
Spiritual Support Quotes

There are 1742 quotes

"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."
"Spirit is beside you, supporting you through every phase."
"It's very important that you know this, that you have angels and guides... it's like a spiritual army behind backing you."
"Hebrews 6:18 says to take hold of this hope because it is an anchor for your soul."
"Your guardian angels want you to know you are not alone."
"With the power of all the angels, I will make it to the top."
"You are supported every step of the way. If you feel confused, if you feel alone, don't hesitate to reach out to your angels."
"Your angels and guides are really here to support you, this is part of your spiritual growth."
"Your angels are going to lift that burden from you so your heart is not so heavy."
"If you're feeling ready and you've needed that boost, this is spirit saying we are supporting you in this decision."
"There is a God who loves you so much that He would never let you walk through any season alone."
"You have a lot of spiritual support that's willing to open doors for you."
"He will never leave you, He will never forsake you, no matter how devastating things might become."
"Your angels coming in to support you, love you, and guide you."
"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you."
"The Holy Spirit is a wonderful helper; He helps us in our weakness."
"We have a whole ass spiritual team around us."
"Divine love is always there for you without exception. Love will never forget you, it will never stop caring for you even when it seems most unlikely."
"Your angels and guides are supporting you at this time."
"The truth of the gospel is a brace put around mind, soul, body, and spirit."
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
"My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
"You're surrounded by a lot of your ancestors, spirit guides, and I feel like they're surrounding you right now because they're helping you with your money situation."
"You're fully supported as you devote yourself to your divine life purpose."
"God's protection is there, and this is the word of the Lord that has been getting me through and covering me."
"Great is your faithfulness; your favor never fails."
"Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart."
"Your guardian angels are around you; you will soon discover that there is far more strength inside you than you could have ever imagined."
"Take care of your heart, ask for spiritual assistance, and it shall be granted."
"The blessings that roll in always give gratitude because you have a strong spiritual support team projecting a lot of energy towards you."
"Your angels always have your back, guys. So, if something is just not right around you, trust your angels are gonna have your back."
"He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but will provide the way of escape."
"You are loved and you are supported and you are divinely guided at this time."
"You're the rock of all ages, my stronghold and my fortress when I'm discouraged, tired, or weary."
"888 is an indication that prosperity is on its way to you and it's also an indication that you are supported in trying something that is new."
"Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit."
"Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God; there we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."
"May God put the steel of the Holy Spirit in my spine and the love of the Blessed Virgin in my heart."
"You've been thinking this is not enough, gifting this is not enough, talent it's not enough, money it's not enough, I don't have enough, and Jesus is whispering in your ear tonight."
"You're my ever-present help, you're always available, and you love me."
"You are safe. Angels stand close to you. Surround your concerns and allow a miracle to happen."
"Christian friendship is a treasure because it helps us cling to our greatest treasure."
"When you fall, you shall rise. Wow, the Holy Spirit's there."
"Try just saying the name Jesus Christ in a perilous setting with one who has lost hope. Just calling on Him by name with reverence can make a difference in a difficult moment."
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
"God just always held me, and the word of God has meant so much to me in my life."
"Cast all your cares upon Me. I will sustain you. I'm the burden-bearer."
"If the relief party were seeing ghosts, the Truckee Lake party were seeing angels."
"You're meant to take a leap of faith in this lifetime, trust your intuition, and know that spirit has got your back."
"Because God's gonna equip you and teach you; you're not going to do it on your own."
"When people try to push you down, God will lift you up."
"We all rely daily on the same atoning power of Christ."
"Encouragement and comfort: God will bring comfort to you during challenging times."
"You can ask your guardian angel to help you to combat the specific defects and to help you to strengthen your... strengthen you."
"Prayer is how we talk to God; it gives us strength, direction, and comfort."
"In every family, there is that pillar, that person who is holding it in prayer."
"Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
"Spirit is really just patting you on the back right now and telling you that everything is coming together."
"The power of prayer right now is what will get us through this."
"Humanity's greatest weapon now stood by them: Avacyn, their lost angel."
"Thank you also for each and everyone who prayed with us."
"Even in your worst moments, he does not look away. Even in your worst moments, he does not step back."
"Your ancestors are surrounding you with their love and support, they bring to you the wisdom of their life experiences."
"Your angels want to open you back up to love."
"We couldn't do it without you but we can do all things with Christ."
"Lots to be thankful for. Keep praying, holding our nation up, our movement up to God, and ask for his blessing."
"Hope, Christian hope is the thing we need... not false optimism."
"Daniel, you are greatly beloved. You're not alone; you are cherished by God."
"God is our helper. Who made Heaven and Earth."
"You're never alone; the Father is always with you."
"God is always the first one to step towards us."
