
Truth-seeking Quotes

There are 2983 quotes

"The majority of our social interactions serve the function of social cohesion, not truth-seeking."
"The more we've gone into the internet age, the harder it is to find the truth."
"We need some way to find the truth...we're in a world that is the technology is so quick to ramp up whatever will most engage us."
"Science is the language of nature and learning about science and learning how to think like a scientist means you are learning how to systematically seek out truth in the world."
"Science is the language of nature, and learning how to think like a scientist means you are learning how to systematically seek out truth in the world."
"The three-second look is all about helping you get to the truth and uncover things that might not otherwise be revealed."
"We all need to come together. We're not going to be able to just agree to disagree on our belief systems and find a way to come together and focus on just getting the truth, which is something we all are interested in."
"We are a nation of truth, and I seek the truth."
"We question the narrative, the mainstream's manufactured plight, seeking truth in the shadows, where independent voices take flight."
"We should not seek the clear winning of a debate, for that is the concern of surfaces, but to win over the other to one's belief and/or to be won over to the other's belief for the sake of what is true and good."
"This is where we can engage in free and open dialogue, in the spirit of seeking truth."
"Tell us the truth, what happened on January 6th; just tell us the truth. What was Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11? They lied to us; just tell us the truth."
"Just tell me the truth. I want to know the truth. I don't want to hear your fairy tales anymore."
"The truth is not at hand; you have to seek and sort out to get the truth."
"Behavior should drive focus and attention until the truth is found."
"Some of these techniques are so subtle and clever that you can use them in your day-to-day interactions to help you get the truth out of anyone."
"The medium of the internet is not currently incentivizing us to seek truth or understanding; it's profiting off polarization and mutual hatred."
"Seeking truth is a path... there's a lot of times where you're a little bit on the wrong side, you're a little bit on the right side, and you have to be willing to go both ways in order to get to the ultimate truth."
"We shouldn't want to believe something that might not be true... you shouldn't have to make believe, just show me what's real."
"I began to realize that perhaps the Buddha was right, and we should be humble enough in knowing that none of us know the truth, and we should listen to each other rather than fighting with each other."
"It's been very heady, and I think I've been sort of useful to those people who are really after the truth."
"Just because you found a scholar or a teacher that you like, it doesn't mean you found truth."
"Dialogue between opposing sides is where you find humanity and where truth is ultimately found."
"Data, data, data, man. There is an answer, and if you have the discipline of not tying your identity up into an answer and you stay open to new truth, that's powerful."
"Skepticism is essentially a desire to hold as many true beliefs as few false ones as possible and use the methods that make that most probable."
"You're certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth."
"The truth requires you to say, 'Maybe I'm wrong.' Is this data right? What are my opponents saying, and is there any validity to it?"
"I do take discussions about topics like this seriously and genuinely want to find the truth, even if that entails admitting I've made a mistake or I'm wrong."
"We should be open, at the very least, not even just open but should actively seek out things that don't confirm our pre-existing worldviews."
"Thanks for joining us on our voyage to truth and freedom."
"A genuine intent for truth at whatever cost is essential to avoid falling into falsehood and delusion."
"The point of going through science and data is not to be right; it's to get closer to the truth with every passing iteration."
"Recognize just how hard it is to find the truth, so we have to all tone down our certainty."
"We are looking at information; we're trying to have robust dialogue to get us as close to understanding something like the truth as we possibly can."
"The most important thing is to investigate and find out what's really going on."
"At what point is the working class going to say, 'You know what, we don't want to be lied to by either side'?"
"Education is not just the acquisition of knowledge, but the awakening of a curiosity that drives us to seek the truth."
"I always want to know the truth as much as possible."
"Being a girl who fearlessly pursues God's word equips you to become a woman who unapologetically chases after God's truth in your own life."
"I'm going to trust my own eyes and my own heart to distinguish the truth from the lies."
"It was a sort of detective story where I was searching for clues to find the truth."
"We all have a responsibility to find out what the truth is about something like this. People have to take responsibility for looking into what the truth is."
"All we have is human conversation and all we can appeal to are honest efforts to get at the truth."
"Our goal on this show is to seek the truth wherever the truth may take us."
