
Likability Quotes

There are 1407 quotes

"There is something likeable in everyone, it's your job to find it."
"You're so pure of heart, you're so down to earth, you're so kind, you're so chill, you're such a good energy that it's very hard for people to hate you."
"People like you because of your energy... It's not about being perfect."
"When people first meet me, they like me instantly."
"Maybe they like you just because of who you are."
"At face value, he is a discombobulated, frantic, frazzled eccentric muttering and murmuring man, yet he's likable, friendly, seems harmless, and comes across as completely genuine."
"Shunsui has little to no ego, and this makes him really likable."
"I want you to be real comfortable with being you because I've talked to you for just a few minutes, and I really like you."
"He's just a people guy. You just can't help but like him."
"You're a wonderful person to be around; what's not to like?"
"To play Barbie in 2023 and still be incredibly likable without changing the fundamentals of what Barbie is, is an achievement."
"Forrest's now iconic celebration, throwing his hands into the air in an exhausted and surprised victory, perfectly encapsulates what makes him so likable while simultaneously giving you absolute chills."
"The key for most standups is, even if you're not that funny, be likable."
"Likability is really important, and part of that likability, for me at least, is how you treat your crew."
"Chris Meloni just brings this he's so likable that it could be mashing a man's head in with a fire extinguisher and you still think he's a really nice guy and you want to be his friend."
"She's intensely likable, super sweet, and a great actress."
"I mean who doesn't like Italians? Yeah, oh come on."
"Isn't Betts just the kind of guy you love to root for?"
"What actually holds it all together is the story being told, the characters, the situations. It's why we watch movies."
"I've been saying that forever. It's pretty endearing, isn't it?"
"They're quite magnetic, people like to be in their sphere of influence."
"Even the people that have generally been likable can make mistakes too."
"There's just something very likable about this movie and a dash of purity and wholesomeness is much appreciated."
"She's sweet, was entertaining, honest and friendly to the other ladies. I think she's a catch for any guy she likes."
"Every single character in P1 was likable, had a solid backstory, and got their time to shine."
"I want it to be hard to like Mark but I also want us to like him even if we're not certain if we should."
"I like him already, he's very charismatic and kind of laid back."
"He's so funny without realizing you know how he's just so funny he's so funny he's so lovable there's so much good to poopies."
"Everyone always likes Amethyst because she's so polite and very sweet."
"Your goal is to figure out what questions you can ask to get them to talk about the things that they like."
"If you can stand there and go, 'Oh I said that, that's what I said,' then I like you."
"He's just easy to root for, right? Like how can you not root for this guy?"
"Nobody really dislikes you, and there's nothing to dislike about Sean."
"For a man who was pushing for such controversial things for a man who was trying to change a system that most people in his city didn't believe to be broken he didn't have a lot of enemies he was just too damn likeable."
"Being likable is absolutely a skill, and it's practiced."
"If you're humble, you can actually have the wisdom to adapt to this environment and be likable."
"Nobody just like those guys they were even the competitors of they're beating every week you still couldn't help but to like the guys."
"You're an easy person to like because you're like you're exactly what people would think you would be."
"Miss Riley Ray's story, a unique personality that many will freaking like."
"Realness and sincerity lead to relatability and ultimately likability."
"People see that and if it translates they want to be around you, they light your, you know you're very likable."
"Being a good person is keeping it real, and people like that."
"Ray was universally well-liked, sensitive, hilarious, and thoughtful."
"They're super likable, impossible not to like."
"She's just a positive lady, everybody likes her, nothing dark about her."
"Brandon bean like to have a beer with that guy."
"It's a testament to the star power and the likability not only of the great Danny Trejo but also of Jessica."
"Liking: If people like you, they're more likely to do what you want."
"It does not matter how right you are if you are unlikable to a person, they will never listen to you."
"He’s enjoyable, he’s ambitious, he cares for others, he has a sailor hat, what’s there not to like?"
"The longer we engage with them... the more we tend to like them."
"Acknowledging our fortunate circumstances not only brings us more in line, it also makes us more likable."
"Despite a serious nature, Dan had a certain charm that made him very likable among his peers and students alike."
"Everybody good example, yeah, but I mean likability, what people got to realize is that most a lot of great artists are assholes straight up."
"They feel like you have a human presence they like your presence and they feel like they can be themselves around you more than anyone else."
"People are definitely gonna love my organizational skills."
"He's the most likable player in the Premier League." - Commentator
"It's impossible not to root for that girl. She's just, I don't, you just find yourself enjoying the time that you're just there talking cuz she's so real."
"I mean aggressively likable and in interviews together they're just like playing off each other and there seems to be just like a lot of affection there that they're not afraid to share."
"When he gets 10% vulnerable, he's 100% more likable."
"The reason that the show continues to hit emotionally is because of how damn likable the cast of characters are."
"He was everybody’s friend. He was considered also to be a Senator who really delivered for his constituents back home in Illinois."
