
Spiritual Growth Quotes

There are 7251 quotes

"Thanking God first is like planting seeds in fertile soil; it sets the foundation for a bountiful harvest of joy, peace, and fulfillment."
"This person is a karmic partner. There's a very strong pull and intensity that draws you in. They are catalyst for your spiritual growth. Be aware of the triggers and patterns coming up for you to clear. This is a stepping stone to prepare you for true love."
"You are going through a great time of healing and spiritual growth."
"God wants you to not stay as a baby in diapers; He wants you to be spiritually strong."
"The word of grace is able to build you up and give you all the blessings that God has for his people."
"Our greatest wish and prayer is that you will become mature Christians."
"Daily life is a form of spiritual weight training. You don't lift any weights, you don't get stronger."
"Real spiritual growth happens when there is only one of you inside."
"If we stay in a constant state of receiving help, that is the secret to growing spiritually."
"The more we desire awakening and act on that desire through will and intent the more we shall receive awakening."
"This course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is far beyond what can be taught. It does aim at removing the obstacles to the awareness of Love's presence."
"The entire objective of human life is to raise one's awareness higher and higher until you get to the ultimate stages of enlightened awareness."
"God sees your progression, and he loves that more than perfection."
"You guys are masters, your souls are so evolved, and 2020 is just going to be a nice experience."
"He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ."
"Spirit wants to resurrect your soul. They want to resurrect you, but in order for you to do that, you have to open your heart chakra."
"The spiritual journey is from ignorance to knowledge."
"You really leveled up spiritually. People are saying that you're not how you used to be; you've raised your vibes."
"Psychedelics are one of the most powerful tools that you will find for spiritual growth and for personal development, hands down."
"Your relationships are meant to help your spiritual development and your awareness of the world."
"The baptism with the Holy Spirit isn't about you getting more of the Holy Spirit; it's about the Holy Spirit getting more of you."
"The greatest sign that you've received the Holy Spirit isn't the gift of speaking in tongues... but the nature of Christ in you."
"The closer I get to God, the more my life is going to be transformed."
"Spiritual growth is not just a journey toward God discovery; it is also a journey toward self-discovery."
"Every day that's going by, even if you're not awake or awakening, you are moving closer and you are becoming more conscious."
"What you gain in spiritual life is the greatest gain. There is no greater gain."
"In Christianity, basically, you're supposed to be like Jesus, to kind of love like he loved."
"The purpose of prayer is not to get God to do what I want but to discover what He wants."
"Renewing our mind in the Word of God is the source of knowledge and faith that leads to joy and obedience."
"When God breaks your rhythm, he's moving you into a new stage of glory."
"Your intuition has been opening up like never before."
"This is spirit letting you know that your shadow work, your inner work, your healing, it is definitely working."
"My spiritual life has been reignited as a result of this."
"As we move up from ego-based needs into universal oneness, we experience positive emotions such as love, peace, and harmony."
"Out of love comes joy and peace and patience and kindness, gentleness, prayerfulness, goodness and understanding and self-control."
"Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"One of the demonstrations of humility is that we respond when God speaks."
"Without faith, it is impossible to please Him."
"Since God has forgiven us, we must accept his forgiveness."
"There are two great spiritual needs... growth and contribution."
"Humility is the soil from which faith germinates, sprouts, and grows the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"If you have unforgiveness, you have pride. You have to crucify your pride if you want God's power."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
"Oh my goodness, this is going to be a powerful portal opening up for everybody."
"I decree upfront that we're gonna be much better going out than we were upon coming in, in Jesus' name. Amen."
"The goal in adversity isn't always the adversity stopping; the goal in adversity is you looking like Jesus would if He was in your shoes."
"The truth of God remains the truth of God, and when you remain in the word of God, the truth will set you free."
"The goal of the sacred woman is to get your power back."
"Fear is the opposite of love, and the way you conquer fear is through love."
"You are ready for major awakening and ascension."
"If God allows brokenness in your life, He's going to use it, bring good out of it, and bring you through it."
"Worship Him so that He's pleased with you, not because of anything else, and if He is happy with you, you will see wonders more than what you asked."
