
Talent Quotes

There are 38038 quotes

"Talent is the ability to hit the target no one else can; genius hits the target no one else can see."
"This talent would quickly catch the attention of viewers who were impressed by his knife skills."
"There's always going to be those creative people... Here's an exceptional person hidden among all these everyday people."
"Talent hits the target no one else can see, and genius hits the target no one else can see."
"It was okay to fail. People like them, who had no talent, couldn't succeed without facing failure."
"We were born rich, rich in potential. We have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within us."
"Don't take it for granted what we're witnessing... it's [__] Elite level basketball."
"It’s truly mind-boggling to imagine how many people just as smart as Einstein spend their entire lives just barely scraping by."
"To unleash the talents and passions of many people and to harness them into a work that is actually useful."
"A basketball in my hands is worth about $15, but in the hands of LeBron James, it's worth about forty million dollars a year."
"A lot of you guys, your true character and your true talents come out when you are met with obstacles and when you are met with roadblocks."
"He's a damn human Van Gogh of some type of sorts."
"I was always interested in why some people wilted in the face of failure, shied away from challenges, when people who are no more talented or able were embracing challenges and thriving in the face of failure."
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."
"Comedians aren't that good at making movies, it seems like, unless they're Jordan Peele."
"You shouldn't let success come to you; get out and do what you love to do and success will come. People will follow you for your talent."
"He is the perfect example of how gifted talent can only take you so far; what makes the difference in the NBA is not just raw skill, but having a passion for the game and a hard work ethic to go along with it."
"People are admiring you from afar, Pisces. You have that star quality."
"But talent is ultimately a parasite. Actually, I prefer to think of it as an inverted parasite. Like any parasitic organism, it cannot act on its own; it needs a human host to survive."
"The reason why you are going to be granted fame and a lot of material stability in this life is because you are extraordinarily gifted."
"Perseverance is amazing. Someone who's born talented gets an easy advantage, but someone who starts off untalented or unskilled gets more credit and admiration in the end."
"Canon Catchin, headed to Purdue after this, man, he got everything it takes to be a pro player."
"Only Faker was so explosive as a rookie, so dominant, so game-changing that within his first year as a pro, he had not only become a world champion, but the best player in the entire world."
"You got Ethan who is again just continuing to show why he is who he is, why he is him. He's so good."
"One of your key talents is gonna be someone who actually lives their dream, someone who does their passion for a living."
"You guys are natural entrepreneurs; you do have a talent for really thinking of good business ideas."
"Rejection is a real issue... it can lead to using talents as a means for acceptance."
"The first time I kicked a football, I kicked a 65-yard field goal."
"Everybody has talent, everybody does. If you can find what your talents are and dovetail them into an awesome career, double thumbs up."
"I use my gifts to help encourage those who feel lost."
"Your true talents are being revealed to you."
"This kid's going to grow up to be a superstar."
"This can be even more amazing when there are no instruments involved, like with this jaw-dropping acapella rendition of Toto's, 'Africa'."
"The real wealth is not necessary only outside; it can be inside also, your talent."
"It's not what you want to be great at, unfortunately, it's what you are great at."
"Some people should sing, and other people shouldn't sing."
"I believe in you and I think that you are so talented."
"Allow your talents to speak for themselves; you're gifted, and your passion is your power."
"Your natural gift and talent is your intelligence."
"Snow lands on top. I'm pretty sure that author is talented as well."
"Over the years, I have witnessed countless incredibly talented artists and countless unique ways of creating."
"You grow the most in the area where you're already showing some natural advantage, some natural area of talent, or strength, or passion."
"I am forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely and I am wonderfully, divinely compensated."
"Talent is everywhere, but opportunity isn't."
"I knew I was the best in the world. No doubt that if the right person sees me, I am one of the greatest entertainers on Earth. All you need to do is come into my room, and you don't have to pay to see me. You can be there just to drink booze and get laid, but by the end of the night, you'll know."
"I have seen people far smarter than me, with more natural talent than me, achieve nothing compared to what I've achieved because they don't have the willingness to push through the boredom that goals demand."
"Drake's pen is one of the greatest we've ever seen in the game."
