
Social Critique Quotes

There are 1249 quotes

"Everything that you know, society is so delicately balanced where we don't ask anything of the individual; it's always blaming someone else and expecting someone else to change."
"We need more playfulness in this world; we should be wary of adults who can't play anymore."
"If you think that brands wearing corporate logos on your body increase your status, you have officially become brainwashed."
"The problem with that virtue... is that you can start to use your hypothetical care for the poor and oppressed as a marker for your superior social status."
"It is undeniable that many of the beauty standards that we are compared to today are reflective of Eurocentric standards of beauty."
"Capitalism promised liberty, equality, fraternity and democracy. And, as I look around, I don't see those things."
"In order for society to work, I think we have to be able to have relationships and stuff... Society is probably gonna be [messed up] if you have like a whole group of people like men that feel like [they're] cut off from being in relationships."
"The collective is undergoing a re-seeing of all of our structures: social, political, religious, economic."
"We live in a society that actually generates addiction in many of its members."
"What most of us don't realize is that this is all orchestrated at a much higher level by powerful corrupted people."
"Monetizing men's loneliness for profit is inherently bad."
"I get it, your warnings seem to go to no avail. You're warning people around you about certain things going on in society, and those warnings seem to be hit with a swift reproach."
"We do not benefit as individuals or as a marginalized group of people. The object of our shame neither grows nor benefits. We don't get beneficial cultural shifts. We get number going up for corporations."
"If you allow a small number of people to control the means of producing all the goods and services we all need to survive, they're going to use that control to make this system work for them and they're not going to worry about the rest of us."
"The real problem is corruption and corporatism."
"Capitalism doesn't care about human well-being. The primary concern of every nation should be the well-being of its citizens."
"The real enemy in the movie are the humans or the government that abandoned the tethered people."
"The viewer will not only be forced to reflect upon the decadence of the elite establishment but embark upon a kind of shamanic journey."
"Narcissism is plaguing culture and mass society in a way like never before, similar to the zombie, it exists, feeds, and destroys aimlessly."
"Meritocracy was invented as the handmaiden of equality of opportunity but it's become an enormous obstacle to opportunity in the United States today."
"You are conditioned not to know how to grow, save, make, or invest money for a specific reason."
"I love it when people expose The Establishment man because everybody's so afraid."
"America is what you could call a disharmonic society. The ideals of America and the reality of America are in conflict."
"Davos, every January since 1971, this sleepy, soulless Swiss mountain town is transformed into a hierarchal Schmo Fest."
"It's basically Burning Man for venture capitalists."
"The way you can tell how girl boss feminism works is that she is not trying to tear down the institutions and systems that oppress everyone around her, even herself, but just wishes to place herself at the top."
"We just benefited from the system... very male, very white, and very straight."
"We've learned who is essential, not just the wealthiest among us, not a president who fights his fellow Americans rather than fight the virus that's killing us and our economy."
"No system is perfect, but the one we live in now is needlessly cruel and unfair."
"Capitalists don't want poverty to be abolished. Poverty is necessary for their continued existence."
"The United States of America...warehouses nearly 25% of the prison population in the world. The land of the free is the incarceration capital of the world."
"When Kylie's lifestyle becomes uncool and unpopular and you stop loving Bitcoin and stop thinking that stuffing your face is harmless, I'll take you seriously."
"We have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it."
"All animals are equal, but only some animals are more equal than others."
"The greatest crime of the mainstream media is lies by omission."
"The film is very pointedly showing us both this suburban community at its best and at its worst, and the only difference is a refusal to conform in the most incredibly mundane, inoffensive ways."
"The vigilante anti-hero is fundamentally a critique of the justice system, an example of social failure."
"Have you ever noticed how to some people the worst thing you can be is like other girls?"
"The heart of the problem is that capitalism perpetuates human hierarchy, human inequality."
"The marriage of state power and corporate greed is unacceptable."
"The system has failed us, and we need to go and fix these problems."
"Reducing people to one-dimensional white-trash stereotypes in storytelling or life is ultimately self-serving, dehumanizing, and inaccurate."
"The whole point is that the Squid Game is supposed to be a temporary reprieve from the inequality of life under capitalism."
"We have socialism for the very rich, rugged individualism for the poor."
"It's the method of vicious attack, moral outrage overriding speech, and ignoring evidence that reeks of religious fervor."
"It's a commentary on how no one is really willing to sacrifice anything for any causes they believe in, as well as show just how replaceable each worker is in a system like Amazon's."
"This shows that not only does Pierpaolo make great clothes, but he's rebelling against the ideas of class and prestige that the fashion industry, and Couture specifically, really hold onto."
