
Divine Creation Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork."
"God has already created your entire life while you are yet to discover it."
"Eyes have angels; bodies are covered with eyes...That supernatural ability to see everything, that's something God created."
"He released the two seas meeting side by side...between them is a barrier so neither of them transgresses."
"You are a masterpiece of divine creation, infused with limitless potential and boundless love."
"We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."
"Every single one of you... has been created by God to impact the world."
"God created you to be more than a conqueror."
"Nature, as beautiful as it is, the systems that God created for us to live in, they were created by a master hand."
"But indeed, oh man, who are you to reply against God? Well the thing formed say to him who formed it, 'Why have you made me like this?'"
"Women aren't possessions, they're God's creations and just as important as any man."
"God you form my inward parts, you knitted me together, he sees that there's a personal involvement of God in even the natural biological things that are happening."
"God simply speaks these things into being. He just announces it: 'Let there be an expanse.'"
"With all of our heart let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."
"Faith is both the material as well as the building blocks to building yourself. Belief, belief, belief, belief is powerful."
"We are fearfully and wonderfully made, we are unique, we are made by God unique and we are called and created to be what He has called and created us to be."
"How in the world can you marvel and astonish and stun and take away the breath of a god who just created it all?"
"I don't care what nobody has, if you don't have God, you don't have nothing."
"The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky above proclaims his handiwork."
"By focusing on your God identity, you're fearfully wonderfully made."
"We are incredibly powerful creatures created in the image of God."
"Our help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth."
"When God created you, he said to all his people, 'I'm gonna take my time with this one.'"
"Heaven is a magnificent place created by the greatest creator."
"Your identity is not found in other people or even what you think about your own self but found in who created you."
"Alhamdulillah for Islam, one Allah, a great creator."
"For every dimension, for every form of reality that God has created, there is a system of governing."
"Empty out, empty out, empty out. Give him space, he will create."
"The family is not a product of the state; it was created by God."
"Unless science accepts the proposition of a Divine Creator, it will never find the foundation of its own pursuits."
"Essentially when the Lord created you, He created you to solve a problem."
"Every single one of us is a divinely created intentional being."
"Yeah, they're always signs of hope because, you know, normal people want to live normal lives. By normal people, I mean those who affirm that God's creation, as it's given to us, is good and needs to be upheld and defended."
"People become divine and create gods. Are you surprised, Asclepias? Are you an unbeliever like so many?"
"Forgive the world and you will understand that everything that God created cannot have an end."
"The Lord made a wonderful, sustainable planet."
"We're trying to improve on what God did, and whenever we do that, we find out."
"He created you to change the world, to touch people."
"If the universe is divine because God created it and we are the divine creation of God, you would not expect to find life anywhere else but Earth."
"God created every single guardian angel directly for every man who would ever live."
"That's core to the Christian faith that we were made by God as his highest creation but we sinned right and we now were in a lower spot for the rest of all of human history."
"Humans were created by a higher power. I believe humans were created by a higher power."
"I surpassed all in my vast knowledge of the letters, and was so mighty that I could hold the stars of heaven back, and many divine works did I create."
"I know who my papa is, I know who the creator of the heavens and the Earth is, he's my daddy."
"The whole sound is God's creation humanity in all of its multi colors multi race multi-faith."
"Homosexuality is good, and all good things come from God. Yes, God created homosexuality."
"Your existence is a testament to the Divine Miracle of Life."
"The Sabbath is assigned not only to sanctify but to remind us of God's creative power."
"God loves variety, so he wants a heaven with different aspects to it."
"We all salute the same flag and we are all made by the same Almighty God."
"Not one single person will be lost for it is the workmanship of my hand."
"Let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."
"God created you perfect, not at the mercy of a dream."
"Love yourself, love yourself just the way that God created you. You are a one of a kind, no there are no others like you on the face of this Earth."
"It's time for people to have to just to build a little bit more of a bridge to the other side because we're almost there." - Kevin Hassett
"God didn't make any mistakes on you, but you need to know that and you need to believe that for yourself."
"Absolute insanity to believe that's more complex than an all-powerful God."
"You are not incidental, you are not random, you are not an accident. You are a loved creation of God."
"God created both of them and he found pleasure in both."
"Dark skin, light skin, it doesn't matter what skin color you are, be happy with your skin, God made you the way that you are for a reason."
"Yes, God creates people he knows are going to go to hell but they're freely going to hell on their own."
"The only way to give a full orb response to the world today concerning the issue of human sexuality and gender is to start with the God who made all of these things."
