
Security Quotes

There are 17285 quotes

"If any object presents a threat to the safety security the American people, I will take it down."
"There is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."
"Women want to feel safe, want to feel taken care of."
"If somebody is secure in themselves, I think if they can actually be truly happy for somebody if they have achieved a level of, you know, fill in the blank, that they may feel is better than their state but they can still be happy for that person, that is somebody who is truly content and secure in themselves."
"Your keys, your Bitcoin. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin."
"Security can't save you, only God can save you."
"I've never been more secure in who I am and who I am not than when I made the decision to start a family."
"Disposable income is power, it's stability, and for many couples, it's security."
"This is the most perilous time perhaps in the Modern Nation of Israel's history since Israel's miraculous birth in 1948."
"You've got to own your digital identity; it's the equivalent of someone stealing the McDonald's website and then McDonald's having to fight for their own website."
"My sheep know Me, and I know them. And I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, neither will anyone pluck them out of My hand or My Father's hand."
"Security is the foundation of mental health."
"Long-term security to deter future aggression after this war ends is a goal, and we're advancing this goal by providing them the support Ukraine needs now on the battlefield."
"The security of Ukraine is actually the security of the West and we have to keep paying attention to it."
"Beautiful buildings are not secured by the beauty of the building; it's secured by the foundations."
"Modern times, modern threats require a modern response."
"You are absolutely manifesting more money, more solidity, more security."
"Blockchain is the technology that secures financial transactions and it secures data and it makes it nearly impossible to hack or cheat this data."
"A man unfit to be held responsible for mishandling classified information has zero business occupying the Oval Office."
"An entire and perfect union will be the solid foundation of lasting peace; it will secure your religion, liberty, and property; remove the animosities amongst yourselves, and the jealousies and differences betwixt our two kingdoms."
"We urgently need a radical and irreversible shift in our thinking towards a strategic security mindset."
"Firearms protect the most vulnerable among us."
"If Mount Everest was as many millimeters tall as your credit card number, including the security code and expiration date, how tall would it be?"
"Billionaires are prepping luxury Doomsday bunkers...complete with $50,000 trap doors, parking spaces for submarines, water cannons, and a moat that literally sets on fire in case of intruders."
"The unauthorized disclosure of top-secret information will cause exceptionally grave damage to the country's national security."
"With Google Chrome OS, we again focus on three things. It will be familiar to you by now since Chrome is the foundation of what we are doing here. It's speed, simplicity and security."
"Making sure there's a safe and a secure and a strong border."
"The security of one country cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of other countries."
"Every country has the right to freely choose its security alignment."
"I'm a type of guy, anything you need me to do to reinforce that security, I'll do."
"We need to check every single part of the prison to make sure nothing has been hurt."
"We believe that the security of one country cannot come at the cost of undermining the security of other nations."
"A twin flame is never afraid of losing you because they already know they are a part of you."
"Comprehensive approaches that address the root causes of migration, enhance border security, and provide a clear pathway for legal entry into the United States are crucial."
"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs calls it the greatest threat facing the U.S. today."
"The focus really at that time was security, as in becoming more secure in our shelter and our food, mainly to protect my family."
"We can meet the needs of every human being on earth to give that true security that people want and feel."
"The speed of software delivery is improved when security is integrated into the pipeline."
"Technically, I have money. I just can't use it without giving away where I am to the bank."
"When you're secured by God, you trust God, and He secures everything about you."
"Unity will be my number one priority, followed by security."
"Human beings need boundaries because it makes them feel secure."
"I felt a level of security with my girl that made me want to wipe her up."
"Health, wealth, and relationships account for a lot of happiness. You don't need to be wealthy, but you need some level of security."
"Our privacy and our security are not at odds with one another. Our privacy is, in fact, part of our security. We are not truly secure unless our privacy rights are also protected."
"Private Relay... hides your IP address and browsing activity in Safari."
"Privacy is the way that people get found out, it's the way that people get outed, it's the way that they can be tracked."
"Making these tools pervasive in society is a great step forward because it means that we're protecting the people who are putting their life on the line to protect us and to fight for our rights."
"Privacy and security are essential when it comes to your connected experience. There's no privacy without security."
"Women want to feel safe, they want to feel secure."
"Children need to have their parents, their primary attachment figures, there to help them feel safe."
"Apple was famous for its security, they prided themselves on guiding their users' privacy."
