
Disease Prevention Quotes

There are 725 quotes

"LDL promotes longevity and reduces the risk of certain blood-based cancers and infections."
"Exercise lowers your risk quite substantially for diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's dementia."
"The single most important medical science of all, whether for professionals or not, is nutrition. It has an enormous capacity to reverse disease, certainly to prevent it, and at the very least to stymie its progression."
"Yes, Alzheimer's is by and large a preventable disease."
"Nutrition if we think logically is actually using food to maintain health and prevent disease."
"It's really about leveling up and improving your physiology such that you can engage in those innate mechanisms that know how to prevent disease in the first place."
"Stress is probably the start of all disease."
"Undo it is based on the idea that...the more diseases we study and the more biological mechanisms we look at, the more evidence we have to show why these simple changes are so powerful."
"A plant-based diet is the healthiest way for most people to eat. It gives you a double benefit: You're not eating the things that promote disease, and you're getting hundreds of thousands of other substances that help prevent it."
"The vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person."
"You may not be able to live forever, but you can reduce dramatically the years of debility that you have, your vulnerability to infectious disease."
"Hardly a disease that you can name that isn't made worse by D deficiency and improved by D repletion."
"Fasting is such an incredible tool that we've just sort of forgotten about and yet has more power than almost anything else to prevent all of the diseases."
"A huge burden of that disease could be prevented or reversed with nutrition and lifestyle."
"Just because you come into contact with a cold or flu does not necessarily mean that you will come down with that is be infected by a cold or flu."
"Just because the virus makes it into your body doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get a full-blown cold or flu."
"There is no single disease in the world where having muscle mass is a disadvantage."
"Calorie restriction is the most robust way to prevent cancer, heart disease, or pretty much all diseases."
"Exercise isn't just beneficial for your fitness and vitality... it can stop diseases in their tracks."
"A 30% reduction in cardiovascular disease just by doing moderate exercise every week."
"Ultra-processed foods in the food environment are a major issue related to disease and our predisposition for non-communicable diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia."
"If we can treat what's actually causing aging, maybe now we can prevent multiple different types of age-related diseases."
"If you are exposed to a cold or flu, it's important to do certain things in order to make sure that your innate immune system is both ready and can launch a full-scale attack."
"CDC and our public health partners are the nation's first line of defense against these disease threats."
"One of the things that has become very important for us to do is make sure that the activities continue, especially the surveillance activities."
"Every single moment you dip into fasting, your body is actually starting to build more health instead of more disease."
"Fasting protects against diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and neural regeneration."
"The plant-based diet is the healthiest diet for virtually every single disease and also happens to be the most ethically sound and great for our environment."
"When we change our lifestyles in the right way, I have seen so many of these so-called diseases disappear."
"Exercise is linked with a reduced likelihood of having severe disease and death."
"It is much more humane, efficient, and economical to prevent disease rather than to identify, respond, diagnose, treat, and attempt to contain an outbreak."
"We spend 97.5% of our healthcare dollars dealing with the treatment of diseases, much of which can be prevented."
"Canada's disease prevention control systems are designed to quickly detect and contain infectious diseases."
"Long-term inflammation is now linked to many major diseases, from dementia to heart disease."
"A plant-based diet can reverse heart disease."
"If you understand calorie density, you will be well on your way to eliminating type-2 diabetes from your life, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all without the aid of any prescription medication."
"If you're very deficient in vitamin D, you'll get rickets... but if you're a little bit deficient in vitamin D, you will get immunosuppression, more infections, potentially more cancers."
"We think that we have no reason to think that our vaccines are ineffective in preventing death or serious illness against all the variants that we are currently aware of."
"Some other benefits include improving insulin resistance, reducing risk for type 2 diabetes, potentially being beneficial with heart health, reducing risk of cancer and developing Alzheimer's, and also reducing inflammation in the body."
"Natural infection safeguards against both reinfection and severe disease."
"Vitamin C's immune-boosting and antioxidant properties mediate the body's inflammatory response, reducing the symptoms or risk of various diseases."
"An estimated 90% of type 2 diabetes, 80 to 90 percent of heart disease, and 40 to 70 percent of cancers are considered entirely preventable."
"Plant-based diets work because they address the root cause of disease."
"The most effective dietary patterns are dietary patterns that minimize pathogenic dietary components and maximize protective dietary components."
"Coffee will actually lower the risk of many diseases, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stroke, different types of dementia, and even liver cancer."
