
Genius Quotes

There are 1671 quotes

"Talent is the ability to hit the target no one else can; genius hits the target no one else can see."
"Talent hits the target no one else can see, and genius hits the target no one else can see."
"The equations become smarter than the genius who wrote them down, and that's another reason why we do these mathematical models of science."
"We have natural genius inside of us, and when this is aligned with this, when people talk about their mind and their body and the values of the habits, when they're all aligned, things happen naturally."
"A certain law operates whenever a great civilization has seemed to be declining and close to disintegration, to bring forth a universal genius who opens up a new horizon."
"You're in service of the eternal. You don't have to feel like a genius; you are simply the conduit through which genius passes."
"Genius is less about genetics and more about your habits."
"Taylor Swift is a musical genius, she's an entertainment genius."
"If you've ever wondered what it takes to be a genius, what it takes to change the world, what the cost is, the sacrifice, how to make decisions, how to think, and what motivates these world-changing entrepreneurs, in the next hour and a half you find out."
"Aristotle said that to be a master of metaphor was a sign of genius."
"Genius is less about genetics and much more about your daily habits."
"Human genius truly comes from collaboration."
"Stefan Bureau is certainly a genius. This is way, way cleverer than it's completely absurd how clever this is."
"Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recovered at will."
"It's our natural instinct to try and want to be a genius, but we should fight that and actually try to collaborate as much as we can, early, often."
"Strokes of genius are made of analogies, personal insights, political decisions, and dinner table conversations."
"If I'm assuming that you, like everyone, has only scratched the surface of genius that lies inside all of us, that is the word salute."
"He knew the problems that the best mathematicians of the age could solve, and he knew that he was better than any of them."
"He's an incredible genius, and to be pulled off his show after giving people incredible amounts of joy and children laughter, and adults laughter, I think that's disrespectful of his talents."
"This is the tale of a man who embodied both genius and madness."
"Someone once asked Einstein what it's like to be a genius. He said, 'I don't know, ask Nikola Tesla.'"
"Genius... is seeing what everyone else has seen, but thinking what no one else has thought."
"A genius is someone that never produces anything bad... For me, a genius is someone that whatever they turn their hand to, they can kind of master it."
"Oh my God, I'm a genius. I'm actually a genius."
"The mark of Genius was the ability to have two contradictory thoughts in your head at the same time."
"Every child who enters our school is a genius who deserves to find a calling that will change the world."
"Isaac Newton invented calculus basically on a dare, and he did it before he turned 26."
"Great wits are shorter madness near allied, and thin partitions to their bounds divide." - Dryden
"There is no great genius without a tincture of madness." - Seneca
"You walk the fine line between genius and insanity."
"The brain itself doesn't make the genius; maybe it's a necessary condition but not sufficient."
"Genius is not simply an internal characteristic of brain and smarts and talent; it's those combined with circumstance."
"The name of Einstein became synonymous with genius."
"A genius is one who sees what everyone else sees, but thinks what no one else has thought." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"Unless you're willing to go to extremes, it's impossible to change a normal person into a perfect genius."
"Only genius can overcome nature, and only hope can overcome despair."
"Granger Taylor was a genius... the definition of an autodidact."
"You can't force genius. You can only create the space for genius to come through and blossom."
"Maybe genius isn't a number then, but rather the happy accident of a hard-working, lucky, and ultimately normal person."
"Genius isn't the result of the great men that Carlyle proposed, instead the genius stands atop the shoulders of those that came before."
"Joe Budden is truly a flawed genius. He's a microphone mastermind."
"A genius is the person that sees what everyone else has seen but thinks what no one else has thought."
"If far transcends in importance... may raise one to the status of a genius."
"He's a genius first, he's obviously a genius."
"He had an absolutely remarkable imagination, creativity off the charts."
"Talent hits a target nobody else can hit, but genius hits a target nobody else can see."
"This person is definitely a creative genius."
"He is truly a master, what an absolute genius."
"Teeter was either a bona fide time traveler or the guy was a genius because he understood the physics, mathematics, history, you know, the human mind."
"Tupac was a genius. It wasn't just rapping, you know what I mean? It wasn't just to make words rhyme, it was mainly to make it poetic."
"Steve was a genius and one of the many ways that he showed that was in his uncanny ability to unlock the talent of everybody that he worked with."
"Itachi Uchiha's abilities: a genius of such talent, rivaled the strongest Uchiha of their time."
"You are a genius, you've solved so many problems for guitarists within this design, this bridge design, this is the mother lode."
"I think you're a genius, I totally respect your background."
"He was like a genius, greatest, stopped Michael Jackson."
"My genius can't be constrained by the wisdom of the masses."
"There is a thin line between genius and madness."
"Genius can only breathe freely in an atmosphere of freedom."
"Florence Nightingale had the sort of brain that only comes along once in a generation."
