
Positive Experience Quotes

There are 1215 quotes

"You know what, I didn't know what to expect with this game, but I like it already. This is a good vibe."
"I find that exploring just about anything and understanding yourself deeper and better and having a greater experience of yourself is almost always an overwhelmingly positive experience."
"I actually had a really nice day here at Blizzard Beach."
"I'm very scared. I'm scared of it too, but in a good, exciting way."
"Went in there the other day, boy, that was a beautiful experience."
"Things are happening here, and the people are great."
"So much fun. It's always a great day when we get to do testing."
"Thank you very much for making this such an enjoyable experience for me."
"It was a nice experience and I'm thankful for that."
"It's overwhelming the way this property makes you feel, like, in a good way."
"Literally, this was amazing, I'm so thankful, I needed this."
"I'm so happy right now. This has been an amazing first day."
"We want to keep the decluttering positive and a good experience."
"The car just gives me a very good feeling, and I think this electric overdrive aspect really could be something for the future."
"These one and a half hours have been freaking great."
"Church was fun, church was enjoyable. Like, wow, you can actually go to church and actually have a good time."
"That was fun, that was really good, that was really enjoyable."
"If we can create a positive experience for the majority of people who were there, then we have succeeded."
"Make no mistake though I'm having a great time with it I'm glad I'm playing it."
"I've thoroughly enjoyed this draw. I think it's been fantastic."
"The experience of loading this up on PC was one of the most positive I've had in a while."
"For all its faults, I still consider Warframe one of the better free-to-play gaming experiences I've ever had."
"Thank you so much for having a good time with me today!"
"It's a wonderful experience to be involved with something that is well liked."
"Thank you everyone for making this an amazing experience."
"I'm like pissed off I shouldn't, yeah, that was amazing."
"Great day today, Chad. I can't tell you how much fun I'm having."
"I think this is a 10 out of 10 right now, I'm feeling epic right now!"
"The pro sport really is an absolute pleasure to shoot."
"But, I feel enriched and better as a result of it."
"I thought that I might struggle with this but I've loved everything so far and that's the truth."
"You guys have made this the best experience ever."
"This just looks like a straight up good time."
"I think this is a really great experience all around."
"My skin feels so plump and moisturized and hydrated."
"Seriously, I couldn't have asked for a better first day."
"I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, but yeah, it was so good and the teacher was so nice."
"It was fun and it was exciting and it was good for us."
"Probably the best job interview experience I've ever had."
"We're here to have a great experience, you know."
"Better than I ever expected, better than I thought was possible."
"Living in alignment with your Soul's path is meant to feel good; you're always expanding, always growing."
"Thank you for having me it's actually been an awesome day I would do this again in a heartbeat."
"What was that, peanut butter noodles? It was delicious with the capital D."
"Kingdom Hearts, a game that I doubted... then I played it and I shut the fuck up."
"Flying for the first time since all this went down I say it's been a win I think it's been awesome."
"I had a complete blast with resto... it's just a really fun different type of gameplay."
"I love how safe I felt at the recovery home, especially when healing, it was definitely a great environment."
"Lit means it was really crazy, it was really good, it was really fun."
"Everyone I know that's used stamps, including myself, has had a great experience."
"My fans really mean the world to me and I always just really want to leave them with a positive experience."
"I loved every second of that, not to mention we found Goose love, and that's a beautiful thing."
"Overall, it was a really, really good time in Serbia."
"30 minutes is often times whenever I feature this game not really enough to show you the depth of what there is to do."
"I'm actually already really happy, like this unboxing video has been amazing so far."
"It's very well thought-out, it's super highly detailed, it's overall a wonderful time."
"It definitely puts a smile on your face ear to ear."
"It's been such a joyful experience, everybody's been super helpful."
"This was one of the best things I need, I loved it."
"The food is really good. The scavenger hunt was really fun."
"I'm actually really enjoying this. This is really fun."
"Isn't that awesome Isn't it awesome I mean this is what a great time you know."
"I had a super great experience and it saved me a lot of time."
"Working on Elite Beat Agents early in my career, it was a really lucky experience."
"Everything I've tried today has been absolutely amazing."
"A pleasant experience to be sure, and I think that added bit of sodium really goes a long way."
"iOS 17 beta 2: My experience has been great."
"Overall, what an impressive driving experience once again."
