases, the symptoms will be mild."
"Omicron causes attenuated infection, milder infection, and disease."
"Autoimmune disease is an equal opportunity Destroyer."
"All diseases are a violation of the spirit. It's a sense of violation that's profound." - Dr. Abraham Varghese
"The nursery rhyme 'Ringa Ringa Roses' tells the story of pneumonic plague in a nursery rhyme form."
"You're isolated on this planet with no hope of getting out because the only hope you had it was destroyed in front of you and it was all due to this bacterium that is now taking over your body."
"The deadly Yersinia pestis, which previously decimated the Byzantine Empire from the sixth to eighth centuries, originated in Central Asia in the early fourteenth-century, proliferating east and west on the medieval silk road."
"The village was abandoned in the 15th century after suffering terribly in the Black Death."
"I think the media and health officials need to talk more about how this is not a disease that solely targets the elderly or those with diabetes."
"Charities are holding a Saturn's giggle awareness day, but surge in the profile of this disease encourages development of a cure. That's not good."
"You don't get sick and die because there's a virus in your body. You get sick and die because there's a virus in your body and your immune system is really weak."
"That's like you're beckoning something a new disease back into the year."
"Obesity is linked to terrible conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer."
"Another really interesting indication for these medications specifically aspirin is in certain individuals who get what's called giant cell arteritis."
"Senent cells accumulate during aging and chronic disease and clearance of the senent cells alleviate several age-related pathologies in mice."
"Known in the late nineteenth century as ‘the White Death’, tuberculosis had become one of the most lethal diseases in the western world at the time."
"Mosquitoes can carry you away, and the diseases they carry are much worse than the temporary discomfort of the itchy rash."
"The primary cause of pandemic diet-related disease is the rise of a diet of industrially produced edible substances known formally as ultra-processed foods."
"My disease was my greatest teacher; I'm so blessed that I have it or had it because now I'm a different person."
"Addiction is a disease. It has a genetic basis, a characteristic pathophysiology in the brain."
"An antibody against an antibody, which is weird, that's the definition of disease."
"Alzheimer's is now called type 3 diabetes."
"There is no multi-billion dollar industry in disease prevention."
"It eats holes in the animal's brains and no cures have been found for it so far."
"Wellness is more than just the absence of disease."
"Disease decimated the continent's indigenous population, killing 90% of them."
"...if it is possible to weaken the forces of the disease, it will be possible to defeat it finally."
"The funny part about cancer really is that it sounds so strange to say that it's evolved into a new species."
"Anything that disrupts mitochondria is going to end up causing disease."
"You can't have a disease and be at a state of ease."
"We call it a disease... and nobody bothers to explain why it's a disease."
"To understand the source of disease you have to look way beyond the individual organ, individual body, and look at their social situation and their emotional dynamics."
"I wake up every day praying that I won't have to fight with this disease for the rest of my life."
"Human beings are a disease, and we are the cure."
"The suppression of life is disease."
"Regulatory T cells are the good guys. The more you have, the less disease you have."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of many cancers."
"All disease begins in the gut, so a healthy gut microbiome is important for a healthy heart."
"Now, it's true, there is evidence that wearing a mask or some other kind of face covering, even something rudimentary, can prevent asymptomatic spread of the disease."
"We're still missing the opportunity to treat 50% of people with this disease."
"Heart attacks and strokes don't just happen, they're often the result of Decades of slow-developing disease."
"Addiction isn't the disease, it's a symptom."
"There's nothing new about it. You can put this disease into remission."
"Staying on medication is crucial; it's control, not a cure."
"Jealousy, it's an ugly, ugly, ugly disease and it makes people tick."
"One disease can have many causes, and one cause can create many diseases."
"I wanted it to be defined as who I was and not this disease."
"Drug addiction and alcohol addiction is not just the person, it's a disease."
"Rats are indirectly responsible for the death of over 30 million people."
"You'll feel completely normal, you know, like you did before you had the disease in the first place."
"SCP-610 is the flesh that hates, a disease that thinks, the crawling corruption, the flesh that hates."
"The thing to take away is like ALS is an underfunded disease."
"The onset of the disease in acute cases is stormy, while in Subacute cases, it's insidious."
"We have therapeutic options and strategies that can put this disease into remission."
"Lyme disease is much more common in New England and lime plus everything else is actually pretty homogenously distributed not just around the country but probably around the world."
"This disease is associated with an increased mortality."
"I do believe that CWD will ban baiting in every state that white tails exist at some point."
"This is a preventable disease for many many people if you understand what's going on with your underlying biology."
"Disease: a scenario where humanity is wiped out before we find a cure."
"Cardiovascular disease is simply a process where damage outweighs the body's ability to repair it."
"...that is fundamentally what this disease is and we have ways to close that little fuel gap..."
"Addiction is not a disease… It’s a learning process that got incredibly deeply entrenched."
"A hyper-intelligent disease constantly predicts any vaccines and treatments that are created for it and actively mutates itself in order to avoid those vaccines and treatments."
"I think we have to map that back into the past where they didn't have hose aids."
"Disease is very Democratic, Mr. Simmons. It kills the patient and the impatient, except it kills the impatient a little faster."
"Healing is something that takes place because you bring spirit to the disease process."
"History is full of diseases that once caused terrifying epidemics and then disappeared as mysteriously as they had come."
"Robert believes that an ordinary routine vaccination served as an impetus for the development of the disease."
"AIDS has been among us much longer than anyone originally suspected."
"That's the emergency call, we're going to eradicate the disease spreading across the capital."
