
Self-kindness Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"Being kind to yourself does not mean not being accountable."
"Mindfulness really teaches them a way to be kinder towards themselves and less critical."
"Be your own best friend, be kind to you...because it's the right thing to do."
"You are starting to see the value in being kind to yourself and saying kind things about yourself."
"There's nothing more important than kindness to yourself and to other people."
"Compassion to you, empathy to you, self-kindness to you."
"Be kind to others because we're going to be kinder to ourselves."
"Every meditation session is a success as long as you are nice to yourself."
"Be nice to yourself. Truly work on the relationship and the dialogue that you have with yourself."
"Be kind to yourself and forget what anyone else thinks."
"What if you were just kind to yourself all of the time? What if you were your own supportive best friend?"
"Each day, can I just be a little kinder to myself, just a little bit more generous to myself and then to others?"
"It's really time to let the harshness go away, it's really time to become kinder to yourself, realize what you truly deserve."
"Be kind to yourself and know this is not the case."
"Be kind to yourself. Be kind to yourself. I will repeat, Be kind to yourself."
"You needed to learn to be kinder to yourself."
"Strength begins with the choice to be kind to myself."
"Be kind to yourself, and what you watch on TV, right? Don't get programmed, don't believe in other people's."
"If you make a good video, a video you're proud of, and it doesn't do as well as you'd expect, don't beat yourself up."
"Trading isn't gambling when you have realistic expectations."
"Navigate life's changes one day at a time; be kind to yourself and others."
"Your future self is saying to appreciate those around you and to be kinder on yourself."
"The trail is such a great metaphor for life... It's just being able to work with that and adapt to that and be kind to yourself throughout."
"Don't compare your journey to mine. Everyone's experience is unique, so embrace your own journey and be kind to yourself."
"Be soft with yourself and others because they wanted you to be soft with yourself first, be gentle and kind to you."
"Eating food is not a crime, so enjoy it. Be kind to yourself."
"Be patient, be kind to yourself, you can't sometimes rush."
"Change is always good, be patient and gentle with yourself."
"Being just a decent human to yourself is sometimes sadly really radical."
"I am kind to myself and share my beauty with those around me. I let go of self-criticism."
"Being kind to yourself is actually letting yourself be, when you let yourself be means you're not controlling."
"The entire concept of always online restrictions for single-player games is as ironic as it is reprehensible."
"Treat yourself with that kindness because you're bloody well deserved."
"Be kind to yourself and others and do not believe everything you think."
"Be kind to yourself, running a small business is tough but incredibly rewarding."
"It's just that you should push yourself to reach your goals in a way that is still being kind to yourself."
"Remember, self-compassion, that's the big one."
"Give yourself that grace period, okay? And don't be so mean to yourself in this new year."
"Sometimes we as people need a minute more than anyone else to realign, to fall out of negative mindsets, to be kind to ourselves."
"Be your own best friend. You did what you knew how to do and when you knew better you did better."
"Another tip is also be kinder to yourself you know what you don't have to beat yourself up if the chapstick that you bought was accidentally not vegan."
"We need to be more gentle with ourselves and each other, recognizing the impact of our history and experiences."
"Be sweet to yourself. Love you, love you, love you."
"Instead, it's better to just make a promise to yourself that you're gonna be a little bit kinder to yourself."
"It's so important to be kind to yourself and know that you're not the only person dealing with whatever you're dealing with."
"Speak to yourself with kindness, empowering yourself to live a life of love and acceptance."
"You're allowed to have a bad day, give yourself some Grace."
"The only way you're gonna reap all these benefits is if you are kind enough to yourself to actively love and embrace who you are now."
"Perhaps being immune to narcissists may really be about being kind to yourself."
"Taking special time for yourself to really just be kind and take care of you is romantic."
"Thank you, past fernie, for doing this act of kindness to yourself."
"Identify it, call it out for what it is, and be kinder to yourself."
"Be kind to yourself, be kind to other people."
"But more important than any of this believing for us please remember to be king yourselves and each other."
