
Animals Quotes

There are 7446 quotes

"Mice, one of humanity's oldest friends and oldest enemies. From the Black Plague to the shelves of our pet stores, mice have lived alongside humans for centuries."
"What would Earth be without our adorable animal friends? They're just as important to the planet as us humans."
"We call a dog a man's best friend for a reason."
"I'm scared of cats because my boy got a cat and the cat swung on me."
"I related to animals... the root of empathy and patience."
"Being surrounded by animals... learning to care for somebody else's needs."
"The animals and the natural world at large have been my greatest spiritual teaching."
"If what can be regarded as spiritual qualities across any discipline include being like presence and awareness and absolute acceptance of what is, then the non-human animals have got that."
"You can name a bat Charlie. Charlie seems like a good name for a bat."
"I'm going to need you to calm down, Mr. Penguin."
"Aardvark says hello; however, his definition of hello involves violence and destruction."
"What do you call monkeys that share an Amazon account? Prime mates."
"If you have it in you to be mean to an animal, then I don't have it in me to have you in my life."
"The difference between humans and animals: Animals would never allow the dumb ones to lead the pack."
"Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack."
"Here's to our furry panda friend creating chaos and providing a good chuckle in the process."
"Gyome loves cats, a trait he shares with Love Hashira Mitsuri."
"What's amazing about a moment like this is you can actually feel her heart rate slowing down."
"This is an amazing paper on how the Disney artists eventually learned what it is about baby animals that makes everybody want to be around them."
"I love it so much, especially those cuddly dogs."
"The lizards are actually very relatable, spending 90% of their lives relaxing inside of their homes and only coming out to eat."
"She's vegan... she cares about the environment and animals."
"By the way, it's not uncommon to find them together either snuggling or one doing a major cleaning of the other's ear, which is a beautiful service on the part of each of them."
"The MVP of that story is the pitbull. Poor guy, hopefully he'll be okay."
"Dogs are in many ways a human construct. We have co-evolved with them for so long that they are now attuned to human behavior, language, and emotion."
"I understand dogs better than I understand humans. That's for sure. But I don't change their identity. I honor who they are."
"With animals, they don't want instability; they don't want disconnection. Animals don't want to live without trust, respect, and love."
"Researchers have been fascinated by numerous images of animals that... depicting what appears to be a dinosaur."
"What do you call a sheep with no legs? A cloud."
"Dogs can't lie. All they can do is try to put their hand over their mouth when they're about to say something revealing; they tuck their tail between their legs."
"Cheesecake has never had her own young, but being a capybara, she knows exactly what to do with this lot."
"Showing what looks like friendship, affection, and even love towards each other just melts your heart, doesn't it?"
"Animals don't know how to lie, don't know how to follow instability, and don't know how to live an unhealthy life."
"Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, pigs treat us as equals."
"This is just an adorable, heartwarming story. It's cute how they nuzzle and neck hug each other."
"This dog is experiencing the same thirst that I was experiencing moments ago. So what did he do? He went back inside the well, and he filled his shoe with water, and then he caught his shoe with his mouth, he climbed back out, he gave water to the dog."
"What a cool job: to be a researcher who studies what dogs’ tails are telling us."
"We did over a million views on WorldStar.com in one day... They posted us up as the animal clip of the day."
"Jade has always been kind and loving to humans and animals alike; she could not bear to see anyone hurt or an animal abused."
"Dogs are man's best friend. Of course, they're going to save our lives at just about any chance they get."
"Dolphins are often highlighted as one of the most intelligent animals on the planet."
"Luca is such a hero that President Obama decided to give him the Dicken Medal, one of the highest honors available for non-human service members."
"Had the green parrot not repeatedly yelled 'Anton,' he probably wouldn't have known until the smoke detectors caught on."
"Fallon loved animals, especially her kitten Mr. Butters."
"Poor dumb animals. The humans did this to themselves, but what did the animals do to deserve this? Nothing."