"In a year of owning my Model Y, the overall experience has been fantastic."
"Thank you guys for hanging out, today was amazing."
"I thought it was really sweet. I was a little like nervous but I was expecting to be like taking force but he actually like took the reins really."
"I felt like I was appreciated and it was absolutely wonderful."
"One of the most fun evs here as well so fun factor definitely also guaranteed."
"Thanks for making Overwatch 2 a fun and positive experience for everyone."
"Let's just enjoy the ride. Let's have fun with this."
"It was so wholesome and pure and wonderful and it made me so happy and I loved it so much."
"The entire Super Mario Brothers Wonder experience surprised and delighted me."
"That was awesome! That's good racing, actually."
"Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by my experiences in checking out Guild Wars 1."
"Oh that's like a good one that's like as good as it can get."
"My experience with this Tesla and an all-electric vehicle for a week has been positive."
"The vibes I feel right now filming this might be better than Sawgrass."
"I never thought I was going to get to this point because I am horrible with technology like me and technology are not friends yeah but it's been an easy process like it's been good it's been fun and I really really like it."
"This game is making me very, very happy right now."
"I feel very confident that you're at least going to walk out with a smile on your face."
"Players could feel rewarded for playing the way that they want to and would have a more positive playing experience."
"Something is happening I don't know why and I'm loving every second of it."
"They make it very easy for you, I was very pleased with the experience."
"He said Adam Sandler was hands down the nicest person he's ever met in his life."
"Once you start feeling amazing, you become addicted."
"The crowd was so spectacular today. Just the energy from you all was just amazing."
"All the positives, the flavors are jumping out at me."
"Here's the thing this was fun I enjoyed this experience."
"Indian food is really good I give this whole experience this whole meal a 10 out of 10."
"Day one of RAGBRAI was super fun at the beginning, way more fun than I expected. My butt hurts, but the tandem experience was 10 out of 10."
"I love this game, I had such a blast with this game."
"The big chases themselves are definitely a net positive and a lot of fun to do."
"I had a huge smile on my face the entire time."
"I'm just blown away by how welcoming and friendly and kind and beautiful everyone is."
"We actually came in on top... we did it for a great cause."
"I really did like it and I enjoyed it, and I had a good time with it."
"The car puts a smile on my face every single day that I'm in it and it's running good."
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy, one of the easiest embarkations we've had this year."
"Literally had the best weekend ever, so wholesome, so chill."
"It's really hard to fault it... it's really good on-road... it just puts a smile on your face."
"Oh my god, the way we're actually destroying, lovely."
"I'm just here for Natalie Portman and I wasn't asked to leave so it was a good experience."
"I haven't driven this yet and this just feels so good in the sand."
"It is a ride you can't help but get off smiling every single time."
"It's amazing and I'm really glad to be able to be a part of this."
"This has been awesome, this has been super fun. I'm glad that my idea panned out really well, I hope you guys had fun, I hope you enjoyed, I hope you learned something and I'll see you in the next video. Peace."
"That was more fun than I thought it was gonna be. Let's do it again."
"It's amazing guys, you are gonna have a wonderful marvelous experience."
"I dare you to play this without a giant smile on your face."
"There's over 60 of them, yeah it's huge and it's great."
"It's wonderful... it is everything I would have wanted and more."
"I felt confident, I was there, endured it, and it was a great feeling."
"I'm rocking it, I'm loving it, it's been fine."
"It's very seamless, no drama or anything, you know going into that, talking to a bunch of different people, a bunch of add-ons or any of that, it's just crazy good."
"Honestly, I'm loving it, loving it, loving it."
"Look at all this great stuff, this is fun, I had a good time."
"This has been the cherry on top for the cruise."
"I've just been having an absolute blast. I already totally think it's worth the cost of admission."
"It's a miracle honestly, the fact that it went... as well as it did."
"That was not bad at all; I'm definitely saving this live."
"It turned out to be an amazing bonding experience."
"It felt amazing and it gave me, I think it gave me the confidence and a little bit of a boost."
"I've never looked at myself in something and felt that good."
"This is just great, a wholesome experience that leaves a lasting smile."
"Honestly, that was fantastic! Banana roll was definitely my highlight."
"Thank you for everything again, there's a wonderful wonderful way to end off Registered Rumble 4."
"I gotta tell you something, I'm loving it all."
