
Adolescence Quotes

There are 1276 quotes

"Your most powerful and lasting memories and habits all arise during adolescence."
"It's hard to be a teenager trying to form an identity and gain independence in a shutdown."
"You come into high school merely a young, innocent, and clueless child, but you leave even more clueless than before."
"When I was 15, the only thing I wanted more than a girlfriend was to have some privacy."
"You're 13 you think you're grown, you're 16, still think you're growing, 19 you feel like a child again."
"Case closed. Olivia Rodrigo is basically a kid. The album is a salty breakup album. It's angsty as fuck. I think that it works better here than many other cases of people doing this shit because it does not feel as watered down and corporate."
"At 14, I decided I wasn't going to just let things happen to me like they did before. I was going to get some dignity. I was going to take charge."
"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent. The day he forgives them, he becomes an adult."
"It's important to consider the role of how teenagers think and process information, because at this age, it's typical for kids to fantasize about escaping situations they don't like."
"I love movies about adolescence... what if you took a movie like Stand By Me but instead of like four white kids in the woods it starred kids like me and my friends."
"Coming into your sense of self more socially, which would be adolescent years, social media probably will have the most sway over your perception of yourself and the world."
"Adolescent males become hyper aggressive when you put them in situations where they can't win."
"I can only assume if anyone is shocked that a 15-year-old is capable of making a permanent, lifelong decision that they may regret upon growing older and smarter and wiser, you've either never been 15 yourself or you have never met a 15-year-old."
"Social media for the teenage brain is a really bad mix from a mental health perspective."
"Teenage dumb: Romantic tribulations, sweaty gym shorts, and hormonal upheavals awake. Best buckle those boots; the ride starts here."
"Adolescent girls raised in a two-parent home are significantly less likely to be sexually active than girls raised without fathers."
"The adolescents who insist that their identity be subjectively defined and who simultaneously toy with a fluid self-description even at the level of basic sex, to say nothing of gender or sexual attraction, appear fixated at the two-year-old level of development."
"High school is a really strange time in your life. When you are there, it is all-consuming."
"Many people look back at high school as the best time of their life, while many look back at it as being a really unpleasant time."
"Anxiety is a problem in adulthood or maybe adolescence, but at its core, it's actually a survival strategy or an adaptation."
"Being a teenager means coming into your powers, but being an adult means learning to control them."
"Many of our students suffer from considerable anxiety about their future. This is quite natural considering their status as adolescents."
"High school is bizarre... None of it matters, and you shouldn't take it very seriously."
"In early 2021, emergency department visits in the United States for suspected suicide attempts were 51 percent higher for adolescent girls and 4 percent higher for adolescent boys compared to the same time period in early 2019."
"You have an entire generation that has access to an addictive numbing chemical called dopamine through social media and cellphones as they're going through the high stress of adolescence."
"I think we're just going through our version of adolescence, figuring out who we really are."
"You're believing a lie if you think you're going to grow into this incredible version of yourself without a season of adolescence."
"If you understand that adolescence is two things: it's necessary and it's temporary, you have to go through it to be who God said you were going to be."
"Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Makoto. I don't have any talents or anything. I'm just a regular teenager."
"This is all it is. It's basically taking adolescence and dragging it up into adulthood."
"Children and teenagers need guidance more than control, or guidance instead of control."
"It's about growing up, it's about learning your place, it's about things that come with high school and being bullied and finding confidence in yourself."
"The prefrontal cortex of the brain doesn't fully develop until the age of about 25."
"The horror of adolescence, the scary process of growing up."
"Bullied for having facial features, especially at 13 when your face isn't even done turning into a face."
"Teenagers' time horizons clash with adults', leading to conflicts."
"You feel like you can make your own decisions, huh? You feel like you can do what you want? Are you an adult? Are you 18? So why are you outside of school? Look at me, why are you out of school? Why do you have people following you, huh?"
"Teens rebelling against their parents is actually a good thing."
"I told him, 'Son, it's lonely doing the right thing. It's lonely standing up, and when you're 14, it's really hard to do that.'"
"Being 16 and your parents divorcing, you grow up a lot."
"It is a strange moment in adolescence when you first start to truly comprehend the concept of where you are, your position on a solitary planet in a vast, seemingly unending space of some strange incomprehensibly immense thing we call universe."
"Adolescents who have a small group of close friends fare better emotionally than those who are part of a larger social circle."
"Adolescence is a fascinating film, it was an early example of how good digital animation could look."
