
Amplification Quotes

There are 470 quotes

"What we humans love to do is identify some component of an experience that we like, isolate that component from the rest of the parts, and then amplify that one component as much as possible."
"The things that are really meant for us right now, the things that are serving us, are being amplified."
"Money is just a tool to amplify who you really are."
"Money changes people or it amplifies who they already are."
"Thank you for amplifying our voices. That's what I'm here to try to do as best that I can, to help amplify the stories that should be heard."
"Wealth is ambivalent; it's amoral. It doesn't, and in the case of you or me too, it just magnifies who I am."
"Money doesn't change who you are, it amplifies your character."
"Whatever you focus on, that will be amplified."
"Whatever direction you're moving in life, technology will amplify that."
"If ego wins, then geo spins into a grim oblivion."
"Let's make light louder, let's make love louder, let's make the truth louder."
"Every opportunity that exists... is going to be levered and amplified."
"Real-life experiences are crucial, but virtual labs amplify and enhance learning."
"Path to Extinction... take all the factors of collapse and turn them up to 10 or turn them up to 11."
"Tapping into and allowing the Divine to throw through you is a very powerful way to amplify your own field."
"They recognize their power as a couple is going to amplify things in a way that even as individuals of great star power they couldn't."
"They are allowing these abilities to come back, the psychic abilities to return and become amplified."
"Success doesn't change you, it just amplifies you."
"Amps don't just make the guitar louder, they change how the guitar sounds."
"Relics are going to further amplify what a character's goal is in the game."
"Twitter's ability to amplify messages at lightning speed has also made it a useful tool for social movements."
"Amplifying voices and experiences rather than gathering the information explaining experiences that you have no part of is necessary."
"I want to be able to use my platform to amplify black voices and the voices that deserve to be heard"
"Facebook essentially amplifies the worst of human nature."
"Urgency takes the emotion those choices contain and amplifies them to whole new levels."
"It seems like it's been definitely amplified by rap music."
"Anything, therefore, that makes you feel connected will be amplified on this day."
"The black woman's voice can be amplified without dimming the man's voice."
"You can be most successful in the world when you're just an amplified version of your authentic self."
"When you add feeling and action to what you're thinking, it just keeps magnifying."
"The mid-range is the highlight of the show as with most tube you know amplifiers but the mid-range is just absolutely magic."
"Your powers of focus telepathy intuition and inner peace no matter what the outer circumstances will be greatly Amplified."
"He embraced us and said, 'I like what you guys are doing. Let me amplify you.'"
"This crystal contains the 144 geometric coding because it literally amplifies your intentions or your healing powers 144,000 times."
"When you get a sign, when you get a symbol, when you sing, get a synchronicity, they will be heard, they will come back to you amplified."
"The key is that the laser medium provides this light amplification with a directional component."
"Clear quartz is the master magnifier... it's excellent for raising energy."
"By allowing ourselves to immerse in and feel our own love, we actually amplify the love energy that we radiate toward others."
"If you're given to be a certain way, you know, and I can take that and boost it up, then, it becomes larger than life."
"Money might change your zip code, it might change your bank account, it might change your area code, it makes you more of what you already are."
"It's not going to water down who you are but it just amplifies and gives more of a voice, more of a lift to who you already are."
"Don't amplify something unless it's worth being amplified."
"Money is a resource to make you more of who you are."
"Money doesn't do anything but amplify who you already are."
"I see a line of sight to how an AI can be an amplifier in every academic discipline."
"Harmonic reinforcement, an exponential increase in energy output."
"AI is going to amplify the very best of us and it's also going to amplify the very worst of us."
"Every added digit adds a 10-fold increase in amplification."
"Music is stronger than any weapon, especially when Amplified with pizza power."
"Depression amplifies feelings... guilt and self-loathing become amplified by a trillion times."
"Money is an amplifier. If you're a G, you'll be a bigger G if you're rich."