"I thought he had just tons of friends, never knew anyone that he didn't like or didn't like him. He was a tremendous athlete, was always very good at whatever he tried to do."
"She comes across really well... very likable... very good at projecting her emotions."
"With great power comes great responsibility to misuse that power for lulz."
"Marquis is not only a character that works really well as just like a villain but he's also just a character that you end up liking beforehand."
"Toff is an amazing character who is likable, well written, and the most powerful earthbender who ever lived."
"I'm low maintenance, love children, and I'm fun to be around."
"What sets you above the rest is, are you a nice person? Are you likable?"
"The scariest person is someone who is so likable but does horrible things."
"He saves the baby Kong and he's actually very likable this time."
"It's kind of hard to dislike something as innocent as Wallace and Gromit."
"What is it about him? Anyway, he's so goofy and yet so likable."
"I mean, who doesn't love Ray? I think everyone loves Ray."
"The more you're like someone else, the more they will like you."
"People don't like you because you're not likable."
"Gatsby's brand of extreme charm brought a much-needed likeability to what is otherwise a rather problematic character."
"Jurgen Klopp to me is just a breath of fresh air... hate saying it but he's a likable guy."
"I think it's super realistic, likable, and relatable."
"Protea, by no means a perfect Warframe, she has a good kit, I like her kit."
"Attacking others personally because they don't agree with your opinions isn't likable. There are actions that make people unlikable..."
"Firefighters are like the most likable people on the planet. If you have a relative or a friend who's a firefighter, love y'all. Tell them I appreciate them."
"The music, the story, and the characters are really likable."
"He was such a friendly guy, such a low-key dude, and really never caused drama or issues with people."
"Tom Cruz could talk your ear off; he's as charismatic as a politician."
"Asking favors from people will make them like you more. It's a subconscious thing."
"She's so likable like she's so freaking likable you just like her man I love her it's like she's my hero now."
"He became a friend of the people. He wasn't particularly outgoing. He wasn't a back slapper. But people accepted him for what he was-- and that was just a genuinely nice person."
"His willingness to be honest doesn't just convey conviction and courage, it makes you like him more."
"He's too damn nice of a guy, you can't hate the son of a bitch."
"Carlaax seems to certainly be a possible recruitable companion... generally speaking, she may come across as more likable than many of the current companions."
"People will like you and connect with you if you break the rules."
"Robin could actually be... one of the most likable people of the show."
"Some people are just naturally charismatic and like people."
"Kasumi stands out as an extremely likeable character."
"His charisma and likability made any interview more endearing."
"We take that time to build relationships because you like to do business with people that you like."
"Anthony Edwards, you see this man on interview, you just can't help but to like him. He has a smile, he has a baby face, but when you get in between them sizes, and he blackish, a monster."
"In order for people to like you, you have to be likable."
"You're evil but you still have to be lovable because that's a whole thing about the Joker."
"Your imperfections make you more likable, more trustworthy, it makes you as an expert be somebody that people lean toward."
"When people see you, they are most likely instantly attracted to you."
"Paul Rudd is one of those guys that literally can have chemistry with anyone."
"I like her dynamic with the crew... she's great, I like her personality."
"She's actually really likeable. I'd make her an A tier."
"Once in a while in our lives, we come across people who are so easy to like. You can't help but be happy when you're near them."
"Your humor, that's why I like you. You're human."
"Simple and sweet, just very likable characters."
"When you allow your raw truth to come through, it makes you even more lovable."
"It feels kind of impossible to dislike this character."
"You know what else everybody likes? Parfait. Have you ever met a person you say 'Hey, let me get some parfait,' they say 'Hell no, I don't like no parfait'?"
"It emphasizes all the things that make him unique, you know, his ninja likability."
"If you have good manners, people will like you and they will help you."
"They're really going out of their way to not only depict him physically but to rewrite his dialogue to make him softer, more likable as a character."
"This is a team that has a complete game and is impossible to dislike."
"We may not all be 10 out of 10. We may not all be Charmers, but I think we can all be Mark Ruffalo."
"He seems to have the ability to make anyone like him."
"Your cut off game is really strong and that you are really likable and that you have marketable gifts and talents."
"He's pretty nifty. I don't know if he's my favorite character, but I like the fact that he's different."
"He was well known to the area and well liked. He was the local handyman."
"Everybody loves you, you're so lovable and you're very funny."
"Just being that transparent and that authentic really opens people up to him, and he becomes extremely likable."
"Nevertheless, Sully is a pretty cool character."
"You kind of like me. You're gonna like me, yep."
"If you want people to suddenly like you, you need to come across as friendlier, more trustworthy."
"The cast as a whole are all incredibly likable; they begin off as eccentric and tropey characters."
"I really like the way that you talk and tell stories."
"I knew there was something I liked about you."
"You're really humble, really down to earth, and people love that about you."
"You're also a lover-given person with a Knight of Cups; people may like you naturally."
"People just love being around you."
