
Sexuality Quotes

There are 1996 quotes

"The Coolidge effect is present in all mammals and it's also present in females."
"There's no expiration date on human wisdom about sexuality."
"The myth that the amount of sex you have is directly correlated to your sexual satisfaction is just that, a myth."
"Sexuality is what creates life at its very core essence; sexuality is a root creative and manifestation force."
"To really decode their own sexuality, people have to become super conscious about what causes them to feel turned on and aroused, and most especially why."
"Finding someone with a compatible sexuality greatly increases your chance of finding someone who is more compatible with you in your broader life."
"The sexual act is praised, yes. Children actually come from there. They don't fall from trees."
"Breathing into your pelvis and feeling into that energy and allowing it to flow through you... once you breathe and feel and you're out of your everyday mind reality enough and that energy moves, it's the same. It's like we think that sex is all about penetration and friction, but it was always about the energy."
"Our sexuality... is the most sacred amazing gift that we are given."
"I feel like sexuality is the biggest wound in all of humanity."
"You can do all the downward dogs you want, but if you don't really love yourself and if you're kind of cut off from your sexuality, it doesn't do much."
"I call it 'gay panic,' this fear that you might just be a little bit gay. Well, guess what, everybody is just a little bit gay."
"The emotional aspect of the relationship actually adds to the sexual intimacy, the sexual experience, and enhances it."
"Solo pleasure is a natural and healthy means for both men and women to explore their bodies and desires."
"Being one race doesn't automatically make you a good or bad person. Same with sexuality."
"Ideas of sexuality and gender, they're all very nuanced."
"Sexuality is this big spectrum, it's a gradient."
"It doesn't matter who you're attracted to; we are attracted to people, not attracted to gender."
"There is so much misconception about what it means to be gay."
"You're allowed to exist as a sexual person without that becoming okay for others to impose their desires on you."
"It's not a sin if you have same-sex attraction... we really do have to be compassionate."
"The most erogenous organ in humans is the brain, thought as a releaser, thought as a more powerful humans are not a particularly olfactory species."
"Sex is the greatest display of physical intimacy that you can have with somebody."
"I like to feel desired. I like to have sex with people who honor my body and whose body I honor."
"You've got to take sexuality out of the realm of societal shame."
"People have been identifying as asexual for over 100 years."
"I didn't know sexuality could be this; I didn't know gender identity could be this."
"Being a straight guy, then you loving women should be like a default."
"Sexuality is the most complex thing in human beings, period bar none."
"I have never had sex with anyone; even as of recording this video, I am still a virgin."
"Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power."
"The relationship between sex and emotional intimacy is a lot tighter than people want to presuppose."
"Communication is sexy, right? So, sex as a form of communication should be easy."
"It is more accurate and indeed more honest to view sex as a spectrum."
"The more I thought about it and researched, the more I began to realise that why people are interested in this trope actually says a whole lot about our own ideas of gender and sexuality."
"When you assume that disabled people aren't sexually active, that's a really damaging stereotype for all disabled people."
"Sex is morally neutral. Sex is just sex. It's just a thing. It does not have to be a moral issue."
"The most sort of damning and damaging lie that we're told as children about sex is that one day we will grow up and we will have sex when the reality is that one day we will grow up and we'll have us sex is older than we are, stronger than we are, 500 million years old."
"We really believe that sex is a part of being able to serve each other within marriage."
"We have a very puritanical mindset when it comes to talking about sex, but we're porn-obsessed, so we want to see it, we just don't want to talk about it."
"Knowing and loving yourself, coming into yourself, knowing what gets you off is a journey."
"I believe sex, orgasm, and tantra can help us reach higher vibrational levels, heal our body, regenerate ourselves, even reverse our own aging."
"Your greatest gift to someone, your sexuality, is your greatest gift to someone because it's not just your body you're giving them. You're giving them your soul."
"Fan fiction's reputation as an unserious form has in this very way made possible the deep dives and often moving explorations of human sexuality and romantic love that permeate the genre."
"For many, it was an introduction to sex and sexuality, it was a way to wind down after a long day, a way to build lifelong connections, start a hobby, and explore your interests."
"Sexuality is how you feel on the inside; it's not what people think you should be or what they think you should look like."
"Sexuality is the only most powerful energy that can feed the soul and spirit."
"Tremendous energy is harnessed in the sexual act between a man and a woman. It is in this coitus that humanity has the god-given capacity to create."
"I never understood when people said being gay is unnatural because to me it felt like the most natural thing in the world."