"Release any fears you have about failure or rejection because you're definitely gifted."
"He's one of those guys that can knock out hit after hit while still maintaining his artistic integrity."
"This has got to be the best pirate I've ever seen."
"I really want to show people who I really am. What I can really do."
"Rihanna is just iconic, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing. I just look up to her in so many ways."
"You are talented and freaking amazing. The world needs your power. Use your voice, just don't use it for dumb stuff."
"Perks is filled. That's the distinct honor he gets of being so good in both roles."
"This artist's rise to fame is a mix of viral marketing genius and undeniable talent."
"Belief without talent will take you far further than talent without belief."
"My one word is believe, and I believe in you. I believe you have Michael Jordan-level talent at something, and I want you to find it, embrace it, and use it to make a difference."
"What feels like play to you, that feels like work to other people."
"Embrace and love who you are for a multi-talented, complex being."
"Everybody has talent, everybody has skill. How do you separate yourself?"
"Believe in yourself. These delays don't reflect your talent or your abilities."
"You are a valuable person with your own special talents to contribute."
"I believe you have Michael Jordan-level talent at something, and I want you to find it, embrace it, and use it to make a difference."
"People knew them (Michael Jordan and LeBron James) for their work ethic. Talent will not win the game; it's the work ethic that will win the game."
"Kobe played against the most talented shooting guards the game has ever seen."
"As I use my gifts and talents to serve others, doors open to support my success."
"You are gifted. You are very intelligent and talented."
"Talent you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft."
"You're kind, honest, unbelievably talented, and so beautiful."
"That was so freaking good. How did you do that?"
"Luck is 98% of it, being at the right place at the right time, and the 2% is talent and hard work."
"Rebecca: 'Well yeah but I mean, you'd think that talent would be something that mattered when you're trying to get cast but it really doesn't, like if you're pretty that's great, if you're dumb that's even better then you don't have an opinion or have an idea on how you want to do the role-'"
"Crichton was a hugely multi-talented gentleman, being a gifted screenwriter and film director in addition to writing books that sold in the millions."
"Appreciating the statue of David up close, getting to see Lono Messi dribble past five players, watching Jack Nicholson command every scene he's in, it doesn't matter what the subject matter is, it's always enthralling to see an absolute master of their craft at work."
"We live in a very outcome-focused society, even if you are talented you can't succeed without having great habits."
"He definitely battled his demons... I truly think that even he himself was never able to fully comprehend the true extent of his abilities."
"In a strange way, because he was so unsure of himself, it elevates his stature for me."
"Adam had star power, or 'it' factor, and sometimes 'it' factor is unexplainable."
"Probably one of the best players that I've ever trained with and been coached by."
"I should get the million dollars because I have so much talent, not because I lost my dog, not because I was born without toenails, but because I have so much talent."
"We're going to select five people from that city...to perform on stage. You got to be able to make them laugh or sing."
"Kevin Durant is a transcendent talent, bro. Like, we've never seen [__] before."
"The more you leave your gift wrapped, those people that need your message, that need your encouragement, whatever it is that needs your talent, they're never going to get it, and you're not going to leave this world a better place."
"There's nothing like someone recognizing your talent and paying you for it and saying, 'I trust you, do what you do.'"
"Greatness is not talent. There are some people who are good at doing but they're not good at being."
"You know what you get with him right out of the backfield: catching, running off tackle, stretch, hit his head off the goalpost from anywhere on the field."
"This is insane, mod creator, you're very very good at making stuff."
"It's a shame that someone who was so talented had to wait until they passed to see how much everyone loved them."
"You really got talent; you're a great artist."
"The world needs your gift, the world needs your magic, and you need to get up and go off and do it."
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
"If you want to be successful, you need to figure out what you're good at in life. Everyone's good at something, and it's up to us to figure out what we're good at."
"The peacock is always just reminding you to be yourself, shine, show your...something you really are talented at, gifted at."
"You have a gift or a skill that could really pay off. Your hard work can pay off, your persistence can pay off."
"God chooses us by our heart, not our talent."
