
Sun Quotes

There are 1138 quotes

"The Sun does an infinite number of things to help heal us."
"We are solar people; we are children of the sun."
"Our own sun is one such star, now four and a half billion years old."
"Our understanding of the Sun will change dramatically. I will say that we are living in a revolution moment in our field."
"Quantum tunneling... the reason our Sun shines is thanks to quantum tunneling."
"A beautiful day wouldn't be so without the sun."
"The sun is ever-present in our lives; it gives us light, warmth, and even life itself."
"Without the sun, there would be no life on Earth."
"The sun every second it fuses 600 million tons of hydrogen, bathing the Earth in the energy that makes life possible."
"Around 5.4 billion years from now, the sun will exhaust the last of its hydrogen and lose much of its mass as it dwindles into a small white dwarf star."
"Since the dawn of time, man has worshiped the Sun, from telling the time to powering our cities, humans rely on the Sun for almost everything."
"Sand is still warm to the feet, that means the Sun still burns above."
"I'm the sun, the center of your solar system. I do erupt intense high energy radiation."
"Our Sun is doing pretty good. It looks like it's got another 4.5 billion years or so before it, you know, sputters out."
"We are light beings literally, and the sun itself as it brings those photons which energize and interact directly with our DNA."
"The sun is light, the sun is life. Without the sun, we wouldn't be here to talk about anything because the solar system wouldn't exist, right?"
"Golden ball of hot radiant light, warming the Earth day and night."
"We are dwarfed by Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and our own star, which is 93 million miles away from us—the Sun."
"The sun is the natural life giver, the energy giver of the planet."
"My top tip when you shoot in a sun.star and you've got your shot but yeah, it's moved and your star has disappeared but you know that the sun is there."
"It would be like stepping in an oven only hotter the blue Sun would instantly burn all the tissues in your body to ashes and maybe even your bones."
"Welcome to your new landfill a giant ball of burning gas that we call the Sun."
"God hung it in the sky for a reason... we've got to have it to live folks."
"Our sun serves as the primary source of light, heat, and crucially, life."
"Our Sun will ultimately become a white dwarf."
"Your life really comes from the Stars especially the one closest to us we call it the Sun."
"The sun is literally just a viper toby in the sky."
"Here we see the sun's orbit around the galactic center. Our orbital speed is approximately a hundred thirty-eight miles per second."
"It's all about sun angle, everything's about the sun angle."
"The sun is all about Clarity, it's all about illumination."
"God is the Sun melanin is condensed sunlight remember that."
"One of the Dragons flew into the Sun and died."
"Watermelon season is back, that's because the sun do be making its appearances these days."
"UVA rays from the sun are the ones that cause the DNA damage."
"He blotted out the Sun for three full days."
"The Sun shows positivity, it shows masculine energy."
"What is that sun made of? What a world that we're living in here."
"The gates of the Sun open, it describes in the myth."
"Photons that are produced in the core of the Sun take hundreds of thousands of years to reach the surface of the Sun."
"I felt like the sun was squinting at me."
"The sun is the alchemical gold; we have spiritual experience."
"It's insane how much the sun affects our mood."
"This is the day the sun will conjunct Jupiter, the luckiest day."
"It's so nice to feel hot, so that moment, yeah, the sun, beautiful day."
"Do you wanna kiss under the starlight? But the sun's out. Babe, the sun is a star."
"It's a retired star that will be the fate of our sun."
"What is the sun, but a star? It's a fucking star."
"We could harness all of the energy of the Sun."
"In the warmth of the sun, life finds its melody."
"The sun is our friend, and getting that natural vitamin D on a daily basis is huge for us."
"How will we know when time is passing if you kill the sun?"
"It's pretty amazing for a power source that's 93 million miles away."
The sun, with its life-giving and -saving qualities was personified as a representative of the unseen creator or god... "God's Sun," the light of the world, the savior of humankind.
"The early cultures believed that the Sun WAS a god, and they did personify the Sun."
"And this is where we create the glow for our sun."
"It seemed like Tesla had forced the sun to work overtime."
"The sun gives us all life, am I right?"
"S is for sun, solar superstar, stellar power fuels all life, not just flowers."
"Allow ourselves to be penetrated by the Light of the Sun and then allow that to illuminate all that's within."
"The blaze of the sun was so unbearable, it pretty near made my brains boil."
"The sun is the heart's best friend."
"Sun entering Taurus means monetary gains, very, very good."
"The ultimate goal is that the Earth one day will become like the sun."
"The sun makes up 99.86 percent of the mass of our entire solar system."
"Without quantum mechanics, we would actually not have any idea how the sun actually shines as long as it does."
"The sun is the superpower of our solar system, a thermonuclear Blast Furnace erupting with massive explosions."
"The sun's coming out so that's making me extremely happy."
"It's actually really hard to completely cover the disc of the Sun in order to study the sun's atmosphere especially that inner part of the atmosphere."
"The sun is there for a reason, without the sun human life dies, we need that for the food to grow."
