
Laughter Quotes

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"Laughing can be so healing... It's not that you're forgetting about the pain because you're laughing; it's both and they can co-exist."
"Wealth is happiness, completely. It's how much you laugh and how much the people you love laugh."
"Sometimes, something is so serious...you start to laugh because if you took it any more seriously, it would be tragic."
"They laugh so much. You never think monks are, they just fucking laugh all the time."
"I've never cried while laughing. I want to experience that. I feel like it'll feel good."
"Indulge in things that make you feel alive and young again. Things that make you laugh out loud."
"Laughter is the best therapy. Have some fun together and remember love is the greatest healer."
"A sincere, happy laugh, like the joyous rippling of children’s laughter, relieves tension and restores good nature."
"If a joke makes you laugh, it's not dated, it's not out of touch, it's not old, it's not archaic."
"Humor is there to make you laugh, and obviously not every joke is a hit."
"When I laugh, it's really I'm laughing from the soul."
"The mix of emotions turned into a simple and pure laughter."
"Laughter is the best legal medicine, and it looks like it's time for you to take a sweet hit of it."
"When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins, your stress hormones are reduced, and the oxygen supply to your blood is increased."
"Laughter is strange in that it's one of the few emotions that robs your pain of its power."
"Laugh a little bit more and you'll find that when you start laughing, other people start laughing."
"Laughter is such a powerful weapon when you learn how to master it and use it."
"Most of the time we were laughing, and there were certainly times where we were crying, but it was mostly laughter."
"We all enjoy humorous insults, we all want a better life for our kids, and we all love to laugh."
"If you have two options, either laugh or cry, it's better to laugh."
"The more people that understand this, the more people that could join the cause of laughing at it, which makes this world a better place."
"For me, the best medicine for a relationship and dating and what turns me on most is laughter. Laughter is incredibly sexy."
"Laughter is spreading happiness; it's putting a smile on someone's face, that's love."
"Being able to laugh again, it does help the healing process."
"Laughter is the most brilliant thing to hear."
"The world's a very harsh place, there's chaos, disease, destruction, tragedy... How do we keep sane in a world that is insane? Laughter is medicine."
"Some laugh researchers think much of our laughter is rooted in strengthening social bonds."
"We’re much more likely to laugh in a group than we are alone, and we tend to laugh more easily around friends and family."
"So you see, laughter is not the best medicine, but it's not a bad medicine, either."
"Always have a smile on your face; fake laugh if you need to. That fake laugh will turn into a real laugh."
"You should be able to laugh about what you want to laugh about."
"Laughter produces physiological cessation of the ability to be aggressive. You just have no muscular tension."
"Laughter is occurring because it's a signal of like really rapid attunement between two organisms, where they're actually learning each other on a much deeper layer than even verbally is going to offer."
"Laughter is contagious. This is all about your happiness and you feeling lighter and playfulness and laughter."
"Laughter is an involuntary response; I can't force you to laugh."
"I have never laughed harder at any stage production than at that original cast of Mel Brooks' 'The Producers' in 2004."
"When she sings, people have just a great desire to laugh, and whereas in the natural, we have found that there, wonderful things happen when you laugh."
"In the moment of laughter, you're lost, you are not of this realm."
"Laughter is a musical instrument that any one of us can play."
"Laughter creates endorphins, and it makes you into a more flexible and more positive human being."
"Laughter is there in the beginning as a sign, and then intimacy is next, and then you move in together, live, marry, whatever. And then when things don't go well, it's the reverse. Laughter goes first."
"In other words, comics in the early to mid-20th century largely focused on laughter for its own sake, and didn’t necessarily ground their material in their real-life experiences."
"Laughter is so visceral and so involuntary, and it's really the most inexplicable of feelings."
"We can't beat death, and we can't beat suffering, but we can come to terms with it, and I think the best way to do that is through laughter."
"Laughter is something we just do. It has powerful social implications and allows for us to express a plethora of emotions in an instant."
"Laughter is a defense mechanism against overwhelming internal emotions."
"Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief."
"The world just needs some more laughter and joy right now."
"Laughter is important. We need to be able to laugh."
"Laughter can feel as connective as crying with someone, as being intimate with someone."
"It's almost like the definition of no stress, to be among a lot of other people who are laughing at the same thing because it means you're all being... all playing spontaneously together without fear."
"Laughter is the most beautiful thing we can ever do or we can share."
"Suddenly, the man made a really silly sound and then another and another. Abigail and Joshua couldn't help but laugh."
"I want to laugh and I want to just take in the absurdity that is life."
"My favorite part of comedy is when people laugh; they're not laughing at me, they're laughing with me."
"Laughter was one of the long-term dopamine boosts."
"When you make someone feel joy and you make them laugh, like you're doing something very special."
"I'm laughing but inside I want you to know I'm absolutely hurt."