"Do all human beings crave power? No, human beings crave security, they crave love, they crave adventure, they crave power, but not equally."
"The security of NATO members is indivisible. A threat to the security of one member of the alliance is a threat to the security of the alliance as a whole."
"It's better to err on the side of discovery rather than security."
"Aura is an all-in-one solution that helps protect your identity and keep your personal information safe."
"It's a huge relief to know that I can take back control of my privacy and reduce the risk of falling victim to fraud."
"Gold is insurance, and I like to sleep nights and stay calm."
"Building a more solid relationship with yourself helps you feel more confident, solid, and secure."
"How does it know what my password is? That's crazy; that has to be illegal."
"The world is a little bit up and down at the moment, people are feeling a little bit insecure, and this can give you a bit of security having some food in your own backyard."
"Security...is inside of a person, never outside."
"How vulnerable is Europe's energy infrastructure to an eventual attack?"
"The more secure you get as a person, the more you're able to accept other people being great or being right."
"The fact that there is a wall up around the capital raises the question: who are they trying to keep out?"
"Our goal by the end of this video is that we will feel more comfortable transferring our cryptocurrency off of exchanges into our own cryptocurrency wallets for safe-keeping."
"A hot wallet creates and stores your private keys online, while cold wallets create and store your private keys offline."
"By creating and storing private keys with hardware wallets, your funds are safer from hackers and other potential security issues."
"Your cryptocurrencies on the blockchain, which is a running ledger of transactions distributed all over the world, are basically just assigned to your private key."
"If you lose your recovery phrase, you will not be able to access your account."
"You’re deeply loved and cherished forever. You will be taken care of."
"Aiding Ukraine, giving them money, is the cheapest possible way for the US to enhance its security... the fighting is being done by the Ukrainians; they're the people who are being killed."
"Bitcoin doesn't need to do anything other than just stay secure with integrity."
"What wealth represents is security and freedom. So security to protect you from what the world can throw at you, and freedom to chart your own path in a way that you couldn't do without the resource."
"There are no experts; no one is the best. We're all just here to learn and make security better."
"The secretary stated very clearly his number one priority is to defend this nation against all threats and challenges."
"Everybody in this whole neighborhood should have been locked down, and their houses should be searched."
"I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."
"The right of the people to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated."
"Never answer security questions online truthfully. You should be creating a password inside of your password manager which is the solution to your questions."
"The Armed Forces of the Philippines always reassures the Filipino people of its continued unwavering commitment and determination."
"Your Armed Forces, protecting the people and securing the state."
"That is an insane amount of power for a foreign adversary to have."
"Hard times make hard men, hard men make safe times, safe times make soft men, soft men make hard times."
"We are closer to nuclear annihilation than any time in the history of nuclear weapons."
"Europe must show that it is committed to its own defense."
"At the end of the day, people really truly do want security, and they're willing to sacrifice some freedom for security."
"There is no hypothetical security concern... that could justify the action of Russia to invade Ukraine."
"Countries don't march into other countries and steal territory... the security of Europe and the entire world kind of rests on this idea."
"Having client-side scanning with end-to-end encryption makes the end-to-end encryption as useless as tits on a bull."
"What I'm trying to say is, it's the best wallet in the business, it's the safest wallet to steal in the business."
"The hardest wallet to steal in the business."
"The Secret Service successfully identified explosives en route to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama among other VIP targets."
"Security can only come from within the countries and within the region."
"If we chill out, if we just calm down and realize that we're actually really safe and secure, I think it'll allow a lot more flexible posture with China."
"If you ever get in a situation where you can afford to pay off your mortgage, do that first amongst all things, because then nobody can take anything away from you. You have a house to live in, you can still work a bar job, you can do something, and your life is protected."
"Bitcoin is kind of in a league of its own. It is this decentralized thing; it's the most secure and also I think that there's like the least amount of [__] which I think is a really key piece to this."
"Nobody wants to have 10 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency in a floor safe in their house."
"Whatever our hopes may be for the future, for reducing this threat or living with it, there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security."
"You give them so much security, so much strength, so much courage."
"Secure people don't lash out at other people."
"Climate change poses a national security threat for the U.S. and for everyone else."
"Love makes the difference: love helps heal past hurts and provides a sense of security and self-worth."
"NATO policy says, we've got your back. That's a promise, not a maybe."
