
Modern Life Quotes

There are 950 quotes

"We're a hunter-gatherer brain living in a modern world."
"We're living in a dopamine overloaded world where everything has been made more accessible, more abundant, more potent, more reinforcing, more novel."
"The trick with the modern world is to take out the good bits and spit out the bad bits."
"Modern day, fast forward, live in a much different world where we have access to food 24 hours a day, all day, all night. We don't, you know, necessarily need to exercise to get our food either."
"Modern-day loneliness is not because we need to interact more; it's because we need more intimacy."
"More and more, though, it seems like we're feeling even lonelier, feeling less connected, feeling less together."
"We are hyperconnected to the virtual world more than ever... However, socially, we are extremely disconnected."
"We are now living in an age of 24/7 connectivity. But who are we connecting with ourselves at all? Who's got time?"
"To break away from life as just another cog in the machine of the modern world and become your own damn machine."
"What's more important I've found in practice is this emotional world and how to deal with life as we face it in our modern age."
"We live in a world where there's grocery delivery, Amazon two-hour delivery, DoorDash, Uber Eats, and you can socialize on Discord or Twitch."
"The reason we're so addicted to scrolling, to gossip, to news stories, to things that are dragging us down, is because we're compensating for the total absence of thrills and adventure and positive drama in our own lives."
"Almost everyone is addicted to something, whether that be their phones, Instagram, alcohol, online pornography, drugs, whatever it might be."
"Life offers a lot more than just children these days."
"Humans probably aren't used to getting so much feedback about so many things in their life at all points of your life. It's just a very inhuman thing to be a part of."
"It feels to me, and I think for many of us, that our world is becoming more confusing by the day."
"The fingers under the hand connect to the phone bone."
"The atomic clock is the heartbeat of the modern technological world."
"Modern life has become defined by consumerism, sometimes called consumptionism, in which one's happiness depends on one's quality of life achieved by the attainment of material goods."
"The bustling and animate societies of the world today are ironically compared to and illustrated through zombie movies, as though eating, breathing, and conceding our way through daily tasks and routines are carried out by lifeless bodily structures."
"Dating in the 21st century is brand management."
"It's so inspirational how you've taken the younger generation on your own spiritual journey and how much you're exposing people to what it means to live a busy modern life but still have that spirituality at your core."
"Well, I think this is maybe the most important thing to know about living right now in the 21st century: that we are now hackable animals."
"Objectively speaking, if we take a look at all the different periods of human history, we are living in one of the easiest times ever."
"Indigenous people often say, Westerners, modern people, don't sit still long enough to ask the right questions."
"It is a dangerous thing to live today with no discerning spirit."
"Until we as modern women intentionally choose a Christ-centred approach, we'll continue spinning in never-ending nauseating circles."
"Staying out of the pleasure trap is perhaps one of the most difficult things people do in our society today."
"At the Dawn of the Space Age during the 1950s and sixties, it was generally assumed that by the 21st century, we would be eating our food in pill form. And yet here we are, still shopping at the farmer's market for fresh produce."
"Oh my God, bro, my phone's dead, I'm hungry, I have no food in the house."
"Doing without is all about what you actually need to survive... there is so much in our modern world that we don't actually need."
"Work is like, I have to grow the food, I have to hunt, I have to build the house, I have to start the fire. Writing articles about celebrity gossip is not work."
"We are dying alone, each one in his cubicle; we are consuming ourselves in autolysis, then we die. The apocalypse is here."
"To not have laptops and connectivity is today the equivalent of not having running water and electricity."
"Modern life has become defined by consumerism... forgetting about human relationships."
"Modern life has become defined by consumerism, where one's happiness depends on the attainment of material goods, often forgetting about human relationships."
"The world that we lived in is not the world in which our brains were developed. Our brains evolved for a particular kind of lifestyle."
"We work too much. This is a pretty recent phenomenon, and so this fact makes us unusual, historically."
"In this age of abundance, where we have more than we have ever had and are living longer, we want to have transcendent experiences."
"Stress is probably the most common that people don't realize. It's like over, especially in our modern environment."
