
Long-term Goals Quotes

There are 815 quotes

"By focusing on the skills involved in a task, rather than the object results, I can fuel my motivation consistently long-term."
"Live like no one else today so that later in life you could live like no one else."
"It's not just about weight loss, it's not just about fat loss, it really is about establishing these incredible healthy habits to be able to take you long term so you not only reach your goals but you maintain, you stay at this lifestyle and also it's something you can stick to long term."
"You can accomplish more in 10 years than you think, less in a year than you think."
"What is grit? Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals."
"It's not crazy to do 25 minutes of work on something that will benefit you in five years every day."
"Basically, any time I find myself trading my time for money, I always think, okay, this is fine for the short term, but it's definitely not where I want to be in the long term."
"People overestimate what they can do in a short amount of time and underestimate what they can do in the long term."
"The point of the challenge is not for you to actually lose the weight; it's for you to understand it's a lifelong process, not six weeks."
"Humans, in general, will not endure short-term discomfort for long-term achievement."
"I want to be an 80-year-old climbing that mountain, kicking ass, having a career, healthy, and if I don't implement changes today, I'm not going to be able to reach that goal."
"The metrics help us measure how much of the iceberg we've revealed, but the infinite game is understanding that the majority of our work still lies undiscovered."
"Becoming an interplanetary species, and eventually an interstellar one, is not something that is going to happen overnight."
"Discipline is about achieving that long-term goal... those long-term goals are going to take a while to achieve."
"Success happens when you can sacrifice these short-term pleasures... and wait, put in effort, work hard, and help you get to that long-term sustained pleasure."
"Everyone's taking short-term comfort... if you want to achieve anything in life, you need to take short-term discomfort for long-term gain."
"Learn how to play the long game. We need to be done with time urgency."
"This ETF is more appropriate for long-term goals where your money's growth is essential."
"It's not because they were expert stock pickers...it's because they focused their eyes on the prize and they weren't misdirected by time."
"It will take us 208 years to achieve gender equality in the United States."
"My goal is not to get rich quick, it's to get rich for sure."
"Everything important in life requires huge amounts of effort over long periods of time."
"To bring about long-term systemic change in the criminal justice system, the educational systems, and the healthcare system."
"You must make sacrifices for the long-term vision of your life."
"Making the right decisions to reach your long-term goals more quickly requires a solid foundation of financial education."
"Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years."
"We're on this journey for the long run, and it seems that we now have a working tool that we can continue improving to try to achieve this ultimate goal of bringing back these amazing golden kelp forests."
"No matter how many battles you win, the ultimate goal of a battle is a means to an end—to win the war strategically."
"If you really want to be in it for the long haul, all you're gonna do that stuff well because the results of two and three and four or five years are really what's important to you."
"Weight loss will happen, but that isn't the goal. The goal is to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life."
"This has been something I've wanted for ages, so I'm so happy I finally got it all together."
"Across the entire 1000 chapter story, defeating Big Mom has become one of Luffy's most long-running explicitly absolutely desired goals in history writing."
"If this video can help you gain a sizable muscle mass over the next six months a year two years three years on body parts that were lagging boy it's gonna be worth the hour and a half."
"I'm gonna continue doing this for as long as I can."
"Be consistent. It's like a marathon in a way."
"The incredible looking progress eagle may be a dream right now but its designers believe it could become a reality by 2030."
"The moon is no more than an interim step on the way to our long-term goal, which is Mars."
"Wouldn't you rather have been working on something that you're really happy with for 10 years?"
"Our current ownership seems very much set on 'I will get there in the end.'"
"Their long-term intentions involve building a beautiful home and family with you."
"Extend your timeline. You want to become a millionaire? Great, give yourself five years, give yourself 10 years. You don't need to rush."
"It starts with your mindset the goal is long-term wealth creation."
"Look at life as a marathon, it is not a sprint."
"Take all the time in the world to professional craft reflect your passion and just take small steps every little step towards your goal will get you there."