"Prosperity and stability require vigilance as new threats emerge."
"We want to enable everyone to become more secure and live a richer and more prosperous life."
"If you want to give yourself a little bit more sovereignty over your phone, your identity, your privacy, your security, and your life, I would suggest checking out this project."
"The M314 motion tracker...allows the colonial marines to monitor perimeters and stay alert of any impending attacks."
"That's what Windows should feel like. It should feel familiar. It should feel secure. It should feel open. Connected."
"If you're willing to give up your freedom for a little bit of security, you deserve neither and you'll get neither."
"I also agree with the founding fathers who say if you're willing to give up your freedom for a little bit of security, you deserve neither and you'll get neither."
"Hundreds of millions of people are besieged by anxiety about their present and future security, dignity, and prospects of well-being."
"Quantum cryptography takes advantage of entanglement to make communication which is extremely secure."
"Fathers give both sons and daughters the thing children need most: a sense of safety and security."
"It turns out a lot of rights and freedoms that we took for granted are not at all secure, are not at all safe."
"MFA is going to be the answer to pretty much any question you see about needing to have strong authentication."
"MFA...is something I know, something I have, something I am."
"It's not the security that robs ambition; it's the illusion of security."
"The Nine of Pentacles is all about security and independence. It's feeling like you have what you need."
"I bought a ring doorbell. I was intent on finding out who this person was and why they were leaving me gifts."
"The more secure and the more closeness you can guarantee somebody, especially who's been in this position, the more that they're OK with space."
"A child needs a solid, secure, consistent relationship with just one solid, safe, secure, and available adult caregiver to set the foundation for normal development."
"VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are a really useful tool for protecting your privacy and securing your personal details online."
"The immigration bill... includes smarter security, a path to citizenship, and funding to address the root cause."
"He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."
"Everybody needs work that's meaningful. Everybody needs a sense of security, that they're not gonna get sick and not be able to pay the bill."
"If you want security you can have it, but if you want the kind of success that you're describing you actually have to go risk for it."
"Switzerland, a skiing paradise, an industrial power and an important technological center, but, above all, it is a gigantic safe: money, works of art, jewels... Practically everything."
"The best security is peace. When you have peace, you don't have fight."
"Blockchain is more resistant to tampering because of the sheer number of copies of the data."
"We have to secure any valuable and potentially dangerous technology."
"Over the course of many decades, middle class Americans have been induced to believe that our current retirement system can provide the security and stability they need when they reach their golden years, but that couldn't be farther from the truth."
"It's important to understand how they can be implemented because knowing how it's implemented and how the technology works gives you and I the ability to put the correct countermeasure or precaution in place."
"By just taking the small steps of improving your own security first and then using those concepts and applying those to the situations you're in and the job opportunities that come up, you just continue to keep growing and growing and eventually, you'll reach your goals."
"I highly recommend them if you do like a good cuddle or if you're one of the people that needs a very soft and plush item to feel safe and secure."
"The nitrogen replaces the oxygen in the room, removing the risk of fire and doubling as the ultimate anti-theft environment."
"What you're describing is this like theoretical threat. Right now terrorists, or many of these terrorists, are absolutely jackasses, and they've been caught because of their inept techniques."
"In many cases, you need a demonstration before people take things seriously."
"95% of my privacy being safe is better than 0%."
"Decentralization makes everything more secure, makes it easier, makes it faster, and provides more of a fair system to everyone involved."
"People used something called letter locking for hundreds of years, developing a huge variety of techniques for folding, cutting, and interlocking the pages."
"Decentralization... becomes censorship resistant, it becomes seizure resistant."
"To be human is to have free will, and to strip somebody of their free will in exchange for security isn't humanity."
"Security professionals have to apply the slogan 'Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.' We have to be curious; we have to push ourselves to learn the new technology before the user community comes to us and needs it."
"You deserve to have someone who makes you feel secure; you deserve to have someone who's loyal."
"If you want an actual asset that you know is going to have value no matter what happens... you can't hack gold."
"Attacking machine learning models is extremely easy, and defending them is extremely difficult."
"We have a moral obligation, we have a geopolitical obligation to the safety security of the world to intervene if necessary."
"I urge us to put aside stigma and address the security and safety issue this topic represents."
"The America First agenda doesn't make you a racist or a xenophobe when you just want to secure your borders, protect your children."