"There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact."
"Sexuality is a very complicated thing. You do not have a single gene that codes for your sexuality. It is the complex interaction of many genes that are also complexly affected by your environment."
"Understanding a biblical view of sexuality allows us to discern what is good, what should I approve, what should not prove, what should I affirm, what should not affirm."
"If you ever read the Bible... the whole thing is about Him. Sexuality makes no sense apart from God."
"It's really disgusting to manipulate someone's sexuality... you're threatening to ruin them, you're threatening to embarrass them, and you're doing that to have them behave sexually in your favor even if they're straight."
"Understand your own sexuality and let that empower you."
"Most of the time, the sexual act doesn't have any emotional connection like love associated with it; it's not fulfilling, and it can have a horrible impact on our lives or cause personal shame and feelings of self-loathing during the comedown."
"Virginity is a completely made-up concept. It's a term that was created simply to control and shame people, mainly women."
"Shame has no place in someone's personal decisions about sex."
"When we make our own decision to become sexually active, we aren't setting ourselves up to lose anything at all."
"Sex is defined by one thing and one thing only: you."
"We put ourselves in a situation where making sex as freely accessible as possible and as casual as might be imaginable has actually demolished its hedonic utility as well as its integration within a broader set of moral constraints."
"There is no more sacred act than sexual congress in some fundamental sense."
"You can't have the intensity and the mystery and the beauty of a sexual encounter without the danger."
"Sexual desire, enthusiasm for sex, and seeking pleasure are not the only reasons that people may want to have sex."
"Ethical sex is about an awareness that we are relational beings and that our interactions, however big or small, can have an impact on somebody else, however big or small."
"Sexual behavior is not innate and cultivated through deep connection, communication, and sharing of needs."
"I don't know, it's just more fun, because it's also like... Sex is a time where you should be able to feel like you're free, like you're having fun, like you're enjoying yourself."
"We seek variety in every aspect of our lives, be it in music, literature, films, foods, and travel, and art. Why would you not look for a variety in your sex life too?"
"I want to help us as Christian women enjoy, delight, get excited about sex."
"We want to dismantle the stigma around having open, responsible adult conversations around the topic of sex, sexuality, and the good, bad, and ugly of it."
"Sex is not a cognitive exercise... Good performance in bed is largely about trusting your body, just letting go and surrendering to your instincts."
"Erotic intelligence is much broader than a limited repertoire of sexual techniques."
"Great sex is a byproduct of great connection and intimacy; it's not a replacement for it."
"The most powerful weapon that a woman has is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. It's the thing between her legs."
"Historically speaking, sex has always been a bit of a glue, a sacred glue that's meant to bond partners."
"Queer theory looks at all sexuality and gender as being neutral and questions why weight and preference are given to some while others are seen as abnormal."
"The kiss that you only imagine giving can be just as powerful as hours of actual lovemaking. The mind is the most important sexual organ."
"Sexuality is on a spectrum, and also, on top of that, transphobia is at the intersection of many different forms of bigotry."
"No one can feel naturally homosexual—I strongly disagree with that."
"Women's orgasms, especially their vaginal ones, have the ability to run through our whole body and they can be very, very intense."
"I don't watch porn, I've never bought an OnlyFans, I've never paid for sex... I think that when you decide to keep sex exclusively for love, there's something beautiful and special about it."
"Sex at the end, yes, there's sexual gratification, but most people today, I think, deep down, people in general, they want love."
"Sexuality is an extremely complex construct and as we start to try to unravel it, it just seems like it creates more and more different theoretical approaches."
"Sex: the Deep history. We have been sexual beings for at least 500 million years, since long before we were human."
"The study's findings also complicate the relationship between genetics and sexuality... there's no single biology of sexual behavior."
"My perspective has always been that, like most human activity, homosexuality is a combination of genetics and environment."
"If anyone says that sex in itself is bad, Christianity contradicts him at once."
"I think the problem that we have with talking about sex a lot is that we have two different energies: we have sex and it's playful, lusty, exciting, wet, curious, fun, awkward but in a funny way, and then we talk about sex and it's filled with insecurities and ego, and it's stiff and competitive and dry."
"Why would we be okay consuming sex at her expense?"
"You should be able to be sexy without being sexualized."
"Hey, I'm sexy as [__], and I'm freaky, get her whoever I want, any me."
"Bloom Into You... is a show that focuses on exploring budding sexuality and it's handled in a way that feels more realistic."
"You only realize how little importance there is to sex when you're actually having it."
