
Self-liberation Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"Recognizing the degree to which this problem exists or has manifested in your life is keystone to solving it and liberating yourself from it."
"In you, the worlds arise like waves in the sea. It is true, you are awareness itself. So free yourself from the fever of the world."
"Release yourself from those old limiting thoughts and beliefs, allowing yourself to explore the realms you really want to explore."
"You are finally freeing yourself from that cage that you put yourself in."
"Recognizing that we are born free, and that the beliefs that imprison us can be challenged and replaced is the first step to freedom."
"To live in such freedom, we must recognize we were born free. We must choose to break out of our prisons. We must make the escape. We must fight for our freedom, and we must keep it real about what living in freedom means."
"It's a vision of liberation of the inner self."
"Every day is an opportunity to unplug from the matrix...to break out of the box."
"To liberate yourself and to get to the highest levels of human potential, you need to do the most counterintuitive thing possible, which is to face your own death and to go straight into it."
"You can't really move forward until you've liberated yourself from the past."
"When we forgive ourselves, we empty ourselves of the guilt that holds us captive to a dead past."
"Liberating ourselves from the illusion is the only way to really break free of the shackles that bind us to our lower state of being."
"I have a feeling that if you ever truly let yourself go, you might fly."
"The physical shackles ain't on you; it's the mental shackles."
"If you're not free yet, there's a truth that you've not yet embraced."
"The freest thing is being free from yourself."
"It's time to get wild, become free, and embrace every part of yourself, even those awkward quirks."
"You don't need anybody around you to change for you to be free."
"I release all of the contracts from the past, all of the pain, all of the regret and in releasing these contracts with people, with situations, with myself, I free myself."
"Because of Kanye’s stance for self-liberation, more people realize that the ideological bondage they’re weighed down by is not only useless, but deprives them of possibility."
"You're never free if you're holding yourself back."
"You're never trapped. You hold the key to this."
"Free yourself from any limitations or expectations."
"Set yourself free. There's love coming in for you."
"That's a strength, that's not a weakness. Most people would feel like it's a weakness, because you're like, but no, it's liberating."
"You have the keys to Free Yourself at any time."
"You're breaking the habit of letting others hold you back."
"You're breaking certain cycles in your life."
"You have the opportunity to break free from a part of your story that has been repeating."
"Conquer your fears, overcome your fears, my brothers and sisters, and you'll be able to liberate yourself."
"Let go of whatever's been holding you back, let go of fears, insecurities, past things that have been weighing you down."
"It's about going into magician mode and doing what you've always wanted to do. You don't have to be stuck in a box."
"Embrace the badass energy, escape from limiting situations."
"I feel like you're gonna set yourself free from this honestly."
"What if we actually lived each day like this? What if we were really able to shake free of the shame of our past?"
"It's about living a life without regrets, living a life in a way that you free yourself from blame because you give it everything you've got."
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free your mind."
"Be courageous, take charge, break out of illusions, and liberate yourself."
"Being black AF is about building strength in your community."
"Free yourself from some sort of situation that's holding you back."
"Unshackling, freedom from limiting thoughts."
"Liberating yourself from your own limits, taking a risk on who you are."
"You don't have to stay stuck in that little miserable box."
"I am free from all negative attachment. I am guided by the power of love. I look beyond my fears and see only love. I deserve to be happy. I choose to follow my heart."
"You didn't come here just to be a slave. You came here to be free."
"I felt empowerment, I felt strength, I felt liberated."
"They're gonna follow their heart and rebel against anything holding them back."
"Do you know how liberating it is when you realize everything's your fault?"
"Some of you guys are going to realize the environment you're in is really unhealthy... your circle is holding you back or the people you live with are holding you back."
"It's time to liberate yourself, it's time to look in the mirror and realize that you can set yourself free."
"See yourself free and decide where you want to go."
"You're liberating yourself from your problems."
"You don't have to hold yourself hostage to who you used to be."
"That is the liberation that comes from no longer being a slave to the price and the cost but embracing it as part of your god-given existence."
"Closure, like by Nil Lil, 'I want and I need to let go, use my time to be free.' Why is it always what you like?"
"Live Your Truth, live an honest life. Why are you literally torturing yourself sitting in this gold gilded cage?"
"There's no hope in escaping a prison if you're unwilling to consider it even exists."
"There is a policeman inside of our heads and it must be destroyed."
"When the bomb drops, you're left with your character, your heart."
"What's keeping you prisoner? Declare forgiveness and free yourself."
"This is your moment to break free of anything that doesn't feel connected to you."
"Pride is like Liberation, you know, proud of who you are."
"Rid yourselves of the conditioning you've been exposed to."
"You are not beholden to their energy. Hear the sound of that glass breaking as you break through any of those old karmic ties."
"Nobody can free you but yourself. I'm just here to spread the message."
"Believe in the possibility of freeing yourself."
