
Sex Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"Sometimes the sex can be so passionate and powerful that it makes the bond grow stronger."
"Although we might think that sex is a kind of frivolous recreational pursuit, it actually isn't. It's super important for our psychological well-being, for our relationship well-being."
"Sex is the parts that you have... Gender refers to those social aspects that are attributed to each sex."
"Everything is sex except sex, which is power."
"Sex is not just for pleasure; sex is like a form of communication."
"Sex inside marriage is basically about giving, giving yourself and just serving the other person."
"Use sex as an extension of everything else you do in marriage, just another way of saying I love you, just another way of giving myself to you."
"The fundamentally we should we take sex seriously or have historically taken sex seriously because there's the potential of creating another human."
"Sex isn't gonna solve it; it's gonna make it more complicated for you."
"Sex is the most intimate thing you could ever do."
"I think that's a pretty strong correlation between gendered behavior and sex."
"The biological purpose of sex is children, just as the biological purpose of eating is to repair the body."
"The more sex a couple has with each other, the more oxytocin is released, and the deeper their bond becomes."
"Sex wasn't just about power, it's also about intimacy, vulnerability, and trust."
"Sex can be empowering when you're coming from a position of healthy self-esteem."
"Guys can compartmentalize sex from feelings."
"Sex is not a consumer good...it's a covenant good."
"Sex outside of marriage...is essentially using sex selfishly."
"You're making sex and romantic love into an idol."
"Sex is so much better with romance that it's not even the same thing."
"I'm more so on the lifestyle now, like it's so pointless for me to just have sex at the moment, like it's extremely pointless."
"There are literally hundreds of physical differences between the Sexes. It's not just a matter of testosterone levels."
"Sex within marriage is particularly important for women because women inherently are built of Elucian airily to connect emotion with sex in a way that men simply are not."
"Sex is nice. It's easy to think it's going to fix everything if you just get laid, but it's really not."
"There are two sexes, but any number of genders."
"Sex should be mostly about pleasure, but I understand that for some people...the primary reason...for having sex...isn't always that."
"Sex is a normal thing; however, I don't think it's an individual need...unlike things like food, water, oxygen."
"For the average healthy woman, sex shouldn't hurt...if it does, it's not something you should ever feel you have to enjoy."
"There's no casual sex, there's no no consequences sex. Your brain cannot tell the difference."
"Because sex comes with the possibility of together producing a new life, it warrants the highest emotional commitment."
"Introduce our children to the sacredness of sex."
"Sex is good, sex is healthy, sex is an essential part of our social fabric."
"Americans in the midst of a loneliness epidemic are not having enough sex."
"Having more sex can be an act of social solidarity."
"Loneliness and sex are interrelated issues that cause each other."
"It is your duty to have more sex to make Society better."
"Sex is intrinsic to a society built on social connection."
"Many people have resigned themselves to displacing their sexual desires, relying entirely on porn."
"Having more sex should be seen as a critical part of our social well-being."
"In spite of everything they've told us... sex actually is about love."
"Good sex and mental health are linked, with oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin enhancing the process."
"Sex requires enthusiastic consent from every participant."
"A prostitute takes sex out of the marriage bed and puts it into the culture, into the marketplace. Well, that's what's happened to America."
"Stop teaching sexual exploration is akin to murder so the stakes are not so high for children."
"Sex should also be regarded as important, I'm not saying that sex is the all-in-all in a relationship."
"When you have sex, it increases by 200%."
"Sex is such an intimate, intricate, beautiful experience, and it becomes more beautiful when you both learn how to communicate."
"Sex is not something just done to people that you love; it's also like a fun thing that you might want to do because you find someone hot."
"Sex isn't a magical moment; it's a really weird one for a lot of people."
"Whatever the situation, sex is something that changes us."
"The emotion of sex is an irresistible force against which there can be no such opposition as an immovable body."
"Sex transmutation will lift one to the status of a genius."
"Americans tell pollsters their single favorite activity is sex."
"How the [__] did nothing to have sex before I fly away?"
"The idea of genp is to promote a healthy approach to sex and gender."