"The people that want you to think there are no alternatives are the people that benefit from things staying the same way."
"If we don't come out of the pandemic more awake, more attuned to what actually matters, more aware of our divisions and how things like social media have actually potentiated them, made them worse."
"If you're only role models in media are gangsters, then we should be saying that's a bad thing."
"In the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, top 1/10th of 1% should not own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%."
"I believe that the white man has done a great injustice to the black man in this country by having kidnapped our people and brought us here, then down to the level that we're on today."
"The existence of billionaires is a policy failure akin to the existence of a single homeless person."
"She is a ruthless, calculating, unconscionable operator. She has always been. That's why she leaves a trail of corpses in her wake because she is an avaricious machine that devours as she self-empowers."
"The great crisis that we face is the unprecedented level of corporate greed."
"It's a film that exposes the elite for who they are and their insatiable need to have absolute control over everything."
"Keep us real and keep us human and keep us authentic in a world of phonies."
"All these cases expose exactly what I'm talking about: one of the real reasons policing is so problematic in this country."
"We have socialism for the rich but rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor."
"The entire thesis of the book is the only important people on planet earth are white woke liberals."
"Ironic sexism is dependent upon the false assumption that people no longer really hold retrograde sexist beliefs and therefore the very idea of sexism is now just a hilarious joke; but nothing could be further from the truth."
"Barbie ends with Margot Robbie reinstating a system of oppression with just superficial improvements before leaving to join the Matrix itself. Given that, which story do you think is the one we need?"
"If you distrust concentrated power in the government, you should also distrust concentrated power in corporations."
"White privilege allows you to basically get away with a whole lot of things that black people can't get away with."
"We're in a position now where all the institutions of authority are corrupt and actuated against the right, and people on the right need to adjust their political psychology in order to digest this new reality."
"I legitimately think that Ben Shapiro had no ability to get laid."
"The patriarchy thrives off of women hating themselves."
"Bioshock: critique of objectivist hyper-libertarianism."
"You know, I've often thought that identity politics is essentially a way for upper-middle-class or middle-class people to look down upon the masses."
"Men hate romantic comedies for the same reason you hate video games with over-sexualized female characters."
"Humor at its best takes the elements of the world that are dark and horrible and shows you their absurdity."
"I think Batman's representative of a whole class of sorry a whole class of people who you know that East Coast wealthy quite retching it I kind of love the tension that he does he fights crime he beats up junkies and he's a billionaire."
"There's no good goddamn argument for continuing our drug policy."
"When you bring up common sense and people say you're radical, that's more of an issue about how [bad] the system is."
"Wake up, people. Wake up, because if you're woke, your eyes are so closed you'll never see."
"It's basically a Salem witch trial kind of stuff that is happening right now."
"Critiquing the society that pushes people towards plastic surgery is one thing. Demanding that women mold their aesthetics to your taste is another."
"America makes up 4 percent of the world's population but 25% of the world's incarcerated."
"Two things can be true at once: monstrous cover-up by the Catholic Church and child abuse in public schools."
"It's understanding that it's real and do you think that the patriarchy is oppressive? Absolutely oppressive to everybody."
"I guess now we know who was the grifter after all."
"We cannot for one second act like we have equality anymore when it's gone too far the other way."
"You don't get to claim equality and then demand special privileges."
"History's fun. Isn't it, did I say fun? I mean, it's pretty fucked up."
"Survival of the fittest" has become the slogan to justify exploitation, atomization, alienation, and all the other essentials of capitalism.
"I'm tired of us having to compromise our quality of life for the sins committed by other countries."
"This is definitely a deck for the duelist who wants the world to know they have a quadruple digit IQ and they refuse to use it to make the world a better place."
"We're supposed to be the greatest country in the planet and this is what some of our American citizens have to go through."
"Wall Street got bailed out and Main Street didn't."
"These laws need to change because it is causing more of a detriment."
"The fact that the Tibers can just sit back in their mansions and watch their own people being mistreated on a daily basis by the Marleyans is pretty freaking grotesque in my opinion."
"The defense budget gets trillions while the American people get screwed once again."
"It's such an absurd environment on the right."
"Man, this world is [ __ ] and the people in it are screwed unless you're at the very top of that pyramid."
"If you're constantly looking at the world through that lens, you will find injustice and racism and white supremacy and patriarchy everywhere you look because that is the result that you want out of life." - Amela
"It's not inclusion, it's diversity. They are just filling a quota to shut people up."
"Libertarianism historically hasn't been fronted very aggressively by the most moneyed classes in society because this wouldn't be good for corporations either."