"This is the modern life, baby. We've got technology everywhere."
"Most of all, some people just need to log off the internet and get some perspective about what actually matters."
"It's a piece on the inherent nihilism of modern life, yes, but with tech."
"The challenge that we're faced with these days is that we're activating this fight-or-flight response center in our brain basically every day."
"The modern world seems to present us with a choice... We can make multitasking work for us, unleashing our natural creativity. We just need to slow it down."
"In the modern world, we often take electricity for granted."
"The most interesting observation of this book is that most people work their whole life so that they can have a nice retirement whereas the new rich strive to enjoy every year and every moment of their life."
"Could I interest you in everything all of the time?"
"Computers in our pockets, libraries at our fingertips, concepts that were once relegated to centuries-old science fiction are now ordinary, even blasé."
"It's more important than ever that we take a step back from all this craziness and keep our relationships with God strong and intact."
"Everyone, and thank you so much for joining in so enthusiastically. It used to be the case that when we woke up in the morning, we would look outside and see the dew and listen to birds. But now, of course, we don't do any of that. What do we do? We turn to our smartphones and look at the headlines."
"People were not designed probably to sit in cubicles and to work on computers all day and not get out and live healthy."
"The vast majority of human suffering, especially in a modern context, is psychological."
"I'm super excited to hopefully make a difference, Inshallah."
"The possibility of sex is the modern woman's glitch in the dating and mating arena."
"Just staying together in the long term is kind of like a rare thing, I think in this day and age."
"It doesn't matter what the hell it is, it's still changing the way that we live life now."
"We're missing things because everything is so disposable and accelerated."
"We're humans we need to return to what is human we're getting so far away from it."
"Everything is at the reach of our fingertips."
"People aren't leaving their pods, they're experiencing the world through fiction."
"Our modern world is seriously interconnected."
"Kids have phones... when I'm at the airport and I see like a 10-year-old with an iPhone I'm like what's going on."
"Being happy and healthy is active resistance in today's day and age."
"We're living in an era where technology rules our everyday lives more than it ever has in history."
"It's an extraordinary time to be alive and as things rush forwards at an ever increasing pace technology just keeps on expanding to fill up our time and fix our problems."
"In a world where you can be driven anywhere, receive food from anywhere at any time, we've been led to believe that success can be that simple."
"We're already using pacemakers and our cell phones and googling everything and the scary part about that argument that you always hear being made is how admittedly true it already was."
"In the age of consequences, life feels phony. People crave authenticity in a world of phoniness."
"Automobiles can't live with them, can't live without them."
"Dropping the kind of cynicism and kind of opening yourself up to the spirit of other people is exactly what you need in the kind of modern worlds that we live in. Superbly disarming."
"We live in a time where consuming media has become extremely easy to do."
"Death, a breakup echoes mortality itself. I mean we are now blessed enough to live in an age where we are hyper-connected to everyone."
"Somehow in this age of ultra-connectivity, I also feel separated."
"In our modern world, everywhere we look we see the influence science has upon our daily lives."
"The modern stoic philosopher would not be blowing up their consciousness following every single push notification and news article that comes out."
"Technology is awesome when it works, you know."
"Virtue signaling is the new live vicariously through your kids."
"We live in a society of walking talking zombies with nobody has a thought process whatsoever."
"In the modern world, smartphones are treated as a necessity."
"There's a special sense of fulfillment that you get that's a lot different than just pushing the next button on your phone on like 9GAG or Reddit or Imgur or whatever."
"We have more stuff, but we have less time for the things that really make us happy: friends, family, leisure time."
"Everyday life has come to present itself as a succession of crises, not necessarily because it's more risky and competitive than it used to be, but because it confronts people with manageable stresses."
"Family is always normally always filming whether it's actual cameras or on their phones."
"There's a lot on paper that I really, really love... weirdly enough, the modern day... has me feeling optimistic."
"Loneliness isn't a disease; it's a symptom of how the modern world interferes with the most important part of life."
"Fame is a weird thing right especially in this day and age."
"Life is so complicated, modern day life really goes against our fundamental instincts as animals."
"We live in an increasingly alienating world."
