
Mental Illness Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"The evidence linking mental illness and childhood adversity is about as strong as the evidence linking smoking and lung cancer."
"Patients with mental illness are now recognized to live over a decade shorter than healthy controls."
"Challenge the idea that mental illness is a disability."
"Don't underestimate your impact...especially with mental illness, if you're doing something and they don't seem to be changing at all, you could actually be what's keeping them afloat."
"Mental illness is not a thing that we make up; it's not a sign that you're obsessed with yourself or that you as a human being just suck."
"Mental illness is real. Attention-seeking, especially living in social media times, is at an all-time high."
"Mental illness has a genetic and environmental component and it's exceedingly complex. It's nobody's fault."
"Ice King is one of the more interesting portrayals of mental illness I've ever come across."
"The biggest issue writers run up against with narratives that grapple with mental illness is that in order to make stories compelling, serious clinical conditions have to be molded to the needs of good story writing."
"Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions, disorientation, paranoia, and hallucinations, with auditory hallucinations being most common."
"The worst part about having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't."
"The untreated mental illnesses that we're seeing on our streets right now, that is a byproduct of a broken health care system."
"Mental illness is much tougher to understand as a child... you only really start to understand it as you become more of an adult."
"Somebody who answers the door quiet and calm after murdering five children is seriously unwell that's psychosis for you."
"Andrea Yates was a victim and that will never make okay the killings of those innocent babies they deserve to have had a full life loved by a mother who clearly did love them and was devoted to them."
"I've gone insane. I have seen things that no man should ever see."
"Bipolar disorder is a lethal illness. It does have a risk of suicide that's up to 20 to 30 times greater compared to the general population."
"Bipolar disorder, even if it doesn't cause the more extreme problems of suicide, is also a leading cause of disability."
"Treating before mental illness emerges can actually stop these problems from developing in the first place."
"It's weird to have mental illness because I guess this is how it is for everybody."
"Mind-altering cat parasite linked to schizophrenia in largest study ever."
"Mental illness: real physical biological basis."
"It's not just an individual mental illness, it's a social illness."
"How do you maintain friendships with people with mental illness without it turning into a helping relationship?"
"Mental illness doesn't make anything different. It just means that the boundaries might need to be more clearly communicated."
"An illness that can be hard to externally see and diagnose that can have devastating effects on the person suffering from it as well as the people around them."
"We have discovered that there are human strengths that act as buffers against mental illness: courage, future-mindedness, optimism, interpersonal skill, faith, work ethic, hope, honesty, perseverance, the capacity for flow and insight."
"This is kind of dispelling the myth that it's a mental illness."
"Mental illness, it's a real big problem in the United States."
"There's a lot of hope that clinical trials with these compounds will continue to show large long-lasting positive effects for people with severe mental illness."
"We want to know as curious people how children learn language, what we find attractive or unattractive, and what's the basis for mental illness."
"Mental illness is not tied to villainy."
"When you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him... You get what you [__] deserve."
"Mental illness does not excuse you from your actions."
"When it comes to mental illness, people love when Kanye makes an album and it's so creative and so outside the box and oh my God he's a genius and everything."
"The worst part about having mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't."
"I think it's really more important to ask the person who's living with a mental illness what their experience of the illness is and working to really understand it from their perspective because it does affect everyone differently."
"They told a really good Joker story but they sort of inceptioned an actual really impactful movie about mental illness with it."
"What do you get when you cross a mentally ill person with a system that's forgotten him or whatever, right? You get what you [ __ ] deserve."
"If you want to understand mental illness you must read this book."
"She was just lying in her victim's blood and then she turned on the act. Extremely mentally ill."
"Hoarding is an isolating mental illness."
"Mental illness is a harbinger of creativity, not intelligence."
"Is mental illness not just another name for creativity?"
"Perhaps we should stop stigmatizing mental illness, in the absence of mental illness we wouldn't have had anything we have today, not science, not art, not beauty, and not utility."
"The murders this person committed were wrapped up in a parcel of mental illness, depravity, and devil worship."