"We've got the world's most handsome duck over here."
"The first living being to travel into space was a dog and her name was Laika."
"Humans are not the only ones with unique fingerprints; koalas have them too."
"I love dogs; they bring me more joy than anyone else on the planet has ever brought to me."
"Maybe it's time to celebrate the cute cuddly animals, those who are our friends in tough times and provide us with the company we need."
"Donkeys are actually very intelligent animals and they have astonishing memories."
"I see them as part of the fam. They're our extended family. They're our cousins in feathers, scales, wings, and fur."
"The total number of possible cats that you can stack is 11."
"It's culture. For a long time, people assumed culture was limited to our own species."
"It just evolved from trapping as a kid, loving animals, to wanting to change a career."
"The lack of cars and loud noises were welcomed by the animals, who spontaneously reappeared."
"Imagine being hunted down by a chimpanzee. That's a nightmare."
"I want a big giant Kingdom that I can call home filled with animals."
"I love this project; I think it's a really subtle way to incorporate animals into your home without it feeling overwhelming."
"From the vicious super predator you could have at home to the dog known for its photogenic appearance, here's 20 animal hybrids you won't believe exist."
"If there is such a thing as heaven, I hope it's filled with dogs."
"This animal was brought to you by God to be your supporter and companion on this journey here on Earth."
"It's not a big deal to go three days without eating for most animals."
"Dogs are just so forgiving. This guy, when I first met him, he came up to me and licked me, and I actually literally had tears in my eyes."
"This mama cat had five kittens on St. Patrick's Day, and I call them my Lucky Charms."
"To fully appreciate the miracle of the Basilisk Lizard being able to walk on water, consider how most legged animals walk on land."
"Well, I hope Gobby learned his lesson. No matter what, never get a squirrel mad."
"It takes time, patience, lots of love, kindness, and treats, of course, to train a giant teleporting dog."
"Even if it's your dog, it's about really caring for your partner and helping out."
"Kitty cats, they're cute, but I'm cuter. Me-wow!"
"We have a deep respect for these misunderstood and often scary creatures."
"Someone called a peacock a disco chicken and it had me in hysterics for ages."
"Instead of blind fury, Buchi looks at the zookeeper with vulnerable softness in her eyes."
"It's a cool opportunity. There's lots of times where we can't fix animals because whatever... it's awesome to be able to say yes."
"Red pandas are adorable and highly endangered."
"Hopefully the animals will be coming out and joining the sunshine."
"I'm not a massive fan of zoos. However, safari parks are more my sort of thing."
"The original intent for Animal Kingdom was to focus on 3 different types of animals; real, ancient and imagined."
"In 2016, detector dogs like Murray quarantined 1.7 million items intercepting more than 60,000 harmful pests."
"The goose build is annoying, but they got my respect, man."
"Imagine if there was just like a bunch of foxies all over guys, yeah I know foxy, we gotta make them super thick."
"Number 11: Firefighters free deer wedged between bars of cemetery fence."
"Every time he sees his saviors he cannot hold back his joy."
"These guys came together to rescue a baby goat."
"Six ducklings were crying loudly as they fell through a storm drain."
"This man noticed a cat that fell into a canal and couldn't get out."
"What separates us from the animals? They don't imagine the future."
"I love raccoons, they're cute, they never caused my cats problems, and they're very intelligent."
"You saved the dog and then the dog came back to save you. It's great."
"Look at her face, how can anyone resist those adorable puppy eyes?"
"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I get to work with animals all day."
"Who would emerge Victorious, would the Lion's Triumph or with the percin success Yul fend off the lines?"
"If you look through the glass wall, you can see the penguins swimming underwater. Wow, they're really good at swimming!"
"Last night I was thinking, my favorite animal is a bear."
"The world has quite a few intelligent animals."
"Taxes are basically the way the government sticks their hands in your pocket."
"Oh, the rats got up. Oh, nice thank you. The rat infected me."