"The anointing amplifies everything; even your prayer becomes louder."
"You rap to get away from the streets but it magnifies it."
"The Holy Ghost has the ability to increase, enlarge, expand, and purify all the natural passions and affections."
"Money don't change you, it just multiplies whatever you are."
"Everything Zack Snyder-ish about it is turned up to 11."
"Does this just take the flaws that are already present in the existing system and amplify those?"
"Money exacerbates who a person really is, big facts."
"Money will not make you happy but money will magnify your true happiness."
"The innocence of you is never Amplified as loud as the guilty of you."
"He abuses them with power. You missed it when they were talking about Apocalypse. He abuses them, imbues them with more power, like he amplifies their abilities."
"It takes the 120 cycle signal and not only makes it three times bigger but also changes its pattern."
"You know, I think that there was this book, 'Diet for a Small Planet,' and kind of the influence of a lower protein diet has kind of floated around for a long time, and it's just gotten amplified."
"Kyber crystals didn't just channel and focus energy, they amplified it."
"The multiplier for Super Saiyan 4 is a range between 4,500 to 5,000 times the base power."
"Once we can recover DNA, we can amplify it, make billions of copies of it in a matter of hours."
"The love of your child, of your family, your spouse, it's like amplified, just immense."
"All the things you liked about your rig, just more of it."
"The Klon's design is helping you get more of a dynamic feel that you might achieve with a very high quality and expensive amplifier, no matter what you're plugged into."
"The internet is an amplifier for the worst parts of us."
"Amplifying people's voices are so important."
"That's all that money really is, it's a magnifier. If you're a jerk, you're just going to be a bigger jerk with money."
"There's an organic truth to what he does, and then there is efforts to amplify that truth."
"Blue amplifies the Limitless technique and brings negative concepts into reality."
"Amplify the reality of you connecting to that."
"The work of amplification is to link embryonic forms of meaning as expressed in affect and dream symbolism to specific life context, rendering it intelligible within a framework of historical rootedness beyond the personal unconscious."
"It's meant to amplify and keep increasing."
"You never know until you ask. Not only that, you may also have an advocate or your voice may get amplified as well."
"Money doesn't make you good. Money doesn't make you bad. It just amplifies who you are."
"The KO version adds very minute changes to the actual sculpt, but the changes that they do make really amplify the overall look."
"You have to be your own lover first, so that he can just come in and amplify what you already got going on."
"When you have positive feedbacks and you're starting out as Andy says, you know around here, you add a little bit and you're up here, and a little bit more, you're out of sight."
"The only thing money does is make you more of what you were already."
"It amplifies [personality], but it depends what your personality was beforehand."
"They basically magnified all of those traumas and insecurities that you had."
"Money is an accelerator. Whatever you already are, you become more of it with money."
"I think it's a way that you can amplify other people's voices and stories and and that that's that's where I think I'd like to go in addition to continuing to make my own movies also just."
"Just like the reality Stone times 20"
"Money amplifies whoever you are as a person."
"The heart, a true amplifier of energy."
"Fame is a magnifying glass... it takes every single thing that you're already struggling with and it magnifies it by a thousand and a half."
"What this does is it amplifies the signal but it doesn't add any distortion, doesn't have any phase shift, doesn't have any negative artifacts at all."
"With a megaphone, there's no need to shout, just speak and you will be heard."
"We decided we wanted to go even bigger and hook up not one not two not three but four speakers and drive over 300 watts to them to see if we could create the Ultimate Hi-Fi system."
"So there is like a right amplification that might happen as more second indexes you create."
"The photos in this book follow this theme it's not about the car it's about how the car amplifies the image."
"Money doesn't change who you are, it amplifies who you are."
"Allah, may He continue to bless our efforts and promote it and to amplify it."
"So my job was not to agree with it or disagree with it or relate to it, no, it was to get it, is to understand it, and then amplify it."