"The distinction between the Supernatural and mental illness is a bit more blurred but overall the explanation for the supernatural elements cannot be that everyone's just mentally ill or that the tap water is Tainted."
"Self-esteem is a major component of mental health. Low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, bad object, these are signs of mental illness."
"Psychosis is a symptom of severe mental illness, people who are psychotic are irrational."
"Narcissism is a severe, super severe mental illness."
"There's a very strong link between creativity and a particular mental illness, which is bipolar disorder."
"Mental illness also makes individuals with NPD more reactive and more impulsive."
"It's partly a look at how the Joker came to be, but it's also just as much a commentary on mental illness, rejection from society, and the ensuing descent into madness."
"I do have a mental illness. I am bipolar. I am obsessively compulsive. But God has used this frail man that has very humble beginnings."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction is the root of all mental illness."
"Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness."
"Attachment and connecting with the baby is a very important part in a baby's life and in a mom's life and mental illness can get in the way of a healthy attachment."
"What started as an accident by me becoming the poster girl for mental illness has snowballed this is where we are so far."
"I think that they're very open and accepting that I just live with a brain difference, a mental illness, and that doesn't really affect their view of me at all."
"For me, my journey is one of mental illness."
"Having a support system is crucial for caregivers of individuals with mental illness, helping to prevent burnout and frustration."
"The belief that any of us just choose to do something and have a mental illness that's not... that it doesn't make any sense because if we were choosing to do it then we could choose to stop."
"I kind of assume everybody has some kind of mental illness unless they prove otherwise. That is the perfect operating philosophy for me. Everyone has some form of mental illness unless you prove."
"Crazy people don't do that sort of thing as much as you think. It's a lot more unhappiness and self-harm and a lot less thinking you're Napoleon."
"We're using metabolic health to treat mental illness."
"The drugs are one of our best tools in, um, in the fight against mental illness, and a lot of funding goes in that kind of frame, especially in America."
"But yes, I do have a diagnosable mental illness."
"Would Robert Bardo's attorney be able to convince the judge that his client was so mentally ill that he could not possess the intent to plan and commit murder?"
"Mental illness is not like a brain disease like any other brain disease."
"...wait a second, there is this dramatic connection between metabolic health and mental health and treating metabolic dysfunction, treating insulin resistance, can directly impact and improve the symptoms and lives of people living with mental illness..."
"Bipolar disorder and other major psychiatric illnesses are likely actually a systemic illness."
"I suffer from chronic mental illness, it's difficult to treat."
"If dysphoria isn't a mental illness, then why transition to treat it?"
"Real mental illness is neither suitable for nor attractive in Hollywood television."
"The representation of mental illness in this book was just so stunning like it was done so so well and I think that is the element that I connected to the most."
"Yeah, it's my mental illness so I get to choose the coping mechanism."
"The church needs to realize that mental illness in the black community has been largely overlooked, avoided, misdiagnosed, cast off as crazy, and shunned."
"However, there was no indication that he was driven by a serious mental illness or a psychosis."
"This has to be classified as like a mental illness or something man, that this can't be like a normal state of mind for any human being to be in."
"Because of the stigma I've only recently started to be open about my mental illness."
"Motives are often unclear in these cases, with many attributed simply to mental illness or to people with unspecified grudges against society."
"I'm not going to sit here and say Noah Samson caused this or he is the reason this is happening right. I mean, obviously, I'm sure he didn't help, but that person is obviously mentally ill. They're sick, they're a criminal, and they should be arrested."
"Mentally ill people tend to not abuse. Narcissism and borderline are the only two mental illnesses where there is damage to others."
"Mental illness is not something that we typically think of as kind of you getting rid of. There are ways to manage the symptoms of a mental illness."
"...meditation is one of the very few treatments that we have that is effective for all mental illness."
"A progressive horror film about women fighting back against the men who traumatized them with the undercurrent that people with mental illness are scary and violent."
"The Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research."
"Mental illness ain't no [__] joke, I'm a testament to that."
"But you know things are bad when we're using mental illness to sell food."
"The history of mental illness treatment is one of incredible sadness, cruelty, and abuse."
"You know, 2023 was a real year of... I mean, no, it was showcasing my mental illness, like truly."
