
Foresight Quotes

There are 7709 quotes

"The choices that we make today are far bigger than just the choices we make today."
"You can avoid mistakes by looking into the past."
"You never know when you might want a gate later, plus they look cool."
"We tell you what's going to happen long before it does."
"It's already written in the stars what's going to happen; I'm just going to follow my destiny."
"Be a friend to your future self. Take that unwritten script off the shelf."
"As a visionary, your job is to see things before other people see them."
"Spirit is very firm with you. Spirit is coming through and saying, 'Didn't I tell you that this was coming? How many more signs do you need? How much more clarity do you want? How much more proof do you require to know that I've already set things into motion for you?'"
"Sometimes you just need to have some [foresight] and just push your way."
"If we don't do very serious mitigation now, what's going to happen is that we're going to be weeks behind, and the horse is going to be out of the barn."
"The Grand Duke said, 'He who excels at resolving difficulties does so before they arise.'"
"Meditation is giving you prophetic sight into the future."
"My goal and my mission was to tell as many people as possible that this was about to happen. I saw it coming. The signs were there."
"Your intuition is your personal oracle, offering guidance and foresight beyond ordinary understanding."
"Don't destroy a bridge over which you yourself will have to cross one day."
"If you take the six steps of the meta moment seriously, you can avoid the 12 steps later."
"Musk's influence and foresight could be the key factors that help defy the odds and make a notable mark in the political landscape."
"Seek stability, work with a stable mind and a level head, make decisions thinking of your future and not your current state."
"Vision is foresight with insight based on hindsight."
"An interesting thing to note before moving forward: the talk of alternate time loops is actually going to be extremely important."
"The time to think about how to flee your country is before you have to flee your country."
"I am fearful that we are running headlong into a great harm thoughtlessly."
"Leadership is about looking around the corner and making the change before it's too late."
"Don't sell your soul for a mess of pottage because in the long run, it's not worth it."
"The Simpsons' casual reference to Japanese murder hornets before they became a topic of public interest is another example of the show's inadvertent foresight."
"Suffer now or suffer later. Suffer now somewhat with a certain degree of honor, or suffer much more and much more invisibly and with a lot more people later."
"The future is not deterministic; nobody has any idea how the world would actually look like in 50 years."
"It's easier looking back, isn't it? The trick is seeing what lies ahead."
"Your foresight... it's not about where you've been, it's about where you're going."
"The watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was yet far off."
"The most endearing thing that you can do is look out for your future self."
"Your anxiety is helping you out, bro. Your anxiety is the part of your mind which looks into the future, predicts danger, and makes sure you don't screw up."
"What's not going to change in the next 10 years... you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time."
"Let's play hypotheticals for a minute here and pretend that you have advanced knowledge that something tragic is happening to you 30 days from now."
"George Orwell made only one mistake when he wrote his famous book... he perhaps should have entitled his book 2024 instead of 1984."
"History is filled with examples of people who accurately heeded the signs and prepared when those around them did not."
"Imagine if you could predict and see what happens next on your path."
"You have to anticipate needs... if you want to move up, then you need to start anticipating problems that the people you're working for have and solving those problems before they're even problems."
"The issues I can see clearly on the horizon are daunting."
"The way that this ends is with her finding somebody that 100% fully satisfies and fulfills her, and then you're going to get dumped at the wayside and then you're going to be left with absolutely nothing."
"We have to prepare for bad times during the good times."
"Wisdom is doing now what you'll be happy with later on."
"Knowing what's coming is a really important skill to have in the format."
"It's definitely time we start facing some of these important questions before it happens."
"You could see the future, but nobody will believe you."
"Rudius had finally learned how to consistently and safely see one second into the future."
"Just because Rudius could see one second into the future didn't mean that it was a future he could always react to."
"Legacy is planting seeds in a garden that you'll never see."
"In his infinite wisdom and knowledge, he foresaw that the only path forward for humanity rested upon him ascending to the same level as the primordial four."
"We are at the doorstep of a great change; it is like the calm before a storm."
"Don't be a Monday Morning Quarterback at halftime; it never works out well."
"More and more people are starting to realize that [he] was not only ahead of the curve but he was actually right all along."
"Being able to predict successful opportunities, or even success outright, is a big thing."
"If you're a home buyer or real estate investor right now, you need to be ahead of the curve."
"Aldous Huxley, so in 1958, he pens this op-ed of sorts, and it reads incredibly prescient because I really do think, in many ways, as the fog of the war drug is ending and finally lifting, that we've kind of come full circle."
"Odin sacrificed his eye to achieve true wisdom and the ability to see the future."
"It was with this possibility in mind that I left a parting gift for you, something to soothe Inazuma's pain."
"You'll thank me if you've followed my advice on this."
"A society only prospers when old men plant trees they will never sit in the shade of."
"It's so fascinating for me to be talking to someone like yourself who was way ahead of the game."
"We have an opportunity to get a glimpse at our future because others already went through it."