"Yeah, he's a dragon, he's a dragon, that looks like a dinosaur, but... Would you be an animal or would you like update this one or like um?"
"A hedgehog has a special place in most people's hearts looking at this cute creature curling up like a little ball."
"However, she did get a zebra so apparently a little bit of a win."
"What nasty squirrel, bro. Whatever, thanks for the flashlight."
"You see those cute little stripy animals over there? Yeah, we protect those."
"Chickens love grass, they pick it, whatever's on the ground and it makes the eggs a lovely Rich golden color and the flavor is tremendous."
"Well, they're God's gift to us, you know... There's nothing better than dogs."
"I love goats. Goats are like humans trapped inside."
"Well, I have to warn you, I really like horses."
"Marianne liked animals way more than people."
"I sympathize with Ralph getting this nursery sloth. I think you're absolutely spot on."
"Love your family, love your love for animals."
"Perhaps a little. I saw a tweet earlier that said the Dream SMP normalizes human relationships with animals. Open to that, I thought."
"I think it would be a great footnote in history that the last Syrian elephant was a total badass."
"This is objectively the best animal on this list of course."
"Having an animal companion is medicine for the soul."
"That's a long time for a bird to be missing in action and then suddenly be found once again."
"Toothpick trick or that, yeah this has got to be bats."
"Animals were just amazing. Did that just happen? It's one of those moments, nature's wild."
"I've never seen a turtle take a nap. He's so cute."
"Baby bunnies are ridiculously cute. I mean, look at these guys."
"Humans and horses have had a truly remarkable connection that spans thousands of years."
"Cher Ami, the carrier pigeon, was the only bird to be awarded the prestigious medal during World War One."
"Oh hey look, they swim! They do swim! They like full-on swim and they look cute while doing it too."
"Despite all my moaning and groaning over animal remains jenkins stink."
"Imagine a man and a tiger sweet-talking each other in Russian."
"Bears are wildly intelligent and they will [ __ ] you up."
"Very interesting how the dog was focused on that single spot. What is he staring at? I sadly think we'll never know."
"You can judge the nation's moral progress by the way that they treat their animals."
"His fighting style was based on bears and komodo dragons."
"Lemurs were very gentle, pleasant creatures."
"Let's be really serious and let's share our animals' feelings and let's be supportive and not now we will do is just and it can be knock about it."
"Who doesn't love a story like that? You know if it's a book involving a dog you're gonna cry."
"We all have intuitive power. Absolutely every single person, even animals, do have intuition."
"What better description is there other than to suggest it's a kind of adorable Frankenstein's monster of an animal?"
"Look at that chicken over there bro, look how he just standing there menacingly."
"Arachnids of all sorts are to be revered, and anyone who mistreats or kills a spider must die."
"The best way to the heart of any animal, human, or Pokemon is food."
"People are excited about Ghost, he finally got his snoot booped."
"We all have that quintessential image of huskies pulling sleds through the snow and racing."
"Congratulations, you've got a rat on your shoulder."
"I decided with all the dogs I'm a cat person... I tend to talk to the cat more than the dogs."
"Ghost ants are called ghost ants because it seems like half of their body is transparent."
"I feel very bad because it's just like, even though I don't feel like I have an emotional attachment to them, it's a living creature."
"There's genuinely an emotional connection. Dogs understand the emotional feeling of missing someone who's no longer part of their daily lives."
"Woman pushes brown bear as it climbs over a fence to save her dogs."
"Even if they were ginormous like the deep sea and marine isopods, they would still be cute."
"Animals are very important, God made that clear to Noah."
"Any questions as to how the battle menu works, the difference between fight and run and sort of how those operate?"
"The trick is not to think about being stuck as a problem with your motivation."
"Lucas' compassion and natural empathy was best exemplified through his connection and passion for animals."
"Harambe, arguably the most famous gorilla in the world."
"It's taken this clever one-year-old just a few minutes to solve a puzzle that baffles nearly every other species."