"No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed."
"Identifying friend from foe is very important to us. So when we have unidentified targets and we continue to ignore those due to a stigma or a fear of what it could be, that's an opening that our adversaries can take advantage of."
"We can have neither liberty nor security if citizens live in fear of criminals and also if they do not trust the government officials charged with their security."
"Security groups and network access control lists are two different types of firewall."
"That's a way that we're locking down access to the different layers of our application, ensuring that the application can talk to other components but nothing else can."
"Living a bankless life requires taking control of your own private keys. Not your keys, not your crypto."
"The lockdown mode ensures that nobody can access your phone unless they know the actual pin number."
"Make sure this is enabled... remote controls and Google location services."
"The blessings of God are superior, more valuable, and more secure than earthly blessings."
"The sense of security that you get from having permanent shelter when you're a homeowner is much better."
"Putting people in Housing First...calms that survival thing and people are safe, secure, and then they're saying to us, 'I need more help here.'"
"We've got two vicious guard dogs to protect us."
"They need security. They need to know that, like, if they make a mistake they're not gonna get thrown to the curb."
"Bitcoin is the largest cryptographic deployment in the world, the largest public key infrastructure in the world, the largest security honeypot in the world and it is not secure because it doesn't get attacked. It is secure because it generates immunity by being attacked all the time."
"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous."
"Security can only be found in the presence of the Living God."
"You must come from a place of abundance... If you're so fearful of losing the other person because he or she is the only option, you're going to be too clingy."
"Genuine ethical accomplishment is the best source of security."
"Defenders also get a camera and door system that can be used to monitor and control the map in various ways."
"If we're going to fix everything around the world, we got to fix America first. We got to focus on America's security."
"Peace is possible, peace is practical, and it is absolutely essential for US and international security."
"If you give up all the difficulties of your life... because you're looking for security and satiation, then you don't have anything interesting or meaningful to do."
"Our security and intelligence agencies flagged problems that we're followed up on to keep our research institutions safe."
"Actually having life insurance is a good feeling because it's nice to know that if anything were to happen to you, your family won't have to start a GoFundMe to stay afloat."
"My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places."
"Simple methods of accounting have evolved into the lightning quick transmission of vast sums of money over the Internet. But time and history have not changed the basic tenet of banking-- the promise that their customers' money is safe."
"When you threaten people's financial and physical security that way, they don't just go and take a nap. We have an instinct to fight against any threats that we perceive to our well-being."
"We can return to our country's economic system and in turn our democracy to one that is secure."
"The number one security risk to our country is complacency and success."
"No man can pluck us out of the Father's hand...nothing can separate us from the love of Christ."
"We have laid out a pathway toward peace and security in our world."
"Knowing who you are in Christ... that's the only thing that's going to keep you from being insecure."
"This makes eavesdropping on the channel impossible."
"The only way you will ever feel secure, truly secure, is in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
"Security and confidence...these things are not loud; they don't make noise; they don't have to be seen."
"I want to buy a house... mostly it's security."
"Who can benefit from Pingora? You should consider it if security is your top priority."
"Holding these leaders accountable maybe we can actually be more secure, more safe, and more efficient."
"Despite various efforts to increase security, Cabrini-Green became notorious for gangs, drugs, and sensational crimes."
"We've gone from the land of the free and the home of the brave to many people demanding that we live in the land of the lockdown and the home of the cowardly."
"Poland is trying to compensate for the security hazard by building the largest army in Europe."
"The transition to Proof of Stake aims at making Ethereum more energy efficient, more secure, and lays the groundwork for enabling more scalability with sharding later on."
"Knowing that when you're in NATO, like, nobody is [expletive] with you, especially on a continent in Europe...it's just a really, really good assurance towards building stability in a country."
"Security and regulations within the metaverse are practically non-existent, and people have been allowed to engage in horrible ways."
"I always typically say it is a tendency of me to err on the side of freedom over security."
"More security with less intrusion on people's civil liberties... that's the trade-off that you want."
"The most secure people in this world are the people who have no problem giving."
"Holden was built in 2010 as a groundbreaking experiment and houses some of Norway's most dangerous men."
"Those who would surrender essential liberty for temporary security will, in the end, deserve neither liberty nor security and lose both."
"The only way we know would be to write a piece of software that we view as sort of the software equivalent of cancer."