
Crafting Quotes

There are 12989 quotes

"I decided I needed a spacious area for the various crafting and refining tables."
"Tempering is a new crafting system that will allow you to add really cool new affixes to your items."
"I love these kind of projects because you can take a whole lot of nothing and turn it into something really special."
"Clay is an interesting resource. You can craft the stuff into bricks, which are definitely divisive. A lot of people hate them, some people love them."
"Making what are possibly the first Echo Boots in the game."
"As punk rock as it would be to just go at this with a kitchen knife, a seam ripper will be more precise."
"Our tutorial has to start by cutting a four-inch bit of webbing for each of our D-rings."
"And voila, we have our Trixie doll finally done. She looks incredible."
"And that's how you do foci crafting in Thaumcraft, creating spells that can light fires, move objects, or even change the world around you."
"Ladies and gentlemen, for the very first time in Insane Craft history, someone will attempt to craft the Mind Stone."
"Making your box was so fun. It was the most fun thing I've done in so long."
"I am going to show you how to make a simple milestone blanket."
"The game today is remembered for its player-driven economy, its intricate crafting and player housing systems, and it's passionate, if not fervent, community."
"Everybody knows, once you punch your wood, you make your crafting table."
"I crocheted this myself. I have like 10 blisters on my left hand, but I think it turned out pretty good, don't you think?"
"Obsessed by shine, Linda spends one whole month a year making tap sparkle."
"I am one leather away, and I can upgrade it to iron, gold, and diamond, just like that. I got a diamond backpack."
"And there you have it, an adorable wall sconce with a pocket that you can hang and decorate."
"You can make one, you can make a pair, or even a trio of these sconces; it's all up to you."
"There's something particularly satisfying about this moment; we've crafted our first tool and put it to use."
"We've also found some Flint that's used to craft arrows, iron ingot used to craft iron tools and armor."
"Crafting was a real form of endgame and much of the top-tier gear came from highly skilled players."
"The crafting system was kind of fun. I like making weapon mods."
"I really love that you can get inspiration from people's creations and make them your very own. That is what is so amazing about crafting."
"Sometimes on a weekend I like to just sit down, watch a good Hallmark movie, and craft the day away."
"The beauty of DIY is not just in the creation, but in the creator's touch."
"The majority of these DIYs are using items that you can get just about any time of year."
"After I did my very first project, I was addicted. I got hooked and I just haven't stopped."
"There's a brand new profession Quest chain that leads into a pretty deep opportunity for people to find materials and craft a lot of really cool and powerful items."
"Hopefully, you'll give it a try; it is definitely a fiddly and more advanced stitch, but if you crack it, then it creates a brilliant effect."
"The reason I wanted to do that is so that we could finish the wall of belts and buttons over here, which I then turned into a robe."
"Crafting is meant to help us relax and just do something that we're proud of to bring into our home."
"Let's get crafting. This DIY I found it from inspiration when I was scrolling through some Magnolia home decor items."
"It looks like an actual crate that you could pick up and purchase at the store."
"It's such a great way to connect with other crafters and share your beautiful things on the internet."
"We are talking about how to make a six-figure business with a Cricut."
"Finally sealed, code lock is crafting, dude, I love this."
"These are so fun to make during the holidays."
"But since I don't actually own pattern weights, I just used some one-pound coins instead. They're remarkably effective."
"Yo, I'm farming up iron, get these nuggets off of me!"
"I found fabric on Etsy and it's just like 3D fabric that's like floral and it is so beautiful."
"You are making it very hard for me to embroider."
"That turned out pretty dang well if I do say so myself."
"He smirks as he Muses that the advantage of using production skills is that the finished product will take form that you envision."
"Alright, buckaroos the goal? Take this hat, make it cute and whimsical."
"Remember, symmetry is key to reducing instability in crafting."
"What is better than making a thousand dollars or two thousand dollars in a day from the items that you have created?"
"Crafting a ghillie suit isn't just about blending in, it's about becoming part of the environment."
"Your exploration is rewarded with new equipment to craft."
"Crafting skill is leveled up based on how long a craft takes and then how many each time you do an individual craft you'll get 2.5 skill points."