"Our brains really haven't evolved much through the centuries, but our access to pleasurable experiences has skyrocketed."
"They're using the culture of the internet to show us just how ridiculous our lives have become."
"Maybe we can work through life's more painful aspects together with a few badass action sequences, bizarre musical numbers, and outlandish sight gags thrown in to let us have some fun along the way."
"It's just nice to get away from the digital circus."
"Our bodies can't keep up with what we're being exposed to."
"If we cram every waking hour full of sensory stimulation, we numb ourselves to our own inner wisdom."
"We are living in chaotic times, dangerous times, confusing times."
"Thinking that we need a sweet treat every day is a very modern thought."
"Modern work leads to alienation and a feeling of disconnection."
"There's really no excuse to just take a lot of photos and videos."
"I think nobody gets to be bored anymore. There's a billion books being written literally this second go on Instagram how many hot people are on Instagram all of them something." - Dan
"Imagine that kind of freedom and then compare that to the modern day."
"It's getting to be a weird time, you know? I'm not yet, okay, we're not gonna go into it, but anyway, live on Twitch, we're doing this."
"When I'm driving and I'm stopped at a stoplight and I look at everybody, everybody is like this."
"My best friend is with me all the time I mean I spend so much time with this phone it's really sick and there's a whole world in there."
"We deprive ourselves of all of that... and we live in a kind of sanitized world."
"The world is evolving so fast, you have to stay on point."
"It's a must-have nowadays if you haven't yet."
"In this day and age, we're absolutely spoiled for choice."
"Our experience is weird now, there's something weird and thrice removed from the real world."
"Stress is a worldwide epidemic. We're more connected than ever."
"We live in the most advanced civilization ever to exist. We have every piece of information at our fingertips. There are no excuses now."
"We're heading towards owning your own experience a lot more today than we have in the last couple of years."
"To be a saint that contradicts your culture the most means looking up from your phone."
"Marriage is not a priority to many modern women."
"It's a meditation on every frantic aspect of Modern Life."
"But I just don't understand how it's 2023 and again we can put a [ __ ] man on the moon but you're telling me that I need 14 different chargers to charge my iPad, my phone, my tablet, my computer."
"Life kind of sucks, spending eight hours a day in an artificially lit building."
"If our society functions in a way that reinforces short attention spans, no wonder we are all so freaking distracted."
"Emotional awareness is becoming more and more of a critical skill to survive in today's world."
"People in the 21st century, we have a lot of anxiety, and that anxiety stems from this one thing that we're not confronting, which is our own mortality."
"Everybody is so busy. Everybody is trying and striving and doing. Nobody says, 'Oh I'm fine, totally kicked back. I get eight hours of sleep a night, everything's good.'"
"What would be great if she could just pull out her phone, open the app, and hit start."
"Our society has changed, and being alone is increasingly part of life today."
"Teaching modern women like myself how to be more traditional."
"Billions of King Louis asking trillions of questions in hundreds of languages, expecting someone to give them an answer in under one second."
"We're all connected by our phones, but we need to anchor ourselves to the analog."
"Life used to be very rough in the old days, but now, not having to worry about food is amazing."
"Welcome new vibes, all people these days that won't get off their phones smh."
"If you haven't used this thing, you're living under a rock - the falling guillotine."
"We live in a time in the world right now where fear has been slowly dripping like poison."
"It's like when you request an uber and it says it's gonna be here in 30 seconds and you're just like 'let's go'."
"The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now."
"It is of course the people we see frequently albeit not in person... beyond what project they're making next."
"My mailbox, my phone, and my email inbox are sacred spaces."
"I hope when you see this, when you get older, that you're like dang this is like a good memory."
"It's an anthem of the disillusioned messy lives we all lead today."
"Yo in the most remote locations with no whip can I get a ride your Uber bills yo."
"She's trying to act like the life of a modern woman is better than the traditional role that she obviously wants."
"Literally comes like somebody else did your groceries for you."
"Life was not meant to be lived within a constant flow of information."
"Please at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel belted radios and I won't say anything."
"It has revolutionized the way we work, play, travel, and communicate."
