
DNA Quotes

There are 839 quotes

"What gets really interesting, and this is something most scientists don't even know about yet, is level three, the deep layer of aging. There's actually a DNA clock that tells our bodies how old we are."
"The DNA molecule has the potential for storing a tremendous amount of information, more than any known system; it is the most densely packed and elaborately detailed assembly of information in the known universe."
"Each human cell has 1.8 meters of DNA in it, yet it fits into a cell that's 10 to 100 microns in diameter."
"The central dogma of molecular biology is that DNA goes to RNA, RNA goes to protein."
"Your DNA has never occurred before and will never occur again... you are one of a kind by nature."
"Evolution by natural selection predicts that they'd share these similarities if they have this DNA."
"DNA is a particular machine that encodes an unlimited amount of information in chemical form and has figured out a way to replicate itself."
"If an alien civilization were to send an extensive library of encoded DNA in an interstellar message, they could basically provide us with an encyclopedia of everything they know."
"Your body, the DNA, it knows how to protect itself, so it fixes itself, rebuilds itself, caps itself off at the telomeres."
"DNA operates like a language with its own extremely complex software code."
"A mere pinhead volume of DNA contains information equivalent to a stack of paperback books that would encircle the earth five thousand times."
"The DNA molecule contains our genetic code; its double helix structure holds all the information that makes living things grow and develop."
"Telomeres are the protective caps on the end of our DNA... the shorter it gets, the sooner that cell is getting older and aging."
"Protecting your DNA, helping you live longer and a more vital life, and giving you more energy while you're at it, that's directly connected to your DNA."
"DNA is a storage device; you can actually save digital bits of data on DNA."
"We're all hardwired to seek out sweet things; that's part of that hunter-gatherer DNA that we all carry."
"They plan on editing their DNA into the closest living species."
"And so our DNA loves stories. That's why Hollywood will spend $200 million making a story."
"The DNA molecule encodes not only the information necessary to make copies of itself but the information necessary to construct an entire organism."
"The DNA which is characteristic of any species is naturally selected so that it becomes a set of instructions for surviving and reproducing in the normal environment of that species."
"The difference between life and non-life is a matter not of substance but of information, living things contain prodigious quantities of information, most of the information is digitally coded in DNA."
"The collection of DNA of a specific group of people violates international norms."
"Humans have approximately 3 billion base pairs, and the precise order of all those As, Ts, Cs, and Gs, determines stuff like your hair colour, eye colour, how tall you are, whether cilantro tastes like soap."
"The amount of information contained in a pinhead volume of DNA would fill a stack of books 500 times higher than from here to the moon."
"The average ancestry DNA user has about 50,000 DNA matches. That's 50,000 opportunities to make a new discovery."
"This is, in fact, the first species to be entirely described by DNA."
"When I found you in my DNA, I learned where my strength comes from."
"DNA as you well know should not be the only evidence in a case."
"Our DNA has memory, the ability to contain whispers of the past felt in the ricochet of inherited experiences of our ancestors."
"Life forms manipulating DNA seems inevitable."
"Dna, the ultimate receptor and transmitter of consciousness, memory, benevolence, kindness, greatness, magnificence, or whatever it is you create in your life, are you hearing me?"
"DNA is so complex that it has to be part of some sort of intelligent design."
"DNA as a molecule has some kind of tinker toys in it that make you who you are and you can change the tinker toys."
"Maybe the whole point of DNA is that it allows life to adapt to its environment."
"Science is the truth to me. Good science, DNA is the truth."
"The most unique thing besides your fingerprint to your body to your own personal space is your DNA."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's the golden ticket in most cases."
"Now they had DNA confirmation, but what had gone on that night that led to such a frenzied attack and the murder of a man he'd never met."
"The environment has the ability to dramatically affect the epigenetics, influencing how DNA functions."
"It's basically your DNA proves that you are you. That's your identity."
"Are we these things that contain DNA or are we just transport mechanisms for the DNA?"
"DNA had been solved on the basis of much sparser information and but it produced this beautiful double helical molecule."
"What's crazy about genetics is DNA records history. It's the history of peoples for one and you can change your language, you can't change your DNA."
"The Vikings themselves had British DNA, so the idea of them just coming on boats and raiding isn't 100% true."
"This could all be explained by this idea that DNA is a quantum emergent phenomenon."
"Your DNA will not change. That's why they say it's Ironclad security beyond your personal data."
"Earth has been genetically engineered with DNA from various beings."
"It's not about religion, it's actually science... but common sense would admit that there was a purpose under the construction of the DNA information."
"Remember, five carbon has a phosphate, three carbon has an OH group. Difference between oxyribose and deoxyribose is the OH on the second carbon."