"Laughter is good for you, so sure, for the soul."
"It's like a hug that happens when you and another person laugh together."
"It's good to laugh. Like if something happens to your friend they're going along and then afterward you can laugh about it."
"Laughter brings people together. Shared humor is a sign of intellect."
"Laughter increases things like dopamine and can even help soothe physical pain."
"Laughter causes my neck to weaken … I lose control of my limbs and become paralyzed on my left side … it usually only lasts for a few seconds but it is frightening."
"In some of Kafka's most horrific stories his neighbors would complain because he would be laughing so hard late at night."
"The biggest leap in frequency comes when you laugh."
"I have never laughed more on a roller coaster in my life."
"I laughed harder last night than I have in probably 20 years."
"They couldn't even stare at each other without breaking into a laugh and a smile."
"The memories of us being at restaurants and just basically laughing our heads off."
"Honestly, I don't think there is [a better feeling than laughing]."
"These projects honestly, this might be one of my best DIY videos."
"There's nothing that makes me happier than making someone laugh or making someone smile."
"Laugh it out. Smile and laugh, there's more of that needed."
"It's a great look and I love it, and uh, I haven't laughed that hard in um, years, so you let out a lot of [__] that night."
"My son was in the spare bedroom and started laughing a hearty baby laugh."
"And I don't know about you, but I love the idea of laughing as a radical act."
"I want to laugh, play something light-hearted, and chuckle along with the characters."
"Laughter of course, you're going to smile, you're in a very happy space right."
"Laughter just hits the air and it goes right on up to heaven, man, and that's all they hear up there."
"It's better to have laughed and lost than never to have laughed at all."
"Which is probably why it is now a therapeutic practice: laughter therapy."
"I knew I could laugh. And that actually made me feel good that I could laugh."
"Laughing until your stomach hurts is one of the biggest joys in life."
"I feel like I'm gonna vomit. I'm laughing so hard. You guys... I can't even say it. I'm gonna throw up."
"Cultivate laughter and dance, let go of having to be cool and always in control."
"Laughter restores your perspective and lets you think clearly."
"Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of us." - David Rich
"There's always room for laughter, even in the midst of healing."
"A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing." - Unknown
"But you get so racked. You just get a case of the laughs, and you can't turn them off." - ANNIE MURPHY
"Laughter is healing. It actually does something in your body and changes how you're feeling chemically in your brain."
"Laughter he feels is one of the best things you can can do to get close to the one force because it puts you in a rhythm, I'm telling you, it puts you in a rhythm and a harmony and happiness and a love side."
"We have to have some sort of comedy, some sort of laughter in this generation."
"It's a great feeling to be in a house with everybody laughing at the same time."
"Guarantees an atmosphere of vivacity where laughter flows freely."
"Laughter is the best medicine, and I feel like you're going to feel so much laughter and fun and excitement in November."
"Mirthful laughter makes you go out and hug everybody. That's science."
"If you're able to laugh more with people or get people to laugh you raise them up."
"Laughter is healing; laughter must be what, 10,000 times if smiling is three."
"Life needs laughter, that's a good subject for another thought."
"Nothing compares to walking into a room and getting that laughter and feedback."
"Laughter is an expression of love so even laughing at something totally unrelated to the thing we feel powerless about as an antidote to fear."
"You guys are freaking hilarious laughs of my ass off."
"I love that. I think laughter is like one of the most, being silly, we talked about this recently, how being silly is one of the most healing things."
"Let's bring some laughter and some humor to the world."
"Hope I'm glad that last parts on there because it was like [Laughter]."
"It's been a while since I laughed that hard in the movie."
"Sometimes that's all that you need to do to make a difference just force yourself to laughs."
"The laughter and the fun that we had on set every single day."
"There's really nothing like laughing with someone when you get a joke with someone."
"Big laughter and a good sleep are the best medicine."
"I feel like I laughed a few times harder than I have in a week."
"That [ __ ] was [ __ ] funny, and she still got me dyin', dawg, that [ __ ] still got me dyin', bro."
"Let's remember the laughter he brought to our lives."
"You guys are gonna be having a lot of fun, there's a lot of laughter, a lot of dancing, a lot of creativity, a lot of freedom."
"Expect a lot of goofing off and a lot of laughter."
"If you can laugh like that, you should do it all the time."
"Laughing may be a form of empathy to connect with others in a social setting."
"They like fun, play, laughter, it's huge to them."
"It's okay to laugh, the joy of the Lord is your strength."
"Laughter reprograms the vibration of the cells."
"Knock knock, who's there? Salad. Salad who? [Laughter]."
"Every time you open your mouth, more people laugh."
"It's okay to laugh and be free. I am just... yeah, I've been cooped up."
"Laughter is good like medicine, especially in the era that we've just endured as a country."
"If a roomful of people is laughing, you can't say it wasn't funny."
