
Problem Recognition Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Recognizing the degree to which this problem exists or has manifested in your life is keystone to solving it and liberating yourself from it."
"Open-ended, non-judgmental questions actually gets them to recognize that they have a problem."
"Change doesn't happen until you first realize that something is broken."
"The first step to recognizing that there's a problem is the first step to change. Education is the beginning."
"Honestly, it's kind of evil. They're just pretending they don't even see the problem. They absolutely see the problem, everything they did here was absolutely intentional, and they fully understand what they're doing."
"It's probably accidental but it is evidently in existence and it needs to be addressed."
"People won't find the reasonable solution if they don't want to solve the problem."
"The time for standard measures has passed... something is very wrong."
"Sometimes you have to call something exactly what it is to make people realize how bad it is."
"Marriage does not fix everything. You can see the problems. There are so many problems in this room."
"I mean the first steps of recognizing a problem is the first step and saying we want to do something about it from like decision makers, it's incredibly powerful."
"Just loving the fact that somebody understands where the problem lies."
"Just because I don't look at something doesn't mean it doesn't go away."
"Isn't this the first step in any recovery program that you first have to admit that you have a problem?"
"If you recognize a problem and choose not to do anything about it, then you become complicit."
"Something is clearly not working and something has to change."
"Take this seriously, we have a problem here."
"If nearly everyone has a unanimously negative reaction to something, there is likely a problem with that thing."
"If we are addicted to something, it is a problem."
"It was the first clue that something was wrong."
"You gotta call it out if you don't call it out it will never get fixed."
"Recognising a problem is the first step to fixing it."
"They know they have a problem and they're hoping this doesn't go against them, but the math is the math. Hope's not a strategy."
"I hope we are better about acknowledging when we've got a problem."
"Both extremes, not acknowledging the problem or saying it's too late, lead to the outcome of inaction."
"You don't need to be an expert to spot that something isn't going very well."
"If you think something's wrong, you know, decided to do something about it."
"Clearly we have some kind of error going on."
"It's important that we take time to recognize our problems, learn from our mistakes, and support those who need the support."
"In order to change something, you have to acknowledge that there is a problem."
"The first step in solving a problem is acknowledging there is one."
"We're kind of screwed. Yeah, I just haven't seen it. I think it's obvious what needs to be done and there's like no action taken to do that."
"How could we ever get to a point where this happens?"
"How many red flags do we need? This is ridiculous."
"Sex a lack of sex is not a problem until it's a problem."
"It's just funny to me that it's not a problem we saw 20 years ago like we do now."
"Needing to become more discerning about when something turns into a problem."
"I don't have all of the answers to the problems, and if you have any kind of common sense, you start with recognizing there is a problem."
"Either we rise together or fall together. You don't understand that you got a problem."
"We don't want anyone to ever feel guilty about being able to say that something that they were a part of that was inherently problematic does have some good stuff."
"If something looks off, then something is obviously off and you should probably change something."
"It means they're in some serious serious trouble that's what it means."
"Once you acknowledge something as an issue, then you can know it's there and then you can move forward and work on it, right?"
"The fact that they can agree on anything tells you how big of a problem this has become."
"I just think that we need to acknowledge that we have problems... and we need to find some solutions."
"Recognition of a problem is the first step into solving it."
"We've got a problem in this country, I think we need new management."
"If you're only focused on convincing everybody all you want is everybody to agree that there's a problem, that's when I think you know, you get stuck."
"Admitting that you have a problem is the important step."
"I am just aghast at the lack of urgency in getting these questions answered."
"This is a problem, you know it's a big problem."
"That's the reality of it, you're either going to see you got a problem and work through it or you're going to be in a spiritual space."
"Sometimes the first step to betterment is acknowledging that there's a problem."
"It's missing a lot, but it's a start better than not recognizing that it's a problem at all."
"We see the signs, all the red flags, little by little coming together."
"It just shows how messed up we really are that kids feel like it's okay to do something like that."
"You know the thing is, I know when something's wrong."
"People realizing that there is something wrong... that's the first step."
"Just because you get used to it, that doesn't make it better."
"The first solution to the Jewish problem is acknowledging this there and talking about it. This is a serious issue we have to deal with it right now."
"Treating trans women as women or trans men as men for every purpose where that does not harm somebody else."
"I'm not saying we can't give you some relief, but we're not fixing the source of the problem."
"This just can't continue happening over and over."
"Many people simply can't see it; they can't see the forest for the trees."
"I love seeing a country take a turn like this for people who seem to acknowledge the actual problems."
"It's not a problem until it becomes a problem."
"You just have to suspect that there's a problem."
"The heart of it seems to me... is that most of the Ukrainians... recognize the scale of the problem and the willingness to keep evolving."
"We can't fix what we don't recognize as broke, right? What's the first step in any sort of addiction recovery? We have to first admit that there's a problem."
"Recognizing the problem is part of the first, but it's like the first step in a bunch of steps."
"Step one is figuring out that you have a problem, step two is actually taking action. You just have to do it, you gotta stop being soft, you gotta stop being a loser."
"Once you can actually see the problem, it's way too late to fix it."
"We cannot deal with a problem until we admit there's a problem."
"The first phase is nothing is wrong until something is wrong."
"The first and most important thing that you have to do is to admit that you have a problem."
"You can never help to solve a problem until you recognize it as a problem."
"I think it's something simple that you can keep in your pocket and it at least helps you recognize potential issues as they go."
"These are not like black swans, right? These are ordinary White swans. It's just that people don't want to recognize the problems." - Peter Schiff
"It's not that they can't see the solution, they can't see the problem."
"Can we agree that we got a problem and that we have to have a renovation and make some changes?"
"When you present a person with the real problem, a lot of times they just intuitively know it just makes sense to them."
"If you don't think there is a problem, for you to be looking at solutions, you have to think there is a problem."
"It takes a special kind of individual to realize that you have a problem."
"The first sign of there being a problem is denial."