"Instead, this is pretty much the only time it's acknowledged, this is when Lynch's mental illness gets the better of him, he's been worn down and broken and doesn't have the mental aptitude like Kane to just block everything out."
"People who have lived with such shame about their own mental illness and their suicidal thoughts... Who do they tell? Who do they tell?"
"Unique treatment option for severe mental illness by completely altering metabolism."
"Learned the truth about this devastating mental illness and the hope of recovery."
"even a very severe mental illness can be outweighed by sheer dorkiness"
"Linnell is killing it with his songs: 'Till My Head Falls Off' is one of the best, most 'real' rock songs about anxiety and mental illness."
"Responsibility and there's a real emphasis on holding a person’s diagnosis with mental illness. They are still responsible for making good decisions in their lives for taking the lead in their recovery."
"Psychosis is really what that means is that it's any of a number of symptoms that indicate that someone has lost contact with conventional reality."
"When we talk about a topic like mental illness, to remember that mental illness is not just some theoretical abstract concept out there but that it affects people people that we love our brothers and sisters people in our families in our churches."
"King Charles VI, known as Charles The Mad."
"Believed he was made of glass and inserted iron rods into his clothing."
"Remember that your loved one is ultimately responsible for managing his or her illness. However, your participation can make a big difference."
"Just because honestly a little mental illness brain Gremlins make me feel like I'm suffocating when I have too many things."
"Putting a face on mental illness, especially well-known and famous people like Maria, really moved the ball forward on stigma."
"When you hear the words mental illness, so many people automatically go to like 'Oh my god that person's crazy or that person's like be careful, that person's weird' or whatever like there's so much stigma behind someone being mentally ill."
"Clutter core is a mental illness disguised as a design trend."
"You shouldn't just treat somebody because they match a list in a book you should treat somebody because their mental illness is impacting on their lives and they can't manage without therapy or medication."
"It's helpful to know if they do have certifiable mental illness issues. It doesn't mean they don't have demons, they can have both."
"Despite the fact that everyone thinks she would never hurt her son, someone suffering with mental illness you just don't know, you don't know what they would do."
"We discover nothing new and unknown in the mentally ill; rather, we encounter the substratum of our own natures."
"I want to dedicate this award to every kid out there who has mental illness."
"...this movie's horror is kind of predicated on the audience's belief that mental illness is scary..."
"I think over the past 10 years that as we've come to understand the physical component of mental illness, people have begun more to think of it as a real illness."
"mental illness affects everyone it destroys lives families and hurts Society"
"mental illness is the lesson in the room that so many pretend it's not fear"
"Schizophrenia tries to live with you for the rest of your life."
"For some sufferers of anorexia, self-starvation is seen as a way of fending off the responsibilities of adulthood by trying to achieve a child's body."
"It's not only a very tragic scenario that cost the lives of nine innocent people but also a look at the disturbing way mental illness was handled at the time."
"The movie is a gripping exploration of mental illness, familial bonds, and the haunting power of secrets"
"Heaven does not punish mental illness. In fact, in heaven, mental illness is the same as somebody who has a physical illness."
"'You can't execute people who are mentally ill,' and I would argue this man was very mentally ill."
"That's mental illness though, he's [expletive]."
"Self-care, what does that mean to the mentally ill?"
"Nancy is the personification of Sarah's mental illness."
"Violence and mental illness is a topic that's often discussed with very little nuance."
"Welsh's demons had plagued him throughout his life with struggles between drugs, mental illness."
"One way or another, just like Dazai, Yozo presents us with a painfully accurate depiction of mental illness."
"Advocacy work turns the grief and frustration of mental illness into hope and constructive action."
"Addiction and mental illness isn't a moral failing. It's a disease."
"It's possible and even common to live a full and rich life while also living with mental illness."
"I hope the most important thing people take away is that it's possible and even common to live a full and rich life while also living with mental illness."
"On the surface, it seems like he was just making a last-ditch desperate attempt to appear mentally ill and not in control of his actions."
"Compulsions are time-consuming, painful, and irrational."