"Grandfathers plant trees that they will never enjoy the shade of."
"It seems like he had a good idea of what our culture was going to be like."
"Now we know what's going on in the world, we can say no a year, 10 years beforehand, and change the course of war as a populace."
"Through the Force, things you will see, other places, the future, the past, old friends long gone."
"We can see where we're heading and what the current energies may be, and then we can make and implement changes if we desire to do so."
"What if every time you hear that voice in your head telling you to do something, it's your future self warning you because they already know the outcome?"
"Vision is foresight with insight that is based on hindsight."
"Learn how to become a problem solver, and the best problem solver is a genius who solves a problem before it even happens."
"You have to start thinking further ahead than the end of your nose."
"Deferred gratification is a beautiful thing and it'll save you from getting a lot of trouble early on."
"Never take love for granted, as the choices you make have consequences down the road."
"If my intuition tells me that something's about to happen, I should pay attention to that."
"If you're wise, you act in the present so that the future you will benefit from your actions in the present."
"You never want to burn a bridge. You never know when you gotta cross it again."
"Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where the puck is."
"If you're an impulsive person that has to be gratified immediately, you're probably not going to have a very good life."
"I am saving newspapers for Homer, so that when he regains his sight, he can catch up on the news."
"You can't operate in a world and not understand how to play a chess game. You always have to think three steps ahead."
"The number one thing is you have to anticipate trends. This is where wealth is created."
"One day, people will wish they treated you differently."
"The Three Laws of Robotics...already 80 years ago, science fiction was thinking about the consequences of deploying AI systems."
"This book was light years ahead of its time."
"Everything has a lot more long term consequences to it."
"The greatest need is to be able to have the foresight necessary to make investments on the frontier of science."
"We need to prepare for what is coming over the horizon."
"I saw him coming before I think most people did."
"Learning how to recognize signs early in a relationship won't work out or that someone is just too incompatible can save us a lot of pain and regret down the road."
"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
"We are both too smart and not smart enough... we are very good at solving near-term problems."
"Focus on the road ahead, but always remember to check the rear view mirror."
"Something's going to happen, and you'll be able to connect the dots backwards and say, 'Well, that's why that happened.'"
"The intelligence machinery, my service MI6, predicted that this would happen."
"I see some of you being super rich in your future."
"The throne gifts those who sit upon it the ability not just to see forward in time but to see beyond time, to understand everything, to see what connects the reality, the truth of all things."
"You're probably asking yourself a pretty sensical question: How do I not go to prison in 2023, 2024, and beyond? That seems fair."
"You easily perceive various ways in which events could develop."
"Seeing the future is one thing, but being able to change it is another."
"Being able to know what's going to happen before it happens will forever play a significant role in storytelling."
"You cannot see through your own destiny. I can see through your destiny very clearly."
"Good old Maggie Magoo, always thinking ahead."
"Hindsight is 20/20 but there's plenty of people with foresight telling the American government not to do these things that we continue to do."
"I can generally see a Bringer-Honor coming from a while away." - Gabrielle Union
"Invest for the future, anticipate how the winds are going to change."
"If you never want to run out of gas, realize that it's just as easy to keep the top half of the tank full."
"There's a lot of uncertainty this year financially, you know, we can all see it, but it is showing up in the readings."
"One of the weird things is watching him think incredibly long term."
"Creating a will is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your belongings and your loved ones are taken care of after you pass away."
"The best way to predict the future is to invest in it."
"Either you sacrifice things today to get what you want or those things become the sacrifice."
"Don't destroy the long play for a short-term gain."
"If we do nothing now or do too little now knowing what we now know about this new strain, things will get worse and be much worse than they need to be."
"Musk is not just giving a warning or telling a story, he's inviting us to join him in thinking about the past and the future."
"Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."
"Stay ahead of the curve. You want to know the future? Just ask me."
"You couldn't have seen that Cedo was going to be so bad but you said you did."
"Personally I'm preparing for a recession. If you're not preparing for a recession with what's happening right now in the markets you are crazy."
"Our ability to foresee the future is a blessing, but we must take action now to minimize future suffering."
"2024 is the year of the truth, and you need to keep your eyes open."
"Get Out is not only of its time it's really prescient."
"If it dies in America that's the beginning of the end."
"Let's hit where they're going, not where they've come from."
"Intuitives are also looking forward, they're looking at the future and all the possibilities."
"For those who have eyes to see, savor your triumph, Dovahkiin. This is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of time."
"Somebody is going to figure out how to do this and it's going to be devastating."
"They felt like over time it would have gotten worse, so they feel like they avoided a disaster."
"It's gonna be very scary when a consumer finally wakes up."
"Be careful what goes past the tongue because that's going to determine your future."
"It sure seems that they didn't think this one through."
"The fact that they're doing this is because we've already won."
"You know if you have a little bit of forethought...you might be able to make the recovery so much faster and cheaper."
"Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference."