"Our sun has a limited supply of hydrogen fuel. In about 5 billion years, it'll run out of its fuel."
"The Sun and Uranus join together, indicating some kind of big bright spark of unexpected positive energy around May 12th to the 14th."
"The Sun sets and the Sun are crazy good."
"Sun purifies and reveals our inner truth."
"Sun teaches us to appreciate our inner beauty."
"Sun guides us towards simplicity and clarity."
"Sun focuses us on what's truly important in life."
"The sun communicates with us through solar magnetism."
"The sun, that shining star of our solar system, is capable of both astonishing beauty and ferocious violence."
"Earth may be in just the right place in the solar system, but we're also close enough to the sun to be a target of its fury."
"Sun like a largemouth bass you just gulped him up."
"It's an incredibly miraculous coincidence that the moon would fit so perfectly to block out the sun given there's no physical reason for this to be the case."
"It appears that it's merely a happy coincidence. The sun and the moon are the same angular size in the sky because..."
"Daytime is the best time, the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky."
"The sun is all about happiness, joy, fulfillment."
"you could just leave it like that because I guess that's where the summer naturally hit you"
"I'm a sun worshipper... I need the sun."
"Impressive words can't express how grateful we are for the sun."
"Our sun, positioned at the center of the solar system, serves as the primary source of light, heat, and crucially, life."
"That is the amazing ingredient possessing the power of the sun."
"The sun is a wall of fire which rises every morning out of the sea and goes down again among the mountains of our island each evening."
"Our sun is a source of energy across the full spectrum."
"If the sun is in the sixth house, the person wants to serve."
"The Amalfi Coast is all about soaking up the Sun and indulging in a food scene. That is all about freshness and simplicity."
"Have I been in the sun or did I just spend 10 minutes drawing these on? You'd never f***ing know."
"The sun, I discovered, is a huge, gigantic, gargantuan ball of fire and gas."
"I love the sun even the dark scenes still felt Sunny to me and I really enjoyed that"
"The longer the sun is out, the better chance that is going to happen. We're going to have fuel in place for the storms to take advantage of."
"Even though the sun isn't the hugest star, it still gives us the heat and light we need to live."
"Even if our world doesn't get cooked or frozen by the sun, its future looks more and more bleak."
"With the sun's embrace, you feel any troubled thoughts, any stress of the day, melting away."
"I can't believe that in 2005 it came up to that point right there all of that has Suns melted that's crazy."
"The sun has the worst marketing department, it's the best thing ever but terrible marketing on its end."
"Yah maketh the sun to shine on the just and the unjust."
"Here comes the sun, and I say it's all right."
"The sun gave us our life, and it will eventually take it away, and though the Earth will die, it and everything on it will in some part live on the Stardust that gave Earth and all of its inhabitants life."
"The sun is never your friend. Unless you're laying on a beach somewhere, then yes, sun is your friend."
"It was relaxing and it kept the hot sun off my back."
"The sun is the sun. It's not going to change whether you live in China or South Carolina."
"Villal de Santo Antonio, a perfect place to soak in the sun and embrace Southern European lifestyle."
"A world where every three force of a second a new image is captured each one a piece of the puzzle in understanding the sun's impact on our solar system."
"Stop eating in the evening when the Sun is up."
"The sun becomes the father and father, the son."
"The Sun represents the truth and the light because at nighttime, you can't swear by it, but in broad daylight, you can know the truth."
"Aside from the science, the images captured reveal to us the beauty and power of this our nearest star in all its grandeur."
"All these things that they do influences the sun to keep revolving like it does and it keeps coming back."
"The sun was born about 5 billion years ago giving birth not only to itself but to the entire solar system we date earth back to about 4.6 billion years the sun is going to live another 5 billion years so we are exactly midway we're middle-aged."
"I did for 25 years navigate by no other means than the stars and the sun."
"The sun itself is a form of Fusion Energy more powerful than the power of a nuclear bomb."
"The sun is the biggest star of all, seriously."
"You are my relation and connection to the sun."
"There's like no better feeling than taking a shower, changing into some pajamas, and like laying in a clean room after being in the sun all day."
"This intense gravitational field is what binds [the sun] together."
"The Sun, with his life-giving and saving qualities, was personified as a representative of the unseen creator or God, God's son, the light of the world, the savior of humankind."
"Observing the Sun has important relevance for our everyday life."
"The Sun is our nearby laboratory for understanding stellar processes."
"The Sun is made of gas, but it's not just gaseous."
"Sun's out, tongues out, you know? I get it."
"Nuclear fusion powers the sun and has been ongoing since shortly after the beginning of time."
"The sun is here, the sun represents joy, peace, illumination, enlightenment."
"Our sun is a gigantic Fusion reactor in the sky."
"The returning of the sun, it's a celebration, it's a festival."
"When the Sun sets, the Moon rises to keep the night illuminated."
"It's a crescent sun, like it's grinning down on us."
"The earth cannot exist in the solar system without the Sun, so the Sun must have been there."