"People have an innate yearning and affinity with the truth... It's that universal... nature of us that is simply wanting the truth."
"In us, there's an innate drive for truth, truth not to liberate us, all the weight will truth not because it's interesting, although it is, but it's truth for its own sake."
"Seeking, as long as it's in the service of truth, is great. If it's in assertive certainty, it can be a limitation."
"Remember, don't forget to be a very curious person, ask questions, try to, you know, get the whole story, the truth."
"Be open to the truth... if it doesn't contradict, then I can accept it, but if it does, I'm not just going to make excuses for it."
"How absolutely arrogant would it be to say, 'I have a worldview and it provides me an explanation for everything'? That's laziness. That's somebody who doesn't care about the truth, they're just really uncomfortable with not being able to acknowledge when they're wrong."
"I think we ought to follow the evidence where it leads, wherever that is."
"When you find out you're being deceived, you want to know the truth."
"You have to have hope that you'll see them again, or at least that you'll know the truth."
"Sign number 15 is one of the most important ones of all, and that is to seek your truth."
"If we have the truth, it ought not to be harmed by investigation; and if we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed."
"Once you own it, once you can really be yourself, once your quest is for the truth, a real understanding of who you are, where you've come from, what you're doing like not being afraid of your weaknesses is incredibly, incredibly powerful."
"We seek the truth, so we follow the facts wherever they go."
"The mind wants to know everything about everything. It wants not just particular truths, it wants the truth itself."
"Now I'm going to say something that will really capture your attention, and this statement should really stir you up to seek the truth."
"We must have systematic tests for truths and those tests must be independent of the conclusion that we think maybe we're going to wind up with."
"Our job is to investigate many of these troubling allegations that have come forward in the last few months, determine what the true facts are, independently investigate and verify the true facts, and to shine light on these facts, whatever they may be."
"Never take anyone's word for anything in life; you always have to be your own true seeker."
"He who resolves that he will not rest satisfied with appearances, shadows, illusions, shall by the piercing light of that resolve disperse every fleeting fantasy and shall enter into the substance and reality of life."
"You don't let shitty ideas survive when they're harmless. Shitty ideas, lies, things that are not based on evidence, things that are based on faith and revelation, you go after them. You fight for the truth always."
"I'm claiming that if you fight for the truth always, in the long run, you're gonna see benefits."
"Only when we research, investigate, and verify can we avoid being swayed by someone else's self-serving narration and figure out the true story for ourselves."
"When your North Star isn't truth, you'll be like the horse that runs furiously in all directions."
"Anyone who is truly seeking the truth, no matter where that leads them, I will stand by your side."
"We're just going to get to the facts, we're going to uncover the cover-up."
"People who want to understand what really happened need to look at the report."
"Based on evidence, Jesus said, 'Seek the truth, and the truth sets you free,' and I hope all to be free today."
"What I care more about than whether or not I'm loved is what the truth is."
"As the important thing is not to try and prove one's infallibility but to arrive at the truth."
"Why it was stolen, how this has been achieved, why this lie continues in the face of overwhelming evidence, and how, if the reasons are not exposed, our species is possibly destined for another cataclysmic experience."
"Maybe it's high time that we opened our eyes and used some of our own high technology capability in order to re-evaluate these ancient places, so that we might get just a few steps closer to the truth."
"The Sun suggests that the answer to your questions is plainly before you, like a shining light, but it is best to approach it coolly and at a certain distance, as the truth could burn you."
"Only scratching the surface of some of these cases doesn't give us the opportunity to look at the possible real reasons that some of these happened."
"You don't get to pretend like science and religion are playing on even footing in their process for discovering the truths about reality."
"I'm a seeker of Truth and I care about Humanity and I care about the environment and I care about the general overall state of the people and the community and the world around me."
"We deserve to know the truth of what happened to Playtime Co."
"The only way to actually move things forward is to discuss, to debate, and to use reason as the guide to truth."
"The truth shall set you free, the problem is finding the truth in the simulation is like a needle in a haystack."
"Are we a simulation? Asking the question brings us closer to truth."
"What is the truth and what remains unknown about a defining moment for a generation and a nation?"
"If you're seeking the truth, what you don't know is more important to you than what you know."
"The goal is maximum truth-seeking, really allowing voices to be heard."