"There is the science of systems my entire life as I'll share with you in this video is about learning that science and in my view it's about time that you learn that science if you truly want to liberate yourself and want truth for good health."
"Rebelling against anything that holds you back."
"Break free from whatever belief or indoctrination that holds you back from your spiritual gifts."
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our mind."
"The seeking impulse is your lifeline amidst man-made contraptions."
"True spirituality is about being absolutely free including from yourself."
"The wrong relationship, the wrong friendship, and all the inner patterns that would have grabbed and created those relationships and friendships are falling off of you."
"You deserve to be free of the cruelty of the past, it's your birthright to not have to carry this around."
"Your past must have taught you the wrong messages... release anything that keeps you from peace in your life."
"Free yourself from the need of approval from others, once you drop this massive expectation you will feel what it is like to really be free."
"Setting yourself free from limiting beliefs or past pain."
"There's a chance to break free, to find more respect, more abundance, more love."
"I feel free. I feel like it's just a weight lifted up off of my shoulders."
"How can you fly if you aren't willing to give up everything that is weighing you down?"
"Transforming into a new version of yourself."
"I am free from all negativity, I am free from all negative energy."
"You're never trapped in it. If you know, there's always a way out."
"You're walking away from anything that stifles your growth."
"Free yourself and others from outmoded beliefs for yourself first before you try to help others. Releasing negative thought patterns is something spirit is saying is going to work for you at this time."
"We should free ourselves and explore sources of knowledge."
"This is a great year for you to liberate yourself from what other people think you should be doing and to stop caring so much about that."
"No more BS, no more fear, no more bondage. I'm setting myself free, speaking my truth."
"I won't. I won't. I will fight as long as I can because I think somebody has to. Somebody has to say this is wrong."
"Set yourself free from what's been holding you back."
"Liberate yourself to discover a new path, setting something up, or starting something new."
"Fearlessness is freedom. You better understand, you will never live free until you get rid of fear."
"I'm ready to receive. I see the potential, and I release any fears or doubts that are holding me back from that."
"Life is the willingness to free yourself from everything that you're afraid of."
"How do you make the decision to get out of your own way, to move still despite and through fear?"
"Release all of the trauma and the judgment within you that is accumulated from lies and betrayals."
"You're no longer held back by your own illusions or by others' lack of support."
"I know I need to leave. I know I have to take action to leave this person behind."
"It's important to just not box yourself in right now, if you're experiencing eight of Swords, it's leading to... you're expanding, like you are breaking free from something."
"Sam finally escapes the oppressiveness of his world and completely retreats into his mind."
"Walk away from what holds you back, prepare for new beginnings."
"Enough is enough. This period of time is giving you one last chance to release yourself."
"Whatever this habit, environment, or person is, it's been stifling you, your real self."
"You don't have to stay in this forever. Nobody's telling y'all. I'm really presenting this so y'all can free yourself like I free myself."
"Is it possible to live in peace... completely free of fear, toxic emotions, addictions, and all soul ties?"
"Lat's law oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."
"We need to break away from bondage and fear."
"You're choosing to free yourself from something that may have been holding you back."
"Let go of what doesn't want you. Move towards what's sacred, trust the divine."
"Where do we go from here? I don't know, gotta break free from the lies."
"Some of you have been complacent with being saved but you're not free."
"You've made hard decisions, exercised free will, and released yourself."
"You guys are feeling like, okay, that is not going to bother me anymore, that's not going to be an issue for me in my life anymore. It's like you're making that declaration and you're moving forward."
"Continue to have the courage to release whatever is weighing you down or no longer serving you."
"Release yourself from old enchantments. No part of you is evil or bad."
"We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because while others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind." - Marcus Garvey
"It's all in your mind... You're never free until you take the chains off your brain."
"No one is going to take over your mind. You're just going to be so free."
"You deserve freedom from anything that's been holding you back."
"A star can't rise if it's being anchored by feelings of fear, anxiety, doubt, or just not having any fun."
"Spread your wings: You're freeing yourself from a situation and opening up to new things."
"Pile number two, you are holding yourself in a state of bondage yourself and allowing yourself to be other people's entertainment because you're too afraid to step into your own self."
"Set yourself free from a stuck situation in your life."
"Nirvana: transcending the senses for ultimate liberation."
"Break free from the cage you built yourself."
"This Divine Feminine is in a rotten place but she has stopped trying to control things."
"Tear the roof off, it's all made up, everything is made up and I can figure out how to tear the roof off of these limits off of my life off of myself."
"Freedom isn't something you're given, it's a state of the soul."
"The power is within you. It's time to release what's been holding you back."
"This is an energy of breaking out of those containers, those cages, those parts of ourselves that we thought we had to be a certain way."
"To be nothing is fantastic because it's utter liberation from self."
"Allow yourself to experience relief so that you can have hope and liberate yourself and move on."
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and these intoxicants, sober up, man, set up straight and listen to what I'm saying."
"I'm put here that's a way of seeing life that will set you free from the need to understand all of the events as they're happening."