"The charm of this game is not just the selling but also the crafting of potions."
"Wait, you can shift-click stuff into the crafting table? Hey, the more you know!"
"To create an outfit, visit any outfit station located near crafting stations in major cities."
"Crafting is an important aspect of Elder Scrolls Online because everything crafted for the highest levels is powerful and needed for veteran content."
"Craft weapons and materials with blacksmith, mine ores from cave."
"What is your proudest make of 2022? What is that one project where every time you think about it, it puts a smile on your face?"
"Honestly, my current whip is always my favorite project."
"I'm so proud of finally making this sweater."
"Crafting is a huge part of the game, even early in the early game in the mid game in the end game especially."
"The crafting system is a truly incredible feat of game design."
"This is like big stuff for me, this is like my moment of crafting a legendary right now."
"Blossom decides to craft a card for a crush complete with pipe cleaner hearts, glitter flowers, and dinosaurs because who doesn't love dinosaurs?"
"Give us two extra mod slots, we grind out materials, we create art, we make a god roll better Devils."
"Making the s us suit: The final step in becoming Batman."
"Washi tape is great because it comes in a lot of different varieties and patterns and colors and it's relatively inexpensive."
"It's actually really useful to have some washi tape around because you can just put a little piece of washi tape over the incorrect information."
"Stickers are a great way to decorate your planner but also they have some really great functional roles as well."
"Stickers are really great not just for decorating but they also have functional purposes."
"Exploring this vibrant world defeating the first and second world eater getting really excited to upgrade my weapon and craft new things all of that was awesome."
"It's like you're playing like different Minecraft, you know, like you're getting your resources and like you're crafting your weapons."
"I wanted to share with you how I created these tiled coasters because they are super easy to create."
"Not everything you do in a DIY project turns out perfect."
"Overall a really easy beginner friendly flip that really anybody could do in an afternoon."
"The key with gifting DIY items is to really personalize them."
"This whole thing is really an experiment, so I'm just splitting it, twisting it, and flattening it until I create the marbled effect that I'm going for."
"I really love how simple it was to create, and the combination of the marbling and the gold just looks so gorgeous together."
"Alright, so updates. Surprisingly, I was able to almost finish the front side of all four of them with just one bottle."
"The key with creating and gifting DIY things is to really personalize it to that person."
"This is so quick and easy to do and how adorable does this look sitting out on my table."
"This was so easy to do and now I have a cute little jewelry organizer to put on my vanity."
"I'm really excited how this turned out for only two dollars."
"Imagine making these for friends, for family, for a birthday present—you know, this whole stack of cards to give to somebody and they're just gorgeous."
"I crafted a new diamond sword as well as a chest plate, pickaxe, and leggings."
"A lot of people saying waste of resin really."
"If you have yarn and two needles, you have clothes."
"Raise animals, grow crops, craft machines, build your dream house, and explore the gigantic open world."
"Crafted items to be meaningful... represent some of the better pieces of gear you could get."
"Let's make a card completely from scratch using drawing and text tools."
"We've taken a cactus design and the little phrase that came with it and turned it into a really fun cactus pop-up card with a lot of design elements."
"So if you want to make an extra special box with a latch that keeps the lid from opening, stick with me and I'll show you how that little process works."
"This was once a safe haven for hunters, a workshop where Hunters used Latt to enhance their weapons and flesh."
"Hunting is going to be a really important part of the game, not only because you feed friends at camp, but also because it allows you to craft better items for yourself and fellow gang members."
"Don't sell the mats directly... turn them into something and then the return is so much bigger."
"Craft bag is account wide. Any crafting materials picked up will be dumped into it automatically."
"It makes beautiful gifts. Or if you just want to keep it for yourself, it is super warm and super soft."
"A clear craft space equals a clear head for better crafting."
"Happy crafting on a budget, stay happy, stay safe, stay healthy, but most of all stay positive."
"Knitting's popularity as a hobby grows each year."
"Design Space is free to use for all Cricut owners, so that is an amazing thing that you guys get to have free completely."
"Your Cricut can cut upwards of 100 materials, that's incredible."