"Most of our problems are a result of people not thinking things all the way through."
"I'm all about skating to where the puck is going."
"That requires restraint, it requires foresight, it requires some sort of an objective understanding of history."
"Every decision you make is going to have a consequence, I guarantee it."
"The smart investors invest before any of this actually exists." - Ryan
"There is a very powerful sign that you're going to have."
"Future events cast their shadows before them."
"I know where this is heading and I think a lot of people are starting to realize where this is heading."
"Let's say you didn't change anything, how does it feel in five to ten years? If it feels worse... probably the better way to go."
"This is coming. It's up to you now whether you want to take it seriously and prepare for it or not."
"This is a pandemic, I've always known this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."
"The remnant are the people who have the chance to see it coming and take action."
"Good times aren't going to go on forever. You need to prepare."
"His predictions of future technology have elevated Tesla to the status of a veritable Oracle of our time."
"Tesla may have foreseen the development of the smartphone nearly a century before it was actually created."
"I've been saying this for years and the fact that this is now happening and you guys are freaking out like I'm over here like [expletive], I told you."
"There is a way to upright the ship. We're headed for an iceberg, maybe we've already hit it, and you have a choice."
"Could even the most insightful observer have foreseen... the cultural caste set loose across the country by these events?"
"Good thing we've learned the lessons of history so we're not doomed to repeat that."
"A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them, but the naive person goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
"You've got to go where the puck's going to be."
"We were just leading up to this, we knew. Yeah, we knew. We played the long game."
"Clarity is coming at the end of September onwards."
"You couldn't have predicted that but you could have predicted things like the Internet I think."
"But it was also part of something bigger, something more prescient, a prediction if you like of how the world would go."
"People always say Nate you're living in Saskatchewan Canada why do you care about what's going on in Russia because I'm not psychic but I can see the future."
"Women typically understand the consequences for their choices, or do you feel like it's a surprise later?"
"Predicting these future elements is more a product of science than clairvoyance."
"What if you had a crystal ball and you could use it to see into the future?"
"At the top level, President, congressional leaders, they're thinking six months and a year down the road."
"They're opening the door for a real smart fascist."
"Thank the Lord every day that you have an extra day to prepare for this because I'm telling you, you were gonna sit back two years from now and wish you had more time to prepare."
"People don't take the time to to just figure out like where is this train really headed you know so it is I I'd highly recommend people do that."
"Would you change anything if you could see the future?"
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it."
"If I plant corn I shouldn't be shocked if I get corn, if I plant nothing I can't gripe about the farmer who planted corn."
"Try and look around the corner and that's when you make the most money."
"China fully expects to take control of Taiwan at some point but we have to remember they are much smarter about this than a country like Russia is they are very calculating."
"It's a misleading hypothetical because you can't foresee these things. It's a misleading hypothetical because you can't foresee these things."
"let's make sure that we don't remain that spoiled child and that we remain prepared seeing the future for what it is."
"Don't feel bad for him because Mr. Zuckerberg already knew what's going to happen."
"A transformation coming, you may have seen the writing on the wall."
"The smartest money knows to get in earlier, whether it's on the upside or the downside. That's what we call getting baked in."
"It's really one of these things where she has to make a small sacrifice now for the greater good later on."
"To do investment right, you need two things: the what and the when. I always had the what, I was always early on every new technology, but I didn't have the when."
"Not setting things aside to sustain for the future, if anything had rings, I think that was my biggest mistake."
"Escape to where you think the puck is going to go not to where the puck is."
"The Precog will receive a distinct sense of whether following that course of action will result in physical injury or mental distress within the next ten minutes."
"Prophecy is giving us a glimpse of what is already done."
"Rand Paul always seems to be ahead of the curve on these issues."
"If I'm right about that and I'm fairly sure I am, then we're in for a very long haul."
"Bad things are coming, and I believe the only thing we can do is prepare."
"Wisdom makes decisions today that are still good for tomorrow."
"Surely, statesmen, real statesmen, real political leaders would have been able to see a little far down the road..."
"This is the kind of long-term thinking that we need."
"Science tells us what's around the corner and why and how dangerous it is and what we can and should be doing."
"Faith is the ability to see things that don't yet exist."
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today."
"I think crypto really kind of gets ahead of a lot of these moves."
"Life is Stranger Than Fiction; some things he said are very out there but the fact that he had all this info that is now coming out 5 years prior is crazy."
"Crazy how he was talking about this almost 5 years ago and now in 2023 everything he was talking about is finally coming to light."
"Long-term play with a little bit of patience."
"Don't discount a social breaking point being a contender." - Stephanie Pomboy
"Being able to know this ahead of time and take advantage of these opportunities is key."
"Many believe that this seer had a sharper eye for the present day than any of us living through it."
"Sacrifices of today deliver you from the anguish of 'I wish' or 'if only'."
"Putin's invasion of Ukraine: a cautionary tale of ambition without foresight."
"It's eerie how many of your predictions have come to fruition."