"Scared now because they know the spirit has your back."
"Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirant as well as the veteran meditators."
"God has an angel for you, he's got a person for you, he has himself for you."
"God is saying, 'I'm here with you, I've been here with you.'"
"You're not alone, the devil is a liar. The Spirit of God is walking with you, guiding you, leading you, protecting you, fighting for you."
"You can't fail, friend. If you lean into God... you can't fail with the Holy Ghost on your side."
"God's strength is made perfect in our weakness."
"Help us manifest our dreams and live an inspiring and fulfilling life. Help us to feel eternally loved. Thank you for always being here with us. And so it shall be."
"The Trump administration has failed us. Trump has failed working families."
"I give you the strength to manage the overwhelming feelings that storm your thoughts, to face unsettling news without fear."
"Remember, you're never alone, I'm with you at every step, showering you with my love."
"Their prayers are the primary reason that I'm here today."
"In the middle of the most severe trials, there is an inexpressible and glorious joy for those who know you."
"I thank the Lord for every angel on assignment."
"Powerful energies for you; thank you for listening."
"The Christian life is not absent of struggle. It is a promise that in your season of struggle, he'll give you the strength to succeed."
"If you need the power to forgive, He is waiting to give you the strength to move forward."
"You are never alone, I am always watching over you, ready to listen and to help."
"We love you in the name of Jesus, we love you, our staff loves you."
"It's going to take a lot of prayer to do that. Just want to encourage your listeners to keep on plugging away. There are more with us than there are with them."
"His strength is made perfect in our weakness."
"Every need supply, every moment satisfied, and every time I call His name I know I'll find Him just the same."
"Lean on him, he will be there to help you in your dark times."
"God always provides, financially and spiritually."
"He wanted me to understand at my very core that He has all power to lift me or anyone else, even the least."
"Even when you think that you're by yourself, you have a whole army with you."
"Angels encourage, comfort, strengthen, give hope."
"As Jesus received ministry from angels, so can we."
"Angels are assigned to help you fight the battle against the kingdom of darkness."
"Love needs nurturing. Don't allow distance to be built. Be an encourager, peer Barnabas. If you see somebody down, put your arm around them and pray for them. Make yourself one who will be a healer and not a hurter."
"The Holy Spirit speaking through you really has helped me a lot. Thanks so much."
"God can handle every ounce, every pain, every trouble."
"There is not one problem in your life that God's not big enough to turn around."
"We're grateful we love you we appreciate you and we worship you we bless you we pray that you'd help us now to see our current situations in light of the life and suffering and glory of Christ in Jesus name amen amen."
"Shout out to my spiritual cover in Pastor Rich."
"God will give you timely help, your time and your help and your season will match."
"He's making a way for you, friend. He's making a way for you."
"Thank you for praying, suffering, and sacrificing for lost souls."
"Our God is a powerful God, and He meets us best with that power when we find ourselves in circumstances we just aren't able to fix."
"You are divinely supported and guided through this process as you go along."
"It's part of your journey, but I feel like spirit's been throwing so much love at you."
"We'll continue to pray for you and partner with you."
"I love us I love this space I love you every day I pray I pray for you."
"This is Jibril... when you ask Allah Azza WA JAL, I shall help you."
"God knows, He knows where you are, He knows how deep the pit is, He knows how tired your legs are from traveling this road"
"Step by step, my husband and I, with the help of Jesus, have created this living room to be something that we could only dream of."
"God is on your side, and you will make it through victoriously."
"Lord, arise for my sake and make every crooked way straight. Help me to stand firm on your promises."
"We stand in full solidarity, we wish their chardi kala, their rising spirits, their defiant optimism to continue."
"In the moments of doubt and uncertainty, remember that I am your constant source of strength and refuge."
"We're not alone in the struggle. The God of heaven has sent forth angels to protect, guide, and strengthen us."
"Prayer changes things. We want to pray for you."
"You have a whole family of light that is constantly protecting you and loving you and guiding you."
"Your spiritual team is giving you the answers there, that is where your breakthrough will be found."
"Your spiritual team always has your back, and you are so blessed."
"Your spiritual team is helping rebalance your chakras."
"They're praying for a new beginning, praying to God for help."
"Your angels and guides are here supporting you."
"God didn't empower you to be a survivor. He empowered you to be a succeeder."
"Prayer, Bible study, worship will sustain your faith in a time when you have a lot of questions and anxiety."
"The hardest times I've been through were the times that I was able to see that God was there for me."
"It is a time of big and blessed change for you, the Divine Spirit is supporting you."
"Though you may be walking through the fire, I will be with you."
"Peace is yours, you have a team of angels on your side."
"I'm opening these broadcasts for a season where I'm taking this cause to pray for you to intercede for you to break a sore tie that is limiting you that is holding you."