"The result of these changes is that when you complete a Harvest, you aren't presented with 30 crafts."
"Crafters mark of the first ones allows you to craft a piece of gear with item level 262 which is absolutely bonkers."
"The most fun I had with New World was during the early leveling, exploring the world for the first time, dipping my toes into crafting, and finding new gatherables."
"I love this, I love the way it looks, it's a great way to use up your scraps."
"At the end of the day, it's just an opportunity to build really cool stuff and make really cool models."
"Craft yourself silver bullets at this table."
"Crafting actually makes viable gear unlike WoW whose crafters are mostly useless once people can do looking for raid."
"Holy crap I had no idea you could make that. That's cool."
"If you stagger it correctly, you can probably get twice as many backpacks or twice as many gloves built using a lot of the same objects."
"Crochet chaos and cozy corners - welcome to my sanctuary!"
"Crafting all the parts required to make an ore miner was a long tedious process. In 1.16, they changed it a lot from the previous versions."
"I much prefer attaching the collar to a garment when it can be laid flat."
"That's so pretty and the harmony down on paper."
"Complete with a crafting loop in the back, vacuum pumps, it's got a bed."
"Crafting is pretty cool, I want to see how this works."
"Make items through crafting as you're exploring, you'll collect all kinds of materials."
"Everything I need to sew, stitch, repair, build, craft—whatever, everything's in this tiny little kit."
"So anyone out there who is worrying about their Cricut should follow my example and just do it."
"The Cricut Joy is really cool and I'm really excited about it."
"I really want to know what you're interested in making because if you can tell me what you want to make, I can show you how to make it."
"Look how beautiful it is... it took so long to make as well."
"From dodging spiders to crafting armor, every step is a testament to resilience and ingenuity."
"Your hammer can be used to craft armor or bash some orc's face in. It's like poetry."
"Home Alone for the Sega Genesis had weapon crafting decades before it became en vogue for video games."
"Crafting is one of those things that if you rush it, you're gonna regret."
"Crafting toothbrush: Don't use toothbrush for crafting and for clay, don't do that."
"Just go over to the jeweler and see what gems you can craft."
"That might be the most OP lost affinity item we've crafted to date."
"Every stitch is a wish for someone's happiness."
"Whether the knife turns out or not, it's really a learning process."
"It's important that you're finding your own good items and that you're also able to make your own good items."
"Don't stick with one size of beading wire for all your designs."
"We've also completely revamped how Harvest crafting works."
"Let's do this, can't hurt to try, DIY is the answer to all your problems girls."
"It's not like a full-on tutorial like okay, we need 30 cloth to make a bag, you click on the bag to craft it, you know what I mean."
"Yeah, my Iron Man Mark One is coming along really, really nicely. I am very, very pleased."
"Make sure you kind of put it around... so that you're gonna have a nice support under the edges."
"I think the goal should be that you can play the game and have being a crafter be the way that you play the game."
"The economy that supports the crafting of our frames and weapons."
"The panel cutter tool makes the process of creating panels much easier."
"So this design seems really simple but it's actually very flexible and the skill that it teaches you is to make a consistent shape and a shape that is the same size and a shape that you can kind of expand and shrink to fit into your space."
"Even if you never hit one of the lines you're aiming for, you're still going to end up with a great looking quilt."
"No one is going to be criticizing how long it took you to finish a quilt."
"The only part of your quilt that needs to be flat is the part between your hands right under the needle."
"Don't rip out your work for a design flaw or a stitching mistake."
"Anything you see me do on my long arm you can do on a domestic machine."
"We're going to show you guys how to remove the tape um where we wanted to stop the resin so we're just going to peel it up and start folding it back and forward forth and it's just going to break off that seam."
"These svg files are specific types of files that people use with cutting machines, whether it be a Cricut or a Silhouette machine or a laser cutting machine like a Glowforge."
"we're really enjoying the ad Tech Pro 200 that glue gun has been really great for large builds and small builds alike"
"I made a crochet blanket for my son with his name on it. This blanket is special to me and the tools that I used to be able to make it cost me money not to mention the time and effort that it took to make it."
"I crafted a boat, why did I not think of this earlier?"
