
Mechanics Quotes

There are 3357 quotes

"I discovered I could perform a glorious dodge roll."
"Every time I make an unmodified roll of six with a plagued weapon, it's a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. Nice."
"What I truly believe needs to be done to all the skills in the game is that they need to have a fixed cooldown."
"Exploration of the game's mechanics and everything that they encompass, to me, is true to the spirit of Zelda."
"Think about it: Animate Dead is an aura enchantment that brings a creature back from the graveyard and gives the creature -1/-0. If Animate Dead leaves play, sacrifice the creature it's enchanting, and vice versa."
"The biggest thing is going to be guts, right?"
"What needs to be in the game is a proper system that teaches the mechanics to the player in useful and meaningful ways."
"Once again, we want to rotate this engine over, make sure it feels free. It actually feels really nice."
"The grappling hook platforming really piqued my interest."
"There's so much really cool stuff; it's just a beautiful game, fantastic aesthetic, and just great mechanics."
"You can see why some of these levers and gears and stuff are there; you can see the stuff that promotes growth and the chance for upgrading your ability to experience joy."
"My only real problem with Rumbleverse is that it's rock, paper, scissors, but either due to latency or just different move timings, sometimes people can throw rock, and then you're like, 'Guess what? Paper.' You throw paper, and they're like, 'I've changed my rock to scissors before you could even do paper.'"
"The game definitely has a sense of humor about it, but underneath that comedy, there seems to be some very interesting and complex intertwined mechanics."
"The Wandering Emperor, to white white for a legendary planeswalker... does not have a planeswalker subtype."
"I'm going with Jesse. She is downright adorable and has some of the most interesting mechanics in the game."
"The game varies from all of its predecessors in that it features dual character selection and tag team matches."
"If you lose all your block from an incoming attack but you blocked for the exact amount, gain one strength."
"The most important aspect for your dungeon ending...is that your dungeon ending must be the combination of your theme and your mechanics."
"You can shoot arrows through a nether portal."
"Bees lose their stinger whenever they hit you."
"In Bedrock edition, if a Charged Creeper kills a stray, it'll drop a Wither Skull."
"In order to get a token to get a mechanical benefit, you have to use your own monkey brain to describe a moment of beauty. That is fantastic."
"In order to get stands in this game, you need worthiness."
"The lock picking mini-game has been oddly satisfying."
"Having an understanding of the mechanics of what's going on brings a degree of reassurance."
"Heavy equipment mechanic... it's hard to find, but if you have some mechanic experience and some tools, it's so rewarding."
"ASE certifications are a good thing; they're not definitive, but they show that you're serious about your job."
"The game does manage to get three important aspects right: combat, weapon loot, and shadow wars."
"We loved Blackout because it had longer time to kill, that had smooth and fluid movement."
"It gives it almost like an intentional Adult Swim amateurish type of an appearance that once you feel the mechanics, the game actually feels pretty good to play."
"Every weapon from Into the Lights will have deterministic recoil."
"Primes are a new mechanic in Ashes of Outland. They're powerful characters who get shuffled back into your deck when destroyed."
"All kinds of treasures underneath this hood."
"Crusade mechanic is the most powerful mechanic in the game."
"In Sekiro, every mechanic...was specifically and perfectly designed to be a fair complement to the mechanics presented in that game."
"Newton's second law basically states that the net force is equal to the mass times the acceleration."
"It's pretty fascinating stuff. I mean, I like seeing ball screws work and the movement of things."
"It's a nifty mechanic that I thought was worth showing you guys."
"I do not believe that the tool is broken, I believe that the mechanics are broken."
"You don't need a tremendous number of concepts to be making a living in the markets."
"It really feels like someone is slipping the clutch and actually just kind of letting it out very smoothly."
"The suspension of the car transfers, so as the wheels transfer, it raises and lowers one half of the car."
"Forgotten about these sequences? Oh, it's now a platformer."
"It's a void 390 RPM pulse rifle. It's void. So before I begin let's all get on board and agree that void 3.0 is nuts in PvE."
"When you switch over, you hold reload. A timer's gonna go on the screen for 10 seconds. It starts at 9 double zero counts 10 seconds total. In that time frame, all those debuffs for every bullet is applied until the magazine is empty."
"If you have double strike, you will double your trigger."
"Jumping on enemies is genuinely a really core part of this game's level design."