"It's tough to be kind to yourself and it's tough to be kind to others, and the more I practice that, the better my life gets."
"How could I ever be kind to somebody when I've never been kind to myself?"
"Do find kindness and compassion for yourself and live it."
"It's totally fine to not always stick to your plan. Yeah, like it's unrealistic and you shouldn't set those standards for yourself."
"Ultimately, learning to be gentle with yourself is the greatest secret I've ever learned."
"You don't have to bully yourself into writing. It can just be about having fun and writing what you want to write when you want to write it."
"Start being kinder to yourself. When you shift your lifestyle and start doing nice things for yourself all the time, being insecure and criticizing yourself feels so unnatural."
"Strength isn't always about brute force. Sometimes, it's about being kinder to yourself."
"Being kind to yourself means stopping all blame, all guilt, all punishment, and all pain."
"I can even be a little nicer to myself, and it may sound small or trite but I promise that it is not."
"Nurture compassion. You need to be kind to yourself. Show yourself compassion."
"Being kind to yourself is essential in the journey of self-improvement."
"Change your perception, be kinder to yourself, you deserve to feel that."
"These are work earned, you got to practice them, so if it takes you a minute to get the effect you want, don't be hard on yourself."
"I'm just trying to remind myself to be kind to myself and not beat myself too much because truly I am doing my best sometimes doing my best is just showing up."
"Promise me that every single day you will ask yourself how can I be kind to myself today."
"Compassion is a way of being... be nice to yourself because there's some things that you don't understand right now."
"Speak kindly to yourself. Don't be mean to yourself because you feel like you have to punish yourself."
"You just deserve to be kind to yourself and love yourself."
"Remember to be kind to yourself and to others."
"Being kind to yourself doesn't mean ignoring areas where you can improve; it means approaching self-improvement with love and encouragement rather than criticism."
"The only resolution worth making is that you're going to be nicer to yourself."
"Remember always be kind to yourself do you ever find yourself wishing you were hoovered did you feel bad that you weren't let's break this down because some people say what's wrong with me it's me if I want to be hoovered it's actually very normal."
"All along I kept trying to be nice to myself and it paid off because I still had the will to hold my head up and be a gregarious open and nice person."
"That's why I just want you guys to remember to be kinder to yourself."
"The biggest thing that the universe is telling you is that you need to be kinder to yourself and kinder in terms of giving yourself the room and freedom to explore."
"I think people are incredibly not kind to themselves."
"You're going to need to be a lot kinder to yourself, and let that kindness reflect in how you do relationships. Kindness is acting towards someone in a way that demonstrates a compassionate and loving view of the person."
"Be kind to yourself. What you think you become."
"Be kind to yourself. You're amazing."
"Really don't beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself because when you're in the throes of AUD, it's so easy to do that."
"Enjoy the challenge, enjoy focusing, don't be mean to yourself."
"Looking through all of this stuff has really shown me how I learned to be kinder to myself."
"If you're gonna do a kindness for yourself, believe the hype about women."
"You have always deserved kindness from others, whether you got it or not, and you especially deserve kindness from yourself most of all."
"Let yourself be curious, let yourself be kind as you work into your practice today."
"...the path to not only getting more done but to enjoying this beautiful adventure we have called life is to be kind to you."
"You gotta have grace, man. You gotta be kind to yourself and to have a flexible mindset about things."
"Knowing that it's a journey and it's taken me like over a year and a half to get to the place that I'm currently in just know that change doesn't happen overnight and giving yourself Grace and just showing yourself just like kindness through the process."
"I want you to be kind to yourself, challenge yourself, stop gossiping, try a food that scares you, tell someone you love them, and then tell yourself right back."
"Living a happy single life after divorce is a kindness to yourself."
"Be patient with yourself and just be kind of grateful for what you got, there's always something."
"I'm hanging out with me; we're friends. I gotta be nice to me."
"I'm not going to be rigid or hard on myself; I'm just going to go forth and create and play, and whatever happens happens."