"She just seemed to me like, you know, any other high school girl who wanted to go out and party."
"Coppola's goal was to convey the mood of a teenager."
"I think Haley Pham is so interesting... I genuinely don't think she's a bad person. A lot of what she's going through in life... are sort of normal growing pains of any teenager who's growing into their late 20s."
"No Guilt or Sense of Responsibility: They seem frozen in adolescence and they lack the emotional tools to learn from experience."
"You can’t be serious, dad! A carnival? What, do you expect me to ride on the tea cups or something? I’m 15! I’m not a dumb baby anymore!"
"I'm gonna mess up and at I was 16. so I was even more of a lost person so I'm kind of surprised she came out as great as she did."
"I know when I was 13 on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare I would brag about being 15 thinking that was so cool."
"Living out your adolescence in real time in front of the world."
"Our brains don't stop developing until we're in our early to mid 20s even though we can reproduce about a decade prior to that."
"Each one has a unique reward trait that will kind of follow you into adulthood and help you through the rest of your teen life as well as your adult life."
"Listen up, girls, if the hottest guy in your school is flirting with you, there's a very strong possibility that he just wants to make fun of you." - Kate
"You have your adolescent victories, you also have your adolescent failures. That's where my mind's taking me right now."
"You are crushing junior high, seventh grade has been good to you."
"Teenagers don't behave this way. They don't have the emotional maturity and empathy of 12-year-olds."
"Educate adolescence and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop, and you want help, stop it. I can help."
"My love of Hannah Montana and love of Miley Cyrus, when I got into middle school, definitely got locked inside a box and became my own torrid, little, guilty pleasure because I was desperately trying to be cool."
"I have two other boys at school at the time who were gay... but all my other friends were having their first kiss."
"The core DNA of Star Wars is George Lucas with the adventure serials telling 12-year olds on the cusp of adulthood, here's the moral lessons you're gonna face in life."
"I just feel like there is something that can be done that can help you and I just want to help because it's like I can't imagine being 17 when you're supposed to be worrying about figuring out colleges..."
"James aged up! The ride starts here. Romantic travails and hormonal upheavals await. Best buckle up, the ride starts here."
"It's about a young boy who thought he was better than everybody else and was."
"Remember that there was a point in history where literally teenagers at school who were just a bit weird and a bit awkward wearing black clothes and writing gloomy poetry...they're weird little shy people in the corner."
"Teen love/infatuation can be a very powerful thing."
"I think it is harder being a woman when you're growing up. There's just so much you gotta deal with."
"If I was not able to transition at the age I was, I would not have made it to 18."
"It's okay to admit that I'm 19 and I've never been kissed."
"I felt that this was a young girl growing up, wanting to be accepted, wanting to be popular."
"I was really insecure I was jealous of everybody everybody had something that I didn't have and I wanted it and it was just really really self-destructive and I just was very unhappy in high school."
"Feeling bad is a valuable part of growing up."
"Everybody wants their skin to be the clearest of clear with the least amount of work, and curology definitely helps with some self-confidence issues, especially in teenagers in today's day and age."
"Shake things up - high school is a time of self-discovery."
"Participate in after school activities and experience the roller coaster of puberty."
"Make lifelong friends and have iconic teen moments."
"Literally changed my life throughout puberty and high school and it's still changing my life now."
"High school feels like the end of the world but it's not."
"You're not really supposed to know how cool you are when you're a teenager."
"At 14, that is the last age that you're allowed to call me a kid..."
"I'm Kent Honda, a typical high school student facing the biggest crisis of my whole life."
"Teenagers: essentially hormonal monsters. And I can use that joke because of my advanced age."
"It's like when you're in high school and you're still figuring yourself out... suddenly you're moving and you're shaking and you are who you dreamt of being."
"Exposure to sexually explicit media in early adolescence is related to risky sexual behavior."
"Being 13 is gonna be so insane, like I don't even know what to say. Being 13, exactly 13 years ago I wasn't a thing, then here I am vlogging for you guys."
"Teenage years are never easy... battling all sorts of emotions... trying to prove you're independent to your family."
"Peter has to battle his two greatest enemies: trauma and puberty."
"Succeeding in my virtual life was more important to me than succeeding in stupid practical stuff like my grades back in my teen years."
"There's a beauty in it... we're living in this technological adolescence."
"Teen vampires: highlighting the angst and social struggles of youth."
"Teen vampires: offering a mirror to the pains of being different."
