
Economic Growth Quotes

There are 1916 quotes

"The single greatest force for raising literally hundreds of millions, billions of people from abject poverty is capitalism."
"The Creator economy is projected to double in size from 250 billion to 480 billion over the next 5 years."
"Anyone who believes in indefinite growth on a physically finite planet is either mad or an economist."
"Economic growth is going to fall sharply at the second half of the year, sharper than people expect."
"China's contribution to global economic growth is greater than the combined contributions of the Americas, Europe, and Japan, making it a leading engine for economic growth."
"Strong productivity gives you faster economic growth, it gives you a faster increase in living standards."
"For the first time in over three decades, the economy of the USA is growing faster than the economy of China."
"Infrastructure generates the economic growth that allows the rest of this to happen on its own."
"We're leading the country in job creation, venture capital investment, and we're building important infrastructure like the Red Deer hospital and the Standalone staller."
"Together we will make America powerful again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again."
"We've gone up 1.3 degrees and everything has got massively better, hugely better."
"The recovery has progressed more quickly than generally expected and forecasts from FOMC participants for economic growth this year have been revised up notably."
"Indicators of economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen, and real GDP this year appears to be on track to post its fastest rate of increase in decades."
"Under his policies, America now has the fastest growing GDP of any G7 Nation since the pandemic."
"The future of our society, our economic growth in the future, the GDP growth of industrialized countries in the future is going to be dependent on the quality and character of our collective imaginations."
"Immigrants are far more likely to work in STEM fields that create life-improving products and drive economic growth."
"If banks create money and it's used for productive business investment, that gives us economic growth without inflation."
"Slow, long-run growth is the economic problem since 2000; our growth rate is cut in half."
"The trade and commercial infrastructure around the rivers... watch as our prosperity grows."
"When billionaires want to open up the markets for their trade, they'll fund media outlets that tell the audience how important investments, innovations, and economic growth are."
"With capitalism, the pie grows, and there's an abundance ability for anybody to participate in that."
"Indeed, four decades ago, China was as poor as Malawi of Africa in terms of per capita GDP. Now, China's the largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity."
"The planet has boomed...climate related mortality and deaths has gone down...GDP per capita...has gone up...everything has got massively better."
"By picking the right industry that has a massive tailwind behind it, we would have to be really, really stupid to not end up better off."
"The American Rescue Plan and the United States' fiscal response likely adding three to four percentage points to GDP this year."
"There is not an inconsistency between fairness and economic growth. In fact, the rich would do better with a smaller share of a rapidly growing economy than a large share of an economy that's dead in the water."
"Our economy has grown more in the last 6 months than it ever did at any point in Trump's entire four years in office."
"The most effective means of preventing gun violence is establishing better family structure, alleviating poverty, and ensuring growth in economic potential."
"Real wages were rising, people's standard of living was going through the roof."
"Aging populations always have lower growth, fact."
"What happened to the U.S. economy beginning after the second world war is an extraordinary record of economic growth."
"India is in the early parts of a demographic sweet spot where the majority of their population is now of working age. This really helps support growth."
"We can unlock a massively bigger creative economy."
"Economic activity is on track to expand at a robust pace this year, reflecting progress on vaccinations and the reopening of the economy."
"Reducing income inequality would boost economic growth."
"A country's economy grows faster when its income inequality decreases."
"He kept us out of war and he grew the economy. Those are two of the most important things a president can do."
"China has overseen the most incredible economic growth in human history, going from one of the poorest countries on the planet to lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty."
"The expected targets for economic growth were successfully achieved, and the outlook is very bright."
"We continue to prioritize economic growth as well as national security."
"The R&D tax credit supports the efforts of startups to invest in the development of new innovative products that lead to job creation and economic growth."
"Africa is home to seven of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world."
"The single best thing we can do is get prices under control, get inflation under control, so that we can have a long expansion."
"I would rather just see more modest, almost boring growth over the next couple of years because I think that would be more sustainable and generate better returns and a better quality of life for everyone in the United States."
"Georgia is on course to become one of the world's fastest-growing economies this year, following a dramatic influx of more than 100,000 Russians since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine."
"Worldwide, people on average are more affluent than they used to be, and it's countries that are most open to global trade that are the most affluent among them."
"Exploration is the engine that drives innovation. Innovation drives economic growth. So let's all go exploring."
"Economic growth is all about converting production inputs, like money, raw materials, labor, or expertise, into valuable goods and services."
"Grow the economy, interesting, now living standards up, achieve political legitimacy on a sustained basis with the Chinese people by continuing to have higher levels of disposable income but also greater national economic power through which to fund other critical national capabilities, most particularly those of the military."
"The distribution has since changed, shifting to the right, implying a general increase in global incomes and this was accompanied by a thickening in the middle of the income distribution."