"Make sure that you're kind to yourself, make sure that you coax yourself consensually into getting on track to being a healthier and happier you."
"Just live your life on a day-to-day basis, not thinking too much about the past or the future, being kind to yourself and being kind to everyone else."
"Self-compassion is what it needs to begin with."
"You've got to be kind to yourself, you've got to look and see how far you've come."
"Be patient with the process... be kind to yourself."
"Her photos were not poo; she needs to be a little bit nicer to herself."
"Just remember to always be kind to yourself, you owe it to yourself."
"You've gotta be kind to yourself. It's not going to be the Sistine Chapel every time."
"My intention today was to be kind to myself, and I am listening to that intention."
"You have taught me to be kinder and gentler with the voices in my head."
"Kindness also starts within, doesn't it? About being kind to yourself and kind to others."
"Suffering is part of life; may I be kind to myself."
"Self-compassion is another way to feel good about yourself, to feel positive about yourself; it really avoids a lot of pitfalls of self-esteem."
"Self-compassion is not a judgment or an evaluation of being a good or a bad person... it's simply being kind to ourselves because we hurt like all human beings hurt."
"Allow yourself compassion and kindness instead of feeling guilty or ashamed."
"May I be kind to myself in this moment."
"Once you learn a bit of kindness for yourself, it really helps you be kind to others."
"When you can simply be kind to yourself no matter what, no matter what is on your mind, no matter what is on your plate, no matter what is going on in your world, no matter what's going on with your workout right now."
"The kindness to oneself that happens here where I'm cleaning this kitchen up, it just feels good."
"Our internal dialogue naturally becomes more gentle, more kind, more compassionate, more fulfilled, we become more optimistic."
"Be nicer to yourself in your head."
"Learning to actually be really kind to myself."
"Being kind to yourself as a daily practice has the single biggest impact on your happiness, on your meaning, on your sense of purpose."
"We have to be kinder to ourselves. If you wouldn't say it to a third grader, don't say it to yourself."
"You are doing your best every day, so don't be too hard on yourself."
"Just be kind to yourself when you are literally feeding another human or two humans or more from your body because it's a crazy experience."
"Never talk to yourself any differently than you would talk to your best friend."
"It's really important to try to be kind to yourself and not be self-critical."
"You gotta be kind to yourself, you got to take a look at yourself in that moment and have compassion."
"We need to have a level of kindness but of self-love."
"I am much nicer to myself, I am just better in general as a person."
"We are all humans, so don't be too hard on yourself."
"Can you be kind to yourself, can you be compassionate, can you be gentle, can you give yourself a break here?"
"Be kind to others, but also ourselves."
"I'm ready to make lots of changes. I hope to grow as a person, being kinder to myself."
"Being kind and patient with yourself is going to be very important."
"If you can make that decision to be a little bit kinder to yourself, give yourself a break, and get on your own team."
"We have to teach people to start with talking kindly to themselves and then provide that kindness to others when speaking."
"It's not bad to feel those feelings and to be kind to yourself. Feeling stress, anxiety, sadness, or frustration is normal."
"Extending some grace to yourself, being kind to yourself, being soft with yourself, and appreciating the things that you do have is all wrapped in one."
"Be kind to yourself, then it's easy to be kind to others. Just start with your own internal dialogue."
"It's just being really kind to yourself, being really forgiving of yourself, being really playful."
"I hope that everyone who sees this video works just a little bit to care for themselves and be kind to themselves."
"Being mindful means being kind to ourselves too; it's about treating ourselves gently and understanding that it's okay to be imperfect."
"You've got to be kind to yourself, and the world will be kind to you."
"If your best friend was coming to you and telling you this story, how would you respond to them? What kindness would you show your best friend and then trying to show yourself that kindness as well."
"Being kind starts with how we treat ourselves when we slip up or don't get things right."
"Just be kind to yourself and know that you're doing freaking amazing."
"Just be kind to yourself, because trading doesn't get easier, but it gets rewarding."
"It starts with being kind to yourself."