"It was amazing, better than I could have ever expected."
"I've never felt better filming. It's been a blast."
"The experience has brought my family closer to me than ever before."
"This has been an amazing learning experience."
"I just finished my doctor's appointment and it went really, really well. I was surprised cuz usually I have terrible experiences here in Japan."
"This game's sick, I'm having such a good time."
"It's such a foreign feeling to enjoy it every week now really is the best."
"I genuinely had one of the best shops in a while."
"Thanks so much for rocking it out, glad you got to experience hypnosis again and have an amazing rest of day."
"My favorite part of the experience was how patient the instructors were."
"I love this, it's a great experience. Great experience."
"You guys did great man. It was an awesome trip."
"Metroid Dread is good, I finished it the other night and it was a fantastic experience."
"I love turning 30. I thought it was awesome."
"When it is illuminated to you, it's gonna be a very positive experience."
"Helping people in need was a really good experience."
"I would rate my experience a 10 out of 10 like I would do it all over again."
"It's kind of crazy, it's kind of very nice, it's like a nice."
"Cooking time is so much fun and nothing bad could happen."
"It makes you so excited to put liner on because you know it's gonna go well."
"Just go ahead and try it, I definitely think you will be impressed."
"I'm actually having a really good time with this."
"Being a part of giving them that boost all together I'm sure you will agree is a really uplifting and really fun experience."
"It certainly feels good and feels satisfying."
"I'm already having so much fun, this is great!"
"Not a single person was like this venue sucked people were loving it."
"I cannot believe how well this day is going."
"I feel like this game could not have gone any better so far"
"It's been such a great day and such a sweet trip."
"That was a very, very, very pleasant surprise."
"The staff have been outstanding. Providing us with a smile and friendly service every day."
"I freaking fell in love with it. It was friggin awesome."
"This was a very cool experience and I wanna make that abundantly clear."
"Wow, like a very nice story and all, I'll just say from my heart, two and a half years here in these states with T-Mobile, never any issues."
"I just want him to have a good time, look at him chilling, he's having a blast."
"Painting should make you happy, should be a fun experience."
"Sex is to be enjoyed. It's a fun, joyful thing. It's not something that should be painful."
"Serbia is full of surprises, and not crap ones."
"Normally think that sauces are slightly intimidating but this one was very easy and it turned out really good."
"And you can always count on having a fun day when you spend it with the people I love."
"It's just been amazing, it's been incredible."
"I met new people, I'm doing something I'm passionate about, so it's awesome."
"Thank you so, so much for joining us, it's been an absolute pleasure."
"This is turning out excellent, I'm enjoying myself."
"Wow, amazing! I am so glad that we're doing this this year."
"How cool was that? Oh my gosh, that is so awesome!"
"I'm beyond thankful, grateful, impressed. This has been so... amazing."
"Gold, they're some of the easiest people to work with, you will really like working with them."
"Hope you have a wonderful experience of Venus and Sagittarius and what a nice healing little positive rejuvenating point before stuff gets real."
"I had a blast with Sonic Generations, I really did."
"I chose to stay, I knew you would say that, this is going to be super."
"I'm gonna be honest, it was so much love and so little hate."
"This was like the best day for so many people."
"I've had an overwhelmingly good experience living here and the videos kind of reflect that."
"Oh yeah, I mean, it was a great time, everybody was really friendly, um, made a lot of friends, like, no complaints."
"This is amazing so far, I'm enjoying, I'm loving it."
"I absolutely adore it should get better every year it seems like it does."
"I seriously lucked out at Goodwill, they have such fantastic stuff."
"HP really came through here, meaningful troubleshooting steps, reasonable hold times, good responsive interaction with the agent."
"My personal experience at Pokemon GO Fest was overwhelmingly positive."
"With the right attitude, the right gear, and the right people around you, you can turn the situation as difficult as this one into a memory that you'll enjoy forever."
"This whole experience has been awesome, good night ladies."
"It's been a good reprieve and a much-needed enjoyable day of sailing."
"This trip was so good y'all, nothing short of amazing."
"I have this feeling of euphoria right now I'm so happy to be here I don't know about you guys but I'm happy to be here."
"Exploring the unknown isn't always horrifying; sometimes it can be pretty amazing."
"Seriously best experience I ever had."
"I highly recommend this if you're in need of a mood boost because it will boost your mood right up."