"Therefore when you find information inscribed along the backbone of the DNA molecule in the cell the most rational inference based on our repeated experience is that an intelligence of some kind played a role in the origin of that information."
"No man can create even one strand of DNA, but yeah, of course we can and do."
"The 8-hour sleep myth is incorrect. Individual DNA determines how much sleep you need."
"Your DNA is an antenna receiving information from somewhere."
"It's amazing what you can find out so personal to you from your DNA."
"Stretch out DNA from all cells, and you get a line 6 feet long for each person."
"What's interesting is they couldn't really charge him because of the DNA on the evidence."
"The solution is to really show the full potential we carry within our DNA."
"This here is basically saying whatever you're doing, whatever you're manifesting, it's in your DNA."
"We're getting one hell of an upgrade, a superhuman upgrade. Our DNA is going to change."
"Evolution. It's a philosopher's stone, one that will choose through DNA who shall proceed to the next stage."
"It would be kind of cool if this was a different type of ant and by conquering them you could steal like bits of their DNA."
"Your food has to be the food that your DNA is looking for, the food has to be the food that your DNA is used to. That is not going to cause inflammation in your body, that's going to give you all the nutrition that you need."
"Our DNA isn't junk, it's just misunderstood."
"We can now manipulate any piece of DNA in any organism in a very precise way."
"Biological SETI Theory suggests that aliens encoded our DNA with evidence of their existence."
"I think findings about science make belief in God a lot more reasonable, the digital code of the DNA for instance, the fact that the Universe probably had a beginning."
"DNA actually cries out 'In the beginning God'..."
"If someone managed to uncoil all the DNA in the human body, it would stretch out to around 10 billion miles."
"Even DNA helps to show that each human being is distinct."
"The only thing that makes sense is intelligent design because when we look at the things that are actually here we see wow DNA, a code, why someone must have made all this."
"Experiences of the father affect the DNA of the child."
"Knowledge is power, but what they have is all these beads, all this paper that identifies you through your DNA."
"DNA is fantastically ancient and its Mysteries are still being studied today."
"DNA is like a computer program only much more complex than any we've been able to devise."
"Every single one of those cells, hundreds of millions, has roughly 6 feet of DNA inside of it."
"DNA needs to be able to separate for cells to multiply and copy."
"Your DNA could be used for new cocktail development."
"The same mathematical patterns are in your DNA."
"As we hit those geometric points, they rewrite all the DNA of all the species on earth."
"I'm glad to know that 23andme is bunk science because mine told me and I'm swear to god I'm not making this up that I have more Neanderthal DNA than 98% of anyone who has ever done 23 in may."
"Consciousness is information; DNA is just a code, it's evolving."
"Scientists have discovered the oldest known DNA in the northern tip of Greenland."
"The structure of DNA is probably the most important scientific discovery of the 20th century."
"How does DNA work?...Understanding its true nature could mean everlasting life for the human race."
"Food has power here. Specifically, we're talking about DNA damage. Food has the ability to make that drain bigger or put new drains in the bath."
"We have their genetics and their DNA inside of our bodies."
"This is a story of a family seeking justice, police seeking a suspect, and a tiny strand of DNA that unlocked a mystery, tracking down a cold case ghost."
"In 2018, FBI investigators entered crime scene DNA into a public DNA family tree website, and in time, identified the killer."
"Who knows what our DNA is capable of."
"The DNA between Luke and Leon was a match; they were twins."
"DNA cries out that there's an intelligence behind life; it couldn't have happened by chance."
"Apparently there'd been a struggle in her bedroom and they found some DNA that has never been identified."
"...our DNA, our defenses fix it. Okay. And when you actually have tiny little cancers that do manage to make it, what happens? Our other defense, our immune system wings by conducts surveillance like cops on a beat."
"Crispr is like a spell checker for DNA."
"That unique DNA strand that you have, which is 99.99 identical to mine, but that slight difference in the way that the water lines up on yours creates a different antenna crystal structure of the water in your cells."
"DNA solved a 70-year-old question of whether Loraine Allison survived the Titanic crash."
"Are we in fact all related to each other? And if so, how closely?"
"If you share one of these changes, one of these markers in your DNA, with another person, that means you share an ancestor-- the person in the past who first had that mutation in their DNA and passed it on to the two of you."
"...the probability that someone else would have the same DNA profile as Russo was 1 in 12,900,000."
"We all have DNA in our body right when you do research on DNA it says it is digital information."
"You have people walking on the planet as extraterrestrials, meaning like their DNA comes from somewhere else or they've been abducted."
"The DNA record does not support the assertion that small random mutations are the main source of new and useful variations."
"Spinach also contains folate, which is a B vitamin involved in DNA synthesis and repair."
"Recent scientific studies of DNA confirm our understanding that modern humanity originated in Africa."