"When I find the child, I have found life. Now, I have life in myself; I am no longer an animated body, I am a life-giving spirit."
"Fill us Lord with your Holy Spirit; may our lives be radically changed by you."
"This relationship is truly meant to activate both of you on a spiritual level for evolution."
"Ask Him to forgive you, to cleanse your life, surrender yourself to Him, and watch Him do a marvelous work in your life."
"The wisdom of God will again be seen in His people."
"You've been given an upgrade... You as a spiritual being have gotten a software update from God, which has enhanced your gifts."
"Let the Bible be your authority... if you would commit to it being your authority, it will shape you beautifully for His glory."
"Nothing gets healed until it's seen; you don't spiritual bypass, you don't pretend it's not there."
"A dream stretches my faith. It forces me to trust God."
"Understanding your rising sign and its ruler can offer profound insights into your identity, path in life, and your soul's evolution."
"The progressive regeneration of the soul is an ongoing process."
"Happiness is only possible with enlightenment."
"Spiritual growth is not your spirit growing; spiritual growth is when the rest of you catches up to who you really are."
"Soul expansion. Your consciousness is expanding. You understand the connections of all things."
"Through many tribulations are we able to enter the kingdom of God."
"I have been praying about what this moment will mean for every woman connected to it, and God just told me that this is going to be a space in which women can come and finally exhale."
"For some...this became a scandal, but for those familiar with the stages of spiritual growth, what Mother Teresa went through was an extreme testimony to her holiness."
"You should be increasing in faith, in the knowledge of God, in love of the truth, and in love of the brethren."
"If you're abiding in Christ, you're growing even when you're sleeping."
"There are some ways in which we can sabotage, delay, or even block our spiritual growth."
"I'm going to share the top four things that can delay your spiritual growth and, most importantly, what you can do to reverse these things today."
"Anything that draws you nearer to Him is a true blessing."
"One goes beyond desire, karma, sorrow, shoka, and fear."
"The fruits of the Spirit that we should desire and chase are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."
"Personal transformation does not happen without worship, and worship does not happen without surrender."
"Both divinities, through that transformation, become something greater than they were before."
"Bless me with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope."
"A prosperous person is one who knows how to get other people prosperous in their spirit and in their soul."
"Everything is getting ready to be revealed, and the truth is literally right around the corner. The awakening is happening, and now is the time to step up in light and love."
"You are going through a lot of spiritual growth right now."
"To abide in God, to remain in God, is to take on the nature of God."
"Once you've received the witness after the trial of your faith, that then, in turn, becomes assurance for the next trial of your faith."
"Raising of consciousness truly is a salvation."
"God has given us a beautiful model for spiritual growth in Titus 2 where he calls older women to teach younger women."
"Nothing really more powerful to shift you spiritually than love."
"God is not committed to anybody's comfort this year; He's committed to you being prepared for your calling."
"Salvation isn't just to get somewhere; salvation is to also become like God, to become like Christ."
"Make room for God; fasting is about saying 'Yes' to the Spirit."
"I thank you that in proximity with you, they will come into the proximity of their breakthrough."
"When Allah loves a person or a group of people, He shall test them."
"Anything that brings you closer to Allah is a blessing."
"The ultimate goal is to liberate you from something and to be free from something and to complete and to finish some karma in your life."
"The day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior was the worst, most painful, mind-destroying, horrible moment... But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me, I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe."
"God has made us sure-footed like a deer, enabling us to scale the mountain of God."
"As you get older, as your physical body fails you, you grow in essence. So as the form fades, you grow in essence."
"You're ascending and learning at a rate of knots."
"Sometimes it is not until we face difficulty that we become what God always intended for us to be."
"May the God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."
"Before God uses a man greatly, he must first break him greatly."
"Acknowledging the darkest parts of oneself and striving to overcome them reflects a profound moral and spiritual journey."
"May God kill greed for my life. This attachment to money... wealthy people in the kingdom have become wealthy because they have conquered it."
"He loves us just the way we are, but he loves us just too much to leave us that way."
"You're becoming closer and closer to your higher self each day."