"Anytime Jordan Peele has a horror movie coming out that year... the man is a genius."
"You're either an insane genius or just insane."
"Vegapunk's technology is like only limited to him. The only reason that tech exists is because Vegapunk exists. He's the world genius, he has ideas in his head that are like 500 years above what the current humanity is capable of."
"Good vibrations of California, one of our last living musical geniuses: Brian Wilson."
"Some important discoveries require a certain degree of genius but also some element for genius to act on."
"I think he's one of the most genius minds that we've ever created on this planet."
"A genius generates free research for us, which is amazing."
"Most geniuses do not make the international impact that Elon has."
"The secret of geniuses: they found one thing they could be great at and they spent the best hours of their days focusing on that one thing."
"Every great inventor, every great Discoverer, every great genius has felt the thrill of the divine inward force, that mysterious power backing the flesh but not of it, which has come to his aid."
"You basically have two options: one is that Joseph Smith is just a religious genius or two, they are being revealed from on high, from God through his chosen servant in these last days."
"Genius or extraordinary people are not always those with inborn talents, but most times it is cultivated."
"If Chainsaw Man's original story is a work of genius, then this opening is a work of double genius."
"Jimmy from Mr. Beast is actually a literal genius."
"Terry Davis is a perfect example of a man that is incredibly troubled but a man that is also incredibly one of the most smartest people in his own way that exists in our world."
"Genius isn't just luck. It isn't just someone's born a genius."
"The term Renaissance man has become shorthand for a particular kind of genius."
"All genius is simple... The complex hides the simple basic truth behind everything."
"Tesla wasn't the genius of the first magnitude; he was a technological visionary, even he could envision great things and make them work."
"Emotec's strategic genius is unmatched, orchestrating simultaneous wars across dozens of worlds."
"Philip, you see, is a genius whose extraordinary abilities make for a fascinating mystery of the mind."
"They're geniuses. They're awesome. They love us. They've always loved pushing the envelope."
"Most people who are that level of genius throughout history, you find out from different accounts they're a little eccentric."
"It's genius. It's simple but has purposefulness."
"Genius is putting a $20 idea in a ten-cent sentence."
"The desire for sexual expression, when harnessed and transmuted, may raise one to the status of a genius."
"The road to genius consists of the development, control, and use of sex, love, and romance."
"Sex energy is the Creative Energy of all geniuses."
"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness." - Aristotle
"Military genius requires courage, intellect, and determination."
"Enrico Fermi had a legendary ability for estimating very complicated phenomena for almost no data at all."
"He is a completely honest to whatever he is but totally inscrutable... that's not me insulting him... the man is a genius."
"John Moses Browning was a freak genius baby and this gun is a masterpiece."
"Genius is 2 percent inspiration and 98 percent perspiration."
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
"Geniuses are going to be a little quirky sometimes but your heart is always in the right place..."
"This is what it's like seeing a genius visual Storyteller at work."
"Raikuda is sometimes simply called an American genius."
"You're kidding me you random people getting in the cab with you you're fearful you're buggin if you don't see the genius in it."
"They are very, very intelligent, considered genius in their own right."
"Like you're a [__] genius, it's so funny to watch people not appreciate that."
"Most geniuses are some kind of combination of things."
"He's a genius, that's what you need to know."
"This is kind of genius in a really messed up marketing way when you think about plagiarizing a controversy."
"Inspiration is the first stepping stone which leads to genius."
"A genius is able to do so many things in a masterly manner."
"The greatest discoveries don't come through hard work or intensive labor but that really the genius somehow is able to access a realm."
"Bentley has an IQ of 140, considered genius level."
"Tesla's invention of the Tesla coil further demonstrates his unrivaled genius."
"Some people have even gone so far as to call him a genius."
"Science should be simple... it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Paul McCartney's contribution to modern music... you shouldn't really use the word genius but..."
"Like a shinily animated Walter White, Rick Sanchez is the mad genius anti-hero."
"You need to come with us because you're a genius"
"The ability to reach a rich vein of such material and to translate it effectively into philosophy literature music or scientific discovery is one of the hallmarks of what is commonly called genius."
"Internally we tap into our creative flow until we become geniuses."
"Part of being a genius is learning from someone else's experience."
"Such euphoric experiences arise when we contemplate a beautiful piece of art, a stunning natural landscape, or an excellent piece of music."
"I believe that we all have a genius hidden inside of us."
"He's a rare genius, a once in a millennium kind of kid."
"It's remarkable that every single social norm flies out the window in the pursuit of a genius beautiful herculean air."
"The show pokes holes in the myth that genius must be a raw isolated superpower."
"Once you get to that genius level you're above criticism... like how can you be smarter than Stanley Kubrick."
"This is wild, this is so cool, this is some of the most like mad genius type sh*t, you know."
"He's a genius. Dude's a genius like he strategized this well beyond anything having to do with us."