"Teen vampires: melding adolescent experiences with paranormal elements."
"Teen vampires: fitting and inevitable choice for teenage narratives."
"I always try to put myself in the shoes of a 13 year old...and hopefully it's anything that I've learned and that gives them such a bigger and a clearer way to move forward."
"I remember wandering between the mosaic tile columns as a bold teenager. To me, it was just home."
"It's a time early adolescence where kids are developing their identity their sense of self."
"I remember it and I remember being... Jesus Christ... I was 13."
"Most of us grew up on these games and when puberty hit Pokemon hit harder."
"I think the right approach that parents take is to say let's wait and see let's get through puberty and see where you're at after you go through puberty."
"You're like, 'Because I was like, I'm 15, I guess I shouldn't care about my thoughts.'"
"It's all about understanding your kid. They're not 14 or 12. They're 16. They have thoughts, they have feelings."
"When everyone at school is doing something and you're like the only kid not doing it you tend to feel really left out"
"Love will always be and teenagers do love needs to start from yourself first."
"It's a very predictable thing to say for an above average intelligence teenager who was trying to not technically lie."
"Teens desperately miss their friends; their school is their life."
"Telling your 16-year-old not to smoke weed is like telling your 12-year-old not to drive the car."
"The show suggests that we all have the power of the Slayer inside of us, ready to vanquish the demons of adolescence."
"Finding people who get the real you and support you through dark times is the key to making adolescence... a little less hellish."
"It felt very contrived to me, it felt like middle school."
"Puberty is life-altering, and puberty blockers could have positively altered my life."
"Everything bad for you happens in seventh grade."
"High school isn't as big of a deal as they make it in movies."
"Secret Little Haven captures the intensity and bigness of the emotions of a teenager."
"The game is about being a young trans girl discovering that fact through the Internet in 1999."
"It's a journey through vague, confusing adolescent feelings that leads to one undeniable truth: we can find ourselves."
"Everyone sucked when they were teenagers, forgive yourself."
"Juveniles confide more in their friends and their peers."
"The battle for Monster Prom might have ended then, but there were still plenty of battles left in that war called youth."
"For those three weeks, the Monster Prom seemed larger than life, and then it was gone just like that."
"The brain does not finish developing until about age 24."
"Over 50 percent of adolescents have been exposed to ACEs."
"Evidence of the pair's vicious character traits have been visible since their adolescence."
"I was at that age where you really start to value your independence, so the idea of getting to be home alone for just over a week was like a whole adventure to me."
"It's okay to make and lose friends. People are changing in high school."
"High school is a time of self-discovery. Find the confidence to ask your crush out or the guts to skip class."
"It captures that time in the life of a lot of young kids 12 13 14 years old where they project both their most invulnerable Aura and yet are at their most vulnerable and formative."
"All of you teenagers out there who are going through some skin issues and are not happy with the way that your skin is, I totally understand and I very much sympathize with you."
"16-year-olds are capable of deciding whether or not they have sex with people and they're able to make like a lot more decisions for themselves."
"I appreciate the state of our society to where we can extend adolescence and get people more time."
"Belonging to a fandom group helps adolescents connect to other like minds."
"Teenagers very confused, it's a tough time for anyone."
"It's okay, edgy middle schoolers, I get you. I've been there."
"A big part of being a teenager is customizing your bedroom and making it your space."
"This whole story is very emotionally resonant especially for like a teenager when you kind of learn it because it kind of taps into that idea of like good versus evil."
"It's the quintessential eighth-grade weekend."
"Teen feelings are grandiose; everything feels like a first."
"I lived my entire high school life tucking every inch of me away under something big."
"An amazing ability to distill truths, challenges, and solutions of adolescence through a powerful channel of peer education."
"Metroid Dread is at least guaranteed to be a success."
"Most of the damage was done as a teenager, 15, 16, yeah."
"Teenagers masturbate 99% of male teenagers like that's totally normal."
"High school is just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they're not."
"It's a rush being a young teenager not experiencing all that before."
"Puberty can feel like you're on a theme park ride."
"Literally my voice is cracking, I'm literally saying I'm going into puberty, what the heck?"
"What we do know is once you start doing drugs, your emotional development is arrested at that point. So you say we have a 17-year-old, we have an adolescent in a 41-year-old body."
"Teen angst is a real thing, finding who you are and figuring out your place in this world is a challenge that a lot of us take our whole lives to figure out."
"It's less about the relationship between the sexes and more about guiding teenagers into adulthood."