"We want to maximize phytochemicals and antioxidants, not only are they anti-inflammatory, but they actually block disease process, protecting us against disease."
"It's easier to prevent disease than it is to cure it or treat it."
"You can manage it to keep it non-disease driving. You can get your insulin, glucose down, and you can get the control system back again. We know this, and you can do it with diet, but not the diet they tell them to eat."
"All disease is based on toxicity and deficiency."
"We have Dr. William Li, scientist, physician, and New York Times best-selling author, and we're talking about the mind-blowing science of how to starve cancer and beat disease using the power of food."
"Excess body fat is the major killer...because excess body fat is the underlying mechanism increasing risk of death from COVID, cancer, heart attacks."
"The rates of heart disease and stroke have been declining, particularly heart disease... over half of it is from the way we work with prevention."
"The plant-based diet is optimal for health because it is the only diet that has ever been demonstrated to both prevent and reverse chronic diseases."
"Your immune system is the best thing to keep any disease at bay."
"Functional medicine is... the science of creating health. Yes, and when you do that disease goes away as a side effect."
"Ninety-eight percent of all heart disease is preventable; ninety-eight percent of all cancers are preventable."
"The world's fastest-growing brain disease is largely a product of human behavior. To the extent that this is a man-made disease, it can be a human-ended one."
"Eating to beat disease is not just picking a particular disease and trying to figure out what the recipe is... it's really a journey that we have our whole lives."
"There's a medical revolution happening all around us, and it's one that's going to help us conquer some of society's most dreaded conditions, including cancer."
"I think vaccines, on net, save a lot of lives, whether we are talking about the COVID vaccine or something like measles."
"Someone who gets... if you hit the vaccine, you're, I think it's an order of magnitude less likely to get sick, and it's less severe if you do get sick."
"It looks like that [COVID-19 and seasonal flu twin-demic] hasn't happened. In fact, according to the CDC, the flu has been suppressed to some of the lowest levels ever recorded."
"The vaccine is not primarily about protecting you individually from the virus. Vaccines are our best available tool for eliminating disease across a population."
"The obvious suspect at the moment is sugar. Sugar is driving all of the chronic metabolic diseases that we know about today."
"Genetic engineering is appropriate when you are attempting to avoid disease, but not when you're attempting to better the child more than nature would."
"We're not carnivorous Apes and this is a recipe for colon cancer and strokes and autoimmune disease."
"The ability to identify and prevent infectious diseases is the key to almost all of modern medical science."
"We need vaccines. Vaccines are the only reason people don't get smallpox."
"Food isn't like a drug designed to inhibit metabolic pathways; real food gives your body thousands of building materials so your body can fight diseases."
"We can create a world where these diseases are increasingly rare not increasingly common."
"Parkinson's is preventable...the sooner we recognize it, the sooner we prevent millions of people from ever developing this disease."
"Low-fat diet is very helpful. It can control the disease. Started early, patients can start with a 95% chance of preventing disability."
"You know, it takes two seconds to wash your hands you know and that's how diseases spread you know you would think was just common sense but a lot of people that just don't wash their hands."
"Our message to DC residents continues to be help us prevent the spread of germs and stay informed."
"Cover your cough or sneeze not with the bare hand but with a tissue or with your elbow."
"We spend trillions on healthcare, but most diseases are preventable."
"You're not thinking about whether the vaccine is effective or harmful. It's the vaccine competing against the disease."
"In public health we just want to stop the virus from spreading to the next person."
"There's also known risks to getting COVID-19, influenza, pertussis."
"Mass vaccination will greatly reduce the significance of this disease."
"An effective strategy for reducing disease, hospitalizations, and spread."
"A hundred percent efficacy of preventing severe disease and hospitalizations."
"We want to put this in fruits and vegetables so that you can always be healthy because this is going to combat any potential viruses in your body."
"Low vitamin D status has been associated with a range of autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases."
"There is something about sunlight that can be very protective with not only COVID but as we're going to find out here with influenza as well."
"Lifestyle interventions are very powerful when it comes to preventing a myriad of different diseases... reduce risk for this one disease... but also reduce risk factors and probability of contracting various diseases."
"I think vaccines have a much better idea of preventing disease than therapeutics do about preventing, or treating, just historically."
"The studies certainly blow away the myth of bad genes... We cannot cure this disease until we address the fundamentals of lifestyle."
"You can reverse these diseases, you can get rid of these diseases just by making some simple changes in your life."
