
Internet Quotes

There are 6254 quotes

"The internet’s addictive power comes from the fact that it is a novelty machine."
"More hours per week of internet porn viewing correlated with a reduction in grey matter in areas of the brain involved in motivation and decision-making."
"This discussion is about the brain changes made by high-speed internet porn - a recent phenomenon that didn’t exist until around 20 years ago."
"The internet is a novelty machine, something dopamine is particularly reactive to."
"Smartphones are addictive, the Internet is addictive, and everything that's on there is addictive."
"The internet has given people an opportunity to build up their own platforms with their own voices and allow us to actually communicate in ways that could end war."
"Thanks to the internet, it's never been a better time to be creative."
"The internet is becoming real life. It is real life now."
"Thanks to the ad-supported internet, people can read news about their hometown that's 4,000 miles away or teach themselves the marimba, all free of charge."
"Parents could make sure that their kids know that they're available, so they don't have to rely on the internet for information about their own bodies."
"If you live for the internet, you'll die by social media."
"The internet is arguably one of, if not the most life-changing innovation in the history of humanity."
"Is this decentralized technology a new protocol layer for the Internet upon which we can build a better web, to dethrone the tech giants, reclaim free speech, protect online identities, and facilitate free trade in a borderless digital economy?"
"Email was perhaps the Internet's first killer app."
"What we say on the internet really does affect people... negative comments... I don't care how strong you are, that's going to affect you in some way."
"I love to be on TV shows. I think, like, back in my day, to get famous, you had to be on TV; now you can just be on the internet."
"The internet is really good at amplifying our insecurities because the human brain is not designed to deal with the internet."
"As the internet gets better and technology advances, we become more socially inept."
"Like most fandoms, the furry community uses the internet as a way to interact with each other without limits."
"Social media and the internet are replete with those. That's not going to be a very potent protocol or tool."
"Artificial intelligence, even in its current state, combined with the internet...leads to the possibility of mass manipulation of behavior."
"Hedy's invention paved the way for a secure internet to even happen. Like it was part of the foundation of the internet."
"Megan Fox prohibits her kids from using the internet and TV."
"Read Write Own offers a vision for the internet where people can own, co-create, and profit from the platforms they use."
"Unfixing is a realm of storytelling, mostly based on the internet, which defies conventions of the medium or website it's working with and stays in character as much as a WWE wrestler."
"I have been blessed by the Internet. Information was power."
"The internet has been a very empowering tool."
"The beauty of the internet is you don't need the stigma that's attached to kind of business as it was probably 50 years ago. I mean you can be a 16-year-old in a bedroom and start a business that two years later you can sell for $40 million."
"The Internet is gonna expose everything anyway. There's no hiding. So be transparent."
"Every person in this conference, including myself, is grossly underestimating the internet."
"The internet is a powerful new medium where just a handful of people, in small groups, just by shifting data around in the right directions, can make big changes and big damage."
"The internet isn't just entertainment; it's where we learn, our politics enact relationships, experience friendship, express our fears, and our hopes."
"Hello, Internet! Welcome to Food Theory, the show that's the perfect blend of everything you need."
"Being grateful for the web and the internet."
"All I'm saying is, the internet wasn't the internet today."
"The Internet is the greatest free-market innovation in history. It's changed the way we live, when we play, the way we work, the way we learn, the way we speak."
"The internet has fundamentally and radically altered the way that we associate with each other."
"The internet is going to reduce society, both good and bad, to something unimaginable."
"We're giving American families control of their health care decisions and the freedom to choose that care is right before them on the internet and elsewhere."
"You can get everything that you need to know, the sum of human knowledge on the internet. But you also need that real-world experience."
"You're never going to beat the internet, man."
"The Internet has changed human sexuality forever as we know it."
"Don't believe everything that you see on the internet."
"Information used to be expensive to move. Then this internet comes around, and magically, you can just learn anything instantaneously, and the cost of moving information went to nothing."
"Sometimes we can be our truest selves through the internet."
"Nothing has changed the human race like the advent of the internet and the smartphone."
"The world was desktop first and then moved to mobile first. Imagine the point where you're able to consume the whole internet by listening."
"After the 2000 and 2001.com bubble bursting, it's not like the internet went away. The internet is thriving, but the crap went away."
"The cool thing about the internet is it gave people the opportunity to feel like they belong if they felt like an outsider."
"Blockchain technology is probably going to replace the Internet as we know it."