"I still feel guilt a lot of guilt that people like patsy who used to light up the rooms that he was singing and had to die while I got to carry on living in the shadow of one of the most terrifying diseases the world has ever known."
"Addiction is a learned behavior but that doesn't mean that it's not a disease."
"If we were to turn on a dime and say 'Oh, it's not a disease,' let's go in the other direction, we've got better evidence, that would be the first time in the history of science that something like that had ever happened."
"It has to be true that people have eaten infected deer and have not gotten CWD that we know about."
"All sickness and all disease ultimately, it is of the devil."
"If animal proteins cause cancer, the notion occurred to me that maybe this might apply to other diseases as well."
"Well, it's not a dietary disease that's caused by an infection with a wart virus."
"Diseased bodies lead to diseased brains."
"Being told that you have a lifelong disease that needs constant attention and management is never easy."
"We finally have a treatment for the number one cause of disease."
"Fear is the main disease attacking the world."
"The whole family had to go into quarantine when Ball's father was diagnosed with the disease."
"What happens is, quite often, our inner environment is what turns the genes for disease on."
"Making it the first human disease driven to extinction."
"We have a sick care system... It makes hundreds of billions of dollars a year to manage symptoms and manage disease."
"The people traveling along that route may never have known that anybody in the town was sick but by passing through they took with them the disease which would then go on to become more viral and more devastating."
"Mitochondrial disease can involve any symptom in any organ at any age through any mode of inheritance."
"Coronary artery disease is a systemic disease. Take that to the bank."
"The basic goal of regenerative medicine is to somehow figure out how to reinduce the molecular program that made the tissue in the first place and now reactivate that in the disease state."
"Stress increases your disease risk... it impacts cancer outcomes, diabetes, and heart disease."
"Inflammation is sort of this underlying cause of chronic degenerative disease, non-communicable disease."
"We want to intervene as early as possible, even in the preclinical stage, to slow down the progression of the disease."
"If you look at any disease, any disease out there, and you ask where the biggest difference is, is going to be nothing versus something."
"It's pretty amazing how much our understanding of this disease has changed."
"...the risk factors in his disease is it aging or is it some biological process underlying suboptimal function..."
"Guinea worm disease affects poor communities, especially in remote areas of the world that do not have safe water to drink."
"The best treatment of heart disease, cancer, or any modern disease is not to get them in the first place, this little world called 'Prevention'."
"Few threats have been as pervasive, challenging, as deadly as disease."
"The larger story of the hundred and thirteen strong, committed men fighting for a cause, tragically cut down by disease before their victory was assured."
"Just as a biologist, if you want to understand what's essential in the human genome, you can only do that, in the case of humans, by studying disease, because that really tells you what matters in the genome."
"Oh my Lord, consumption was the name used for tuberculosis in the 19th century."
"Absolutely nobody is immune. This disease can literally affect anybody."
"It's an awful disease, awful disease, and we have to find a cure."
"One step to curing a disease is recognizing it and treating it. Hate is a disease, it's recognized as such by patriotic citizens who refuse to spread the doctrine of hate."
"But we now also have modern science, which has successfully controlled and in some cases defeated almost every disease Humanity has faced."
"Mitochondrial disease produces multi-systemic disease."
"It's doing it through a reduction of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and cerebral vascular disease but also through all lines of dementia."
"Remember, most chronic diseases are multifactorial, meaning there's not one smoking gun. There are several different pieces of the puzzle that have to be solved."
"Luckily artery disease can be reversed."
"Alzheimer's disease strikes me as just so complicated because of the genetic predisposition."
"Pain is associated with cancer and MS and spinal cord injury, but pain, chronic pain, is a disease itself."
"Obesity is a complex multi-factorial disease."
"The spiders can kill hundreds of diseases like yeah yeah okay yeah okay okay so only we let them get degrees."
"Not everything that affects the body is a disease in the strict medical sense."
"It's our whole view of biology that's shifting from a reductionist disease-based model to a systems model."
"So sadly there still is no existing treatment to stop or slow this disease. This is sort of a harsh reality that we live in. The only exception to that is physical exercise."
"Vaccines offer disease-specific active immunity."
"45% of adults and 25% of children not obese adults not obese children all adults all children now have a disease that didn't even exist 50 years ago."
"Enemies double over in nausea at the hideous stench of Nurgle's plague legions."
"Germs are microorganisms that are too tiny to see but they play a big part in getting us sick."
"Some calories cause disease more than others."
"You name the disease, it's from something going on in the gut."
"Meat eating is much more associated with coronary artery disease."
"This is a systemic disease which means that it actually affects the whole body."
"The most common cause of coughing up a lot of blood in the United States is a cousin of TB, Mycobacterium avium. And it's ubiquitous in the environment. We all inhale it, but only Caucasian women that are middle-aged acquire the disease."
"Macular degeneration is a multi-factorial disease influenced by both environmental factors and genetic factors. It's now known that there are several genes associated with an increased risk of AMD."
"A lot of deaths are caused by viruses."
"Aging is an actual disease, sure they're not separated anymore."
"Glaucoma isn't just an old person's disease, young people get it too."
"Kittens who are orphaned and don't have a mother will be more susceptible to disease, so be very careful about handling them."
"Alzheimer's disease is an accumulation of the previous 20 years."
"It's entirely preventable. It's one of those diseases I don't think anybody really has to get."
"Remission means that your disease is under control, doesn't mean it's cured."
"So I think again sometimes to find the answer you have to just kind of look from 50,000 feet and when you look at populations then a lot of these arguments against addiction being a disease start to show their holes."