"I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
"God wants us to be an answer to somebody's prayer."
"Your God wants you to know He loves you, He is for you."
"There is overwhelming spiritual support for it and overwhelming scientific support for it."
"God reveals to heal... get your life back, get your joy back."
"You're in this building... God, you are a heart fixer and a mind regulator."
"Your relationship is protected, spiritually supported, spiritually protected."
"Even amidst uncertainties, cling to the unshakable certainty found in our faith."
"In times of difficulty, we have to remember God's nature. He is described as faithful, patient, caring, and loving."
"God is our refuge in strength, an ever-present help in trouble; therefore, we will not fear though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."
"Let us stand united, resolute against the encroaching darkness."
"That Soul though all hell should Endeavor to shake I'll never no never no never forsake you."
"Dobby, he is so sweet and he tries so hard, but he is also such a hindrance in a lot of situations, but he also saves Harry's life and other people's lives a lot."
"Go on, brother. God bless you. You shall live forever."
"When people leave you, you must remember that you have someone who will never leave you. You have someone who is always with you."
"We must do better, pray for Kanye, pray for those on his choir, pray for all that are following him."
"Learning to ask for and receive Divine assistance helps us learn the art of surrender. You have within you the power, love, and sustenance of the source of life itself."
"You're not alone. If you lean into the universe for support and guidance, it comes through."
"We thank you Lord for sending an emergency miracle for Semmy, Lord you know what Semmy needs."
"When you pray for somebody, you're helping someone that can't help themselves."
"It's all about people, just remember when you pray for somebody it's you're helping someone that can't help themselves."
"Your hope won't be stolen, your joy won't be diminished, and your faith would not be snubbed out."
"In an instant, hope and confidence came into my heart."
"Remember that God is your source of strength even when you feel like giving up."
"Spirit is definitely looking out for you guys."
"Even when you're going through a tough moment, remember that goodness and light will ultimately win out. Jesus came to provide you Abundant Life and peace."
"With God, my friend, you're not alone in this world. You may feel alone, but you aren't alone."
"God is never far away if you are a child of God, he is always with you, always by you, and always for you."
"Pray for America, pray for all the American people. It'll make a difference."
"We know that it is under your anointing that Yokes are broken."
"I speak power into your situation... I speak Jesus down to your insecurities."
"I haven't been perfect... but Jesus Jesus make up the difference."
"Cast all your anxieties on God because he cares for you."
"You're surrounded by love, by angels. Imagine yourself in a beautiful bubble of love and light, feel it in your heart space."
"I would love to help some people who want to process their spiritually transformative experiences."
"When you have Jesus, he carries you through."
"Guide our senators around the pitfalls of their work, enabling them to have hearts sustained by your peace."
"God's our provider, protector, and gives us power over the enemy."
"Your ancestors have your back, blocking their return."
"Do it because you love him... I know you want to give to the work, I know you love the Lord."
"We got God on our side, we got ancestors on our side."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you, may he give you peace and a thousand times more of his presence."
"The divine is coming in to shift everything for you."
"Let this online community, let this audience, let the Spirit family be a people of encouragement, a people of true discernment, a people of peace and joy."
"No matter how turbulent the waters may seem, God's hand is always over your life guiding you through every storm and leading you towards his perfect plan."
"When you find yourself in the fiery trials of life, remember that God's hand of protection is over you. He will never leave you nor forsake you, and he will walk with you through the flames."
"I've been able to get through everything I've been through just with the help of God."
"Jesus knows where you are spiritually, psychologically, emotionally. He will pull you out of obscurity and bring you to the king's table."
"Every time you go back to that job... it will be a step of faith."
"There's no need for fear, Spirit has your back."
"If Allah does give us the strength and does give us the support we can withstand anything."
"Allah subhanaw taala is their helper and when Allah subhanaw taala is your helper, you can withstand anything."
"We love you, be safe, and the Lord is with us."
"The blood of Jesus speaks louder than your circumstance, louder than your sickness, louder than your sin, louder than your shortcomings."
"The only thing that hasn't failed me is God."
"Hold on tight to your faith; God is by your side rooting for you and giving you the breakthrough you've been praying for."
"He was not God's proof that you're doing it wrong, he was God's gift."
"You may have some errors in your life where you're not winning but you can run to the one who's able to give you a new beginning."
"The angels have been sent to help us tonight, it's going to be strong."
"You are God Almighty, and I praise you in advance for restoring my marriage. I praise you in advance for rebuilding broken relationships, for mending broken homes, for putting broken hearts back together."
"If you have faith, they that be with us are far more than they that be with them."
"Spirit is sending in divine help, divine intervention, giving you everything you need, setting you up for success."