"The internet gave young people in their formative years a lot of accessibility to ideas and media that they would never have had the chance to appreciate without the World Wide Web."
"There's a lot of passion about the origins of the internet, and it's not just from CERN; it's about people who want to keep this stuff alive so newer generations can at least appreciate where everything began."
"Be careful who you believe on the internet...be informed, intelligent consumers."
"Internet memes are essentially the best examples we have of modern day pop art."
"We live in a day and age where everybody is dependent on the internet to get information, but what happens when you no longer have access to your digital personal assistant or Google or Wikipedia or whatever kind of artificial intelligence they roll out next?"
"The Internet has a way of coming back to bite you."
"The only reason I'm not poor is because of the internet and that's because the internet gives you the capacity to make passive income."
"The internet has democratized wealth generation for the self-educated and self-reliant."
"The internet gives people the tools to blur the line between celebrity and average person."
"The internet is like a living, breathing thing."
"Identity had been forever changed by the Internet; formerly it had meant 'who you really are' but now it meant 'any one of a number of persistent faces that you can present to the digital universe.'"
"The Internet is quickly sweeping away the darkness. The truth will not be stopped."
"We believe that there's this very big shift in the world where... a lot of society was organized around these big institutions very hierarchically top-down and I think the internet gives people the ability to change that."
"You will have a happy, perfect marriage with amazing sex and live in a beautiful house, but no internet connection."
"Just to set things straight, Paranoia is run, not-for-profit. I personally provided all of the initial equipment and have supported the system's costs in finances and time at a personal loss because I feel so strongly about the presence of a system like this on the net. It's been very rewarding to watch an idealistic dream turn into reality. I've met a lot of really great net-denizens and have seen firsthand how this project has been able to empower people who wouldn't otherwise have nice net access at a low cost."
"The metaverse will be the successor to the mobile internet."
"A few decades ago, private citizens used to be largely that, private. Well, what changed? The internet."
"Tim Berners-Lee creates the World Wide Web, which most people don't know is actually different from the internet."
"The internet is abundance; we can all have a platform."
"If I were to type [] into my browser, I would see my localhost, whereas if you put this into your browser, you would see your localhost."
"The internet basically allowed anybody to put up news."
"The internet allows us to network enclaves, putting another way, a cloud community need not acquire all its territory in one place at one time."
"With the internet, we can digitally sew these disjoint enclaves together into a new kind of polity, a network state."
"I think with the internet, you can connect to anybody anywhere... They might be on a tropical island. I think in modern society, people lack purpose. So if we're able to find these really excellent people and we're able to connect them to a purpose that they want to be a part of, then can't we build a new type of company together with the community out there?"
"With the power of the Internet, we get more perspectives than ever, and much of the elitism about who gets to be an authority on these subjects has gone right out the window."
"The internet gave us a whole world of exciting new possibilities."
"It's almost like the internet is becoming self-aware... we're starting to recognize that we can actually use the platforms for good instead of evil."
"The internet is the greatest educational tool that has ever been devised."
"What if you guys just found love, you know, and then you wouldn't need it from some guy on the internet."
"If there's anything that I've learned the last few years, it's the power of leveraging your time to create multiple income sources, especially with the internet."
"The internet is one of the greatest innovations to happen within the last 100 years because of it, everything could be everywhere all at once."
"Bitcoin is the only true sovereign asset on the internet."
"Bitcoin is not just an asset, it's the future of the internet."
"People are losing trust in the traditional education system and are resorting to internet creators for their future success."
"The internet is not the end-all be-all, it is just another platform, another place to get information."
"During the 2000s, the internet began to start shaping food trends."
"I love the Internet. It's the greatest thing ever. Like everything just combines into one."
"The beauty of the internet is you get to watch other people's experiences and take what you want from them."
"If you can't trust random strangers on the internet, who can you trust?"
"The internet is setting discourse now, not maybe absolutely like it's been where years past that inflection point where online discourse is what's setting the tone for what our future political landscape is looking like."
"Now we have a notion of owning stuff on the internet. That's what tokens are."
"This changes the relationship between website and user, significantly shifting power towards the user."
"This existential problem will not be solved by asking these for-profit corporations to tweak their approach around the edges. We need to re-envision what the internet can be."
"The internet has ushered in a new era of artistry and independence."
"YouTube is one of the most visited websites on the internet and attracts well over 2.5 billion users monthly."
"This technology represents nothing short of the second generation of the internet."