"Even if you didn't think you were talented or smart enough, at some point, there's something inside of you that is talent. You've just got to keep trying things and see what brings you that joy and that uniqueness."
"The only basis for promoting somebody should be their skills, talents, and their integrity."
"I think that every person should be viewed as an asset to the country. Every person's talent and skills should be unleashed."
"Early on in her training, Alina's incredible skills were quite apparent."
"When she was young, Christine Danton could fold her body in half and slide it through a 13-inch hoop."
"Life is a struggle for Aquarians until they find their powers. They have tremendous talent and everything to give out there."
"I am talented. I am talented. I got talent. Maybe I don't know what that is yet, but I know I'm talented at something, and I'm determined to discover it and figure it out."
"Having talent isn't the goal. There's something much more important than whether or not you have talent, right?"
"What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that, no matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself."
"There's no denying that Kyrie Irving is a very talented basketball player."
"I believe God made me good at this for a reason, and that's to be able to help people."
"Between that, his keyboard skills, and his songwriting, these things together have made an undeniable impact on popular music."
"Is he capable? Of course, he's capable. He's one of the best rappers of all time."
"She's very talented at singing and dancing and is very hardworking."
"I use my gifts to fulfill my soul's purpose."
"Every time I do it to players, they are so naturally athletic; they get the correct motion all the time."
"The talent that God gave me, he gave me the will to go find the talent he gave me."
"Finding like-minded people, there's not enough talent in this country, this town — these are just fucking excuses."
"Most adults have no idea of their true talents, no idea of what they're really capable of achieving."
"Team StarKid absolutely has a gift for comedy writing."
"That's beautiful... It's a beautiful, bonkers, heartbreaking, hysterical, Shakespearean, shitposty magnum opus of an amazing, talented team."
"Great players find a way to be great, no matter what the era is."
"A famous ping pong player is just as talented as the best basketball player; that doesn't mean they're going to get paid the same."
"Great basketball is being played throughout the entire WNBA."
"Believe in yourself. I believe you have Michael Jordan level talent at something."
"You suddenly realize, wow, I have this talent, and you suddenly discover a new passion that invigorates you."
"He is the greatest shooter man has ever seen."
"Class is permanent. He's a world-class striker."
"Remote viewing is a talent more than a learned skill."
"It's bizarre to me that he apparently didn't get tryouts with some of these bottom teams."
"This girl can sing my God, and I am not ashamed to admit, but I felt like a rush of emotions through the songs because she sang them so beautifully, almost a tear in my eye."
"Whatever talent you have, if it has to find full expression, your mind doesn't come in between and distort anything. It just shows you everything the way it is."
"If you want to set up a business, find people who are great. That's what you're looking for."
"This is a team with pedigree and so much talent on the roster."
"Every note that she sings now, in English or French, every note she plays on the piano, I now understand came through nothing but sheer determination, diligence, and will."
"Hard work will always beat talent when talent doesn't work hard."
"Without God, I wouldn't be here, and without me doing something with the gift that God gave me, I wouldn't be in this position."
"I'm so glad to see him compete against the brothers with two hands. That man is better than almost everybody on the field."
"Very few people get to make a living doing what they are gifted at, but it can be done."
"God gave everybody at least one. You gotta find that one thing you can naturally do better than everybody."
"Your natural god-given talent... doesn't mean you came out of the womb knowing how to do it perfect. Even with natural talents, you have to practice."
"People just see like I'm talented and I'm focused and I work hard, and I could make them a lot of money."
"Intelligence means that you succeed. Talent should be the fuel to get you to the top."
"Efficient and he's lighting it up, so he's got the best of both worlds."
"When inspiration touches talent, she gives birth to truth and beauty."
"You're doing something you enjoy and not only do you enjoy it, but you're good at it."
"You've got talent, you've got raw talent, you've got what it takes."
"This server is made up of a ton of really talented Minecraft players."
"She's become good enough to win at competitions and been given the title of a super high school level pianist."
"If you can score in the playoffs, you are skilled because they know everything."
"So what is it that made him one of the worst yet most talented financial scammers of all time?"
"Energy is more important than even your talent. You can have great ambitions and great opportunities, but if you can't execute with fire, nothing gets done."
