
Self-help Quotes

There are 5185 quotes

"At the end of the day, your body's just trying to help you out a little bit."
"Helping ourselves and helping each other are not only the most important thing but they're the most important thing because they're the same thing."
"To get to the root, you've got to help that kid within you."
"Every old school success book, which changed millions of lives, will tell you about the value of positive thinking."
"You can carry on as you've always been, or you can try Silva Ultramind risk-free for 15 days. You have absolutely nothing to lose and a whole incredible, magical new life to gain."
"Twelve rules for life: an antidote to chaos."
"What if a victim themselves looks up a video of a person being raped because they weren't sure what happened to them and they wanted to see what it looked like from a third person perspective?"
"Cognitive empathy is when you feel for a person and have an intelligent response that helps them to help themselves."
"What I'm doing to help myself, I also help all of my surroundings too. So I help the natural environment, and it makes everything better, including myself. It's pretty fulfilling actually, doing it that way."
"The truth is, seeking outside validation doesn't actually solve the internal turmoil and ignoring trauma doesn't make it go away."
"The path out of despair is by keeping commitments to yourself."
"It's really about taking control of how you feel in that moment and what you can do about it impartially."
"Surrender, let go of the control. Surrender to it. Just allow it to be what it is. Don't try to find it; it will find you in the perfect timing, in the perfect way."
"Manifesting isn't just magic thinking; you still have to go take action."
"The potential for happiness is really here for you."
"Nothing works for everybody. So by all means, find your way."
"Allow yourself time to connect with your intuition."
"Healing and letting go are possible. How? The best tool that we don't access is meditation."
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
"Closure is something that you have to give yourself."
"I really needed help with why I react the way I react to things."
"Beyond Order provides what I hope is a productive and interesting walk through ideas that are both philosophically and sometimes spiritually meaningful as well as being immediately implementable and practical."
"Follow this process consistently every single day and you should see improvements very quickly."
"Your subconscious mind is going to generate the way to be able to do it, and this comes from a place of acceptance of yourself and acceptance with others."
"You may feel lost or confused and some of you may even feel uninspired. The reason why you've been feeling that way is because you haven't let your heart sing."
"Relax to let your success mechanism work for you."
"If you fall, one of the biggest things you need to be able to do is get up afterward, especially if you haven't hurt yourself."
"Your thoughts are your friend, not your enemy. They're like weights in a gym."
"He should have done a bar rescue on his own restaurant. That would be a great season opener."
"Your emotional guidance system cannot be broken; it is always available to you. The minute that you decide to tune back into it, to perceive it in a way where you can let it guide you through life."
"I try to use that anxiety, I turn that fear into fuel, like if I feel anything negative I try to turn it into a positive by helping other people."
"You have unlimited abilities; you can do anything, you can learn anything you need to learn, you can achieve any goal you can set for yourself."
"You've got to participate in your own rescue."
"Every human being has a different equation and there's not like some cookie-cutter book of, hey, read this book and you'll be fixed. No, you gotta figure out your own personal equation."
"Most of the 48 Laws of Power is about defense, how to defend yourself from the sharks out there."
"Forgiveness is the only real path to freedom."
"This is not just some new-agey BS; this is the real deal. This is where the rubber meets the road."
"Your inner voice is your most loyal companion; make it your best friend."
"If you wake up and you feel anxious about something, you have got to use the five second rule 54321, get up, get out of bed, get moving. Because if you can get up, you can get going."
"The second you pull in and you feel the trigger, you're going to go 5-4-3-2-1 to interrupt your mind from going into the 'I don't like this,' and then you're going to drop in the anchor thought."
"You've got to go into that hell hole of life that you have f***** up and fix it."
"Becoming supernatural: how common people are doing the uncommon."
"You can free yourself through self-deliverance through prayer."
"Many of the modern day self-help, spiritual or new age practices and beliefs...have caused a community crisis in discipline, especially self-discipline."
"You are able to handle difficulties with grace and competence."
"How can you best help me? By helping yourself first."
"Canada fully understands that helping others is a way of helping ourselves."
"You could actually turn that hypnosis, that conditioning around, and not wait for the experience to produce the emotion but teach people how to self-regulate their emotional states."
"You are the only human being with your combination of gifts that you were given, whatever they are, and your experience. And real human beings help real human beings by being real."