"Every experience in your life gives you an opportunity to grow spiritually."
"It's hard to escape the ascension... we are all in this together, whether you've chosen the fast track or the slow track, we all still get on the plane at the end of the day."
"God will always call you to become better, and the way you become better is by growing."
"There's a you you hadn't met yet that God wants to introduce you to."
"To really integrate change and to allow a spiritual awakening to infiltrate us is to see everything we do as a spiritual practice."
"If you want to have a spiritual awakening, start your own business."
"And wisdom increased in my breast for my spirit retained its memory and my mouth was opened and was no longer closed."
"We need to recognize that there is good for us even in God's rigor just as there is obvious good for us in Allah's giving, His generosity, His rahma."
"I don't want you to be smarter about the future, although there's nothing wrong with that. I want you, I want me, I want us to be the person God wants us to be so that no matter what happens, we can be His person and be a difference maker in the world in which we live."
"The most important thing you can do is renew your mind."
"You're meant to go from glory to glory to glory."
"When you expose it to God, it is the mercy of God, the grace of God, and the goodness of God that steps in and he will begin to empower you for you to experience freedom."
"For every moment you are praying, you are changing, for every moment you are praying, you are growing."
"You're going through a major spiritual transformation where you are evolving into the next level of consciousness."
"God rewards that obedience immediately. You don't even know what blessings you're blocking in your life because of the little compromises that we're making."
"No matter how intense or strong your spiritual bondage is, you can be free."
"God did not call you to go from deliverance to deliverance; He called you to go from glory to glory."
"Cultivate the mind of Christ, cultivate a relationship with Christ, and then cultivate a relationship with the people of God."
"Some young people have quit their jobs to seek spiritual growth and redefine their lives."
"For Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation not to be regretted."
"The greatest miracle is not healing and it's not even deliverance. The greatest miracle is salvation."
"Tradition has robbed most people of the power in the truth that when you encounter God everything changes in your life."
"Repentance is turning away from sin and turning to God for forgiveness."
"The divine masculine is going through massive emotional and spiritual healing."
"There's a very happy ending coming, full circle, and you're going to be going through a spiritual growth."
"Face your fear, major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar."
"When you repent, you're not getting further from the Lord; you're getting closer to him."
"If you can see the blueprint of how family is supposed to be, then you begin to depend on the Holy Spirit to change you into that very image."
"The minute I talk about Ascension, people say I'm spraying opium everywhere."
"When you're asking for forgiveness, you're wondering if you're forgiven. When you thank him for forgiving you, you can move on."
"The frequency has actually increased... it brings the stuff up to the surface that does not resonate any longer."
"If this message blessed you, then you will love the teaching 'The Power of Praying the Scriptures.' In this teaching, I talk about uniting your prayers with the word of God to accomplish the will of God."
"The more God reveals Himself to you, the more your capacity to experience His supernatural power increases."
"Pray the Rosary daily; it's a simple yet profound way to grow closer to Jesus through Mary."
"And as I come to know you more, help me to become more like you. Let my words, my actions, and my desires come to imitate Yours."
"The Quran is compared to rain... it brings the hearts back to life."
"The testing of your faith produces endurance which leads to spiritual maturity and inner peace."
"God is calling for a people who are absolutely totally committed to him, a people who will draw nearer to God each moment."
"We may wake up in the same environment, call the same friends, have the same things around us, but lord spiritually we're in a different place."
"You don't become spiritual by reading books; you need training, a teacher, and a process to go through."
"Renewing our mind in the Word is the only source of this true knowledge."
"What God wants to do in your life may be something that is not a spectacle in front of everybody but it may be the thing that gives you more oil, more approval to do it at a larger scale."
"Recognizing those spiritual lessons... it does take courage, but ultimately, we get amazing rewards."
"Every one of these messages is honestly, y'all know, I told you, I can't preach anything that God's not doing in my life."
"Love doesn't get divided in the gospel of Jesus Christ, love gets multiplied."
"You develop a discerning spirit by practice."
"I release any beliefs that no longer assist in my soul's growth."