"Chronic inflammation greatly increases risks of cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer."
"If you want to prevent heart disease if you want to lower blood pressure and cholesterol then you gotta eat those servings of fruits and veggies every day."
"Social distancing is the only known way at this time for preventing this disease."
"Educating the public, knowing the behaviors that lead to increased transmission, can do a lot."
"Remember coughs and sneezes spread diseases, so catch it, bin it, kill it."
"Aging could be the root cause of so many other diseases."
"Calorie restriction can have incredible effects on diseases like diabetes and cancer."
"We have to change something in order to redistribute resources... Trying to prevent a large amount of disease seems like a good place to start."
"The whole point of mass testing is to stop that pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission."
"Our overriding objective... is to reduce suffering, minimize the incidence of this disease, and save lives."
"The key among these efforts is breaking chains of transmission between people."
"Vaccinations have stopped polio, vaccinations have decreased measles, except for in locations where people aren't getting vaccinated."
"Let's keep washing our hands let's keep practicing social distancing and ultimately let's try and lower the value of the contact ratio Q because we've seen here in the SAR model the lower the value of Q the fewer people that catch the disease."
"Health, right? You create, the disease goes away as a side effect."
"The fact is that the more time you spend outside and not in... a cramped confined space with other human beings, the less chance you are going to infect other human beings."
"The diet I'm referring to is the Esselstyn diet, one of a few proven to reverse heart disease."
"Heart disease can be stopped even reversed by removing all animal products and refined foods from my diet."
"The chip program is a complete health improvement program... there's overwhelming evidence that the whole food plant-based diet gives us the best option for beating these diseases."
"Stopping a disease in its tracks as early as possible can prevent a global snowball effect."
"We do have an agenda, a better environment, a kinder world, and better health free of disease and surgery."
"Epidemiology enables us to determine where diseases originate, how they move through populations, and why they're moving, and understand how we can prevent them."
"Bill Gates has urged governments to spend billions to prevent the spread of future diseases."
"It does look like if you've been naturally infected or vaccinated, you appear to be protected against severe disease."
"Because the symptoms are so unpleasant, and because quite a large number of people don't actually show any symptoms, it is very, very important that you always wear a condom."
"Everything is connected... your lifestyle is the single biggest thing that you can do to reduce your risk for all of these diseases."
"Two-thirds of all diseases worldwide will be the result of lifestyle choices."
"One of the best ways to reduce heart disease risk."
"Cancer is a preventable disease in most cases."
"Realize that we already have all the tools we need to fight disease."
"Face that it isn't fat shaming to say you're more likely to survive this disease."
"95 percent of chronic diseases are food-related."
"Turmeric prevents liver damage, fights cirrhosis, and hepatitis."
"We can end this chronic disease epidemic once and for all."
"Detoxification can save the big picture and bring chronic diseases down."
"If changes in human behavior can cause new plagues will then changes in human behavior may prevent them in the future."
"The vaccine is still the best and most effective way to protect people from hospitalization and death."
"Everybody's compliance with them is reducing transmission."
"Saved three million lives, 18 million hospitalizations."
"Coronavirus pandemic has brought new focus on infectious diseases, preventing them and National Geographic special 'Virus Hunters.'"
"Or imagine programmable immunity, designing and harnessing molecular devices that guide your immune system to detect, eradicate or even prevent disease."
"Is there adequate surveillance for new diseases? No, there's not."
"AGI will accelerate the arms race against infectious diseases."
"The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 variants is to prevent the spread of disease, and vaccination is the most powerful tool we have."
"I want to prevent disease, so I always had that lens of disease prevention."
"We all talk about heart health and so forth and know how to prevent heart disease nobody's really talking about how do we create brain health."
"So inflammation sits underneath every single modern disease... and it's not just heart attacks but it's cardiovascular disease."
"We have got to get enough people who are immune from this disease fast enough before these variants take over."
"Brain scans have shown and have confirmed that magical combination seems to block the accumulation of those plaques."
"An oscillating fan makes seedlings stronger and cuts down on fungal issues."
"Omega-3s address the core mechanisms of metabolic syndrome."
"Apob is a major factor, but blood pressure matters, diabetes, not smoking, inflammation matters."
"Every single chronic disease stems from systemic inflammation."
"There's no drug more powerful in the entire world that has the power to prevent, treat, and reverse the vast majority of chronic diseases than using lifestyle as medicine."