"I legitimately laughed out loud by that, I thought that was great."
"We love laughing, it's great, but this is what social media truly is for: to make a difference."
"I laughed so bad I think I actually peed in my pants."
"It's so fun, yeah, you just have a mad case of the giggles."
"You found this thing that you do when you laugh, Jack."
"Laughter... it opens you up to truth. It's sort of like God's tickle coming through and touching Our Lives. It does, it does."
"Surround yourself with laughter, it raises your spirits."
"I want to make everybody laugh because that's the only thing that can still unite."
"Laughter changes us when it's really deeply felt. Laughter, laughter changes us even at the level of our central nervous system. It feels so good, so we want more."
"One of the best laughs of my life man just a pot belly big big chewing bazooka."
"That is just absolutely ridiculous, could you just picture that? Excuse me y'all, but that's the funniest crap I've ever heard in my life."
"It's been a while since I laughed like this."
"Laughter has been shown to promote growth hormone."
"The joke is to make sure it doesn't make sense so you laugh."
"One of the best things you can have in marriage is the ability to laugh together."
"Laughter is the biggest booster of an immune system that you could possibly have."
"Laughter is so good for the soul, it really, you laugh a lot." - Florence LaRue
"I love laughter. I feel like it's life's medicine."
"The moment we stop laughing, we lose hope." - JP Sears
"Laughter heals everything for me. When I laugh, I feel better."
"The greatest gift we have in life is the ability to have laughter."
"Comedy is truth. You laugh because something is true, right?"
"You're going to have so much fun, there's going to be a lot of laughter here."
"Laughter is contagious because strong emotions synchronize brain activity between people."
"Young Frankenstein, it's basically you don't need a laugh track, certainly because you'd be roaring with laughter."
"When you're lost in laughter, you belong to no ideology because it's like a societal orgasm."
"Funny is not the only reason to laugh at something."
"Your body boosts the immune system when you laugh, have fun, and have love in your life."
"Inky's children love to have a good time, laugh, and be the life of the party."
"She was there all along watching him between fits of laughter."
"There's only so much like crying and things that you can do in mourning and thinking about it before you like even during portions of that mourning period you're like I need these moments of like laughing and remembering."
"I'm laughing way too hard at a mobile game but oh that was funny as heck."
"Willard's legacy lives on, a monument to the eternal power of laughter."
"Love laughs. Did you like the experience? I want to laugh all the time."
"Leo and I always had a laugh together. We always got on incredibly well."
"To see him laugh at it was one of the most closure-giving, happiness-inducing moments."
"Laughter as a non-verbal cue for connection."
"My stomach hurts from laughing so hard my throat hurts from laughing so hard that was an amazingly fun game."
"Some of the most fun I think I've ever had in gaming. I couldn't breathe, it was so frigging ridiculous and hilarious."
"Laughing is the quickest way to heal from heartbreak."
"As much as fear was the focus, there was a lot of laughter as well."
"We were laughing so hard like we've never laughed before."
"I've seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful."
"It's like I've never laughed harder in my life."
"I enjoy making people smile. I enjoy making people laugh. I enjoy entertaining people."
"It was honestly the funniest thing that's happened in a really long time to me."
"I love hearing her laugh too like the first time you heard her iconic Roseanne laugh for you"
"Laughter is everything. I couldn't live life without laughter."
"Life is probably not worth living if you can't laugh with friends."
"We're comedians. We're just trying to make people laugh."
"Laughter releases and sets off a whole chain of chemical reactions in your body."
"Lots of laughter this week... the world will be a better place."
"That was the most fun. I don't think I've laughed this much in so long."
"Do activities that make you feel laughter and a sense of Letting Go."
"It's time to truly laugh, to experience joy, to have fun."
"They enjoy having fun and laughing with you."
"Comedy is the antidote to everything, laughter is the key."
"The joy of doing the show is that we make each other laugh."
"The more you laugh and feel close, the more you desire each other and make love."
"It's good to know it's been a long time since I've laughed like that."
"It's one thing to make people laugh, it's another to make people smile."
"The best thing that I can do is just to make do my best to hopefully make someone laugh maybe one more time each day."
"Roxy dreams of a world where commoners and holy Knights can laugh together."
"Laughter is medicine, like it says in Proverbs, laughter is as a medicine."
"The streets that had once been stifled by Mrs. Linkletter's watchful eyes now echoed with the sound of our laughter, a cacophony of liberation."
"Laughing is a very attractive thing."
"I just have the biggest crap-eating grin as everyone is going purple trying to contain their laughter."
"It just made me laugh so much."
"You shouldn't stop laughing. Enjoy life."
"Slapstick, it's the universal form of comedy."
"The Gospel is nothing else but laughter and joy."
"I'm like tearing up, it was so funny."
"Have fun, laugh, have a good time, don't take everything so seriously."