"As you heal yourself, you are empowered to heal others."
"Using the five-second rule, I've not only been able to stop worrying and doubting myself, I've cured myself of anxiety."
"Create a trigger that can override the negative state; it's a pathway out of the dark space."
"Listening to 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle is completely life-changing. That book will automatically change your life to help you live a better reality."
"These sabotaging behaviors can add years to your spiritual awakening process and really make your life a living hell."
"Knowledge is power... I'm giving you the universal explanatory key to life, what more do you need for self-help?"
"My whole life is about self-help, either to help myself or to help other people."
"If you stop suppressing your ability to feel and allow yourself to feel, you will find the solution to your depression, to your pain, and everything else."
"When you stand in front of that mirror... and you think about the day ahead... and then raise your hand and high-five yourself... you are sealing that intention that you believe in yourself."
"54321 is a tool you can use in five seconds flat to interrupt the that's holding you back and push yourself to take the actions that change your life."
"The fastest way to clear your head is to get your thoughts out onto paper."
"I don't think of any self-help program that starts with making people feel bad."
"Many Self-Help Gurus and Spiritual Teachers have taught their disciples this and then proceeded to lead them on the path of taking personal responsibility for their life and their relationships."
"Face your fears, gentlemen, you can desensitize yourself to absolutely anything in this world."
"You change your entire life, and manifesting is a tool that will help you train your brain and train your nervous system and train your mind, body, and spirit to help you achieve the things that you want."
"You have to take action first because if you allow your feelings of 'I'm tired, I don't feel like it, it's hopeless, why bother?' that feeling will dictate you doing nothing."
"Positive affirmations are simply short statements that you say to yourself to get your subconscious mind reprogrammed and thinking along an empowering train of thought."
"What you will notice when you first get into the book is that it starts off before it gets into the seven habits, it has a section called paradigms and principles."
"Right, so within this world of self-help gurus, there's this idea that if you think positively, then that'll help you achieve your goals and help all your problems melt away."
"Jordan Peterson is very effective at being a substitute dad for guys who feel a little bit lost in life and giving them very conservative political messaging in the form of self-help advice."
"I just feel so much more stable and so much better, and I wish I would have started this a long time ago."
"The most powerful tool that you have right now in your life, in your body, is your mind."
"Life is hard enough without your brain fighting against you."
"Avoid what you need to avoid; apply what you need to apply."
"We are going to change our communities...it's about us taking care of each other and sharing what we know."
"I am not your guru. I'm an anti guru in many ways, and that's why I put out these videos so that I can help you."
"The minute you give up your power, you're in trouble."
"Forgiveness is such a tough space... You will feel better if you forgive and you'll feel lighter."
"It's about aligning the heart and the mind in the way that's going to help bring you into harmony so that everything starts to fall into place for you."
"This is the best decision that I've ever made in my entire life, and I hope that this video helps out anybody that is also trying."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, what's up, what's going on? So yes, today we're going to be talking about how a new mantra changes your life."
"When you help somebody out, Allah will put opportunities in your future... You think you were helping someone else, what Allah is teaching you and me here is you're actually helping yourself."
"Procrastination can become a spell. By getting up and doing one thing that gives you pleasure, you break the ice."
"When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine."
"Why, if we have more self-help and therapy, do we have more mental health issues?"
"Psycho Cybernetics is one of the most powerful, important, practical tools you can use to transform your life."
"Self-medicating with other people is a phrase that I've never heard before... it's brilliant."
"Michaela's main goal is to help people become resilient and realize how much control they have over their own life."
"It's hard to save someone who doesn't want to be saved."
"I personally believe that most self-help gurus are well-spoken, eloquent, and charismatic. I wouldn't say that they're life-changing."
"Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish...I was never into fish, but whatever that analogy is all about."
"The best compliment I received from someone who read the book was, 'Thank you, after reading the book I remembered myself.'"
"To realize your desire and overcome your frustration, affirm boldly several times a day: 'The infinite intelligence which gave me this desire leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my desire.'"
"You have to own your life. If you haven't heard of the notion of extreme ownership, I highly encourage you to read the book by the same name."
"Sometimes your deliverance is in your journals."
"What I'm talking about is the tens of thousands of men who've been positively impacted by him telling them, 'Get your life together, you're depressed, you're in control of your own fate, get into the gym, get some exercise, run your own life, be able to be financially stable, be able to support yourself.'"