"There are zero genders, two sexes, and infinite personalities."
"Sex is not love, and just because a guy wants to sleep with you does not mean he loves you."
"You don't have to be having sex just because that's what a lot of other people are doing."
"Sex and no sex is my recipe for a good life."
"When having unprotected sex, make sure they're real people, not just anybody can breed."
"We all know there's more to life than just sex. It's just that sex is so much better than those other things. There's other stuff, but it's so much better. It's dominating."
"Tremendous. That's how it works. That's how sex works, everybody. Tramana. You just gotta have it."
"He writes of the dirty happy joy of sex, right? The frolicking romping silliness and dirtiness with laughter and zeal."
"...it's okay to associate someone's worth based on whether or not they have sex but not okay to do the same with someone's weight."
"Guys typically have sex within six months of their breakup, and all respondents stated that it helped."
"Sex can be a physical thing, sex can be an emotional thing, sex can be a spiritual thing... and that's okay."
"We need more sex education in this."
"We ain't had sex at all since you've been around and god knows I've tried."
"If my wife ever left me I'll never have sex again. I asked my wife if she was attracted to me she paused for a long time and said she appreciates my contributions around the house."
"Sex to some extent is always going to be entwined with status and gender."
"If you're going to have sex with someone that you don't know, always, always, always ask. Very important."
"Life is too short to not have an incredible sex life. It's just too short."
"Men don't just want sex, they need it."
"Sex is not evil, sex is God's idea for the married woman and a married woman. It is Holy and it's beautiful."
"Sex is much more fun to undress someone than have an interest."
"Sex is not evil, sex is God's idea for the married woman."
"Why not say that sex is biological whereas gender is a social construct?"
"Biological sex and gender identity are different but they're equally valid."
"A symbol of sensuality, aptly nicknamed The Godfather of sex."
"Your sex becomes 10 times better if you can connect with your partner in an emotional way at the highest level."
"Sex isn't just about making love for you guys, but it's an actual form of self-expression and validating yourselves."
"Great sex comes from love, from lack of condemnation, from trust, from freedom, which you'll get, you get all that in marriage."
"I wish I'd known earlier that lots of sex doesn't mean a good relationship, and not a lot doesn't mean a bad one."
"The best sex is right after your bills are paid."
"So the stakes are high today. Running around here having sex like it's a sport and then when somebody asked her to name a father, she just named one that she got the most information on."
"Sex isn't just about penetration, it is about intimacy."
"Exactly, we didn't have... You never had sex? We had to. We had one-time sex, okay, and then you never asked him to have sex with you again, correct?"
"...do you have she refused sex for an extended period of time?"
"Every sex is about making secrets. If you ain't made no secrets in sex, then you didn't have good sex."
"Sex to me is a little bit like uh is like um billiards uh it's very very boring to watch but it's very fun to play."
"Great sex is not necessary for a great relationship. For me, especially after being in a union for as long as I have been, you start to really focus on what really matters."
"Have a lot of sex. It's the only person that you have that relationship with if you're monogamous."
"Sex is more than lovemaking, it's play. That play element is vital."
"Sex is just coming of age as an open matter and it is a very hard matter for Westerners to consider the idea of suspending his external sexual activities in order to pursue his yoga."
"The depiction of sex is quite healthy. It's consensual, it's usually very playful and the participants enjoy themselves."
"People have sex because sex is fun. That's all there needs to be."
"Sex with a Capricorn can pretty much be some of the best sex of your life."
"Sometimes men can have sex like a physical exercise, without any feelings."
"Sex. Ages us terribly. We need more of it."
"Sex is at least 65% of the relationship, a little more than half, yeah, definitely more than half."
"Sex is a big deal. It's a big deal when it's not hidden."
"I always thought that you would stretch your [__] out if you had sex with a lot of people, all of it is a lie."
"Sex really is binary. There's no question about it. You're either male or female and it's absolutely clear."
"Sex shouldn't be a punishment or a weapon. Humans aren't livestock. You're not a trade. You're not an asset."
"You never ever ever owe anyone sex. It is not and never will be a duty. It's an experience to be shared and enjoyed by everyone involved, not just you having to do something out of obligation."