"Through perseverance, Lagos emerged as the fifth largest economy in the entire continent of Africa."
"The expectation is infinite growth, and this is yet another part of that kind of unsustainable mindset."
"We need all the talent we can find because we have enormous problems, because we need economic growth, because we need innovation, because we need to save the planet."
"In our lifetimes, the dominant story of economic explosion has been that of China."
"America has seen near-constant growth since the end of World War II, so the average American only gets richer every year."
"The Chinese model of government, however described, has delivered extremely impressive economic growth, lifting many millions out of poverty."
"Wealth is created; otherwise, we wouldn't be where we are now."
"Good, we need to build up our economy and we need one more Joker."
"Capitalism has raised the globe from abject poverty. It's the reason why you have cool stuff today."
"The best way to enable people to live forever is through more economic growth, so you can have more research scientists and more capital devoted to figuring out a way for people to be able to live forever."
"China's economic boom has proven that population numbers give a country an economic advantage."
"If you make a bigger pie, everyone gets a bigger slice."
"This month's report reflects broad-based growth. For example, the unemployment rate for workers with less than a high school degree is the lowest on record."
"The Bureau of Economic Analysis says the GDP expanded 5.7% in 2021, which is the fastest annual growth since the 80s."
"If you want to do debt-led growth, you have to let businesses actually use that debt to innovate."
"There will be less poverty, so if you vote in favor of my proposal, remember, it's much bigger, 25% bigger, the American economy in terms of income and wealth and capacity to do all kinds of good things."
"China and India just have more people, so it makes sense that as they get access to the same technology and education enjoyed by countries in the West, their people will become just as productive on an individual level."
"The never-ending rise of residential blocks were how ordinary people like my family could see and touch the miraculous economic growth that the country was going through."
"The evidence is clear: investing in equity is good for economic growth, and it creates jobs for all Americans."
"It grows the economy, benefits everybody, hurts nobody."
"This is a mutually beneficial and win/win agreement. It will bring about stable economic growth, promote world peace and prosperity, and is in the interest of the producers, consumers, and investors in both countries."
"Productivity gains during the expansion were disappointing, and income and wealth disparities have been growing for several decades."
"A little bit of inflation is considered good because that two percent inflation is what drives economic growth and expansion."
"Bangladesh, an economy historically associated more with floods than being a future economic powerhouse, yet that's exactly what it's tipped to be."
"Goldman Sachs labeling Bangladesh a 'Next Eleven' economy, one of the eleven economies said to be the largest in the 21st century alongside the BRICS."
"As the GDP per capita in China grows... people will switch from demanding food and shelter to... we want to be able to say whatever we want now."
"International trade was closer to 20 percent of the global economy by the early 1910s, and by the mid-1970s it was about 30 percent. Today it is around 60."
"In a 40-year time span, Japan had gone from a small agricultural country to becoming the world's third-largest economy."
"America's economic winning streak under President Trump evidenced by strong job creation, rising wages, rapid business growth, soaring consumer confidence, and increased manufacturing activity."
"This demand stimulated Japan's economy, reintegrating it with world markets while also providing the basis for what would become a big strength in industrial manufacturing."
"Argentina since the early 1900s has always been a high-risk, high-reward country to invest in because when things are going well, it has some of the most intense periods of economic growth of any country at any point in history."
"Government spending isn't investment; it doesn't grow the economy."
"You've got a society where capitalism is beginning to run amok and needs to be readjusted in order to make sure that what we're doing is sustainable and the benefits of growth are widely shared in ways they haven't been."
"We have created three million new jobs, more jobs in our first five months than any administration in history."
"This economy is now doing exactly what we want it to do; it's growing."
"Optimism started to grow... We're gonna have this boom, we got the policy just right."
"Africa's growth story becomes a case study for forging global collaborations, prioritizing shared growth over historical power dynamics."
"Shifting as African nations make strides toward success, it's not limited to just one or two countries; a list of nations are actively working to elevate Africa's status."
"From 1961 to 2021, the GDP per capita of the Republic of Korea grew from being 34.34 times smaller than the United States to approximately half of what it was in the United States, truly a breathtaking pace of economic development."
"The resource curse... countries with an abundance of natural resources having less economic growth, less democracy."
"The United States' dominance in technology the last 50 years has been just stunning, and a huge source of economic growth in our country."
"So it's not surprising that the Fed took up, and I mean way up, its growth projections for the U.S. economy."
"American exceptionalism really refers to this period of tremendous economic growth and expansion."
"Mexico is a nation with a lot of potential... it has the same opportunities to go through rapid growth like so many other nations have in Southeast Asia and abroad."