"Release anything that keeps you from your path of authenticity."
"You're gonna have this knowing and it will be very freeing and liberating for you."
"You're done being held back, setting yourself free and heading towards manifestation."
"Liberating yourself from that technology that limits your frequency is the fight."
"Honestly, it does. So fire signs, do your prison break, get out while you can, and do what you need to do and be free."
"Be present and don't hold yourself back due to past experiences."
"You are no longer bound to the statistic or stereotype."
"You hold the key to an awakened life. Set yourself free."
"You will start to feel safe. You will start to feel the separation between you and other people. It will be liberating."
"Feelings of euphoria may awaken as we realize we've set ourselves free from the past."
"They both set themselves free and allowed themselves to be happy, but in two completely different ways."
"You're using the power of your mind to create amplitude in your field, and when you have a very precise focus, all these pieces join together to create this beautiful structure or this beautiful universe."
"Some of you guys are about to let your freedom fighter out to play. Your freedom fighter is going to change your life."
"I feel like a lot of limits have been lifted, you know?"
"Spread your wings, move on, move up, move out. Don't let anyone box in your potential."
"I hate your past you don't owe your past [expletive] that ain't true no more stop looking backwards [expletive]."
"You're stronger than your fears and past; celebrate your freedom."
"How did he get to this point where he could free himself from the shackles of the opinions of others and find the courage to offend them and master the true art of not giving a [ __ ]? You can too if you want."
"If you truly want to be done with all of that, you can be."
"You haven't come this far just to come this far and hold back your happiness in fear of other people's Envy."
"Set yourself free from self-imposed restriction."
"Finally saying no to something, freeing yourself up."
"It's a liberation... very liberating, the south node energies."
"Set yourself free from this comfort zone that's actually like a prison that's really painful."
"Be free. Free yourself. You are the only one who can free yourself."
"Making decisions to unbind yourself from some vow or contract that may be holding you back."
"Freeing yourself. It's time to take control back of your life. Yes, it is. Libra, amen, hallelujah, and you deserve love. You are lovable."
"You're in the process of completing some toxic cycles here. You're freeing yourself from nasty, nasty people, negative energy. You're done with it."
"Now is the time to let go of that which does not serve you anymore, free the pent-up energy within you."
"I finally broken free from that toxic relationship."
"True freedom is attained when one transcends the illusionary imprisonment of their mind."
"Step out of this hold... make future plans in regards to your desires."
"They have to liberate themselves from the self-created prisons that they live in their entire life."
"Set yourself free, only you can make that decision."
"Devour the ferocious calling within the howling of your spirit. Run wildly into the freedom of your knowing."
"Liberation: when you stop caring what people think and you start doing what you need to do, then that's when you know you're on the right path."
"This is a really good time for you to Free Yourself of the past."
"Taking the lessons learned and freeing yourself from patterns that no longer serve you."
"You can free yourself from anything that drains your energy."
"Release anything that's no longer serving you."
"Take a calculated risk, free yourself from what no longer serves you."
"The entire mass of culture trying to fit in... you don't realize that the crowd is devouring your spirit... you gotta break free from the crowd in order to find who it is you are."
"Most of us are enslaved in that path. Yes, that's who we are. All of us playing candy straight, our path enslaves us until you forgive, you stay stuck there."
"I'm tired of holding myself back for fear of loss, for fear things not working out."
"No one was more responsible for smashing the shackles of slavery than the slaves themselves."
"Imagine the limitless possibilities. Free your mind and unlock your true potential."
"By the end of February, you'll feel like a wizard with psychic moments, determination, and liberation."
"Nobody can give you your freedom, you have to take it."
"Set yourself free. Nothing less than the truth is required now."
"Why keep hanging on to all this embarrassment? Just let it go."
"It's time for you to take back control of your life, Cancer. Free yourself from whatever's holding you back."
"Be bold, be brave, move away from what has you strung upside down, no matter what the reason is you're doing it."
"Life is freer when you liberate your spirit and your mind."
"Postmodern ethics: liberating the self through choice and freedom."
"Let go of anything that isn't authentic; break down barriers."
"Confront your pain, it's the only way to be freed from it."
"I truly believe the truth sets you free and we have no reason to fear the truth even bad truths that make us look bad the truth is actually our liberator."
"Black people turned it up and liberated themselves."
"You're breaking free from limitations, embracing your magic, creating from the heart."
"The prison that enslaves you is in your mind, and the weight of freedom lies in your heart."
"The blood Angel tells you not to make yourself too small for what is happening in your soul and life now by holding on to what you know or holding on when it is better to let go."
"Your dreams become real when you start releasing yourself from everything that is weighing you down."
"One of the best things to help yourself and the world is to break free from that chain and overcome societal pressure."
"Deliverance from yourself, and that's the greatest deliverance I believe we're going to see this year."
"He has broken the bonds of self and now functions on higher planes."
"Are you restricting yourself of a great reality?"