"Men created a solution for erectile dysfunction because it was stopping them from having the sex they want to have."
"Sex to a man is love...when you're taking away that love you're taking away an integral part of that relationship."
"Sex was created by God given as a gift of God to married people and it is meant to be enjoyed."
"Sex is the covenant seal and sign of marriage. It's very, very special and very, very powerful."
"Men don't just want sex, they need sex."
"Well, some asexual people still want romantic relationships but they don't want the sex bit."
"But our culture portrays romance as completely intertwined with, and even contingent on sex."
"Instead of asking, why do romantic asexuals not want sex, the show asks - why do some people think sex is everything?"
"Sex is not an act sex is a responsibility and right we just get too caught up because songs and obviously the feeling in the moment but sex is something that results in other things that we don't think about."
"Just because you've had a lot of sex with a lot of people doesn't mean you know what you're doing."
"Biological sex is not binary. There's incredible variation even within supposed categories of male and female."
"Good sex is the key to a lasting and happy marriage."
"I waited a long time to have sex, usually."
"Sex is free, you just pay them to leave."
"What we need to do is to be having great sex, that's what we need to be doing."
"Do you want to know the true value of sex, like just the physical act? Do you want to know what it's really worth? Let's find out."
"I'm going to tell you something about women that hopefully you've already noticed, which is that women use sex to sell the relationship. I'm going to say that again so it really sinks in: women use sex to sell a relationship."
"Currently, I have an open enrollment for my five-week online sex course."
"There is nothing more addictive than hot sex with a new person."
"Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that can be. Let's talk about that, let's talk about it."
"Talk about music and much more sex is right."
"Sex is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still good."
"The biggest mistake girls make is they think that sex is enough."
"Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power."
"Gender and sex are two different things."
"Sex is the most powerful physical union on earth and one of the strongest spiritual unions."
"Sex is not just this thing that takes you from point A to point B, but it's actually a closeness with the divine. It's about transcendence, and about otherness."
"Sex is not bad sex is not dirty sex is not ungodly God is the one who created sex and when we do it inside of the context in which he created is actually beautiful it's actually wonderful and it's actually powerful."
"Sex is so much about giving and receiving, negotiating, compromising, learning to be really empathetic to another person's experience."
"Permission to enjoy sex does not associate you with the trauma."
"We bless you into the best sex ever."
"When you hear a guy talk about how good sex was, it's always 'I gave her without question the worst three minutes and 14 seconds of her life.'"
"Sex used to be like this taboo like sexy thing and it's like it's still it no it still is but it's way more about like actually loving you to your point about being intentional like more direct where it's like it's not it's so different and I think it's way better."
"Sex doesn't have to last long. It doesn't, right?"
"Sex has been commodified. We took it out of the bedroom and gave it to multi-billion dollar corporations."
"The single greatest reported increase of testosterone ever is semen retention while having sex."
"Sex gets better with age if you focus on it and you actually pay attention to it and your hormones are in balance. I can't wait. I have sex at least twice a week."
"The more you have sex the better because it gives you confidence and sexually confident women women who think they're good in bed so increase your skills as well."
"Sex in and of itself is not sinful. Sex in it of itself is not shameful in the context of marriage. It's absolutely okay."
"Sex isn't an act just for your husband. It's also an act for you."
"Sex is sacred...bodies are more like temples than they are like playgrounds."
"Sex is our way of connecting, it's a bonding behavior."
"Wants to help you have better sex."
"I never see sex so clearly as when I look at people who deny sex entirely."
"A marker of sex is not itself sex."
"Lingerie is just sex wrapping paper, okay? You put whatever you want on, ladies, as long as it means sex after. Hooray, right?"
"I think it's less about the act of having sex and more about the ability to have the sex and dating life that you want."
"Who am I going to have sex with now?"
"It's almost taboo... sex was definitely and only designed for the marriage bed."
"Sex was an invention that within marriage is a weapon against the enemy."
"Sex is a way of categorizing humans based on a combination of a few traits: chromosomes, genitals, gonads, hormones, and secondary sex characteristics."