"As long as he's feeling that pain in his arm, that nerve is transmitting up, and when you catch it up and meet it towards the top, you're going to have the effect amplified."
"Take what you do well now and amplify the hell out of it."
"Yeah, I think amplified is a really good word. You know, you understood kind of the native strategy behind all of it."
"Everybody, man, just know you are somebody. You have a voice and when you come together with like-minded people, that voice is amplified."
"It enhances who you are. If you're a good person, you're going to be more good. If you're a bad person, it's going to give you more back."
"Money gives you more, it enhances who you are."
"Daily gratitude journaling can amplify gratitude's energy."
"It literally amplifies everything, even your laugh."
"The more you focus on anything, the bigger it gets."
"Our purpose, if you like, is to amplify, people who are not amplified."
"...unusual little stories, but we're able to amplify the voice of the female."
"The idea is the same you want to amplify the sound of your band your speaker your performer your lecturer whatever the application may be so it's loud enough so the audience can hear what's going on."
"You can get away with a not so good pair of speakers if you've got a brilliant amp that will just, you know, overcome quite a few problems and get a hold of that speaker and make it do something quite good."
"Discord wasn't a villain who imposes division, he amplifies what's already present."
"What you tend to focus on is what gets magnified."
"If you got real love already, my man, money is just going to amplify that 100,000 times more."
"we must optimize for AI that are going to help us to be kinder to each other and to the planet we must optimize for goodness intrinsic goodness and we must think about what we are amplifying are we amplifying the best of human life or the worst"
"Money makes you more of what you are. In a sense, if you put a magnifying glass on him and his character and his heart and who he is, and this is kind of a reflection, this is going to expand him, right?"
"We want to make sure that we're able to have more funds to be able to amplify the work."
"It's not a true reflection of society. It's not a true reflection. What if it's a reflection? What if it's simply amplifying the absolute worst of us?"
"I want a culture that magnifies that voice."
"Money doesn't change you; it amplifies who you already are."
"It has more resonance in a cool way, especially when you bring it up to the amp and get a little crazy with it."
"Ads don't do anything magical they just get attention and clicks and so they just are an amplifier of what's already happening."
"Building these racial bridges, we have to elevate black voices."
"Money makes you more of who you really are."
"His attempt to silence me actually just enlarged my platform a hundredfold."
"It takes specific things and then blows them up into much bigger deals."
"More money will only make you more of what you already are."
"A two single coil pickups wired in series will be louder and more powerful because they are in series. You're doubling the essentially you're doubling the uh well I don't say doubling you're increasing the capacitance right you're increasing everything it's more."
"At the end of the day, it only makes the story bigger."
"I think it's like one plus one equals three, you know?"
"Power, alcohol, money tend to magnify whatever is there."
"The Yamaha epitomizes neutrality, making it an ideal candidate for amplifying your favorite speakers."
"A mirror can magnify what you already are feeling."
"Something great happens to get you excited and when something else great happens after that, it amplifies it."
"Your physical hand, it's an energy amplifier, right? It takes thought, it increases it by at least let's say tenfold."
"Our thoughts are really being Amplified and sending out a vibration."
"Thanksgiving is a multiplier of blessings."
"The potential to realize concretely your dreams or your ideal situation is going to be amplified, enhanced, increased tenfold."
"Jupiter will increase your potential to succeed whatever you want to do, to obtain, to reach."
"It answers the question, how do I make my Tiny Terror louder, clearer, cleaner?"
"What he's doing is giving quite a bit of vocal support to these people. President Trump has been accused of amplifying the message of the far right, especially over Twitter."
"Money amplifies character. If you're a bad character, it'll amplify it."
"Much better, and boy does it amplify."
"It's almost like it gives you the attributes of an overdriven amp."
"We need to figure out how to amplify their abilities to give ourselves our children and everyone what we deserve."
"Polymerase specificity is about making sure that tac is only going to amplify the fragment that is delimited by your primers."
"Marriage just magnifies what's already there."