"Having a girlfriend in high school is not at all important. Focus on having a good time with your friends."
"Teen romance might be messy and silly and have far too many people feeling far too many things."
"Oh, hiccup's early monologue is me ages 12 to like 17, trying on different groups of friends and seeing where you fit in."
"I was lucky in the sense that my mom and dad always had my back even though I put them through absolute hell in my teenage years."
"Girls mature faster than guys do, so a 14-year-old girl can get bored of a 14-year-old guy."
"Things aren't gonna stay frozen this way. It's part of growing up. Things change."
"When you're a teenager everything is a big deal."
"But every time they go to the surface they see how humans live and they want to be like normal high schoolers."
"Puberty Syndrome: an abnormal experience attacking vulnerable characteristics."
"You know, you got the slacker and uh, you know, it's high school like who cares?"
"The powers these kids have are just a way to amplify what it sometimes feels like to be a teenager and in that way it's ironically just a human story."
"You have a crush on a boy? That's a form of lust. Yes, infatuation is lust. It had to be repented of and mostly it was avoided."
"Those who are in education consider that throughout adolescence, beginning in preschool or nursery school, what we're really dealing with here is the development of human brains."
"It's just a phase Mom, it's just the face bruh."
"Middle School is a very sensitive time in people's lives... people are starting to form an identity, a sense of self."
"As a teenager, you're trying to figure out who you are."
"Don't You Forget About Me encompasses the same feeling each teen experiences as they part ways."
"The Spectacular Spider-Man charts the early years of this Show's take on Spidey as he grows and matures through his high school career."
"Fred Figglehorn is a socially awkward and emotionally underdeveloped teenager plagued with a high-pitched voice who has an obsession with his classmate Judy."
"They liked the concept of a teenager being left at home on their own and then through exceptional circumstances have to enter the big bad adult world."
"Teenagers are very alert to any sense of disrespect."
"All teenagers test their limits; it's part of growing up."
"You're amazing like that dude, for a teenager you are not really embarrassed of your parents which I think is kind of a good deal."
"Industry versus inferiority typically happens from 6 years of age to 12 or 13."
"Navigating those waters is just part of growing up."
"Raise your hand if your best year of life was eighth grade. Okay, yeah, no one? I think so."
"Teenage identity is that spooky time between childhood and adulthood where you're trying to find yourself and you need to find a voice."
"I'm not a baby; I'm 12 years old, I'm going to be a teenager."
"Teenagers are funny, aren't they? Teenagers are funny."
"People will always have a hard time, and kids can pick up a record in their 20-25, they can pick up a Korn record and feel the stuff that Jonathan Davis was talking about."
"You just got to put yourself as a teenager and remember how big everything felt."
"This is a show about a bunch of kids who are trying really hard not to be superheroes. The world is conspiring and pushing them in this position where they have no choice."
"It gets better, and I promise you, as you get older, high school is just such an immature time in your life."
"What's so cute is that we all remember that type of crush or love or boyfriend where you're in school and it makes you like nervous."
"Adolescence is the time of turmoil, a time of physical change, a time of psychological change."
"Teenagers don't know how to handle certain situations or what to do."
"I don't think I've been invited to a Halloween party literally since seventh grade."
"I remember thinking to myself that it just burned the air around him being 15 at the time I had no car so I took my lunches at a Subway that sat two blocks away from my school."
"Teenagers don't think correctly at all times, and you don't reason things out the way you should."
"this is a Time particularly teenage time that's when the kids uh after they after they get into late middle school and high school um this is when all of our security and disruption happens right"
"You're going to go through this, the periods, the boyfriend, all of these issues."
"They're feeling like they're back in high school in a certain way, like they're having a crush again."
"Being a teenager means dealing with lots of new stuff like figuring out friendships, finding your own way, and standing up for yourself."
"16 year olds famously make really bad choices."
"Teenagers making bad decisions is one of the key pillars in horror."
"It's so funny how that's the number one thing in the world back then when you find your sexual feelings, and then it just becomes... it beats out video games, comic books, everything."
"All teenagers want something private that's their own, right? You feel like you have no control over your life."
"You're 16, you should be going to like prom in high school."
"Adolescence is when we start to be more aware of our responsibilities, temporalities, and sexuality."
"Chill, it's not that big of a deal; in high school, everything feels like the end of the world."
"I feel like only very specific types of teenagers can go camping... especially if you're sending boys out into the wilderness."
"I was the first kid in my grade to shave his balls."