"Remember that God Made You he made you special he made you unique he made you for for a specific purpose and plan in this world that we live in right now."
"Jesus reveals that we were God's invention from the very beginning and we are his children."
"You are made and fitted with the uniqueness of your personality and your temperament in the image of God. You are not introverted by mistake, you are not extroverted by mistake, you are who God created you to be."
"Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."
"Rich and poor have this in common: the Lord is maker of them all."
"Allah's Throne is the largest creation and Allah's mercy envelopes even the largest creation."
"Every child is valuable, every child created in the image of God."
"God Made You Body Soul and Spirit."
"Stem cell is the best thing God has ever created ni God is a chemist."
"God declares you are His masterpiece."
"Let us not compare ourselves with other people in the world since you and I are the precious Heavenly Treasures that God himself made."
"Self-love is to believe when God made you and He looked at you and said, 'It is good,' He was telling the truth."
"Your mama, your mama might not think it's good, your daddy might not think it's good, your wife might not think it's good, your husband might not think it's good, your kids may not think it's good. But when God made you, he stepped back and said, 'That's good.'"
"You're so dope that when God made you, he didn't even make a duplicate."
"You give life, son. I was asking God who I was, and he took me to Genesis and he said, 'The gift I gave you is the one when I made man.'"
"God has a wonderful sense of humor... He created me."
"You are a prototype, a one and an only."
"Science is the study of the handiwork of God."
"Whatever you are today, that ain't what God made. The woman that God made, what a woman."
"Of all the creation God did, we are the only part of his creation that uses words."
"God made you wonderfully and perfectly. He used His creativity to make you, to look beautiful inside and outside."
"The world as we know it today is not the world as God made it but it is the world as man has spoiled it."
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God and their expanse is declaring the work of his hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. This is the word of God."
"You're the best God could do to display who he is."
"By the time He said 'saw' and 'made,' everything came into existence."
"But when we look deeper, there's more that we've got. God made us special."
"The external world is a manifestation in the mind of Ishwara."
"Miracles not because of exaltation but because the god that created this water."
"The only one that can protect you from evil is the one who created it, which is Allah."
"When God makes you, you're well-made."
"I'm not voted by a board. I was made by hands of Heaven."
"Beauty is not evil. If it was evil, God would have never made us beautiful."
"...every single one of us... we are perfectly made by a perfect creator."
"I could sit here and watch him forever. Everything about him is extraordinary. God is so amazing."
"The foods that God created are going to bring us what our body can use."
"I see the sun, I hear the rolling thunder."
"A man leaves his father and mother and pursues his wife—yes. Why? The woman is the greatest of all God's creation."
"God saved his best work for last, because a woman has a special intimacy with the Holy Spirit."
"The Lord God Almighty has many creatures that we have yet to behold."
"You are inherently valuable apart from your usefulness because you're created in the image of God."
"It's the peace and the quiet, it's being alone, it is enjoying the things that God has made."
"All creation bears witness to His glory; man is without excuse because of creation."
"You are a body Spirit Union that is how God has made you."
"You were created by God to live life, not for life to live you."
"You are made enough through Jesus alone."
"It's not magical, but something beautiful and something from God."
"It looked like something the Lord made."
"God thinks you're marvelous; He did not design you with incapabilities."
"Come let us bow down and worship, let us kneel before the Lord our maker."
"Believe in yourself, know that you're created in God's image, and anything that you put your mind and heart to, you can achieve."
"It's one of our favorite foods in the world because it's one of God's finest meat creations."
"God created you the way that you are."
"God has decorated the heavens with constellations like pearls on a dark steed."
"God doesn't run a Xerox machine; He made you just like He made you because He needed you to solve problems that nobody else can."
"God warms the earth and paints a tapestry of colors to give our journey more joy."
"Hello, my friends, and welcome to another exciting adventure into God's limitless outdoors."
"You are the greatest product of Holy Spirit."
"I'd rather be built different because that implies that like God specifically sets some time aside when he's working on me."
"A miracle is when He creates something that wasn't there."
"We're supposed to experience all the full range of emotions that God created."
"If I really trust that God, the almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing God, made me just the way I am, then I should have confidence in that."
"Have you entered the springs of the sea or have you walked in search of the depths?"
"God made you for His glory; He's not made for yours."
"An honest man is the noblest work of God."
"A mother's love is justified by God and from his hands, he created the mold."
"We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
"God breathes into dirt. Quit letting the devil defeat you. God is on your side and created you to be a miracle."
"This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and we will be glad in it."
"You are valuable because you were made by and for God in the same image and likeness I was created."