"The only way to get at the truth, then, is to dive deep into the primary literature and read all the original studies themselves."
"It's always better to know the truth. There is a truth out there, and you can know it."
"You have a right to your beliefs, but whether or not your beliefs are right is something that you should care about."
"History is often abused by those who use it for their purposes. We should know the truth about the past."
"The scary thing is people will sometimes say they want to know what's true, but they don't really."
"Any of us are searching for the truth, and that's all I want. I just want the truth. God is the truth, so I'm going to follow Him wherever He leads me."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry, and all these things was to get to a truth; it wasn't a game in itself."
"Just because it's possible to be wrong doesn't mean it's not a better pathway to truth."
"Journalism is the pursuit of truth, not changing the facts to fit a narrative."
"I would rather correct my errors and improve my understanding of the way things really are, regardless of what the truth turns out to be."
"The real motivation is simply this: I want to know what's true."
"I faced all the fears and then I decided that the truth was more important than what I wanted, and I needed to do it for those that have passed on, that justice may be served."
"I had to at least ponder the hermeneutical claim that this book was different from all the others because it was inspired by a holy God and inherently true and trustworthy."
"My prayer is that the truth come out and they tell the truth, at least where Quavo is concerned."
"Debate is a legitimate way of finding out whether something is correct and true."
"We actually are interested in the truth about something that is a genuine mystery."
"The scientific method is their best way to get to the truth."
"For those who search for credibility or answers, the answer is in the facts."
"I go where the truth takes me, which can be difficult to discern because the academically accepted interpretation of truth is dictated by corporate entities and bankers."
"Muster the courage first to seek the truth and then to speak the truth as God gives you to see the truth."
"Remember, don't ask the question if you don't want to know the answer."
"In the blackest of darkness, even the smallest flicker of light becomes a lighthouse to those who are actually seeking truth."
"Being curious for the truth... that's really what got me started in all of this."
"This is not about Democrats or Republicans. It's about the country and it's about getting to the truth."
"Thanks for joining us on our voyage to truth and freedom, a voyage where hopefully people from across the political spectrum and across the world with a variety of political views can come together."
"You have to know the truth and seek the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"This is not about me; it's not about any of us; it's about getting to the truth."
"For those seeking the truth, the researchers are doing better research than the US government," says David Asher, a former senior investigator under contract to the State Department.
"I worship the truth, and I'm always interested in knowing what the truth is."
"The only way I became successful was going towards the truth, as painful and as brutal as it is. It changed me."
"We will never forget Martin. He is symbolic of truth seekers everywhere whose voices cry out to be heard."
"Educate our people with the absolute truth concerning our history and debunking many lies that have been told to us as children."
"How do you derive truth, and what are your first principles?"
"I think that ultimately just as a species, questioning that and getting closer to the truth is gonna ultimately serve everyone's best interest."
"When you fruit inspect, there is no way for you to be fooled consistently."
"We all want to seek the truth, we all want to be sincere, we all want to please the Creator."
"To reject it outright, that's not an honest searching for truth. That's an emotional reaction to hurt."
"The nice thing about saying no to every sponsorship and every free item is that you can always get to the bottom of the truth really quickly."
"Rationality and the search for truth, the search for evidence is a good way to live, even from a mundane Darwinian point of view."
"In preparation of the sermon, I was to find out what it really means to be a Christian and what it really means to be somebody who searches for the truth."
"God's words can resolve all man's problems. That's right. If we do our best to seek the truth, read God's words, and pray more, we'll obtain truth and life."
"We need the truth and I think the more we talk about it the better."
"In order to see the truth, you must first see the lie."
"We do have the control, we do have the power, and it comes from pursuing the truth within ourselves."
"We just follow the truth. We have no agenda, and we have followed the truth wherever it takes us."
"The truth always lies in the data, not in what they say."
"He's done more to change the world than anybody I can think of."
"At the end of the day, keep seeking your truth, precious soul."
"If we had due process of law in this case, we would know the truth."
"Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to get the whole story, because I think we deserve that as people, right?"
"Debate means you are trying to win, dialectic means you are using disagreement to discover what is true."
"Whenever they tell that lie, they are deliberately knowing that they're lying."