"So, three-fifths of the sex criteria point to female and only one-fifth points to male, and if you believe that sex is an unchanging biological fact, that couldn't be possible, but it is."
"I'm just trying to have normal Christian sex now, you know what I'm saying?"
"Thankfully I haven't had to do that in a long time because like I actually like sex with people now."
"Sex refers to a set of factors that determine whether an individual is considered biologically female, male, or intersex."
"The intimacy with sex doesn't come from the physical connection. That's just the fun, pleasurable part. The intimacy that comes from sex is created by the emotional connection, which requires ladies a connection with yourself so that you can have a connection to your husband."
"Sometimes I want intimacy that doesn't always have to turn into sex."
"Just because a man wants to have sex with you doesn't mean he's interested in a relationship."
"Sex is not just penetration if it's not penetration then you're a weirdo."
"Married men who have sex three times a week are the healthiest men on the planet."
"Have sex when you're comfortable, aware of the consequences, and know their real intentions."
"Waiting to have sex with my husband until marriage was the best decision that I ever made."
"Sex is for enjoyment, no doubt and desire, but it's also what you said, and most people are very careful."
"Retraining your brain to think that can make sex that much more enjoyable."
"He had sex with the Devil canonically, he's so real for that."
"Let's not get sex and love confused. You're gonna lead a very empty and frustrating life trying to scratch a love itch with a sex utensil."
"We want to free people to enjoy sex and marriage so that was really working with couples and saying man there's a lot of Shame there."
"...we believe sex is a physical sign of a spiritual reality. So, all that means is sex is physical Oneness, and when your spiritual and emotional Oneness is at a high, the physical Oneness is going to follow."
"Sex outside of God's will is dishonoring Him, the opposite of worship."
"The reason I talk about sex online is because of my desire for other women to know like there are more like we all have questions we all have areas where we feel like we're not good at or we struggling."
"Sex is not just for procreation. Sex is for pleasure. It's for pleasure. It's a gift."
"Sex can be like gardening. We can't choose where the garden was planted, but we can fertilize the soil."
"Sex is fabulous, absolutely fabulous."
"Can you ever extricate sex from any human interaction, from any story about power, about love? I don't know. I think it's such a driving force."
"...women want sex just as much as you do and what's interesting especially women they're divorced and got kids..."
"God invented sex, orgasms, he invented the mechanics of it. He knew what he was doing."
"Sex should be the best part of your day when you get to have it. We don't want that to get ruined by getting in your head, anything that's going on in your life, anything on your mind, stuff like that."
"The truth is sex does not cure a lack of intimacy in a relationship. Instead sex should reflect the already present intimacy in a marriage."
"I genuinely think it's the best sex I've ever had."
"God honoring sex starts long before the bedroom."
"You should never enjoy food, you should not enjoy sex, sex is bad or something, no."
"Do you talk during sex? Not really no no. Is it a red flag if someone does? Oh I don't mind why is that weird? Cuz why would I be talking in the middle of sex if you're talking in the middle of sex you're not occupied well enough."
"All the studies showed that when oxytocin is released during and after sex, you feel closer but you're not actually emotionally closer."
"Why would he marry you if he's already getting sex for free?"
"I also think that there is a place for boring married sex. There's a place for just hooking up."
"30% of Brits think it's acceptable to answer the phone during sex it happens Mom it's for you."
"How can a man be so talented and not get laid?"
"Sex is binary. It is male and female."
"So, it started with writing the book, which was 'How to Get a Woman to Have Sex with You If You're Her Husband', because all the husbands were complaining about a lack of sex."
"To add insult to injury, someone found out that this person never loved them, they were just using them for sex, and the sex wasn't that good anyway."
"I mean, unprotected sex isn't the safest, but it feels better. You'll realize that soon enough."
"A healthy relationship basically means having sex one to three times a week."
"Lights on or off for sex y I like both I prefer on I like a face during SE I like the faces that are being being made during a nice c f i want to see that face and the breasts."
"Sex in prison isn't sex. It's just not."
"You spiritually enlighten people mentally during sex."