"There will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of modern life. And your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness." - Grandpa
"Maybe it's just that in our 21st century lives we're kind of divorced from the natural world around us in a lot of ways."
"We live in 2017, we have computers in our hands 24 hours a day and we're still wearing tool pouches."
"I remember arriving to our door and I thought how quick it was. You don't even need to go to a mattress store ever again."
"It's like if we're iPhones and it's a wireless charger right now."
"Cities are the heart of modern civilization."
"Modern life wouldn't be possible without specialization."
"Time is our most valuable asset in today's crazy world."
"You don't need social media to validate your existence."
"I think it's easier and that you're connected to more people today than anybody could have ever been connected to in the past."
"Know where to get off the bus when it comes to technology... There's a point where every one of us has to decide where we're going to jump ship on technology."
"Can we strike a balance between the comforts of modern life and the health of the planet?"
"Loneliness and frustration reign in an increasingly atomized world."
"Fundamentally altered the way in which we live. It's altered everything. It's not just how we buy; it's how we do politics; it's how we do relationships; how we do love; it's how we self-soothe; it's everything. It's in everything."
"Her casual style and offbeat persona speak to a craving for authenticity in an age when so much feels manufactured."
"The speed at which the internet has grown and how it has impacted Our Lives as we know it is truly unbelievable."
"I feel like the world we're living in now, the quick world that we're living in, we don't get to enjoy things anymore."
"Stop believing all of that stuff you see on your phone."
"Technology has made a considerable impact on our everyday lives."
"Hannibal would use the events in Sicily and Macedon to attempt to maintain the initiative."
"We are all now able to continue living, shopping, communicating, and doing so much because of technology."
"Fast food, fast clothes, Apple iPhones, you name it, they'll be gone."
"We are the most easily distracted group of people to have ever walked the face of the Earth."
"We've tried to survive so long on money and sex and envy and real estate and automobiles and television and alcohol. We are so ready for a renaissance."
"We're all just people sitting in our houses with a camera."
"People need to just chill a little bit on how much they live through people."
"I feel like pretty much everyone's looking to find a little peace these days."
"You don't need to be in the Big Brother house to live in a Big Brother world."
"Do you think we're living in the future's version of the 18th century, where we should stop every five minutes and remind ourselves?"
"We all got to live in a time when distances could be covered quickly, disposable products could be made cheaply, and best of all, we got to watch videos like this one on a personal computer."
"In the fast-moving world we live in, we can still find the time to sit down and talk about it."
"It's the greatest time to be alive, quite frankly."
"Conspiracy theories seem to be a part of our lives now."
"In a 21st-century world, how should we actually live?"
"Thank you for your time I know it's at a premium these days."
"It's insanity to think we're so forward when we're wiping off bacteria we have a harmonious relationship with."
"We have an epidemic of loneliness, of despair that we've never seen before."
"Never before have people been able to eat as well and drink as well and live as well as now."
"I love the tangible experience that we've lost so much."
"From our phones to computers to OpenAI's chat GPT, semiconductors power our modern way of life."
"The reality is, with technology nowadays, it's advancing so quickly."
"We're used to instant gratification, always."
"We live lives straight out of science fiction."
"Church used to be the foundation, now it's brunch and social media."
"Does driving my car make me a cyborg? I need to know."
"I woke up to what I think is the ultimate luxury of the modern age a mug of hot coffee and a view out of an airplane window."
"It's an amazing time to be alive, it's an amazing thing to be a Catholic."
"Beautiful, it's nice to see that the creatures are finally caught up and adapted to Modern Life."
"How crazy is this world that we live in right now?"
"In the digital age, your data is your lifeline."
"For all the impatient people with no attention span..."
"Everything happens so very much more quickly now."
"The world is a more connected place than I think any of us realize."
"Attention is getting more and more precious."
"Life has never been easier yet everybody seems to be so unhappy."
"We're living like a robot, robbing ourselves of our emotional experience of life."
"I love technology, it makes everything so much easier and more convenient."
"Our collective modern lifestyles... they often reinforce one another, so it's just worth thinking about how is it affecting you."