"It's a good lesson I think for anybody, for all of us to realize that some of these people this isn't prankster behavior, this is someone who's really, really mentally ill."
"The logical part of my brain knew that it wasn't mental illness."
"Depression and anxiety and all mental illness- it's not like a one-size-fits-all type thing."
"Before we diagnose somebody with a mental illness, we should ask ourselves what raw material could be missing from their body."
"Mental illness is an opportunity that does not spare our most creative, our most talented, or our most successful."
"It's the number one cause of death of any mental illness."
"People just as Ellen said, people think that people with severe mental illness are talking metaphorically. They're not. It feels like an alternate reality."
"Love is determination. Love is a choice one makes, especially when it comes to loving someone with serious mental illness. Love really is a responsibility and a choice."
"We don't know what to do with ourselves having this kind of money. It's like giving a razor to someone who's mentally ill."
"That's just like a different level of mental illness, this, what we do for a living is mental illness."
"I feel like a lot of people get diagnosed or their mental illness comes later in life."
"More often than not, it's mental illness that leads to horrific crimes like these."
"Prison in America is the biggest house of the mentally ill."
"There's a good chance that somebody very close to you or somebody in your family suffering from mental illness right now, and you have no idea."
"It's brain illness, the brain is not doing its job, it's ill, it's diseased, that's what mental illness really is."
"I think it's really important mental illnesses should not be viewed as anything different than a physical illness."
"There would need to be converging data sources indicating that indeed the defendant was symptomatic of that legitimate mental illness at the time."
"One percent, one day, substantiates mental illness."
"One out of five American adults is mentally ill."
"There is a long-suspected connection between genius and mental illness."
"What causes mental illness in the first place?"
"I don't think mental illness should be seen as a negative thing."
"Schizophrenia is an illness. It's a total picture."
"Being schizophrenic is like saying brown-haired human; it's an illness that you can recover from, it's nothing to be scared of."
"This is not a case about who did it... this case will come down to whether or not Miss Pal was suffering from a severe mental disease which prevented her from knowing the wrongfulness of those actions."
"I am suffering, I am mentally ill, and I don't want your empathy, I want you to understand."
"One in four people are affected by mental illness... one person in that house will deal with a mental illness throughout their lifetime."
"My dream is that someday we can start to see mental illness in the same way that we see things like broken legs or diabetes, without fear or shame."
"Mental illness is not a strange thing; it's just one of those struggles that we all share."
"Most people who are mentally ill are not terrorists or killers."
"His pretending to be mentally ill became his criminal defense and it worked really like a charm."
"Mental illness is where, because of what you're going through, you're not able to be productive or function."
"Suffering from a mental illness can impact everything in your life, making it more difficult from maintaining a healthy relationship to doing something simple as going to the grocery store."
"Walking corpse syndrome, also known as Cotard's delusion, is an extremely rare mental illness."
"Eating disorders are the second most fatal mental illness, second only to opioid use disorder."
"Those afflicted with these conditions did not choose them; more likely it is their genes, childhood experiences, or severe adult trauma that have thrust them into these precarious, painful paths."
"Mental illness is just as important as getting the flu; sometimes you just need a break."
"Depression is often accompanied by a degree of paranoia and in some cases delusions of persecution."
"People with psychotic illnesses should not use THC or cannabis."
"The connection between mental illness and violence is no stronger than the connection between violence and the color of your car or the food you like."
"Bipolar disorder, in its full-blown form, is a major mental illness which means it interferes with your reality testing and with your ability to function."
"Even if you have mental illness, you have to take responsibility for your actions."
"Mental illness is never your fault, always your responsibility."
"Mental illness and chemical imbalances of the brain do exist."
"I'm always concerned about the mentally ill in this country because the health care doesn't even cover enough mental illness coverage."
"A mental illness isn't an excuse for behavior, it's an explanation."
"Mental illness is a very complicated topic and even most neuroscientists don't have a complete understanding of the human brain yet because it is so complex."
"People can develop mental illness for a variety of different reasons: financial, marital problems, the sudden death of a loved one, chronic pain, trauma, unemployment amongst many others."
"We need an entirely new way to understand mental illness."