"The internet is an intricate mesh that lets us share and connect without an emphasis on where we exist."
"The internet, the most incredible method of communication ever devised, and we use it for swapping funny photos of cats."
"The internet has totally changed our lives, altering the world in ways beyond most people's comprehension."
"The internet as a force in society is only really 30 years old, but with something as big as the internet, it will continue to change the world."
"The internet permeates every aspect of our lives."
"The rise of the internet will result in new waves of religion, another Axial Age of Buddhas, Confucius, and Socrates."
"The internet will always filter out quality, in the same way wars have made nations stronger, or capitalism makes society wealthier in the long term."
"Don't put all your business on the internet."
"Internet activity is private when you use incognito mode. That is, in fact, a lie."
"All of your internet activity is private when you use incognito mode. That is, in fact, a lie."
"Utopia's network is proof that the internet should exist as a utility."
"The Internet is literally the center of all human intelligence and interaction."
"In 1969, while everyone was focusing on man landing on the moon, an extremely important event happened: four computers were linked up together, and the ARPANET was born."
"The Internet has helped so many black people."
"If it was not for the internet, there would not be people like me on the Internet."
"The internet is clearly much more than entertainment; it's the lifeblood of our economy, of our society."
"That's the great thing about the Internet in general, really, is that anyone can make their voice heard."
"That's the crazy thing about the internet. It's like you see these white kids in the suburbs, doing dances, wearing clothes, and using vocabulary that they would have no access to without the internet."
"This has always been the way of stories; just with the advent of the internet, this process is sped up to being over a matter of weeks or months, and not decades and centuries."
"The internet has enabled authenticity in a way that wasn't possible before."
"We need to take back that space. We need to take back the internet space."
"Internet has become a necessity in our modern lives, and allowing corporations to control it would be unfair."
"I believe that this is now the next generation of the internet, and that it holds vast promise for every business, every society, and for all of you, individually."
"Net neutrality is super important if you love gaming on the internet with reasonable speeds and only paying one price."
"The internet should be an open and free place."
"We need to say, look, we want net neutrality right now and forever."
"We're trying to save the open and free internet."
"The internet is acting as a body for a god; it's moving without anybody being able to stop it or control it or direct it completely."
"You can control the network path; it's not like on the internet where you just don't know what's happening."
"Every single thing that I know how to do, I found on the Internet for free."
"We need to get back to free market capitalism democracy with even more efficient, more bottoms up internet with blockchain and Bitcoin."
"The Internet is changing what entertainment and the sports is. It's not just a few people authoring an experience for others; it's really growing out of what everybody does."
"It's amazing how the world is just changing and there's so many opportunities on the internet."
"It is so much easier to make money these days than it was back like fifty years ago, and the sole reason for this is all due to the internet."
"The internet really made me a better person because my parents didn't teach me a lot morally."
"The internet is a vast place, and it's staggering how much of our personal information, like phone numbers and email addresses, is out there without our knowledge."
"NordVPN is super easy to use; it unlocks your internet."
"Connect with each other over the internet and find ways to give that connection."
"Facebook made it regular to be on the Internet. Pre-Facebook, the Internet was way different."
"I think the internet has done an amazing thing in connecting us and expanding our minds."
"Most people that are consuming content on the internet are not consuming it to be educated; they're consuming it to be reassured."
"Decades ago, private citizens used to be largely that: private. What's changed? Well, the internet."
"The Internet makes you more knowledgeable but it doesn't necessarily make you smarter."
"The idea of a single worldwide web is now on its way to the ash heap of history."
"Thank you for being a light on the internet."
"The Internet is something that should be considered a human right."
"The greatest thing about the internet is that there is no gatekeeper. If people don't like you on one website, you just go somewhere else."
"Meme magic is a slang term used to describe the hypothetical power of sorcery and voodoo supposedly derived from certain internet memes that can transcend the realm of cyberspace and result in real-life consequences."
"Don't forget to make your corner of the internet just a little bit more awesome."
"We have the internet, and it's so amazing, and like we should be so wowed by it every day, and we use it to argue with doofuses on Twitter."
"You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life."
"Online business and the internet have opened up a world of opportunities to people all around the world."
"The Internet has given us many things, from a way to communicate with strangers to some genuinely incredible memes."
"How does a cabin get on the internet? It logs in."
"This can be the future of internet and technology."
"The internet and crowdsourcing have revolutionized how we engage and succeed in our endeavors."
"The lie can go halfway across the internet before the truth puts his boots on."