"Humans are the perfect bioweapon because they're destroyers and colonizers, and they share a lot of DNA with Id's people, except they were stripped of any psychic abilities."
"It's about accepting it but also that's part of your DNA and that's part of your personality."
"Your DNA result may help solve a crime or it may give the most intimate details of your life your health your very being to corporations and complete strangers."
"We don't just give our children DNA, we give our kids recipes."
"The DNA test results were only the beginning as they provided Alice with the what but not the why."
"The purpose of life is to perpetuate DNA. The 97% of our DNA commonly called 'Junk' is largely made up of clumps of letters that exist for the pure and simple reason that they are good at getting themselves duplicated."
"Each one of us is born unique. We have a DNA that will never be reproduced in the past or in the future. It is something marked in our genetic code that is never will ever happen again, okay? That's an amazing thought if you really ponder it."
"The DNA has shown that Ireland was isolated culturally from the rest of Britain and Europe for ages."
"The DNA tells us that there was an elite in these tombs that were related."
"I don't want to be able to prove we know each other through my DNA."
"If you want to build a new animal, you've got to have new instructions in DNA capable of building new types of proteins."
"The police have been able to get DNA from the sperm and pubic hairs found in evidence to link several more criminals to the crime."
"The main thing was the DNA, you know, about DNA doesn't lie."
"The DNA does not lie, sweetheart."
"We say all the time in this courtroom, it takes DNA to be a father but it takes love to be a daddy."
"Let me tell you something. You do a lot of things to a body. Burn it, dismember it, do all kinds of things to get rid of a body. But, you know what? Tiny minute particles of DNA will still be around."
"You're noticing something that is karma, DNA generational, you're noticing it within yourself and others because you come from a higher place."
"This matters for each of you. There are other regions that have similar histories that DNA can inform."
"Uncertainty has been in all of the MCU DNA."
"With just a single feather, it's possible to learn a whole host of things about bird migration by sequencing the animal's DNA."
"Once we can recover DNA, we can amplify it, make billions of copies of it in a matter of hours."
"The reason why you ought to know who the father is, is because the destiny of a child is hidden in the DNA of the father."
"Joseph and Kate share paternal DNA. They have the same father."
"...until 10 years ago, the only substantial amounts of DNA people were getting were from the mitochondrial sequences."
"This creature has the ability to absorb and copy the DNA of any life-form it consumes, allowing it to take on its appearance, memories, and mannerisms. Freaking creepy, right?"
"Innovation is in our DNA and has been recognized for several years."
"So somewhere in the single cell that we all start life as, the DNA program in there is enough to make a human being with a human brain."
"Using the available method of DNA fingerprinting, Phyllis Roland was able to match the blood found on Land's shoe to Candace Brown."
"If you scratch a person, their DNA remains under your nails. This can help you in case of an attack, especially."
"DNA probes: labeled single-stranded DNA for visualizing specific sequences."
"DNA has these beads molecules lined up in a particular order to have write all this information that builds a human or builds a dog or builds a cat or Builds an elephant or whatever."
"DNA represents a language the language of Life an unseen author the creator of Heaven and Earth has left a testimony of his existence in the DNA of every living thing."
"I believe that this case can be solved with so many evidence out there we just need to do a little bit of a DNA test and a little bit of more searching to do in other countries outside of Korea and Japan."
"Deoxyribonucleic acid technology has become a strong tool in finding family roots, tracing lineages, and migrations very accurately."
"Finding native ancestry through deoxyribonucleic acid isn't just about being curious but about reclaiming identity and rebuilding connections lost because of colonization."
"Deoxyribonucleic acid tests offer another way to understand connections to native heritage, culture, and languages, helping people get more involved in their communities."
"How can I say that that is the DNA of that bone and not of the archaeologist or the lab person or someone that came in contact with that bone?"
"...you cannot just throw out DNA because you don't like the dating or the way that the results impact some of our deeply held beliefs."
"Lobsters... produce an unlimited number of enzymes that keeps their DNA young forever."
"The complete DNA instruction book for a human contains about 3 billion bases and about 20,000 genes on 23 pairs of chromosomes."
"In my opinion, they're the result of the Fallen Angels thousands of years ago taking and splicing men's DNA with Wolfgang, not ancient alien stuff. I'm talking about the Fallen Angels literally."
"I caught him in a danger zone, you will see his DNA everywhere when I keep giving Clips."
"Familial DNA searching could give us an opportunity to identify the offender responsible."
"The evidence, the bodily fluid which was found from Donna Macha's bedroom, was carefully reexamined and it conclusively matched the DNA profile to Nathaniel Harvey."
"So, even if we had Jesus's DNA, we would still not be able to prove that it was his."