"We've been lied to and so many people continue to lie and I have to put an end to this."
"Faith is not a pathway to truth, not a reliable pathway to truth."
"If truth matters to you, go to your local museum."
"She wanted to explore the truth of this world."
"You do not have to wear a tin foil hat to get into this. This is the truth."
"Forget the 9/11 truthers... they're a distraction from the real stuff."
"We just want answers, we want the truth, full transparency."
"We get closer to God through seeking truth and gaining wisdom."
"Question everything. Think everything's a lie."
"The one prediction I've gotten more confident in making is that the media is lying to me."
"God give me the strength to pursue the truth, especially when it's inconvenient."
"If it's true, would you denounce that? If it turns out that's true, which it is."
"We seek the truth wherever it leads us, and we are not bought and sold by big powerful corporations."
"We are all in the struggle together to get the truth out."
"Surround yourself with people seeking the truth. Not those who think they already found it."
"There's something majestic and bigger than us called what? Truth, the quest that we never possess of truth, but the quest and the condition of that truth is to allow suffering to speak."
"Good science is supposed to bring you closer to the truth."
"Isn't it far more special from ours perspective to value truth investigation and discovery about the real facts of our universe?"
"If you follow the money, you could see where the truth lies."
"At TYT, our mission is to boldly pursue truth, challenge the establishment, and drive positive change."
"You're awakening to some truths; accept and seek wisdom."
"Who's telling the truth? That's the real question at the heart of this whole mess."
"Investigate the evidence, tell me what happened."
"We're spending a lot of time talking about what they want you to hear, and the real stuff is being censored."
"Our goal is to dig through the smoke and all of the garbage when governments, politicians, and big corporations are lying to us."
"We know something is going on. We know we are being lied to."
"I care what's actually true, what's demonstrably true."
"You gotta kill him, how do we know she's telling the truth?"
"Individuals look for the truth, the top performers... are not members of the majority. They're at the fringe extremes."
"One of the things we try to do here is never fear the truth."
"That depends on how deep they're prepared to go in investigating what actually happened."
"It is disagreement, not conformity, that bends the long arc of humanity toward truth and wisdom."
"A minority ventures or bravely faces the complicated way in the quest for absolute truth."
"Truth is the goal, so as long as truth is the north star, you're good to go."
"I'm frustrated and offended because you don't seem to care about any pathway to truth."
"I encourage... seeking the truth right and go where it takes us."
"We don't have the answers but we are seeking the truth together."
"Lord, I pray for clarity... that the news we deliver would give them the ability to understand the truth."
"It is important that we worship Yahuwah in spirit and in truth and we break away from the traditions of men."
"People can find out and determine the truth for themselves through reasoning and thinking not through believing or disbelieving things"
"The search for truth is more precious than its possession. Long may the search continue."
"Jordan Peterson employed a strategy that I have often advocated: he set out not to win but rather to find truth."
"Peterson gets closer and closer and closer to truth, and Sam Harris just keeps trying to land points."
"The reason why we have trials is to get to the truth at hand."
"I want at least the truth to come out, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."
"Recognize our bias and understand the truth."
"The people are finally seeing through the lies."
"Keep questioning what truth is, keep going down the same lines of logic, and see where it takes you."
"You're trying to unlock something, you're trying to see the truth in something as well."
"Skepticism is not a crime... a prerequisite to truth."
"Questioning never threatens truth; it only discards falsehoods."
"A life predicated on constant death and renewal, on a search for the truth, produces a deeply meaningful state of being."
"I think the problem is censorship and the only way you find out the truth is by having a variety of opinions."
"Anyone who's telling you only come to me for the truth is lying to you."
"I don't really expect many to believe this, but from the way my parents act when discussing the situation, I can say with 100% certainty that at the very least, something did happen."
"We need to follow the evidence to determine what really happened."
"Seek the truth, whether it stands for radicalism or conservatism."
"I would definitely implore people to seek the truth for themselves, but you have to be willing to know that the truth has consequences."
"I realized that faith is not a reliable method for determining truth."
"It was the growing and finding truth together that bonded us together right, not being atheists, yeah."
"I want the truth. I don't want to live in no damn lie."
"We've made a system that is really unconcerned with fact-finding with truth-seeking."