"Oh Lord God of Israel, which dwelleth between the cherubim, Thou art the God, even Thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; Thou hast made heaven and earth."
"For so many marvels I thank you; a wonder am I, and all your works are wonders."
"God has created us unique and there's a certain thing about you that makes you unique."
"God created the world and it's good, and God wants you to enjoy it."
"I will praise you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made."
"...the creator of everything, God...made humanity each and every one of us in His image."
"We as God's redeemed look at all of that and all we can do is glorify God."
"For thou hast made us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it comes to rest in thee."
"Just own what you got because God made you perfect the way you are."
"My life is not my own, I am God's workmanship."
"Of all the things that God has ever created, the universe, the worlds, the heaven, the moon, the stars... you're his most prized possession."
"We are God's poem, God's artwork, poised between worship and intercession."
"Beautiful flowers like fireweed, forget-me-nots, and the small-flowered paintbrush create an artistic tapestry that only God could design."
"Finally, a purpose. Finally, someone goes, 'Yo, you were here for a reason. God created you.'"
"God has created all creatures, and he wants his creatures to live in harmony with each other."
"God has not created something He opposes; He's made something good that has been spoiled in all of us."
"The heavens declare the handiwork of God."
"Every bird that sings, every sunset you watch, every hand that you hold, every cheek that you kiss... it's all an amazing statement of the glorious goodness of a system that God set up that functions beautifully."
"We stand in awe of the meticulous nature of your craftsmanship."
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am whole, complete, and lacking nothing."
"For this is the day that the Lord has made; we shall rejoice and be glad in it."
"So God created me; I'm not just an engineer or a doctor."
"You were literally tailor-made by the Divine."
"God could not create something unlike Himself; He couldn't make anyone a victim of illness or a broken being."
"He's created me lovable, that He's exactly who He wanted me to be."
"God created you uniquely, and there are things that you are to do on this Earth that no one else has ever done and no one else can do."
"God doesn't make a no-good anything."
"You are God's child, you are God's creation."
"Don't be so focused on what you see that you forget who God created you to be."
"If there is a baby deformed, that you're supposed to love it just like you would love anything else because it's one of God's creatures."
"God created some special people, he created heroes."
"Some say that the Isle of Skye is conclusive evidence that as God was creating the world, He was plainly showing off."
"You are not just a mistake; you were created by God and ordained with a purpose."
"You are my glory when I created you, I created you in my image and in my likeness."
"The Earth belongs to the Lord and the fullness thereof, everything in this earth belongs to God."
"God is a creator because God is all-powerful and has a mind and has a will."
"When God starts forming a person for his glory, it is a marvelous thing to see."
"You can't keep me from being the person God created me to be."
"You are exactly who God made you to be; there is nothing you need to change."
"We're all the main character and that's why God made us as individuals."
"You are made by God, and made of God."
"The City of Celestials, Jerusalem, was created by God before the city was built by the hand of man."
"Sikhi is not man-made at all. It's God-made, totally."
"The god of the Bible created the universe; he wasn't a product of it."
"All of God's children have the capacity to be good, to think and act rightly, because that's the way God made them."
"We are very resilient because God has created us for heaven, not for earth."
"God is the creator who in His wisdom has brought order into our world and our lives."
"Your holy mind is the truth of who you are because that is the you that God created."
"I created you and I have a home prepared for you."
"Thou has created us for thyself, O God, and our souls are restless until they rest in thee."
"You are beautiful the way that you are; God made you perfect."
"The closer you look at what God made, the more incredibly marvelous we realize the universe is."
"If God did not create the earth and all of its lifeforms with selfishness as its organizing principle, then how did the world come to be overtaken by this system?"
"Community, gender, marriage, and sexuality were all God's idea."
"We are God's masterpiece, created in Christ to do good works."
"We're all exactly the way that God made us."
"I can wake up every day loving who God made me to be."
"God made us and God don't make junk. God loves us and nothing can separate us from His love."
"The father created you and he's been loving you all of your life."
"Bringing to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things."
"God made everything good, good, good, very good."
"What God did not create does not exist, and everything that does exist, exists as He created it."
"God has made a kaleidoscopic universe that vibrates with sound and energy."
"I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex; everything you do is marvelously breathtaking."
"Whatever God found can never be broken."
"God doesn't create us as copies, God creates us as unique expressions of personhood."
"God created you beautifully and wonderfully in His likeness and image."
"It's the kind of place God would have built if he had sufficient cash flow."
"When God looked at what he had done, he said it is good."