"Migration has a ton of positive ones as well. We see economic growth as more immigrants come in, they bring ideas, jobs, they are entrepreneurs, they bring new cultural things we've never experienced before."
"Innovation is what supports access, economic activity, and gives so many of us better opportunities in life."
"The real question is do we want to have the courage to grab it here, to prosper from the jobs here and to stabilize our economy and our planet at the same time."
"Cities have been the drivers of progress... in terms of economic growth but also in terms of culture."
"Freeing half of the population from full-time unpaid services and giving them the ability to join the workforce and become independent consumers was one of the biggest drivers of economic growth in the past half century."
"Putin was delivering on growth, and he was delivering on the economic promise in his first two terms."
"In 2010, China passed the U.S. in manufacturing output and has seen massive growth ever since."
"Mexico sits in the perfect storm preparing it for an economic boom, due to multiple factors both inside of Mexico and also outside in the changing international landscape."
"When he left in 1988, the US had oversaw years of almost unprecedented economic growth, millions of new jobs, a revitalized conservative movement, lower taxes, and a Soviet Union on the brink of collapse."
"If countries spend money on economically stimulative programs, they can create growth."
"Countries don't cut their way to economic prosperity; countries tend to grow their way to economic prosperity."
"Every source I could find that tracks economic data around the world unanimously agrees that the world has gotten more prosperous, but to look at social media, you'd think that we are more impoverished than ever before."
"The way we do that is by betting on a green economy, investing in a green economy. It'll bring down bills, it'll give us energy security, it will create half a million jobs."
"Malaysia has already made good economic progress, growing its gross national income per capita more than three times over the last 20 years."
"Within just 10 years of the beginning of their operations, by 2006, Qatar had already overtaken all of its LNG competitors to become the largest exporter of LNG in the world."
"Prosperity creates democracy, democracy creates prosperity."
"We want young people to have families, to buy houses, to help the economy. They need money."
"We looked at a couple of things, but the two factors that swayed us, I guess, was the lack of competition here... and the GDP had grown in line with China seven years in a row."
"In 1947, India emerged from two centuries of colonial exploitation with its growth stunted and its people poor and uneducated. As of today, it has halved the poverty rate, doubled life expectancy, reached world standards of literacy, and become a global high-tech force."
"It is a city that has reinvented itself and is now experiencing economic growth and a healthy job market."
"This landmark agreement will send cash and jobs pouring into the United States and into North America."
"My fellow Americans, trickle-down economics has never worked, and it's time to grow the economy from the bottom and the middle out."
"Financially, very rewarding time... time of abundance."
"A stagnant economy that promotes more government dependency or a dynamic growing economy that promotes opportunity and jobs."
"We can grow this economy faster. That’s what our five-point plan for a stronger middle class is all about."
"The point being, we're optimistic. We are in the beginning of the upper side, the steeper side of the hockey stick curve."
"Economic progress and environmental progress are actually aligned."
"We are officially in a bull stock market... We've had more than 14 million jobs created under Biden... Unemployment down to 3.7%... Wages are higher than they were before the pandemic... Gas prices plummeting..."
"I think we're going to have boom times, I think it's going to be great."
"Israel's economy has never been stronger, their military's never been stronger, their natural resource discovery and R&D for national security purposes never been stronger."
"California's economy is grown 7.8% under my Administration, crime is down 13% - how come the In-N-Out Burger left Oakland?"
"Thanks to President Donald Trump's leadership, American businesses are growing again, investing in America again, and they're creating jobs in this country instead of shipping jobs overseas."
"China's GDP over the past few decades: explosive growth."
"I believe that we need my husband's leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back once again to the greatest economy and the strongest country ever known."
"Study after study shows that Democratic Leadership equals growth and lower deficits and progress for working families."
"Increasing trade with countries like Mexico could be expected to increase global demand and increase US exports in line with any increase in US imports."
"The standard of living will almost certainly rise by the end of the century. Modern projections say that by the end of the century your average Bangladeshi will be as rich as your average Dutchman today."
"China's economy growing is a good thing for the world."
"China is committed to peace, integration, and a rising tide lifts all boats."
"Fair and reciprocal trade with China will boost long-term economic growth, not only in the United States but globally."
"A manufacturing boom has swept across the country...President Biden hopes will boost his claim to have delivered on his promise to be a president that creates jobs for all Americans."
"Elon Musk envisions a world where creativity and new ideas thrive, economies do well, and basic values like freedom and dignity are preserved."
"China's tremendous economic rise has created massive players in the global defense sector."
"The end is nigh, the beginning of the end for Donald Trump. This is the beginning of the end."
"Prosperity at least in any sort of absolute sense historically has grown to magnificent proportions."
"The main driver for economic growth in this country is coming as a consequence of rampant growth in big government bureaucracy..."
