
Pornography Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"This discussion is about the brain changes made by high-speed internet porn - a recent phenomenon that didn’t exist until around 20 years ago."
"A lot of young men do not know that they're affected... until they remove porn use."
"I tweeted 'ban porn on Twitter.' I think that porn should be banned."
"Watching pornography can have complex effects on the brain, attitudes, and behaviors, reflecting the nuanced nature of human psychology."
"The variable that correlates the most with being addicted to pornography is a sense of meaninglessness."
"We believe that pornography is not good. It negatively impacts your brain and negatively impacts your relationship."
"The problem with pornography is not that it shows too much; it's that it shows too little."
"We have mass unhappiness, we have breakdown among male-female relationships, people actually are having less sex in many ways than before, pornography uses spiking, and it's all because we've forgotten what sex is designed for, which is intimacy and new life."
"First and foremost, I would say pornography has something to do with it... men don't really have to put in the effort to go out and seek a mate when they can just do it at the comfort of their space."
"Pornography is always rooted in some unhealed pain."
"Perversion does not start with perversion; that's why pornography is so devastating because what pornography gives you is a prevision, a pre-vision of something God wants for you out of the context that He designed it in."
"Pornography reduces the human person to just an object... the demonic component of pornography is it just reduces humanity to a commodity."
"If you are a moral human being, I think that you agree pornography is not an inherent good for human beings."
"I believe in regulation of the distribution of pornography to people under 18."
"Pornography addiction absolutely is affecting intimacy."
"Keep children far away from pornography. Try to keep yourself away from it as well."
"There's something really dystopian about porn."
"Watching porn inscribes certain arousal patterns in the brain... designed to lead the most compulsive users down this kind of rabbit hole of seeking out more and more extreme stimulation."
"With the increasing availability range of pornography available, it's important that we do everything we can to help young people become porn literate and identify the pornography."
"Why keep porn? So many of society's worst problems are connected to or amplified by porn."
"The overwhelming part of the article had nothing to do with porn, it was about masturbation, it was about these cult-like groups like nofap which, you know, you guys probably know what that means."
"Pornography is mentally destructive and completely demonic."
"Pornography affects so many different people in so many different ways."
"Porn trained him to no longer care about the mystery of a woman or her body."
"Porn skips the whole process of real intimacy."
"Pornography leads you away from being like Jesus."
"Porn is awful. I mean it's a poison, it's arsenic, it's a cancer on society."
"Pornography emasculates men that it robs them of the ability to be masculine."
"I thought the switch up for pornography was just kind of cool."
"Porn addiction: more than 90 percent of young men report watching porn videos."
"Exposure to porn can have a distorting effect on their sexuality that's unhealthy."
"Porn is literally like a weapon. It's a drug and it's destroying."
"It hijacks your brain's reward circuitry. It makes you depressed."
"You cannot fight pornography at the point of the search engine; you have to fight it at the point of your eyes."
"Unless I'm free to promote pornography, no one's free."
"An entire generation raised on pornography realized they were slaves."
"Pornography is a form of control, a sophisticated form of control."
"Pornography will wreck your self-image... the solution is grace and God's love."
"Would you recommend kids watch porn? Genuinely, no."
"If you're watching porn, you're not happy after."
"Porn is infinitely less bad than gambling, it's not even remotely close."
"When people watch porn, it's often about fantasies that they don't even want to act on in real life."
"Porn doesn't make you free. It actually enslaves you, warps your brain, and messes up your relationships."
"She's the inventor of pornography. When she took over her culture, the earliest pornography in the world is her literature."
"Technology is a double-edged sword - humanity now has access to more pornography than it ever has in all of human history."
"Pornography is actually used as a weapon of war."
"Porn can be addictive, it changes our attitudes and potentially our behaviors in potentially antisocial ways... it seems very possible that porn has something to do with that."
"I don't think the problem is intrinsically with porn. It's about our difficulty engaging responsibly with technology."
"I'm sick of porn, it makes me so tired, I feel stressed afterwards."
"If you are a man and you watch porn, that demon is on you, you are under the influence of demons."
"Porn is what percentage of the internet? Jamie, is it 30 something percent?"
"I definitely got the message of like porn is bad."
"Pornography turns faces into bodies, it teaches us to look upon other people as mere objects."
"Pornography teaches us to think of sex and other people as bodies, not faces, it dehumanizes on that level."
"Pornography is one of these things that is just such a potent stimulus that is so easily accessible and furthermore doesn't frequently come with the consequences."