"Craig, the bearded mechanic, is the best motorcycle mechanic out there."
"As a result, game mechanics and design space have expanded, and flavor has been reinstated into the card frame in much the same way that Alpha utilized its potential."
"Global events are extremely enjoyable to play with all the various different mechanics."
"You definitely need the washer, if you don't put the washer in there you get too much friction and it doesn't turn."
"Of all the features in Ender Lilies, this is one of the most revolutionary mechanics I have ever seen."
"When you reverse engineer anything you want to know how it works."
"Start things off: Bad and Miss Coil cast point reduced."
"Using slime blocks in combination with pistons unlocks endless possibilities."
"Imagine if every boss fight had a unique set of mechanics."
"The goal is for every box to open 3 fetches you get 3 fetches you win."
"This game uses a unique system in combat, like if you took darkest dungeon and made it a card game."
"Astral Drift just very powerful. And not to mention it cycles on its own."
"Repetition in games can be a positive thing, but death is a negative reinforcement."
"Call of Duty is the game that provides that some of the best gunfight mechanics the best gunfight and feedback of any first-person shooter out there that's what Call of Duty has always done well."
"Melee's peak speed is absolutely unparalleled in the series because of the combined speed of its characters and the movement capabilities the game's engine allows."
"Every champion is beholden to this engine in some way, shape, or form."
"It's got very good gameplay mechanics... It feels satisfying when you're shooting them."
"Unity's parkour is perhaps one of the most talked about points."
"The game's parkour is still some of the most fluid and satisfying in gaming."
"Once they're done with that they'll pick that up, lower it down to horizontal."
"The turn-based combat not being clogged up by visible dice rolls is a brilliant aspect of Baldur's Gate 3."
"It makes you a better fighter, your mechanics improve."
"I've got three skills, it's kind of like a roguelite mechanic."
"Mechanically speaking, it's realistic. It holds up."
"Etherfields introduces mechanics that you would not expect from the game."
"Survival mode taught me a lot about Fallout 4, and I think it's a DLC in itself, albeit a free one that does nothing but recontextualize existing mechanics."
"The 2v2 gunfight mode accentuates the game's gunplay and skill elements."
"Gameplay wise the Gunplay feels clean and good."
"The game teaches you a new mechanic each level and progressively tests your abilities further down the line."
"This magra fruit is like literally the definition of overpowered."
"Grime is [ __ ] awesome. It's a game that demands your attention starting from the title screen."
"Whether that was the combat, the puzzles, or the storytelling, everything just clicked."
"Paladins have a meter much like the other two warriors where dealing damage builds it up."
"Artillerists have a meter generating identity that builds up as you deal damage with your massive gun."
"It's a real highlight narratively and mechanically for that entire game."
"It's still interesting and it's cool to see how stuff works."
"The biggest and most obvious difference between push and escort is that the path that ts1 can traverse is much longer."
"Power gaming can be about being mechanically sound and sophisticated, not just combat."
"Coal Cassidy's magnet grenade replacing his flashbang grenade... this is the perfect example of a CC ability that needed to be changed."
"The swinging in this first game left him wanting. Free Sturm said he thought Spider-Man 1 swinging was anemic and felt more like flying than actual swinging."
"The puzzles are super intuitive, there's so many cool mechanics."
"The grapple hook single-handedly changed the game completely."
"Remember, once somebody does go to sleep from the bubble, the next source of damage to hit them will wake them up from the CC but will also deal double damage up to a cap."
"The Limit Break is a party based gauge... everyone in the party generates the same Limit Break."
"Utilize debug tools to gain insights into game mechanics and interactions."
"Player movement and collision mechanics are essential for fluid gameplay and immersive experience."
"The werewolves have an ability system which is pretty cool."
"You want to be valuing your passive stacks, you want to be understanding your weaving in Auto Attack stacking up your conquer, you want to be utilizing your W."
"Screwdrivers can sometimes be slid through a wrench for extra torque when twisting bolts in hard-to-reach places."
"Death is not the end of the game; you just go back to the beginning and lose a bunch of stuff."
"ZeniMax can't imagine it either so they've done away with the cooldowns entirely."
"The upgrade system works wonders and gives you more opportunities to bail out of a tough spot."
"The only iframe, the individual immunity that if I am in trouble I just press Q and I go into the void when I come out I at least have another chance."
"I just want to push the handle forward and she's reassembled."