"China's average wage has grown over 10 times in the past two decades from a higher educated in-demand productive Workforce."
"If we pass our American Rescue Plan, the economy would create 7.5 million jobs just in this year alone."
"I don't just want growth, I want a decent society. A society where it's just based on maximizing growth or maximizing the economic rights of individuals isn't necessarily a good society."
"I hope that you learned a lot today we've certainly increased the city we've created a significant industrial area at this point that really adds to the character of the city and we have made a lot of money in the process."
"A president of the United States has to confront every crisis facing America. I will put our nation back on the path to growth and prosperity and restore fiscal responsibility."
"We must accept that infinite growth on a finite planet is suicide."
"We saw income levels rise among all demographic groups."
"Our future competitiveness lies in innovation and adding value to products."
"We need to head towards decentralization and maintain high growth."
"The growth of China is often viewed in the context of what it did for the Chinese people which was obviously fantastic bringing hundreds of millions of people out of poverty."
"The only way to truly stimulate an economy is with Innovation and growth."
"It is now the 15th fastest growing economy in the world."
"We've all seen this chart before. This is real growth, not hype."
"For many economies and businesses across Europe, the Belt and Road initiative can offer new directions for growth."
"Ronald Reagan broadly speaking cut taxes and rolled back regulations, and the economy boomed."
"America grew fastest when government was one or two percent of the economy. Let's move back in that direction."
"Steady growth is healthy, spiky growth maybe not so much."
"Our vision is pro-worker, pro-jobs, pro-family, pro-growth, pro-energy, and 100% pro-American."
"We believe this market is going to scale at a 60 percent annualized rate during the next five years."
"Offshore wind is a once in a generation opportunity that allows us to protect our environment while significantly expanding and securing the state's economy."
"The bigger problem, leaving aside the politics of it, is are we doing what we need to do to make this economy grow?"
"Shares of online furniture retailer Wayfair soared as much as 35 percent to a record high."
"The United States will stand by them for as long as it takes."
"You can choose policies that invest in our middle class and create new jobs."
"You got to spend money to make money, America."
"Take away the boundaries, the different currencies...think about how explosive growth could be."
"The economic Prosperity wasn't just confined to boardrooms; it trickled down to the working class too."
"The industrialization of space I think will be one of the great economic booms of this century."
"Since I took the oath of office we've added far more than 1 million jobs in the private sector."
"Silicon Valley is seeing a surge in startups."
"Economy is going to be even better after this point, perfect."
"I like when number go up... ain't that the truth."
"China's economic growth over the last 40 years has been the greatest in human history."
"It's a few millions to get going and then a few tens of millions once the virtuous cycle begins."
"We're leading a campaign to fight back against this disease, to keep the economy growing, to make sure that humanity has access to the drugs and the treatments that we all need."
"The world has gone through an unprecedented period of rapid economic growth because all of these things have improved."
"India's economy is expected to grow at 6.7 percent in 2024 compared to the measly 5 expected by China's economy."
"The American economy is booming because we have a president who believed in less taxes, less regulation, unleashing American energy, and free and fair trade."
"In order to preserve that, it's by putting America first, having a thriving economy, having happiness."
"Corruption may very well have helped the economy grow, but if the economy is not growing, corruption will eat it alive."
"We've created a record 11.4 million American jobs in the past five months."
"Our economy is now growing at the fastest rate ever recorded."
"Taxes are high, but the economy freaking booms."
"Vietnam attracted $27.7 billion in foreign direct investment in 2022, reaching the highest level since 2018."
"The USMCA is projected to increase GDP by two hundred thirty-five billion dollars."
"The USMCA is pretty projected to increase GDP by two hundred thirty-five billion dollars."
"Once you've jumped into a second town center immediately getting that second town center up is going to allow you to produce villagers which is going to make your economy boom."
"India is booming. It's joining the elite club of global superpowers."
"Economy will start to revive during this year."
"America's economic potential has been unleashed."
"America's wealth has increased by seven trillion dollars since the president was elected."
"That's also going to help to get an economic engine going and making sure that economic growth can be participatory and not exclusionary."
"The biggest limiting factor on Turkey's growth is America. If America doesn't want Turkey to expand, it's not going to happen."
"We all know where this is going: multi-trillion dollar market cap. I love it."
"More people became millionaires in the last three years because of the economy."
"Improving people's skills is a real win-win for all: the economy, society, employers, and individuals themselves."
"The U.S. economy grew at a record rate in the third quarter, setting a new historic record." - The Commerce Department says the U.S. economy expanded by 33.1 percent in the third quarter, setting a new historic record.
"We can't have growth forever in a finite world."
"Income for black Americans grew nine times more under my leadership than under Biden and Obama."
"It's creating more jobs, which helps the economy."