"Taking on responsibility for other people to do things of value is in the end gonna be more important than worrying about the happiness in the moment."
"We need to be reminded that in total and over a significant period of time, these seemingly small things bring to pass great things."
"That's what we've realized we like to do and I think that's a really important thing that if you want to be with someone long term you have to figure out what you want to do together."
"Don't sell out what you want most for what you want right now." - Tom
"A journey of a billion miles will require 31 steps."
"Don't give up; stay on track for the long haul."
"Don't give up, it might take a long time but it's going to be very, very well worth it."
"Commit to being patient with this process, it's going to take multiple years to do this and you know what, this is okay because you're going to be baby stepping your way up and up and up."
"The race of life is not a sprint at all, it's a long cross-country run."
"We're looking for so many more years of it going forward."
"Pace yourself, this is a marathon not a Sprint."
"Long term, I am convinced that Tesla will be the most valuable company on Earth."
"A man with a vision is also more willing to sacrifice short-term comfort for long-term gain and reward."
"The end justifies the means. What I’m doing, I’m doing for posterity. To save the world."
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take a journey over the next 30 years to break down how exactly this series came to be what it is today."
"We were just leading up to this, we knew. Yeah, we knew. We played the long game."
"Real pleasure fulfillment comes from something much longer... reaching a point where you've done all these great things."
"Advancing equity is not a one-year project, it's a generational commitment." - Joe Biden
"Henry VII was the only king for more than a century who had achieved all three goals."
"Never accept a deal that's going to sacrifice the long term."
"We all feel a tremendous obligation to deliver in the long run to build great companies."
"The climb to the summit is a marathon, not a sprint."
"I'd rather take 20 years and complete this journey."
"The trajectory is more important than the current circumstance."
"Your Financial Freedom is a lot like the Shawshank Redemption... you have to earn that freedom with time."
"Rome wasn't built in one day, but you gotta see a vision to be patient, don't you?"
"The both of you want to obtain something long-term."
"We're holding out for something long-term and real."
"Rational optimism: the path between now and then is going to be a disaster, financially, psychologically, career-wise, in order to get the reward of optimism on the other end."
"I'd rather win ten years from now than lose forever."
"It actually passively establishes a long-term goal for the player over the course of this game."
"You don't stop when you get frustrated, you pursue for as long as it takes."
"People overestimate what they can do in six months but underestimate what they can do in five years 10 years 35 years."
"The goal is to be wrong really fast and to be right for a long time."
"Ultimately, success comes from taking a decade-long view."
"Beat the market, especially over the long term."
"Don't focus on coming up quick. Focus on coming up, period."
"Creating a new life that we want to set us up for the next 35 years of our life in very, very positive ways."
"You're investing in yourself. It's the long-term journey, not the short-term pleasures."
"Nothing great is built overnight, and there are no shortcuts."
"So if we grow our production capacity as shown by 2030, we can be 100 sustainable by 2050."
"The US and Germany declaring intentions for a long-term partnership."
"We expect short-term pain for long-term gain."
"The messy middle: where days are long but years will be short. Just keep swimming."
"If this is your passion, if this is what you love to do, and one day this can be your full-time gig, I mean how awesome is that?"
"If you don't make decisions in the short term with your long-term goals in mind, they will be impossible to achieve."
"It's going to be the work of decades to reverse that atomization of society... to recreate social bonds."
"Discipline is about achieving long-term goals that take adaptability and flexibility."
"They want to move your connection into the tent of cups, to have a relationship, the family, the home, amazing times together."
"Don't expect results overnight. It's a long-term lifestyle. Just enjoy every step of the way."
"So put your focus there... so that long-term we can actually change it back and everyone ends up being better off as a result."
"My goal is to help you keep that weight off for the rest of your life."
"We need to be laser-focused on our selected businesses' performance and we need to stay focused on the long term."
"I am seeing that opportunity is going to be awaiting for you and that you'll be surprised because things that you have worked for like years before even what you're doing now is going to come into fruition."