"The woman walks around with a vax necklace. Tell me this is not a cult."
"I think we must shape and preserve the counter narratives to the pronouncements of the elite."
"Something was happening, yeah, the thing that was happening is that elites like you have been pushing the lie."
"Black people got to stop being conservative, we are so scared, we live off of fear."
"The Hype House is just a collection of white creators who want to link up and be white together."
"Covid-19 has been such an incredible case study on how the ruling class can lie, propaganda, and attack anyone telling the truth."
"The Affordable Care Act continues to lower healthcare costs for American families."
"If you can watch a type of human be murdered for a skin fat you are the problem, we're all humans."
"The world is getting harder, but it doesn't have to be harder for all of us if you are an owner instead of owned."
"In Parasite, the bad guy isn't greedy rich people or murderous clowns, but a system that forces us to leech off of others to survive."
"Don't boot lick so hard that that they calling you out and trust me the white supremacist they don't trust y'all when y'all do that."
"Declaring war on morons is my favorite thing to do."
"If I was a woman on the dating scene and I saw some [__] idiot and one of his pictures was his board ape, because he's rich."
"So when we see people trying to cut other people down I'm like ah now you have just showed your ass."
"Destroying the things that make your community the community will never be the correct approach."
"We should not want rich and Powerful corporations dictating our society."
"Why can just anyone appropriate Womanhood? Why is Womanhood as a caricature acceptable?"
"If you blame black people as a whole for the anti-Asian hate crimes, you are subscribing to the white supremacist narrative that black people are inherently aggressive."
"He understood the power of weaponizing religion for power... to justify that coercive power."
"Using Arabic numerals to try to make a point about white western superiority is just so damn classic." - Nicole Hannah Jones
"Comedians are Canaries in the coal mine, pointing out the foibles of the powerful."
"This is clearly neo feudalism that you know they want us they want to put us back on uh on our little surf plots."
"You can have your beliefs, but you can't use them to justify why some people should be less than you."
"Some of y'all need to examine the way you fetishize people."
"The Coca-Cola culture actually needs people to be unhappy because unhappy people consume."
"That's the worst thing you can do is judge people based on their looks."
"I can just see everyone watching this show going 'How could anyone fall for this?' and I'm just thinking 'We all fell for it, it's all us.'"
"What a decadent blast to watch a comic takedown of the rich done with the rude energy of a horror thriller and the courage of its own manic anti-marriage convictions."
"They want to rid themselves of any sort of responsibility."
"Enough is enough. Innocent Americans are dying, and you only have yourself to blame."
"A snob is a poser who uses high-class signifiers not because they like them, but because saying they do affords them social currency."
"It must be nice to judge people's financial situation when you have a net worth of 475 million dollars."
"They are being apologists for the current system."
"The ruling Elites are woefully out of touch with reality crippled by self-delusion and unable to adapt to a changing World unless they are wrenched from Power."
"Your coverage of the great reset has been bloody inspirational thank you for doing what you're doing."
"But calling out the machine and saying these are the behaviors that lead to death, destruction, pain, harm, suffering, etc., is an important thing to do."
"I can't support anybody who talks about women in the way that he does."
"The key is, you shouldn't be asking what is the distribution of money; you should be asking, does this system permit a small group of people to co-opt it and convert it into something that they control exclusively?"
"It's not wrong at all and it's only made even worse and creepier given the fact that you know that Drew was 13 at the time of when they were first interacting and Shane was 22."
"Have these people no sense of decency or shame? Just unbelievably absurd, unbelievably absurd."
"The whole purpose of comedy as an art form is to speak truth to power, to poke your finger like you're Rahm Emanuel in the chest of the person who has authority."
"So the rich get richer but the poor and middle class are getting poorer, it's tragic what's happening today."
"Why aren't Americans receiving help like they are during this pandemic? Because you live in an evil oligarchy."
"What are the rules and why are the people who are most insistent on enforcing the rules not willing to abide by them themselves?"
"They're mostly apathetic about this. They shouldn't be. I mean, people should care deeply about this issue more than they do."
"All of these bad boys and these guys who are quote-unquote acting like nice people...you chose them."
"You can't win a woman over unless you got some Benjamins, or unless she's young, dumb, and doesn't know her value."
"It's truly a message that the elitism that governs our national conversation is simply a means to acquire more wealth for the few, not making life better for the many."
"It's not political partisanship nor stupidity but rather probably laziness."
"The whole economy system wants people to be drones... but those up there are sipping pina coladas and making millions off other people's hard work."
"Love you Prince Harry but you need to shut up."
"How many times are we going to let all these guys, all these politicians and tech giants and CEOs and corporations lie to us and suppress the information that we need to decide how we the people want to run the country?"