"I certainly believe this is the future of the internet; I think Web 3 and the metaverse is going to be the future of where all of us are going to be headed."
"The internet is not a game; it's real life. I'm a real person. This stuff really hurts."
"This is the future of the internet, and this is where we're going."
"We now live in an age of instant, widespread outrage that can be spread across the entire planet in a matter of seconds."
"The internet sure changed everything. Absolutely, that's why they need to censor it."
"Internet contact lenses, where you can access the internet by blinking."
"I think that we've had an aristocracy of ideas and what happened is that the internet has unleashed the flame of the Enlightenment a second time."
"In the age of the internet, with online trading available everywhere in the world, the geographical significance of physical stock exchanges is becoming less important."
"We all use and love the internet. It makes us laugh, it teaches us things, and it inspires us."
"The internet has changed the music business more than anything else in my lifetime."
"The internet is effing awesome, okay? But we keep thinking it's horrible because we keep sharing horrible things about it."
"The internet is not a luxury; it's a necessity, especially in education."
"The entire internet will be decentralized. Web 3 is coming. You can't fight it."
"I wanted to lose my faith in humanity, so I went on the internet's most depraved website, TikTok."
"The Internet...is probably the most important human innovation...it was going to empower the individual...from the need for state and corporate control."
"The internet has...exported American political ideas into almost every country...you see these trends...of seeing politics through this kind of all-consuming apocalyptic lens being repeated over and over."
"I went from about 100k in 48 hours to 2 million."
"The Internet is the future, and a lot of the lawmakers understand that, but they don't understand exactly what it is they're making laws about."
"If you are sufficiently plugged into the internet early enough, there comes a point at which your persona on the internet takes primacy. It is more important than your actual physical life."
"All of the information that I'm going to be sharing in this video today is freely available on the internet. I am not adding to it, I am just compiling it all together."
"The Internet itself, which all of this technology comes from, was originally called DARPA Net because of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration."
"The 'You' was still a big part of 'YouTube'."
"The truth is he did a ton for us... the internet, the Twitch community, the gaming community."
"Comcast basically has a monopoly in Baltimore, and the result is just like absolute devastation of anyone's ability to be online predictably."
"I don't give a single heck about a stranger's opinion on the Internet. I'm way more interested in garlic bread."
"I have learned that giving the internet to anybody is both a blessing and a curse because sometimes you come across some absolutely weird stuff."
"The internet is a beautiful place. It's the only place where you can read something about Mozilla Firefox and somehow on paragraph seven, they will create an allegory between Firefox and Chrome to Deus Ex Invisible War."
"Social tokens potentially present a new way to monetize content on the Internet."
"The internet felt like the next step but no one could fathom just what would come from it."
"However, many of those same people were shocked to find that while the internet did bring people from across the world together, it didn't change the essence of who people were."
"In a country that has long cherished the freedom of expression, we cannot allow a limited number of online platforms to handpick the speech that Americans may access and convey on the Internet."
"The internet has changed the world around us in too many ways to list."
"Now with the internet, since anybody can put up a website, if you have a good idea, if you have quality thoughts and content, you can put that up and you can make money off of it."
"S3 delivery globally offers good and consistent content delivery performance to users all over the world."
"What they do is it's internet-based and they measure how well a celebrity or a brand is known, how much they're liked, and how much they're disliked."
"The arrival of the internet changed everything... it's serving as a platform for communities to be built around anything and everything you can think of."
"I think the best way to deter crime when it comes to child pornography is not to supervise their computer usage but to enhance their sentence because the computer and the internet is feeding the beast here."
"A huge percentage of websites on the internet that are run by WordPress, and it's still very popular."
"Business models that have come about, Internet being one of them, is all as a result of this vision that started 50 years ago with bringing the digital world onto a chip."
"The fact that there still is a story and there's, you know, we're here to share it on the internet, that is the win."
"The internet is unlimited. Anybody could start a website."
"The internet is a complete Streisand effect. If you try to censor information, you just make it come out even more."
"Welcome to the $10 million studio, I'm your host Coffeezilla, the internet detective."
"Understanding that attention is the true currency of the internet."
"If you're in a dark room, you don't know how many cockroaches are in the room... but if you have a really big flashlight, like for example the internet, you see there's roaches [__] everywhere."
"Leaving all who knew her, both in life and through the World Wide Web, grasping for answers in a sea of evidence that drowned us all in doubt."
"It took mainstream markets a long time to adopt the internet."