"Genetic modifications are all about changing an organism's genetic material, like its DNA, to give it some cool new traits or characteristics."
"'Our DNA journey for the last 100,000 years, our behavioral traits will surface when faced with adversity, particularly in the financial markets,' Tom elaborated."
"A lot of things can happen, a lot of folk can lie, they can have a lot of reasons for lying but what they can't do is beat the DNA and I covered the O.J Simpson case and I can tell you right now DNA don't lie."
"This is really part of kind of American cultural DNA isn't it now completely?"
"The DNA is like a computer program but far more advanced than any we've ever created."
"Closest animals to human DNA, maybe when you eat one you go like, 'I think it's a lobster!'"
"Finally, in September 2015, Benjaman publicly announced that CeCe Moore of theDNAdetectives.com had used his DNA samples to match him with his biological family."
"The incomplete dna strand tells you that the last parts that you need to finish him is in the dark future of earth so echo goes to a sort of underwater hot spot for the vortex aliens."
"Is there more to our heredity than just DNA?"
"Your entire body is covered in epithelium, so when we talk about skin or epithelial cells, touch DNA cells if you will, coming off your hand, any part of your body could transfer DNA to an item."
"So basically, you have this guiding system that allows you to use an RNA guide to bring enzymes to cut DNA at a particular locus."
"So, why would you want to cut DNA? To do anything. The reason is that our DNA has a DNA repair mechanism."
"Your body heals and repairs every day you go to bed at night so that you can heal and repair, right? But if your DNA and RNA and your protein synthesis is being inhibited, how effective do you think you're going to heal or repair from the day before?"
"Severe stress ... causes the DNA in our cells to shrink until they can no longer replicate."
"... there was no physical evidence that pointed to Quentin, no DNA in the apartment that matched him at all..."
"We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid, DNA." - James Watson and Francis Crick
"Every cell in our body contains a complete copy of the human genome."
"Leadership is something elemental, primates choose leaders, groups of 5-year-olds choose leaders, it is in our DNA."
"The connection is so fundamental it begins at the very core of our existence with our DNA."
"The road map for the wildest ride in our lives is inside us thanks to our DNA."
"The DNA detectives are proving that we all have links hidden in our blood to places and people we could never have imagined."
"They'll get a warrant for his DNA."
"Using DNA databases, we can find living relatives and ancient ancestors from all around the world."
"Through DNA phenotyping, John Parker Doe was finally given a face."
"The DNA has unleashed perhaps what you might think of as a Pandora's box of mixtures we didn't know about without DNA between archaic and modern humans."
"Contamination cannot change someone's DNA into someone else's."
"Abston Henderson's DNA matched with a previously unidentified suspect in an assault case."
"Your DNA can be transformed by the words of your mouth."
"That looks decent. Fortunately, I'd Steve Carey who was DNA, yeah, he was in the next Peg at the time."
"The resolution of Donna Lass's case highlights the power and potential of investigative genetic genealogy."
"So we can use the molecule to look at the changes in the DNA molecule and use it to count time, to measure time."
"Eureka, you'd find human DNA samples trapped in ice cores in what was once Greenland."
"Now it looks like there is some really strong potential to get ancient DNA out of dirt. That's right, she said ancient DNA from dirt, not fossils, dirt."
"The really exciting things that are going on in the DNA world, really, because DNA is digital. So modern biology, especially evolutionary biology and genetics, has become a branch of information technology."
"Could we actually do this for DNA? Could we monitor continuously and ubiquitously for genomics?"
"We found skin on the lance's fingernails. We've matched this to a sample of John Lord's DNA that we had on record."
"This DNA is not just statistics, it's the highest level of information."
"Proof that we are all descended from Saint Adam and Saint Eve is in our DNA."
"France, the biggest enemy is France because sometimes it's inside our DNA."
"John Perry's got a fantastic website if you want to really understand the basics of evolution and DNA."
"Ultimately our DNA leads us back to God."
"A DNA profile was extracted from each crime scene and stored for later use."
"The DNA will not match. Well, that you can if the DNA does not match, I will continue to think that."
"The DNA contains the equivalent of a computer code that is interpreted by every single living thing."
"The evidence was overwhelming: red gloves pictured on Chapman when he carried out his attack, seized from his friend's address, covered in his DNA."
"The real advances in serial killer capture turn out to be meticulous crime scene investigation and advances in forensic science, particularly the use of DNA."
"Detectives ultimately identified the killer through DNA of a distant cousin found in a database."
"Not every environmental influence changes your DNA."
"It's all a part of the DNA it creates to go out into the world and build your own life."
"That's going to make DNA testing more objective, more scientific."
"Our genome, the DNA, is stored in almost all cells in our bodies on these chromosomes in the form of the famous DNA, this double helix."