"Crocheting has been my favorite hobby since I was like 15."
"Patience is key and don't be afraid to throw a piece away."
"A foundry or forge that was built on a volcano or over a lava flow that is worked by fire elementals and fire giants and genies that is used to make super magical artifacts and really cool things."
"These turned out absolutely adorable. I'm so happy with these."
"So that's how you make the basic chevron bracelet."
"In order to craft better items and equipment, you'll need some crafting stations."
"Day 200 is super exciting, I get to make enchanted gear with an anvil."
"Just placing down all the stone I've spent like 20 minutes on it I think it's going to change the base for the better for sure."
"I can't get over the fact that I've created something so cool like I've never done a village before."
"It gets a lot harder but not impossible if I run out of wood, but I think the odds of me running out would have gone basically down to zero now." - [No Name Mentioned]
"It's been a long day, it's been a long time since we did a crafting stream."
"You can also make cool material for this type of slice setup if you just put like a bunch of Base Loops."
"I hope that's just as a kind of meta conversation about crafting."
"Cupcake papers are also pretty popular to decorate with so there's so many things on pinterest that you can do with cupcake paper."
"Crafting supplies: from stamps to sewing, everything has its place."
"This Pokemon pounds iron scraps together to make a hammer. It will remake the hammer again and again until it's satisfied. That's a blacksmith."
"They’re such a charming idea, blending the aesthetics of woodcarving and crafting with having cute little familiars."
"Crafting in games works well in a survival setting to replicate the feeling of being weak and battling against the odds."
"There's nothing you can't make if you have the right salvage."
"Mood: incredible. I made a masterwork barrel."
"Monoko's Night Market is a narrative-driven social simulator that is all about celebrating Japanese culture, eating delicious food, crafting new items, and loving cats."
"That was really fun making these monster boxes together."
"This craft without a doubt hands down is the cutest craft I have ever made. It actually brings me joy when I look at it. I feel joy. It is so cute."
"Every player gets their own unique procedurally generated 64 square kilometer world with caves, underwater areas to check out, and you can share these worlds with others and travel between them."
"Crafting tools is essential for making life easier, helping with transportation, and protecting yourself. Salvaging is super important in Rooted as you recover, repair, and use items from the collapsed Civilization."
"What this is, genuinely like genuinely the most difficult build I've probably ever taken on..."
"You won't be a true Jedi if you don't build your own lightsaber."
"I'm starting to really regret my decisions, both in life and this craft."
"And I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one actually works fantastic."
"An optional mode in Starfield where it becomes a space exploration game where you truly have to fight to survive and rely on crafting sounds awesome."
"It just looks really, really cool. I'm going to be going through all the steps."
"Minecraft is all about building and crafting, where the crafting feels more rewarding."
"I really like the whole fort concept—decorating it how you like and building crafting structures."
"I love tags...you can use them on gifts, you can use them to label things, you can use them to anything bookmark whatever you want."
"We're gonna make this deck, Tomius in the house, unbelievable."
"It's more immersive sim on the surface with all its building mechanics crafting systems and city management."
"It all worked out, take a look at this guy crafting compact resources."
"Crafting is probably one of the more positive things about New World."
"Melons and pumpkins are perhaps a little bit less useful than sugarcane because sugarcane can be crafted into paper which means maps and fireworks and all kinds of other stuff."
"Count the balls before you start gluing them on if you want to create a design like this."
"Please, please, I'm begging you. You know how much it could change how much better everyone's builds would look with double-sided painted doors."
"I am such a Minecrafter, let's make something and see how much it sells for."
"Every single thing we found was pink, now let's do the pink sparkly Journal."
"If you want to dye the stick to fabric you actually need to add a chemical called a mordant to your dye so that the color sticks and doesn't just wash out."
"Did I just make something? I wasn't even looking!"
"This is a game changer for me, this is going to help drastically reduce the amount of sanding and post-processing."
"Crafting is quality time well spent. It helps your mind relax, unwind, and feel good."
"Craftiness is about having fun. Let's have some fun today. We can have fun."
"We're gonna be crafting a portal which takes I think 45 seconds."