"Don't wait until you feel better to do something; do something to make yourself feel better."
"You're a grown man or a grown woman, stop playing victim."
"They need to let go of those things that are no longer serving them."
"My purpose is to help other people find their purpose."
"Nothing outside yourself can cause any trouble. You yourself make the waves in your mind."
"Stop complaining and focus your attention on the blessings in your life."
"We think it is what you get when you get what you want. He says it's what you get when you give up the neurosis which is the one—so the technique is learning to know your mind, be your own therapist."
"What we actually care about is people getting the help they need, figuring out their own minds, and living a better life for it."
"The aim of what I'm speaking about isn't to give you a tactic that you can apply later on; it's meant to give you a discovery right now that gives you relief right now that lasts."
"If you're not asking, then of course no one's going to say yes. You're saying no for everybody."
"Mindset reset is all about fixing the patterns in your mind that you don't even realize you have that no longer serve you."
"12 rules and 12 more rules, it's all about rules for life."
"If there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can't do you no harm."
"Becoming supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches a lot about rewiring the neuro pathways in your brain to create your desired reality."
"It's not like you have it or you don't; it's like a skill that you cultivate."
"January is about letting go of that if you guys feel stuck in something because you're worried that nothing better exists, something better does exist."
"The best advice you can give people is to work on yourself."
"Rest in peace Mac Miller, an album about self-reflection, self-appreciation, self-help."
"Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds."
"It's helping you illuminate some of the things in your life that are causing frustrations, stress, uncertainty."
"'Heaven helps them that help themselves,' as Poor Richard says."
"Practice gratitude. Gratitude is one of the quickest and easiest ways to snap ourselves out of feeling low."
"Inside the toxic world of self-help, hustle culture, toxic positivity, addiction, and fake gurus."
"Self-help makes you feel good, there's no doubt about it."
"My goal is every single person that comes to me... I want to send that person on their way with some tools in their tool belt that if they choose to pull them out and apply, they don't have to come back to me or anybody else for guidance ever again."
"The self-help gurus are not going to give you the key to success. They're just going to give you vague one-liners that anyone can apply to whatever they are currently going through because that's what sells."
"I don't know if I listen to this album for like personal enjoyment. It's almost like listening to almost like a self-help book."
"The self-help industry is a huge business and it is relying on you not being content for you to continue consuming the goods and services that it produces."
"It's impossible to walk this path only by yourself...everyone has the possibility to unlock something very very special about him or herself."
"My beautiful book, Attracts Soulmate Love, is available through my website. It is an absolute powerhouse of information, and people in our community are saying that it is a game-changer for them."
"Radical Confidence is an instruction manual for how to become the hero of your own life even when you're scared to death."
"Stop trying to save people. You have to want to save yourself."
"A lot of people are trying to save people who aren't willing to save themselves."
"Only one person can get you out of depression: you. For your own feelings and for your own life."
"You have the power to change your situation and attract the right people who can help you."
"Self-help is useless or a lot of self-help is useless; it's the blind leading the blind."
"A lot of people will ask us, 'What do I do next?' And that's why we built Dr. K's guide. It's a comprehensive resource that distills over 20 years of my experience both as a monk and as a psychiatrist."
"You can't control that the shocks are going to start, but you could end them. That's the difference between having control over something and learned helplessness."
"So I want to start by offering you a free, no-tech life hack, and all it requires of you is this: that you change your posture for two minutes."
"Fixing it from the outside isn't going to do anything to the insecurity on the inside."
"Learning how to be your best friend, learning how to be your own coach and therapist."
"I promise to save everyone, including myself."
"The way I'm kind of thinking about it is, you know, the content I care about making is content that, it sounds really cliche, but like that, that helps people live their best life by creating kind of inspiring and educational content."
"When you find yourself at the bottom of a hole, just stop digging."
"Is a personal trainer necessary? No, I don't think so. Could it help you a lot and has it helped us? Yes."
"You cannot make anybody change, you can only give them the resources that create opportunities for them to change themselves."
"If you fix a hundred things like that, your life will be a lot different."
"Just relax; you're going to be fine. You can do it yourself wherever you are right now in the world."
"Save yourself, but that's love, that's just love."