"I'm going to be kind to myself today."
"The gentler you are with the media you consume, the gentler you can be with yourself."
"Don't sabotage yourself; be nice to yourself instead."
"I'm doing myself a favor, and my future self is gonna come down here and be so excited that the coffee is ready for me in the morning."
"This again is where we choose kindness because you are being incredibly kind to yourself."
"You have to be kind to yourself, you have to realize your own human weaknesses sometimes and accept yourself, including your anger."
"The more slack you cut yourself, the more slack you'll cut other people."
"The gentler I am on myself, the gentler I'll be on you."
"You have to learn how to be kind to yourself, how to be nice to yourself."
"The most important habit that has the biggest impact in our lives is being kind to yourself."
"I just have tried to be kinder to myself... and just like letting things go and having more patience."
"Bring your palms to your lips to remind yourself to speak kindly to yourself."
"Just because you're not completing the things that you have set out in the day, don't try to make yourself feel like it wasn't a productive day."
"Sometimes we just have to be kind to ourselves in the moment and not give ourselves a hard time."
"Give yourself grace, even if you fall off, don't beat yourself up."
"Just be patient with yourself, don't be so hard on yourself if you are not perfect."
"Don't be hard on yourself about something that's already hard."
"I really want you to be so nice to yourself if you're frustrated."
"Imagine if we treated our current selves with the same kindness that we show our past selves."
"I will be kind to myself, I will have fun tonight, and I will be kinder to bees."
"I think often we can give ourselves a really hard time, can't we, and say, 'You know, I haven't actually done anything today.'"
"I'm proud of the fact that I have been being kind to myself for the majority of the time."
"We need to stop being mean to ourselves."
"Learn to be kind to ourselves and when we make mistakes, examine what brought them about and then do what we can to remedy the whole thing."
"It's actually an act of kindness to ourselves to drop our anger against somebody else."
"Be kind to yourself because someone's watching and somebody is learning how to speak to themselves through watching how you talk to yourself."
"You need to cultivate a lot of patience and tolerance and kindness towards your body and towards yourself."
"With kindness toward yourself, you slow down, you become immersed in the breath again, and you attend to the need that is always there under the defensiveness."
"I learned to be patient, I learned to take risks, and I learned to be a little kinder on myself."
"Forgiveness is a self-practice, it's an act of kindness to yourself."
"I promise to be kind to myself, and promise not to compare my work."
"Parenting is hard as hell. Be a little kinder to yourself."
"Don't be hard on yourself, let's keep walking."
"When we start to feel hopeful, when we start to be kind to ourselves, when we start to really look at what can I do about this, how can I move into this as opposed to moving away."
"Be a little bit kinder to yourselves."
"Speak kindly to others but especially speak kindly to yourself."
"Hey, I'm a kind person. I'm doing the best I can. That's good enough."
"I'm trying desperately to get better at being kind to myself and letting myself show up how I can on a day-to-day level."
"Instead of slapping yourself in the forehead and asking yourself 'What was I thinking?', breathe and ask yourself the kinder question 'What was I learning?'"
"If you start being kinder to yourself, you will find that you'll get somewhere."
"I just feel so much stronger and kinder to myself and so powerful and special."
"Remember to be kind to yourself and not to compare yourself because everybody paints differently."
"I'm trying to just be kind to myself."
"To be kind to yourself, not judgmental to yourself, not be hard on yourself."
"Your brain starts to see you treating yourself with kindness, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, support."
"Thank yourself and your body for practicing today, for moving, for creating space, for honoring that promise of being kind to yourself."
"Now is the time to be kind to yourself, listen to your body, listen to what it needs."
"I want you to come from a place of being kind to yourself and supporting yourself."
"We have to be kind to ourselves, we have to feed ourselves with loving words."
"I'm being really hard on myself right now, I need to be nicer to myself."
"We need to just be a bit kinder to ourselves and don't ever, ever, ever compare yourself to anybody else and what they're doing."
"Be good to yourself, be kind to yourself, Pisces."