"If I have something that gives me some amount of water, then I will never be desperate enough to actually fix the situation because I'm getting enough of it kind of handed to me in a very easy way, and that's what pornography does."
"Improved sex education would offset the damage by pornography."
"...porography... it will make you... you will no longer be able to endure the desire for sexual intimacy without caving and it will train you in softness... it will emasculate you."
"The damage that pornography has wrought on families, on society, it really can't even be quantified. So this is something that we have to battle against with every tool that we have in our tool belt."
"The most insidious is addiction to pornography."
"I've been anxious about my penis size. I started watching pornography I think around the age of 11 or 12 and that's, you know, that's a very impressionable, vulnerable place to be in, so of course, there's always these feelings about looking at your body."
"By far the worst statistic that I have heard is that out of all the sexual abuse that happens in America, 84% of the time the perpetrator is 12 and under and 100% of the time they're addicted to pornography."
"...watching porn with your spouse is a virtual prome and virtual adultery..."
"Pornography destroys a person's marriage, family, and nation."
"Most of pornography is people having sex, and there's no way pixels moving on a screen is going to be the same as my intimate personal human relationship."
"...the way the Mormon Church talks about and deals with pornography is way more harmful than the pornography itself."
"Don't call us Pro-pornography, call us pro-healthy relationships."
"Porn is like bad theology, it's the imagination of a relationship without the risks of a real one."
"You're opening yourself up to a demon. You literally watched pornography for how many years?"
"The visual stimulus of pornography hijacks a brain's reward system."
"Porn is the imagination of a relationship without the risk of a real one."
"Looking at porn is like a school that you're going to every time you watch porn. Just know that you're training yourself, you're teaching yourself to go to one woman after the next, one moment after the next."
"So it's not enough to just realize, 'Okay, looking at porn is wrong. It's something that I don't want to do, and I'm going to stop.' It's not enough to just say that and try to motivate yourself. You have to have a battle plan."
"And even though pornography is just one part of life, I feel like Satan uses it to just sneak into so many parts of our lives. It is destructive to relationships, to marriages, which can be destructive to families."
"I reject that porn will help you be a better lover. There's a ton of research out there that proves porn is incredibly damaging to your brain, your sexual desire, comparison, and can cause literal erectile dysfunction."
"I'm a libertarian. If there's a demand for pornography and people are prepared to meet that demand, who are we to stand in the way of market mechanisms?"
"The big problem with prostitution and pornography is the money. It's money that leads to things like exploitation."
"We've got to get rid of pornography. You're just driving all of the country, all you're doing is creating more pedophiles."
"Pornography was particularly created and designed specifically to remove the sacredness of that experience between a man and a woman."
"Porn quite literally saved my life."
"Porn is not the cause of women being dehumanized by men; it is a symptom of that problem. The cause is patriarchy."
"Pornography devastates marriage, self-image, and impacts teenagers' ability to form healthy relationships."
"Pornography affects the body and the soul."
"The real reason why this is is because of what I was talking about last night, porn babies."
"A lot of these men is porn baby, they so nasty they so shout out and see I could understand this because when you're not in it it's kind of like if you go to if you go to a dope house and everybody on that door if you're not on it you could see them."
"Feminist pornography is being designed with users in mind."
"Trust is destroyed exposure to pornography destroys diminishes trust between two and four-footed Beast and creeping things."
"I can't be my fantasy. When you spread out your sexual passion across pornography, your co-worker that you inappropriately flirt with, your work wife, you dilute the potency of your passion."
"You don't need porn as an aide. I promise you don't."
"That's how it happens. Kids stumble across pornography, they don't know what it is, they click on it, and then the thing becomes bigger, taking over their screen."
"Everyone watches porn. You know how I know? 37% of what's consumed on the Internet is pornography."
"Guys will watch porn even if they're in the happiest relationship. It's not a personal thing, we just like pornography as guys."
"No matter how good-looking of a man you are, you will never make the same amount of money as an average-looking girl if she wants to get on some kind of porn site. There is a demand for female sexuality, there is not a demand for male sexuality."
"But that's different, that's all of porn."
"Intimacy started depleting because I was more stimulated by the pornography than with my partner."
"Your brain is like a computer and there's certain things God designed to go in there. If you put pornography into it, it creates a virus in your brain."
"No, a good man does not look at pornography because pornography degrades not only the woman depicted but also the man who consumes."
"Pornography destroys the dignity of the human person, reducing them to the level of an animal."