"I want to give you a toolbox filled with tools so that you can make the decisions yourself."
"How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies is my book."
"It's not wrong that I am choosing to help people in the way that I've always wanted to."
"If you're feeling bad about something, sit down, listen to that, and ask yourself why."
"It's one of the things that they recommend: helping others tends to be the best way to deal with your own problems and get a lot of that intrinsic value."
"Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself."
"You can't help anybody unless you can help yourself. You have to lead by example."
"If something is terrifying you, pay more attention to it."
"It's more of like a self-help book but it basically lays out these different styles of attachment in psychology."
"You don't have to be a victim. There are solutions."
"If you're part of this cycle, you need to escape it. Stop seeking answers from people who just want to pander to your misery."
"Your happiness is dependent on you, not the person you're dealing with."
"Forgiveness is not for them; forgiveness is for you."
"All self-help boils down to choosing long-term over short-term."
"Healing doesn't come from me, it's going to happen from you."
"Your subconscious mind is built to help you to achieve your goals."
"Holding on to, dwelling, or stewing on negative emotions... is sort of akin to sitting in a car stuck in the mud and just revving your engine. All you're doing is wasting your gas and digging yourself further into a hole."
"Be positive, and positive things will happen."
"It's actually a guidance system to help you gain clarity."
"I'm happy and I'm sad... I'm okay and I'm not okay... I'm trying my best... I'm asking for help when I need it... I'm alive. This is life."
"Self-knowledge is always a worthwhile endeavor, especially if by understanding yourself, you might be able to see those blind spots and save you the world of hurt that is narcissistic abuse."
"I am on a mission to inspire you, to empower you, and to give you tools and the expert resources that you need and deserve to help you create a better life."
"The most important part of the book are the practices because that's when you get up from the practices, there's a residue, it sticks with you like grits."
"The only person that can truly save you at the end of the day is yourself."
"Once you can help yourself, help your family. Get your house in order. After you can get your house in order, go help your neighbor, and then go help your community."
"There is a system in your head that is stopping you every step of the way, and the five-second rule is the only tool that you need to beat it."
"It's a guidebook of subtle shifts for radical change and unlimited happiness."
"You are in charge of your own psychology. You have the absolute power to impact it, to alter it, to get ahead with it."
"You have personal responsibility. Yes, they can give you advice, but ultimately it's on you to seek out what's right for you."
"What I've learned over the years as I've managed my depression and lived with depression is that there are simple things that can help us."
"You don't have to feel this way at least this much anymore."
"Escaping is not about changing her circumstances... but the really crazy thing is that you can escape from all of that stuff right here."
"I still have a super hard time allowing myself to be vulnerable and ask for help to process out my true feelings."
"There's a reason your brain likes to take things personally, and I'm going to show you why - and three steps to stop taking things personally."
"When you're worn out or when you're experiencing burnout, emotional burnout, and you've just got the blahs, that's when you need the tool of gratitude the most."
"The only true lesson that these self-appointed gurus teach is never listen to spiritual and motivational gurus."
"God grant me the courage to change the things that I can the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference."
"You gotta get a handle on your fears and insecurities"
"Become self-empowered. You're here for personal development."
"We have to enforce justice ourselves, because sometimes laws are unjust."
"You can change your movement pattern...take control of your pain."
"The negative can never shine, the positive can."
"Asking for help is not a weakness, it's a strength."
"The answers are always inside confronting your fears."
"Trying to control the mind with the mind is like trying to grab a fog."
"Therapy was the best thing that's got me to stand on my own two feet."
"Your life is not destined to revolve around people and things and feelings who you cannot interact with."
"The greatest gift I think we can give to our fellow human beings is by helping them self-calm in their natural way."
"Remember that the narcissist is projecting something that's very uncomfortable about themselves or something that they're feeling onto you."
"Are you happy with your life? And if you're not, stop listening to other people and find out what makes you happy."
"Life is sometimes and you have to figure out a way to make it better yourself."
"Remember to always take what resonates, leave what does not. If the message simply doesn't resonate, that's okay."
"You have to learn how to preach the grace of God to yourself."
"Nothing outside of you will fix an inside problem."
"Don't let negative comments change your outlook on your life."
"If it's continuously going down a bad route and you can't pull yourself out, then maybe someone's not right for you."