"Hopefully it's motivational, hopefully it's encouraging, and hopefully it does get you guys to see the bigger game, the bigger picture, and stay in the game."
"That's the game, stay focused on the long term."
"There are no quick fixes, so meaningful change is going to take a lot of effort."
"You could have a million and a half bucks in the bank in 40 years with just a hundred dollars a week."
"We will accomplish more as a community in one generation than a thousand government policies will accomplish in 200 years."
"Heading towards commitment, towards stability, towards long term."
"It's too long. We need to get back there and have a permanent base on the moon."
"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."
"Eat shit for a couple of years now so you can eat caviar for the rest of your life."
"The goal is not to get rich today, the goal is to get rich in time..."
"What happens over time, what you're going to realize is that really what you're building, while you're here, is that Core Essence."
"I care more about having a long-term relationship with some of you than a parasitic relationship with all of you."
"If we can win more days, then we win more weeks, then we win more of months and even more quarters, more years and we win the decade."
"This is about a marathon. I want to be here for the race."
"My game wasn't about being better than you at 13, it was to be better than you when the chips are really on the line."
"Instead of going for lottery ticket Investments, you can now invest in conventional markets and still achieve a pretty good long-term return."
"Once you start seeing results is when you'll decide to stick with it."
"He has made the achievement of this goal by 2049 his top foreign policy priority."
"I need this. I hope we keep doing it for a long time."
"Trust the process because if you give it your all, it will pay back in three years' time."
"The universe is on your side, so it's like everything is working to help you build this long-term love."
"A win for this team, it's been 12 years since they won."
"Mars is the next natural step; it's the only planet we have a shot at establishing a self-sustaining city on."
"It's a marathon, Rome didn't fall overnight, be patient."
"Undying belief, terrifying fear, and the ability to delay gratification."
"It is the moment we have been working towards for the past ten seasons."
"Call me crazy, see you in 10 years at the finish line."
"All this will not be finished in the first 100 days, nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet but let us begin."
"It's good because we get to plan 20 years down the road."
"Focus on investing for the long haul, for life-changing wealth and financial freedom."
"You've got to begin now and you can get to an incredible place at the end of 24 months."
"Our efforts at the Moon are not the conclusion, but rather the preparation for all that lies beyond."
"This challenge is more of a marathon than a race"
"Maybe adopt a more nuanced approach to politics based around long-term ideological goals."
"I think the only way to stand out is to stand out for the long term."
"It's not about feeling good right now, it's about true reward which comes from a lot of work and dedication."
"I really believe that dedicating everything towards trying to build this company and its sustainability moving forward is something that I'm not going to regret."
"I feel like this is just luck... something you've been working towards for a very long period of time."
"Empires are not built in a day. That's what we're doing, we're going for the gusto."
"Their team has been approved for the infamous 100 year quest."
"Not everything happens overnight, but keep going because every good thing takes time."
"Success is only truly meaningful when you consider sustain it in the long term."
"Luffy has been saying since chapter one that he will be king of the Pirates and now 900 chapters later the world is starting to believe it too."
"Endurance is key, it's not a sprint but a marathon race."
"I'll try my best to stay motivated and keep grinding throughout this whole year."
"Start now, work hard, and embrace delayed gratification. That's how you become the happy one in the end."
"The ability to delay pleasure for a greater good."
"We're not just trying to win a battle, we're trying to win the war."
"If you're not willing to fail consistently for five or ten years, you don't want it that bad."
"This is what we've been working for for the past four years."
"The ultimate goal in the long run is to bring more supply online."
"Terraforming Mars is the ultimate goal for making it habitable."
"Even though it may take some time, even though it may be difficult, through our collective efforts, we will create a new world."
"This is a marathon not a sprint, dude. I got another 60, 70 years, last days, you know?"
"We're gonna have to work our way through the fields and hopefully by the end of season 2 season 3 season 10 I don't know how long this is going to take will hopefully be the best team in Formula One winning the Constructors is the end goal."