"The atonement is not only for people who have done bad things and are trying to be good. It is also for good people who are trying to become better, and serve faithfully, and who yearn for an ongoing and mighty change of heart."
"The only thing that's keeping you from God's best for your life is the idea that you can't possess it. I want you to break out of your comfort zone and to not settle for safe."
"This is a time of spiritual contentment and of coming to terms with power-sharing issues in your life."
"God placed in the church...some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
"Healing is occurring, that's what this silver waterfall is all about."
"Through trials, believers are purified and brought closer to Allah."
"Love like Christ. Learn to forgive quickly and strive to imitate Jesus Christ."
"Lord, help me to set aside everything I think I know for a new experience in you, in myself, in my fellows, and a much-needed new experience in my own recovery."
"The blessing is in the breaking. That which refuses to be broken, refuses to be blessed."
"This mighty change of heart brings us a feeling of freedom, trust, and peace."
"Only by aligning our will with God’s is full happiness to be found."
"The persistence in prayer... is the expansion of the heart and soul outward so as to receive the gift that God wants to give us."
"We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
"Salvation is in three dimensions: We were saved, we are being saved, we shall be saved."
"A breakthrough is a sudden burst of the anointing or awareness or revelation knowledge that will propel you past things that you thought were impenetrable."
"You're not being reformed; you're being transformed...and it's an inside-out job because Jesus Christ now lives within you."
"When God can break through in you, he can break through for you."
"I believe you for miracles, deliverance, healing, restoration, renewal, transformation, change."
"Lord, I pray for a heart like Yours, one that will allow me to bless those who persecute me."
"Most of the prophetic people I know are saying we are coming into a season of breakthrough."
"No true believer is completely satisfied with his or her spiritual progress; every true believer desires to become more like the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Our faith in God comes first if we're going to see everything that God has for us."
"It is only after you humble yourself that the doors of blessings open."
"There is going to be a massive shift when it comes to leadership, when it comes to spiritual leaders."
"Your higher self is so excited because it is taking away and eradicating all the things that are not serving you."
"In my personal life and in my journey in the spirit, there are four things that characterize seasons of breakthrough in a man's life."
"The glory of God, the advancement of Christ's Kingdom, and conformity to Christ are the ultimate divine purposes for marriage."
"Marriage is about your conformity to Christ and learning of unconditional love."
"Contentment is not achieved by seeking to build a kingdom for ourselves; it is achieved by seeking to build the kingdom of God."
"Humanity's blood actually changes when the heart center is activated... the development of the heart and if that does not happen then the human being does not evolve."
"We have to be sharpened by the Lord and learn to recognize the work of the enemy and how to triumph over his attacks against the mind."
"I have reached a whole new level of spiritual consciousness, which is such an amazing thing."
"I am loved and I wish to love, and I recognize I will fail time and time again, but I love because I love He who loves me."
"The two driving factors for Christians are: A) knowing Christ, and B) eternal glory, the resurrection, not new doors opening, soaring to new heights."
"The Lord Jesus will truly glorify Himself, and we are going to see the hand of God and we are going to mature dramatically and profoundly in the truths of God."
"Leave off the prohibitions, and you'll be the greatest of worshipers."
"Experience and love God, grow together, and change lives."
"There are five levels of faith that are spoken of in the scripture... no faith, little faith, weak faith, strong in faith, and great faith."
"Karma is what gets you your whole soul to evolve."
"What God wants to do is so so special through this house, and he's positioning us for impact that we don't even realize."
"Jesus Christ did not suffer so that you would not suffer, but so that when you suffer, you'll become like Him."
"Your spiritual journey is going to peak in the coming 12 months."
"The first and foremost purpose of human life is to grow spiritually and improve ourselves from within."
"Lord forgive me and Lord free me from the bondage of sin that was holding me."
"Each believer in Christ's church needs to be nurtured in God's Word until they're mature enough to disciple someone else."
"God is up to something in your life and in mine; He is using our setbacks to advance our spiritual maturity to a place where we could never go without them."
"You can have joy in the eternal strength of your trust in Christ growing deeper."
"We have to have a lot of grace when discipling people."