"At its core this game has content in spades the day and night cycles breeding mechanics myths and character backgrounds vast and distinctive landscapes refined battle system one of the greatest rivals in the history of Pokemon games."
"If you are grappling someone, you become slowed. So if you're holding onto someone, you move slow. Oh, that's cool, I like that."
"There's now like a skill component to each weapon."
"A well-designed game will teach you its processes and mechanics through emergent gameplay."
"With this sloped forward grip again it means that the line of motion is behind the point of impact, so it's a bit axelike."
"Resident Evil 4 is just one of those games where there are a few like it in terms of its Unique Mechanics and how they're mixing with the game design so once you've gotten accustomed to it it's hard not to keep coming back to it."
"Materia is one of my favorite mechanics in a Final Fantasy game."
"Blizzard's upcoming arpg will bring new storylines associated with additional mechanics and game features."
"Every time you kill one, it kills two at the time that you're killing it."
"That's it, that's what I wanted. Landing time is probably when you land, what the move entails, what the overall aim of the move is to do, all in the air."
"Mask Change: The card that allowed this whole archetype to function."
"The pace is blisteringly fast because of its excellent built-in cooldown mechanics where you have your big meaty holy word spells that are super powerful and then their cooldowns are reduced by your regular heals."
"I never get bored of it, it challenges me in a really interesting way, I could just play it all day, atonement is a wonderful mechanic."
"The core gameplay of forespoken is Frey's traversal mechanics."
"Resident Evil 0 shared a lot in common with its predecessor with both utilizing a modernized version of classic re games play creating disturbing and fireman 2."
"Ultimately I believe that the zapping system and the lack of item boxes stand right alongside laser sighted targeting and being hounded by a hulking monster as some of the best re mechanics."
"Fighting games should focus on mechanics being satisfying, things feeling good, and being fun."
"We're here to find out exactly what you did to your car."
"Curse on hit rings can drop for example despair on hit rings without being influenced."
"The main gimmick of this stage is that it'll occasionally flip upside down along with a few other smaller things."
"Call of Duty always has great shooting mechanics."
"The fun of fighting games is that they're mechanically complex with a high skill ceiling that require a lot of work."
"It's still a cool mechanic—I know it's basically Ghostbusters, but oh, it had text—I love."
"We got two pistons going on, the third one's about to start. Dude, you're crushing it!"
"The hitboxes in these games are getting really, really tight."
"Adventure is a brand-new mechanic from Throne of Eldraine and it's really cool because it gives your card a ton of value."
"He was finally entombed in this red quartzite sarcophagus in 1861."
"Any questions as to how the battle menu works, the difference between fight and run and sort of how those operate?"
"Jump over, X Y, double jump. Oh, that's so cool!"
"When you climb in your car, the car doesn't just spontaneously go."
"From abilities to super contests: the depth of Pokemon mechanics."
"This game finally shakes up the formula a little bit by including playable teams of up to three characters."
"Jab cancelling was a thing in both Ultimate MK3 and trilogy."
"When you strip this game down to its core mechanics and loop and you really look at what it's asking you to do, this is more Tony Hawk than any video game I have played since Tony Hawk."
"Bayonetta takes everything we've loved from all the great 3D action games of the past, turns it on its head, and throws a bunch of fresh new mechanics on top."
"Dodging was way more fun and rewarding this time around."
"Mechanically speaking, New Vegas is the marriage between Bethesda’s 3D reboot and its old-school roots."
"It makes it more firm because the other strands of the spiderweb are now carrying more weight."
"Slap it because it's an AK, MP5, another thing people might say is like when you slap it the spring has more energy as it goes home versus thumbing it does not."
"The Mega Evolution system saw a complete rework that did wonders for the game."
"It takes the mechanics as you expect them and doesn't break them in any regard."
"Crysis 2 is a masterpiece of presentation and gun handling."
"Ladders: You don't take fall damage when you land on them."
"Too many issues are being solved not because of the actual mechanic being swapped but because of a perk or a killer being added."
"Customization that directly affects game mechanics."
"Wukong is now a great crowd controller, a great damage dealer, a wielder of a truly unique mechanic, all while still being an incredibly tanky frame."
"Demonic core just creates this feedback loop then recontextualizes everything else that you're doing in the spec."
"This fight is pretty damn epic... full of the mechanics you've worked on throughout the game."
"The pause buffer clip was an exploit that we discovered early on in this game's existence."