"The real important thing... is ultimately moving away from our addiction to hydrocarbons." - Stressing the importance of long-term energy sustainability amidst global conflicts.
"I've been doing this process now for 10 years... all the crazy things that I've written down... ended up coming into my life."
"We wish him luck on his long, long journey home."
"You believing you can do something a little by little 10 years later you'll be different."
"Do not let temporary discouragement bad moods and setbacks hold you back from your long term goals."
"The world can get better, but I'll have to take all the time I can."
"That is title number five, thirteen more to go."
"The soul to Solstice sojourn is not merely a fast but a celebration of light, life, and the magnificent interconnectedness of all existence."
"It is a marathon not a sprint." - He literally said in the pits.
"Productivity, when it comes to the things that matter, is always a long-term marathon."
"We have a long way to go to dismantle those entrenched systems of white supremacy."
"Elon is not driven by quarterly results; he's driven by dominating markets and changing the world."
"A journey of a thousand miles requires steps."
"Ultimately, a journey of a thousand miles requires steps."
"A Venusian breakthrough might be like something that you've been working on for a long time that suddenly you are able to... you have a breakthrough... any kind of Venusian breakthrough..."
"You've got to get to the core of are these things truly best for me and truly something that I can sustain and see happiness with in the long-term?"
"It's going to take a long time. We can't redress 70 years of destruction in four years."
"Leorio is in the nen game for the Long Haul."
"I want to do something important enough and create something important enough that lasts."
"The goal here is to see how many seasons it takes for this team to win a Super Bowl. I'm imagining with the core of this team, we're probably looking at like five, six, seven seasons."
"This is your three years to get it to materialize all right march to of 2007 to February 2020 March of 2000 and 23 to February 2026."
"What about for the Long Haul? Am I actually ready for this?"
"If I want to do this for 20 years, which I would love, it's such a fun thing to do."
"There's something about the way that some people have approached the law of attraction that's kind of instant gratification, and I like the fact that Swedenborg's message is more about the long game."
"We freaking made it. We're in Costa Rica here. It doesn't feel real yet. I feel like it's going to take a while for it to sink in because we've dreamt about this for so long."
"Fitness is not something where you work hard for two, three days or two months even, get results, and then you're set for life."
"Goals you've forgotten about for 35 years sometimes they get ticked off the list too."
"We better start, we better stop looking at that pothole in the road and start looking out in the distance where we actually want to travel to and seeing how we can get there."
"We have to work collectively over the long term."
"In life, to achieve real success, you're running a marathon, not sprinting, and you have to maintain a consistent pace."
"Rejecting utilitarianism, pursuing a long-term happiness that doesn't necessarily have to do with pleasure but is above that and better than that."
"Slow and steady wins the race. This is 100 a marathon, it is not a sprint."
"Great things take time, and it's all going to be worth the wait."
"Brain is a little more pissed off that in 20 years he hasn't managed to take over the world."
"You're building something, something that's gonna last."
"Justice is the goal and it's way down the line."
"Living in such a way... it's a program for cultural transformation."
"We tend to overestimate what we can do in the short term and underestimate what we can do in the long term."
"Overall, this is like a 20-year journey and like we've crushed it."
"The long-term strategy of buying solid companies, holding them for many years, and borrowing against your portfolio to use that money tax-free is exactly what I am doing."
"This is not a get-rich quick scheme overnight. This is diligence, being determined over a longer period of time."
"I'm here long term. I'm not here to just get in, get my chips off the table, and go."
"I've just kind of had in my heart for a really long time that it was something we were going to do."
"Build something long-term with careful consideration."
"Eventually, my long-term goal is, I want to like, ideally years in the future tear it down and build a new shop in its place that's more of a garage rather than a shop."
"This is a shift from the kind of let's buy somebody and hope that they can score 30 goals this season so that we can win now to saying where are we going to be in three years where we're going to be in five years."