"Imagine thinking, 'Oh, I have to make sure I don't do anything gay when I walk out the door so that the paparazzi doesn't scrutinize this and the media doesn't call me up for it.'"
"Sexuality and attraction to same sex is something that's in you, and you can't just up and decide one day that it has to go away."
"In America you cannot pay for sex without breaking the law."
"Sexuality is used as an image for the union of the soul with God."
"Men are sexual beings and therefore automate with multiple women throughout their lives because that is truly what men want."
"It's core to people. Your sexuality is not a trivial part of who you are."
"In celebrating the sensuality and sexuality of women, it isn't shy or coy. It's about the loud articulation of female desire for sex as they want it."
"A key that opens many locks is a master key; a lock that opens any key is a shitty lock."
"Sex is a normal and healthy part of human relationships."
"Homosexuality is not just a form of sex it's a form of love and it deserves our respect for that reason."
"In a pinned comment under this video, I'm going to list some organizations who can help you if you feel at risk due to your sexuality or gender identity."
"And it makes me angry when I see people feeling so much pain that feels ultimately unnecessary... based on a belief that doesn’t give human sexuality any room to breathe."
"Women's sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred."
"Sex-positive means that you don't see sex as a bad thing. You think of sex as a good thing even though it can be a bad thing."
"It's all about confidence when it comes to sex, am I right?"
"Heteronormativity is the belief or pervading idea that heterosexuality, based on a concept of binary gender, is the norm or the default sexual orientation."
"The point of examining a film specifically through a queer lens is to examine the ways in which we think about relationships, sexuality."
"I consider myself 100 percent straight and I can say that."
"Sex is a wonderful gift from God to be enjoyed within the context of a covenant."
"You're making sex and romantic love into an idol."
"The general societal standard... put off your sex life until you get married."
"Sometimes you just kind of are horny you know that's that's a thing that could happen mhm that's so beautiful and so freeing."
"Elvira owned her sexuality and wasn't afraid to joke about her assets."
"Differences in sexuality are just not a big deal."
"Can you beat Scott Pilgrim vs the World of the game without stat boosts?"
"Your sexuality, it's a dynamic and unfolding story."
"We should enjoy the sexual difference, men and women are complementary."
"Posting a thirst strap can also be a way to express sexuality. I know that's true. I know that's right."
"The idea of the mermaid and women and their sexuality all kind of to get that makes what kind of a more interesting novel for me."
"Faithfulness in a relationship has no correlation to how many people you've slept with."
"You don't choose your sexuality; you are born as you are."
"You don't have to demonize sex and sexuality and sexual expression and sexual art as something that should be despised because it's actually a gift from God."
"Sex is beautiful, gloriously good, it's good, it's so good. God makes it for our pleasure."
"Men on the other hand, they can have sex with a hole in the wall and they'll be fine."
"Women have the right to express their sexuality and share their bodies however they choose, but they cannot choose how people respond to said sexuality."
"I believe so personally, because as I've grown up and come into the world as a human being as a queer person, you know, the boundaries for what sex means or the definitions of sex are kind of ambiguous."
"So when I say distance I mean the P and the V may begin in the same location, but under the pressure of social expectation people with V's feel compelled to distance it from just about any function unrelated to sexual desirability."
"Get a vibrator. So many of my girlfriends are like, 'I don't know, is it normal?' Should I get one? I'm like, 'Get one!'"
"Esther uses her sexuality as a form of cultural capital to save her people."
"The church's take is that sexuality has a structure and intelligibility built into it by God, discernible within our physical, psychological, and spiritual makeup."
"Sexuality as a portal to unmediated access to the Divine."
"Does someone's sexuality reflect who they are? Of course it does."
"Sexuality is a blessing when done properly, preserving families."
"How to know if you're gay based on astrology."
"Children shouldn't be associated with sexual preference."
"Sex is a spiritual thing, it's a mental thing, it's an emotional thing."
"I don't believe people are struggling with their sexuality. I believe people know what the hell they are and what they like, just my opinion."
"Gender and sex are two different concepts in one moment and the next they're used interchangeably. It's all nonsense meant to confuse rather than enlighten."
"Sexuality is a spectrum, and you do see it often; people fall on different areas of it."
"Before I am anything else, I am a Black woman and a proud sexual being."
"Just because something badass is happening involving women, especially involving our sexuality, it doesn't automatically make it a liberating political movement."
"Feel up Freddy 100%, Freddy at least probably like knows what sex is."
"The fact that sex is so very important to our nature... we've got to make sure it remains within certain confines."