"The Joker was a genius in every sense of the word... to manifest himself when the time came."
"Gary made a difference, he was a genius and a gentleman."
"People might ridicule you because every genius is ridiculed before they're revered."
"If any of you guys got that, you are an actual genius!"
"Napoleon bonapart is probably the greatest military genius that's ever lived."
"Genius is just an extreme version of that but it represents us as humans in a very fundamental way." - Joy Hirsch
"Vince McMahon is a genius for all that people say about him."
"A genius is a man who's discovered how to increase the intensity of thought."
"It's all a myth. NFT Nick looks AI generated. He is actually a real person. He's just God, man. He's such a genius."
"Very rarely do you find a guy that's that smart that brilliant that much of a genius who's a comedian."
"Leonardo was a man ahead of his time, his true genius marked by his diverse range of accomplishments."
"Intuitive improvisation is the secret of genius."
"Sam Esmail's the fuckin' best! He's a genius!"
"I see a cocky, scared shitless little [__], but you're a genius."
"There is no great genius without a touch of Madness."
"Exceptional intellectual or creative powers."
"Genius is seeing what everyone else sees but thinking what no one else has thought."
"One feels very much the genius of the person in both gardens equally."
"His IQ was somewhere between 250 and 300."
"Honestly, any good improv comedian would be a genius."
"Geniuses know what they are geniuses and what they are good at."
"Aristotle is the greatest philosophical genius of all time."
"he's either absolutely crazy or he's a genius and he knows something i don't know"
"The secret to genius is being alone."
"He was a brilliant, brilliant genius."
"He is such a genius," he thought as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.
"He understood frequency, music, vibration, and energy before Einstein, before Tesla."
"You discover your own genius by breaking away from the grind to follow your own inspiration."
"J.R.R. Tolkien, he's a genius, you know."
"His mind was a battleground that even Nikola Tesla could never truly command."
"All in all, I think this movie is freaking genius."
"But the bare bones structure of the one-transistor Dynamic RAM memory cell is also its genius."
"Steve, unlike most of these guys, has a legitimate kind of genius."
"And once you are with a genius, a master, some of that mastery or genius is always going to be part of you."
"The genius of his riffs is he knows that simplicity and heaviness is the key to greatness."
"He's a Newton. An Einstein. He's a genius."
"The line between genius and madman is very thin."
"The line between stupidity and genius is as thin as paper."
"Albert Einstein, a name recognized worldwide, is synonymous with genius and scientific brilliance."
"Whoever invented this is a genius."
"I think John Stewart is quite a genius."
"Tesla was a magnificent genius, in my opinion, I think he was so far ahead of his time."
"I think the color story is genius, absolutely love it."
"Genius is never appreciated in its own time."
"Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, your daughter's a freaking genius."
"The trust of the genius is yet to be earned."
"A genius and an average man experienced time differently."
"Leonardo da Vinci is often regarded as possessing the finest mind in human history."
"Oh my god, he's found it, he's a genius!"
"Secretly genius, these prequels are."
"I always say this to everybody, and this is a true story, the guy who was a genius was I said because he's not, he's really screwed up the business marketing."
"Sometimes you get an idea, but how do you know that that idea is yours? Maybe you're not a genius; maybe you were in the right place at the right time to capture that idea and that thought."
"Sex transmutation will lift one to the status of a genius."
"He is one of the few real musical geniuses of this pop era."
"Oh man, this whole concept is genius. It's really what it's coming down to."
"Genius is hard work, stick-to-itiveness, and common sense."
"Sometimes my genius is just crazy."
"Genius, fighter, sharp, a winner."
"Sometimes my genius amazes myself."
"Pirlo was a genius both in and out of possession, blessed in the subtle art of being able to dummy players and wriggle free of them without so much as thinking about it."
"He knows he should ask this question or make this suggestion and we're all idiots not to step up and be like, sure. That's how genius works."
"To come up with a plan like this, you have to be a genius. Absolutely amazing story."
"AJ and Fury fights, those guys are genius."
"Although many people have said that Galileo didn't invent anything himself and this is quite true, one couldn't possibly say that he wasn't a genius."
"The name of Einstein becomes synonymous with genius."
"Geniuses are considered weirdos in their time."
"They have some sort of god-given talent. That's the best way I can describe this kind of genius."
"Peter Parker is known for his super intellect and genius brain."
"John was the biggest Hitman John was the you know the John was a genius."
"John's genius was in his simplicity."
"Genius hits a target nobody else can see."
"I think sometimes people automatically want to connect the genius to crazy like the two have to coexist and I don't think that's always the case."
"What George Harrison achieved on All Things Must Pass was nothing short of miraculous."
"Rutherford and Bohr were two of the most extraordinary minds ever produced by the human race."
"Understanding the relationship between individual parts of this machine and his unemotional discipline, that's his genius."
"A meat genius, look upon my Works in despair you fools, you simple-minded fools."