"These hero rats have already helped clear 13,000 landmines from Mozambique."
"Koala wears goggles, so yeah, it all ties back together."
"Mormont's raven is being skin changed. That one's just true like I don't care what anyone says."
"Most of us feel unequal. You're better than me because you got money or you're more attractive than me. But no dog or cat says, 'Oh, you're better than me because you're a pedigree.'"
"I'm just really thankful to have these horses here."
"Conclusions: Hey cats can catch COVID-19 and using the precautionary principle we gotta assume the cat's can spread it to humans as well."
"One story used to highlight this is the story of the lion and the tiger."
"There is nothing more adorable than puppies."
"I like animals and pets, and I think they're great."
"Anyone that likes sharks can't be a bad person at heart."
"Welcome to the backyard summer games where the greatest bushy-tailed athletes in all the world compete."
"A bunch of capybaras adopted a stray orange cat in Malaysia."
"Humans are God's Pinnacle of creation but God's given us animals to care for and we should Steward them."
"Animals have the capacity for empathy and love, just like humans."
"Seeing that the animals could trust Mark was a real eyeopener for me."
"I mean, I genuinely did imagine an elephant with a bad back sitting on it."
"Penguin falls in love with fictional character after being damaged in an earthquake. Grape, a 20-year-old penguin, fell in love instantly with a cardboard cutout of one of the anime characters put into the penguin enclosure."
"One of my favorite photographs is the brief moment when lions greet each other by rubbing their heads together tenderly and playfully pouncing onto each other."
"There are two types of people in this world: one, people who go 'ooh Big Stretch' when a dog stretches; two, sociopaths."
"We have a brain. We can control our destiny, but most animals cannot."
"So, in a certain respect, we're in no better position than the dog who, when you go for the lead near the front door, starts jumping up and down with anticipation of going for a walk."
"I love dogs more than I love anything else in the world."
"The ancient people of Peru used their canine companions for herding llamas, showing that the culture highly valued man's best friend."
"Hippos are known to kill at least 500 people per year."
"I hate how much I love the yellow lizard... they are so darn cute."
"The CIA tried to train cats to be spies... operation acoustic kitty was abandoned."
"It's fascinating because, you know, camels can go months without drinking water."
"I guarantee you by the time we're done, you're gonna be holding snakes."
"Sometimes I feel like when you're looking into a horse's eyes and it has so much emotion."
"Animals can be really healing so can be going out into nature kind of brings us back to Our Roots it allows us to know that there are other things out there in the world."
"German Shepherds: strong, protective, and loyal."
"I have some photographs here of what can happen when a dog bites."
"Obvious culprits for audio misidentification are known animals."
"Of all the animals, ducks look like they have something going on on the side that they don't want to tell you about."
"It's funny to see them in everyday situations and acting like humans do."
"Those are bomb-disabling dolphins, so the only one who's going to be sleeping with the fishes is you."
"Monkeys are quite cool, yeah I'd have a monkey or a sloth."
"Look at her oh she adopted the bridge oh how cute."
"We want to know which llama is the best maker."
"There is no machine or chemical that can replicate what animals do so elegantly."
"If we never figured out how to kill animals, they'd still be killing us."
"I got polar bears, panda bears, this is nice."
"You just you can never have too many sloths."
"There's definitely a nostalgia for thinking of them as kind of wild wolves hunting to survive... but actually the domesticated dog is quite different to that."
"This list is my list as animal people we all have different animals different species and texture that resonate with us and those which don't."
"Raccoons are literally feathered two-year-olds that do not grow up who understand the word no and just don't care."
"I would not keep foxes but I do love foxes they are totally one of my soul animals that I really just resonate with like foxes wolves any kind of weasel snakes certain kinds of bird really resonate with me."
"We've had goats in our cars, on top of our cars, in the bed."
"Orangutans are easily some of the smartest and most beautiful of all primates."
"The world's longest cat is a Maine named Stewie."