"Maybe the problem isn't that America isn't worth defending... maybe the problem is that lots of people today are entitled whiners who have no perspective."
"A fake fight against the elites... She's actually the one being whined and dined by the very same people she says she hates."
"But I'll ask you this, Phil and I and I truly mean this this system requires more than just entrenched poverty amongst Black people."
"New Year's Eve, worst bar night of the year."
"The more capitalism succeeds in taking the demos out of democracy, the taller the twin peaks and the greater the waste of human resources and humanity's wealth."
"Marx's capital volume one was beginning to tell a story which is right on your doorstep and right now it's right on the money."
"We've seen a massive transfer of wealth... You got three people on top owning more wealth than the bottom half of American society."
"The narrative that they're sucking you into is... teaching you that the system is actually screwing over certain people."
"Our incarceration is wasteful, it's economically wasteful, it's socially wasteful."
"It's cool right because it's basically really kind of showing the, you know these people for what they are."
"The entire point of that series was to show off how letting someone be in charge just because they were born into the right family is both stupid and unjust..."
"Thin privilege... part of the story here of people looking desperately for problems in their lives."
"As long as our system exists as it does right now, there are ways to do it better. There are ways to do it worse. Mandatory detention was authorized first by Bill Clinton."
"Lockdown measures were excessive... It's incongruent to maintain both positions at the same time."
"But protest is meant to be hard it's meant to mean something if it then disappears as soon as it gets hard it's a yellow card or you won't be able to take that life-changing money then you're open to criticism."
"I see enormous social value in the contributions of individual religious people... but I do not see social value in religion itself."
"I don't bash people for their content. I'll bash them for the concept of their character. You're a cloud chaser, you're a pedo like him, you're getting bashed."
"The average person has nothing under capitalism."
"While Diddy's on his phone conducting business, you're dancing naked outside of his window."
"Robin Hood represented an escape from the social order."
"Men are acting rationally and opting out of education work and marriage because in all of these areas the penalties are high and the rewards are low."
"Maturity point the other theory is that he doesn't care to be rich or that he already is rich now there's a few things that suggest against both of these the."
"If it was you, if you were found with classified documents in your garage next to your throwback Corvette, you would be prosecuted because you're not a famous rich person who's in politics."
"Cancel culture is a load of waffle. We need to cancel cancel culture."
"The world is ruled for the benefit of the 1% more than the benefit of the 99%."
"When you question the motives and values of the ruling elite, you are immediately pushed out."
"What they did to him is so wrong... there's a real human behind these canceled culture mobs."
"Sorry for everyone else who works in, for example, the movie theater industry who's dependent on the work provided by these terrible people."
"Cancel culture is [expletive] and you need to fight back."
"We are stuck in a role as prey to a predator."
"The strength of those that are driven by power and manipulation is they sell their concept more because they're better at bitching and crying and complaining because they have more time on their hands."
"The rolls have flipped. The business owner has become the Karen."
"It's all about control - fear, guilt, and control."
"You should be allowed to call these people out."
"Karen's inflated sense of self leaves her expecting special treatment."
"The people gutting her as a murderer are so eager to pick up a pitchfork and burn women alive without understanding a goddamn thing about actually being a woman."
"It's a balanced take. You can have bad experiences and want the system to be changed. You can want things to change for your children especially if you grew up in a certain area but you can still say like they are important."
"And that is the issue—you cannot expect them to moderate themselves or fix it because they are the actual problem."
"Billionaires shouldn't exist. That doesn't mean certain people should not exist, it means no person should have a billion dollars." - Alex
"Ice Cube was being called toxic masculinity because he got together with this plan and he didn't really consult with black women."
"The world is filled with folk who will use you and think nothing of you."
"Stop attacking people that try to have this conversation."
"Mediocre white men typically have permission to fail while black people have a mandate to succeed."
"Things that don't even offend people teach you how to be offended, and it's harming the black community."
"There is a sickness in the minds and Souls of many people in this country."
"Debt is a massive mechanism for moving property from the mass of people into the hands of the rich."
"Bama Rush codifies the many incentives behind marrying power and turns them into a long audition to become a handmaiden to patriarchal privilege."
"Feudalism returns—the lords these big investment firms will own the land and they'll say in exchange for work will let you live on the land you'll be a vassal."
"This type of thing, like 'oh, these people, we can take these people away because they don't behave the way we want to,' it feels like some weird Nazi stuff."
"I do think to incorporate the title of my book I do think people start to think they're Untouchable."
"The conservative ethos goes against what makes comedy work, namely empathy."