"The new Suzuki Vitara is a likeable car as it's good to drive, has a fun character, and it offers a good amount of kit."
"I am tough, I am strong, and gosh darn it, people like me."
"Now, if gaining sponsors relies on your likability, then I would be going out of my way to get the public's attention by any means necessary."
"Sometimes it's not always about money; if you're a really cool person, people would always love to have you back."
"They may not like you but they have to respect you, far more important to be respected than it is to be liked."
"The men who can cook are liked by everyone."
"He's just being who he is, and he's likable because of it."
"His character has become more likable as the seasons have gone on."
"The more authentic you are, the more people just warm to you."
"Being so transparent and open is what makes people like you."
"Everyone loved Jack; he was a goofy, charming, fun-loving guy."
"He is just one of those people who seems like one of the nicest people, total salt of the earth, really really humble dude."
"Following this habit of doing your very best in all of your efforts and doing it in a pleasing mental attitude will improve your personality and make you liked by others."
"Do you really understand the power of storytelling? It makes you automatically charismatic, attractive, and likable."
"Everybody likes kindness and intelligence."
"I like Mason's mentality and he has potential."
"What a personality, right? What an energy! How can you not love that guy?"
"David Harbour managed to pull an incredibly silly and yet sincerely likable performance out of this Soviet super soldier."
"It's better to be liked than to be right."
"People fall in love with you because you're fun and you're a good time."
"People like you because you guys have a sense of self."
"I am lovable and people like me, and I'm delightful."
"You guys are the type of person that people fall in love with."
"You guys just have a thing that makes people fall in love because you're so genuine."
"She charmed everyone she met and barely anyone had a bad word to say about her."
"She really becomes the most likable character out of the entire main cast."
"It feels like the actual people going on the show are just huge problems. They just seem like hugely unlikable people being very unlikable."
"Her personality was big, it was loud. You just couldn't help but love her for it."
"Everybody loved her when she put this first."
"I think it's nice to be liked because you're being authentic."
"Everyone loves cotton candy. Everyone's going to love this."
"He has a certain likability to him that I don't think was completely present in a lot of the past performances of the character."
"You have this genuine essence that people really love and are attracted to."
"I actually like Harper and Nathan's conversation and chemistry."
"He's turning a corner. I mean, they're humanizing him again. That's the problem with Caster Troy, is he's so darn likable. Even when he's perving on his own underage daughter."
"It's better to be respected than to be liked."
"And I thought the captain was funny, yeah, the captain, they're all likable."
"Darcy is just the person that not everybody likes. It's like, 'damn, everyone else is so, like, ah, and Darcy is just like there, you know?'"
"They like you as a person...they think you're an interesting conversationalist, an interesting person to be around."
"With a far more pleasant persona than much of the others in the show, we feel he absolutely earns this top spot on the list!"
"When someone's unapologetically themselves most of the time, people can't help but love them. It's just how it is."
"I think people who get to know me, they like Danny Lambo because he’s a nice guy, he’s a funny guy, he likes to make people laugh."
"...they're down to earth they're adventurous I'd I'd be their friend to Norway like them because they seem really likable as far as royalty goes."
"Being likable is a huge part of having a successful life."
"Junior Dos Santos is such a likable guy."
"Tuba is probably one of the most likable characters in the film."
"...with Superman my biggest problem with with Batman V Superman was like Superman is not likable he doesn't seem like the kind of person I can get behind..."
"God this album was so goddamn likable...it drives me kind of crazy that there won't be enough critics who will remember it for year-end lists."
"He's dangerous because he's very easy to like."
"The best part is he's so personable."
"...the Kia Sportage a car that is very usable very practical and as it happens very difficult to dislike."
"He's actually a really likable person."
"It's cool, it's sweet. Andy Reid's lovable."
"I love George Clooney, he's impossible not to like. He's so devilishly charming."
"Dune's biggest flaw is it had some characters that were being built up at some point but I don't know how super likable they were."
"and Jacob are the ones we actually like"
"I feel like if the characters are unlikable, they aren't written very well."
"Rocky is just so likable. I was expecting, I don't know, just like a tough fighter, man. But he was so lovable, and there was just such a gentle, sweet side to him."
"Yeah, and people seem to like that she can make mistakes."
"He's got such like a lovable persona."
"Nothing makes a character more likeable than being kind to animals."
"It's that kind of attitude that makes her so incredibly likable to me nowadays compared to the start. That genuine care she has for Fern and how she looks forward to her future as a mage."
"I feel like those three they have something unique about their characters that makes them both entertaining and like just likable."
"People really just love having you around."
"...they feel like the people you're close to or like talk to people who just you know know you. I feel like they just like have a good time with you. I feel like they think you're attractive, you're fun, you're good to be around, you work hard."
"Rooster Bold's outfit is instantly liked, right out of the gate."
"I don't think you have to be liked, you just need to be respected." - Jamie Dimon
"Butch Patrick's interpretation of Eddie as a normal kid who just happened to be a werewolf made him lovable."