"Why do people care so much about somebody's sexuality?"
"Here's a woman who is very aware that she's probably been looked at sexually by a man she's not stupid she knows it's happening and she is not having any of it."
"Being homosexual isn't a crime. It's a human condition."
"The biggest sexual organ is the one between their ears, right?"
"Sex equals creativity, so the more sexual energy that I have, it's really connected me to source." - Kenya K. Stevens
"Sex is not disgusting, it's lovely, it's great, it smells good, it feels good." - Tiger Millstone
"Sexuality isn't something that you can just change or just become, you know? That's not how it works."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with any male or female sexuality."
"It's a full moon later in the fall... Pluto will move into your romantic and sexuality house..."
"Love and romance and sexuality? You're on fire!"
"Safe horny: a type of Attraction you're allowed to show in public unashamedly by Progressive standards."
"Human sexuality is fun and being edgy is fun too - everybody enjoys feeling like they've left the safe known bounds of what their culture considers acceptable."
"I feel the joy of freedom which I don't get into my country because there's a lot of discrimination on the basis of sexuality."
"Our Hindu scriptures openly talk about it. Hindus are tolerant towards homosexuality."
"It is not shocking, or it should not be shocking, when someone is gay."
"This is the first time with a lot of people who are like too horny for their own good."
"Masturbation is bad for you? It's actually good for you."
"The acceptance for suppressed sexual orientations came first because around 10 percent of people are gay whereas a much smaller percentage of people are trans but this is the natural progression of societal evolution."
"Consent on that level will never be sexy, it's a turn-off, not a turn-on."
"Celibacy is like a choice. With asexuality, I've kind of felt this way my whole life. I've always felt this way."
"I didn't engage with sex with a man for almost nine years."
"The largest sexual organ is the mind, so you gotta learn how to make love to the mind, not to the body."
"Sexuality is fluid and can change throughout someone's life, and that's okay."
"This feeling that you get after you have intercourse with a woman, it's a feeling that your brain is telling you that you should have been not doing this anyway."
"Post nut clarity beats you're operating on biology but then your morality whatever your morality is will kick in and you'll be angry."
"Just because someone is asexual, that doesn't mean the equipment down there isn't working."
"Sex encompasses such a wide range... from the most intense sweaty nasty thing... to phone sex... making out in the back of a car..."
"If you view sex as purely a physical act, you're potentially leaving a lot of emotional intimacy and satisfaction on the table."
"I could choose whomever I wanted, I just happened to have relationships with women."
"Sexuality is a healthy and normal part of everybody's life."
"People should be able to scrutinize and criticize, including sexuality."
"Tattoos are essentially a sexual meditation."
"It's about the destruction of the family and marriage and human sexuality."
"Trying to outdo each other's sexuality doesn't define who you are."
"The mystery of sex is that whomever you engage with sexually, you become one with them. This is beyond the physical joining that occurs but also the spiritual."
"Monroe was the first sex symbol to portray sex as natural and risk-free."
"Hy made a point of identifying and empowering their own sexuality."
"I could have recoiled and deflected my sexuality but instead I was like, I'm going to own it."
"Samantha is the libido, we badly want, shame on you, me badly twice, shame on me."
"I'd bang it being a straight male I don't think there would be a problem."
"But the foundational ideas that govern Christian attitudes towards sex and towards gender are kind of rooted in the idea that men and women are created equally in the image of God."
"Sex is a normal healthy thing; it's not something to avoid, restrict, and control."
"Complete freedom from all forms of coercion... is a prerequisite for any kind of truly liberatory sex positivity."
"If you're not attracted to black women, you're gay... and he would back it up with an angle."
"Vampires have nearly always been mired in a sexual ambiance."
"If you're single, I do think you should be looking for a partner that sees sex as a meaningful thing, not just something akin to a handshake."
"I'm a man, I'm secure in my sexuality, I'm good at what the [expletive] I do, and I'm a Creator."
"Sex is actually a beautiful amazing powerful thing that should be protected."
"Vampires have naturally always been tied up with sexual rebellion."
"Love is love whether you sleep with guys or girls or anyone in between."
"To me, being gay is a lot more than who I sleep with."
"Our sexuality being gay isn't just about my sexual Lust For."
"None of us will be alive to see the day when heterosexual people and homosexual people have equal agency in what's allowed and what's not allowed in the public space."
"Confidence can take you far in life. It can also help in the bedroom, especially when it comes time to step up to the plate, if you know what I'm talking about."