"Everything that happens on their stage, we get to touch it and magnify it and amplify it and send that out so that's what we do on the live stream as well."
"She can amplify her heartbeat to devastating levels."
"If you have big magic that allows more magic, then more magic can happen."
"The subconscious magnifies whatever you give attention to."
"...all of the harmonic content from all the instruments is retained and simply amplified it's fantastic."
"People spend so much time on creating new stuff, new content and not amplifying what's working."
"...it'd be a crime to spend nine thousand dollars on integrated and then take the best part of it which is the amplification section and not use it."
"The problem of forging signatures and legal documents and so on, but social media magnifies it a thousand times over."
"How Jordan facing off against the Sinestro core...because the fear engine is powering...their power is being amplified."
"It's fundamentally about amplifying what every person is able to do."
"Facebook had the most instances of misinformation but Amplified such claims to a lesser degree."
"...a little more intense or a little more vivid or just a little more of something..."
"Every Creek and Whisper Amplified our fears."
"Money just accentuates who you are. If you're a [ __ ] and then you get money, then you're just a [ __ ] with money."
"It amplifies human capacity and capability, and when you can amplify something, you can usually do that for good or you can do it for ill."
"I think the best thing for me to do right now is amplify the messages of others and apply the messages of those who you know should be heard need to be heard and so that's kind of how I'm trying to be a part of what's going on."
"The magic really happens when you get big power connected to these things."
"Remember that Surplus energy is amplifying your previous inclinations of thought."
"Miracles don't undercut the gospel, they magnify the gospel."
"I think success is just an amplifier of who you are. It's like so tempting to flex."
"Money only makes you more of who you already are."
"Money is not evil. Money doesn't really care. Money doesn't change people. What it does is it exposes people and amplifies them."
"Money does not change man, but money amplifies the character of men."
"Money is an amplifier. Whatever you have in your heart will get amplified when money shows up."
"MIT has been a fantastic amplifier for almost everything that I've ever been involved with."
"Money is Just Energy and it's an amplifying energy, sort of like alcohol."
"Gratitude is a powerful amplifier to attract a new partner in your life or to keep a part well."
"Even when they have money and success but the person who they are to the core is that you know what I'm saying money doesn't change people it amplifies who they already were you know what I mean so it's unfortunate."
"This really I think is going to turn out to be a spectacular little PA amp once converted to guitar use."
"We have this incredible opportunity to amplify our ideas in ways that we never had before."
"By using a photo transistor made of Darlington, we can actually multiply that gain by a factor of 100."
"The common base has a very high voltage gain."
"The Darlington configuration is like a beta multiplier."
"The more I tried to ignore them, the louder they got."
"The differential amplifier is able to only amplify the differences between the two channels and ignore the common mode signals."
"The healing power of nature and the Great outdoors are amplified for this year."
"That probably amplifies your relationship with loved ones."
"Emotion is the amplifier of discourse in the other world; it's like you turned the volume up and they cannot help but listen to you."
"Money too is a magnifying glass; it makes you more of what you already are."
"We're hoping to do this and amplify the community that we've managed to put together here on YouTube."
"Money doesn't change who you are, it only makes you more of what you already are."
"Let's focus on the power amplifiers themselves because there's a lot to learn from here."
"Money only makes you more of what you already are."
"That's the area where you can do amplification and carry a fiber signal for more than one hop."
"PCR is the most commonly used method to amplify the DNA of interest."
"If you have low self-esteem before you got on social media, of course it's going to heighten it."
"This is going to push your mix up louder so that you can hear it more clearly."
"Not only is Conan extremely funny himself, but one thing that Conan is a master of is amplifying what makes a funny person even funnier."
"Money doesn't change people; it amplifies people."
"Potara Fusion is hundreds, if not thousands, above Goku or Vegeta's base power alone."
"It takes everything that made the first film a phenomenon and amplified it to create an unforgettably hilarious experience."