"But if the therapeutics reduce viral load and reduce transmission safely, then why wouldn't you want to implement that?"
"Following the advice in this video will help you in that quest whether you want to beat Covid, cancer or just extend your health span."
"Containment is critical: Direct contact, droplets, and aerosols."
"Prevention is key: Hand-washing and surface disinfection."
"In this house, we eat strong foods that make you bulletproof to chronic Western disease."
"Universal masking is proven to reduce transmission of the virus and to protect those who are not vaccinated, not just students but of course teachers and staff as well."
"Does natural infection protect you against serious illness associated with re-exposure? Yes."
"The best thing we can do is try to prevent viral infections in the first place, and that’s where vaccines come in."
"If we change our diets, we can really reverse a lot of illness."
"Stop waiting until you become sick to transition to a vegan lifestyle."
"Localized outbreaks don't seem to be spreading."
"The bottom line is that we know what it takes to prevent and essentially take outbreaks off the table as a threat to society."
"Exercise...helps control blood pressure, weight management, reduces the risk of diseases..."
"Indeed, these statistics are shocking, but there's a silver lining... most of these diseases are preventable."
"Prevention isn't just about avoiding disease... it's about living a full, healthy life."
"We have our whole concept of disease wrong... when you create health, disease goes away as a side effect." - Dr. Mark Hyman
"Dr. Greger's research shows veganism can prevent cancer and heart disease."
"Medicine will treat disease, but it doesn't eliminate disease. While nutrition can."
"Six of the eight leading causes of death in the U.S can be alleviated through regular consumption of the right omega-3 fatty acids."
"The change reflects that the overall risk of severe disease from COVID is lower because of widespread immunity."
"Depletion of NAD may predispose organisms to the development of a variety of age-related diseases."
"Reduce the viral load of your children, your parents, your partner."
"Modification of diet can contribute to prevention and control of diseases."
"Increasing community immunity in the United States is leading to less severe illness."
"Following God's statutes can prevent diseases."
"Vaccine does not prevent omicron infection but does seem to protect against severe disease and hospitalization."
"Your protection against death and hospitalization, in particular against severe disease, is the same... So that are also very very good news for all of us."
"Protection against severe disease... hopefully that puts you in a better position."
"Covid-19 vaccination is safe and effective at preventing infection, protecting against severe disease and death."
"Only a few of those bees in that swarm are armed and loaded and able to knock out the virus."
"Could there be another massive plague outbreak? The answer is that it is very unlikely because we can treat it before it spreads."
"We know catching COVID is worse in almost every case that has thus far been tried than getting vaccinated."
"The key is not about if someone ever gets COVID, but how fast you spot it and separate."
"Exercise is a protective factor for pretty much every disease that we know of."
"If you can reduce the amounts of high carbohydrate foods that you eat... you're going to ward off not only cancer but probably type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even dementia."
"It's not about whether or not you get sick, it's whether or not the people who are vulnerable get sick."
"The stronger you are as you age, the less likely you are to get Alzheimer's disease."
"About one percent took Ascenta, fifty-three to sixty-five percent in the Masai. All of them, fantastically lean, healthy, and without heart disease."
"I lost 100 pounds and I reversed heart disease comorbidities that make the virus deadly."
"We can influence [the gut] easier than genetics or environments to address diseases."
"Vaccination greatly reduces transmission, and two doses provide a very high degree of protection against serious illness and death."
"Vaccines are our best defense against the virus."
"Future outbreaks aren't just possible, they're absolutely inevitable."
"Understanding these mechanisms is crucial in combating infectious diseases."
"Hand hygiene is critical for reducing transmission of pathogens, colds, flus."
"It did seem to protect against more severe disease and death... absolutely well worth having."
"And though it might spread disease if we’re already sick, coughing and sneezing can eject unwanted material from our airways."
"Understanding these threats and supporting the immune system is a crucial part of tackling diseases during an outbreak."
"Information is power, and medically, early detection helps in any disease."
"All that being said, this was an amazing series."
"Most diseases are mineral deficiency and malabsorption."
"Bees with a strong immune system are less likely to catch diseases."
"Almost everybody in the country is on hydroxyl argument because they have a they have the nation the world's largest malaria burden."
"If a safe and effective vaccine can prevent even one case of COVID, it's worth all of our attention."
"You don't need a medical study to show you what people are dying of."
"Vaccine protects you against getting really sick."
"Cloth masks stop you from spitting on people."
"Fear breeds disease, and disease breeds fear."