"Bastion is the best bet for them since ascended blast now rewards insanity and replaces mind flay."
"Stealth now fits much more cleanly within every Heist gameplay Loop."
"The variety of mechanics and subject matter they explored proved that this didn't always matter."
"ESO is a game of passes at the end of the day."
"Overcharged Support is a new support gem that causes supported skills to deal less damage but makes them inflict much stronger shocks."
"Grapple points are actually incredible ways to get both to an exact position and a very consistent angle."
"God of War 3: 'It has some great action, awesome set pieces, and of course, the glue that holds everything together is the quick time events.'"
"This is just a genuinely pretty good side scroller with a buddy up mechanic."
"It's nice that they gave it its own set of mechanics."
"What makes these so unique, besides their high multipliers, is that they override any and all critical hits that would otherwise be applied."
"The gameplay feels smooth, as does the gunplay, even though there's no more reload canceling by switching weapons."
"First strike means that you're doing damage before regular combat damage is assigned."
"The first one is the cauldron of eternity. It's legendary artifact, but this spell costs two less to cast for each creature card in your graveyard."
"I think Back 4 Blood has so much going for it... it absolutely nails [the fundamentals]."
"This is a fun mechanic, your creatures can help cast those spells."
"Weapon tuning preview. I'm gonna gloss over this is more PVP like a lot of a lot of jargon in here with weapon damage fall off Precision modifier cone angle scalar type talk."
"Any game you've played in the last 20 years with a mechanic that lets you slow down time in some way should be sending remedies some flowers and a thank you card."
"Valorant is an awesome shooter with fantastic shooting mechanics, at least predictable ones."
"Now when a legendary creature dies, you make two copies of it."
"That happens to the best of us, let me tell you. No one is immune to dropping a 10 millimeter socket or a 10 millimeter nut."
"Vanquish's boost mechanic coupled with an impressive arsenal of weapons made battling hordes of robot enemies exhilarating."
"I may not know the chemistry behind an internal combustion engine but through trial and error alone I may be able to discover enough about how my car works to develop some sort of strategy to make sure that it works better."
"It just seemed like the game allows for what you see on the left side there."
"The tricks in SSX Tricky are decided by pressing the shoulder buttons in what direction you spin. This forced me to actually pay attention to what I was doing. You know what? I loved it."
"Even when mechanics change, you can still adapt your previous builds."
"That's 10. One of the best representations of the way an arrow and a bow work together."
"It's not about doing story at the expense of core mechanics, we want to do both."
"The token doesn't ruin the Integrity of the game but RDF does, was pretty telling."
"I really hope this is beatable without the glitch because I was able to beat this like with the rail gunners on the floor but I'm pretty sure you can't do that anymore."
"You're going to have a 50% chance to retrieve instantly every thrown weapon."
"Updating old builds based on new mechanics... The best things in the game."
"Increasing the stroke increases the engine's displacement by moving the piston further up and down the bore."
"Never let anyone tell you driving games are about cars."
"There's a greater sense of control when you have a double jump."
"This first one is new, it's a Panoptic Projector, it's four mana, artifact."
"When it enters the battlefield, put a flying counter on each face-down creature you control."
"Let me tell you about rotations. Super cool."
"So we're going to pendulum one two three four five so we're going to pendulum pendulum sorcerer we're going to pendulum."
"They took the most boring mechanic in every other video game and made it fun."
"And now that you know this, you know exactly what causes the curve on tennis balls, soccer balls, ping pong balls, record-breaking basketballs, golf balls and baseballs."
"Healing is a very satisfying thing to do in Paladins because whenever you shoot people and when you heal them numbers pop up over their head."
"The combat is pretty binary... it just doesn't feel right."
"Kirito is crazy in this game, dude, because it doesn't matter if they hold F, I can still use the second part of it."
"Black Desert's combo system is considered by many as the best in the MMORPG market."
"Guiding Bolt deals 4d6 radiant damage and awards advantage to the next ally that attacks the target."
"Kind of screams there at the top, yeah, it's okay, uh, horsepower and torque."
"The unique part of the gameplay involves the use of the gears which rotate one step at the end of each round of the game."
"A beautifully rich game, polished to perfection, with a unique blend of mechanics and narrative."
"Aim assist is so strong it literally stops his crosshair in front of the enemy as the game tries to track them."
"What you're looking for is when the 10 and the two invert and then uninverts."