"The sun was born like the other stars in a cloud of molecular hydrogen and then it itself gave birth to our wonderful blue planet."
"I think the sun has to come again to defeat Kaido and I think that sun is Luffy."
"Space has weather too, but it isn't the same as our weather on Earth. Most space weather in our solar system comes from our Sun."
"You know that sun is quite high in the sky, but it's sinking rapidly."
"The sun's atmosphere is hotter than the surface of the star."
"I'd say my second favorite is this one 'cause it says here Comes the Sun, which who doesn't love that from the Beatles, like such a Vibe."
"I considered the sun the guarantor of our survival. Its light enabled us to see clearly and far by using our eyes and the meox."
"This view that we have of the sun, it is gorgeous."
"It's amazing how quickly they respond to that sun coming out or even the hint of sun coming out. They're just desperate to get warm."
"But did you know that the moon would also be just another dull orb if not for the sun's rays?"
"Most people become tanned in the sun and develop a darker hue."
"The sun is the greatest god in so many religions."
"...the way the sun is breaking through the hills."
"The circumpunct, that is and it can represent the sun, it is also the alchemical symbol for gold."
"We will start out near our sun in the depth of its extremely hot Corona."
"The Sun is hot, the sun is not a place where we could live"
"The sun warms us and feeds us and permits us to see."
"The sun is a furious star... it has a profound effect on all living things particularly on human beings."
"I'm a guy that likes to hide from the sun, you know I'm not trying to get radiation on my skin, you know, get burned."
"Fusion is just recreating the power of the sun, which there's a lot of research going on now."
"The Sun's appearance in extreme ultraviolet light shows various interesting features on its surface, including prominences, solar wind, and active regions."
"If we take the starlight from the Sun and pass it through a prism and then compare it to other stars, we find that the Sun is like a G-type star."
"Neutrinos are really important because they are direct measures of exactly what's happening in the center of the Sun."
"It's awesome to just be out in the sun, sun on my face every morning."
"You don't learn till you get older that the sun is a government."
"I thrive as soon as the sun comes out. Literally, as soon as the sun touches my skin, I just believe that I thrive."
"The Sun continued to shower upon me like the rain of yesterday an incessant array of bright spears."
"Who loves the sun? It's so subversive, I love it."
"The Sun shines because of nuclear fusion reactions."
"The sun is a source of happiness, health, everything. I was saying about it. You've never seen a depressed tan guy, have you? Ever seen a super tan guy that's depressed? You okay? Well, what the [ __ ]?"
"The closest star to our planet is the sun, even though the sun isn't the hugest star, it still gives us the heat and light we need to live."
"The sun alone does a lot for my mental being."
"It's the sun center. It brings heat and life force energy through our body."
"The path that the Sun seems to make with respect to the background stars is called the ecliptic."
"The sun is life. The sun will not work if there is no water; it will not give life."
"The sun, it just gives me energy, it's great."
"The sun is hot and can make us feel tired and drain our energy, but we can also get energy from the sun too."
"The sun is the source of all light and life and love."
"And the sun is finally golden, feels good."
"If the sun is being blocked, wouldn't it be the rays coming around it that's hurting your eyes? Or how does that work?"
"Indeed somewhat ironically, that is very literal as our sun grows brighter every day."
"The sun, identical to our own yet new and strange, sat due north instead of west."
"May the sun shine warm upon your face,"
"It would be the last time I'd see the Sun Shine for quite a while."
"I was blinded... as if I just stared at the sun itself."
"That Sun is the deity that every morning we see, we thank it and it wakes us up in our heart center. The Atma Comes Alive, the self comes alive."
"When I came out into the sun, when I finally felt the sun on my skin, I felt reborn, there I again felt my body being charged with energy."
"Our sun is a third-generation star, starting from gaseous clouds and dense nebula containing many heavy elements."
"I never realized before. The sun, it's just a mask too. And the face behind it, it's... it's beautiful."
"I love the people out there looking at the sun."
"Our textbooks had said life's driven by the Sun."
"Her early years were shaped by the warm embrace of the desert sun."
"That light was brighter than the sun."
"Surfers Paradise Beach, the renowned Gold Coast, showcases its remarkable trio of sun, sand, and sea along its iconic three-kilometer beach."
"We find ourselves aware of stars only when we cannot see the Sun."
"The sun here is super intense we are on the equator so you got to be really careful i mean you're going to get burned very easily."
"How warm you were, how bright you were shining, like the sun."
"Energy fields people talk about... the electromagnetic field of the Sun goes past Pluto."
"The Sun is at what we call one of the foci of that ellipse."
"The ogres seemed to worship the sun in particular because it was the biggest."
"The sun will get so big that it'll completely eat up Mercury, Venus, and yep, Earth, too."
"In some countries, there exists a beautiful golden orb in the sky some people call the sun."
"The sun is mostly made up of two basic gases-- hydrogen and helium."
"A planet is said to appear out of nowhere and devour the sun."
"In 4.5 billion years the sun will die, and our solar system will not survive."