"Your talent is only 10% of your business in music business, for real."
"This is an outstanding doubling performance; it is quite frankly remarkable."
"If you're actually good at something, money is inevitable to come."
"The quality of animation isn't to do with money; it's to do with talent and time."
"Talent isn't a good judge of character; self-improvement is."
"Energy can't be taught or coached. It's talent. Like, no coach has to tell me to be ready to go play basketball."
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work as hard."
"The best basketball player on the planet might have never even touched a basketball."
"Every child has a genius in them, the one thing that lights up their life, motivates them, feeds their dreams, and challenges them."
"You play everything, and you play it well. This is pretty good."
"My sister is an incredible artist. I am completely, well, I'm not even biased, she is the best."
"It's wonderful to get to watch somebody do the thing they were born to do."
"Everything is winnable when this superstar is around."
"You're so special and so talented and so needed, and you have such beautiful gifts to share."
"Mindset is more important than talent for the most part."
"KD is the best scorer in NBA history; he has zero flaws in his game."
"She's funny, she's witty, she's got talent beyond recognition."
"Faith Hill looked like a model, she sang like an angel but with the power of a cannon."
"You guys have a really creative gift too, as well. So you may do something really well that people just think is really awesome and cool."
"Morgan Freeman shines brighter than ever as one of the oldest living stars in the industry."
"Find your talent... what you're meant to do lies directly behind and is absolutely linked to what you love to do."
"This person is really amazed by some sort of talent that you have."
"You young guys, young people have next. You're very talented, and we just got to lift you all up."
"Whenever you have an opportunity like this to showcase your talent and who you are on a bigger platform, take full advantage of it."
"If you are creative and you have a talent and you're good at it, that's your artistry."
"Yes, I am absolutely America's next drag superstar because I got the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, talent, but I also got the heart."
"I'm versatile. I can act, I can be funny, I am a top model."
"Your talent goes with you wherever you go. I write a hit record by myself right now on that piano right now. I'm me, regardless."
"Everybody has unique gifts and talents in ways that they can contribute positively to the world, and I think you owe it to yourself and the world to pursue those talents."
"Their skills are so unique, they have a pizzazz factor to them. When you watch them, it's almost like a breath of fresh air."
"Phil is not destined to be an online personality; he doesn't have the talent, he doesn't put in the effort, he has no skills."
"She is the greatest talent I have ever seen."
"The world's best engineers literally, the best engineers on the planet, want to and do work for Tesla."
"You're beautiful, you're gifted, you're talented."
"Show us what you've got. No matter who you are, where you came from, what you identify as, or what your education level is."
"Being funny is really hard. You're class clown? I was. It's just who I was, you know. I was very lucky in that sense."
"Her voice is serene, and she sings with emotion. She makes you feel."
"Fernando Tatis Jr... he makes circus-like plays in the field."
"Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a man who as a young boy displayed supreme talent and ingenuity, rivaling and even surpassing some of the greatest minds."
"He's the best player of his generation by far."
"Wilson Contreras... he hits like crazy, he's great defensively, has a cannon for an arm."
"The primary purpose of this presentation is recruiting. We really want to have the best talent in the world come and work at Neuralink."
"You've got to stay [ __ ] humble with it. You've got to realize that talent is overrated."
"America is so creative...an unparalleled pool of stunning talent."
"Overcoming resistance is far more important than talent."
"It's been so bizarre, as well, like so magical, the whole journey because the talent is unreal."
"It's the main thing I have to do is um remain humble. Don't forget that it was the gifts I already had that got me here."
"We cannot control the level of talent we've been given. What we can control is our self-motivation, our self-discipline, our self-validation, and our self-reinforcement."
"You are an instrument and the more you hone your craft, the more you play your instrument for the world."
"This person is very powerful and very talented."
"It's hard to describe but some people just have that and he's got it, man."
"Discipline defeats talent. Someone can have a lot of natural talent but if they're not disciplined to really hone in their skills, then somebody else who maybe has less talent but more discipline can achieve more."
"Attracting talent from around the world, that's been the key, that is how the United States has become so powerful."