"There's a lot more female porn out there now. There's a lot more female directors now actually creating porn that's more feminine friendly."
"Fantasy jerk off, we get popular porn stars, only fans stars."
"Millennials are less interested in breasts than their elders," he says. "Pornhub visitors between the age of 18-24 are 19 percent, basically 20 percent less likely to search for breasts when compared to all other age groups," he says.
"Pornography is everywhere and every phone, every computer, everywhere, so you're going to be swimming upstream my brother, but I promise you can do it."
"Porn brings in depression, porn brings in a lot of mental health issues, it brings in stress, anxiety, all because it's offering you something that it can't actually give you."
"You are not alone because all men are exposed to this and struggle with pornography at one point or another."
"Is there a porno version of that?"
"I think pornography should be illegal I don't think that there is any good case to say that it is free speech not all I mean obscenity shouldn't be shouldn't be protected by the First Amendment that's my opinion."
"Women are feeling more vulnerable because they are more vulnerable on that account and they are also more vulnerable because pornography is ubiquitous and they have no idea who's into it."
"...most of porn is like you know blow jobs and penises and vaginas and anal sex and people having climaxes i mean who is doing this thing important to me is the lights are always bright and on."
"Honestly, porn doesn't mean your life's over. It might be just the beginning."
"Louisiana is the state that spent the least amount of time on PornHub, 8 minutes and 21 seconds."
"Sadly, bestiality on Dartmoor is alive and kicking and nobody seems to be addressing the really horrible aspects of pornography like pedophilia."
"It brings you increasing pleasure until you reach a point where pornography goes too far."
"Pornography opens a window into the reality of sexuality, revealing cultural taboos."
"men today seem interested in hookup culture and pornography"
"I think far too much value is placed on sex, especially on the control of sex that was presented by the oversaturation of pornography."
"What would happen to our marriages, what would happen to the prevalence of pornography?"
"97 percent of sixteen-year-old boys are really looking at porn every week."
"When you go looking for porn, you're supporting prostitutes and sex slaves."
"Every man and woman needs to realize, when you go looking for porn, you're supporting prostitutes and sex slaves."
"Pornography, I think, in a way, is cheating."
"Normalize watching porn and still being in a relationship."
"Watching porn is like learning how to have sex by watching Fast and the Furious you have to understand that it's not realistic."
"Every study shows that pornography worsens relationships with significant others."
"People become emotionally attached to the pornography they watch, using it as a coping mechanism."
"Porn is always the objectification of image bearers of God."
"There is no such thing as acceptable or ethical porn. It is always exploitation."
"Pornography is bad for people, bad for society, and perpetuates things like sex trafficking."
"Children are being exposed to hardcore pornography at young ages, impacting their brains severely."
"Children are more vulnerable to becoming prey of sexual exploitation through exposure to pornography."
"Children's brains aren't developed to deal with pornography. They lack the ability to properly process it."
"The average age for first exposure to pornography is around 8 to 11 years old."
"The pornography revolution has ruined the American male, modern sexual life, and marriage."
"What's happening is because of the plague of pornography we're trading in real women for fantasy."
"It's not about money for them, it's about what's happening when these people are watching porn."
"If you look at these pornography, these people are in the pornography industry, women, they'll tell you how they are belittled, how it's treated disgustingly."
"It's very bad to compare yourself to porn to see what to do. Communication with your partner is key."
"...there's other ways to invent our sexuality and one of the more important ways I would submit is pornography."
"...endless amounts of porn is screwing with your dopamine receptors... it shouldn't need endless amounts of Internet pornography to achieve like an erection."
"Pornography is a marital parasite. It's a distorted view of sexuality."
"Pornography is almost like the anti-icon, whereas the icon reveals, pornography conceals the mystery of the person."
"...pornography is like the anti-icon, so if the icon sort of kind of brings us into this larger reality, pornography does the opposite..."
"Pornography moves it from a relationship to pages in a book... there'll come a time when there's no return."
"Pornography is intrinsically evil."
"But I would say that porn is one of them. Porn is a huge factor."
"I think the two biggest things are pornography and isolation."
"Porn is such an interesting educational perspective... it can be really helpful in freeing and helping with some imagination stuff."
"Pornography makes us layers of our own and other desires and it refocuses desire from the person onto the object, the object being the sexual organ."
"The biggest problem about pornography is not that it shows too much of a person; it shows too little of a person."
"Porn in itself is not great for a man's mental health."