
Moderation Quotes

There are 4972 quotes

"It's the classic Goldilocks phenomenon; not too much, not too little."
"One is too many and all the drinks in the world are never enough."
"Muscle gain is a good thing, but there's no such thing as an infinitely good thing. All good things eventually become neutral things, and all neutral things eventually, if you get more of that good thing, become bad things."
"Eat until you three-fourths satisfied, not full."
"If something's already too sweet, perhaps it's time to add a bit of salt to balance it out."
"Life can be very hard, so sometimes it's good to get away, but escapism must be in moderation, otherwise, we risk losing our humanity, detached from the truth and what's real, vulnerable to being part of an evil machine, and probably miserable because of it."
"The dialogue between the moderate left and the moderate right is what keeps our ship stabilized."
"I hope that he and his current moderation team are holding themselves to a higher standard."
"Being selfish in moderation is a form of self-love."
"Whenever she makes me dessert, she put them in a little jar, just enough so they don't go to waste."
"I believe in moderation, but I don't believe in censorship."
"It's not sustainable, don't be too extreme with everything in your life."
"If you're able to appreciate being able to deny yourself something that you want... any good thing, too much of it becomes a bad thing."
"Remember moderation, balance, and self-love."
"Sometimes discipline shows up in exercising self-restraint, knowing when to pull back, knowing when to take a more gentle approach."
"Too much of anything is bad. Too much candy is bad. Too much money is bad."
"It's all about making sure that you're not overdoing it in any one particular area."
"If you're hungry then eat, don't starve yourself, but control how much unhealthy foods you eat and control overeating."
"Our body is what we're created to be active, not to overwhelm them with so much food and laziness."
"Moderation on social media platforms is never going to be perfectly consistent."
"Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."
"You don't need to chase every single vice you have."
"Saudi Arabia has suddenly become very moderate; in fact, ever since the new king has come in, they've allowed women to drive, all kinds of things are starting to change over there very rapidly."
"Ultimately, a little ultra-processed snack here and there won't hurt, but the problem is that most Americans aren't having a little ultra-processed snack here and there."
"Black girl luxury to me is the bags, the trips, the self-care, the nice things, but it's also doing it reasonably, modestly, and in a way that truly works for your lifestyle."
"Massive shout out to the amazing FNaF SB moderators. They do a ton of work out of the goodness of their heart and have been one of the most well-kept moderation teams I've ever seen."
"There are two extremes. One extreme is harsh, where everything is haram... The other extreme is where everything is halal. Take the middle path."
"We are very focused on removing harmful content and reducing the spread of borderline content."
"It's really about moderation. It really is. When you do things constantly, the body is amazing."
"Moderators can hand out permanent bans that extend to all versions of Minecraft Bedrock, that's right, on different platforms as well."
"If you've got like verifiable, documented moments of racism on the server, I don't want that on my server."
"Moderation isn't bad, but bad moderation is."
"I would much rather have tea once a day and have a delicious treat or cake with it than deprive myself of that joy."
"I personally don't believe in cheat days... practice moderation."
"It's okay to have a cookie, it's okay to have two cookies... just moderation will get you so much farther."
"We need moderation, unselfishness, and balance."
"The answers to problems do not lie in the extremes."
"The Japanese have this saying, 'Hara hachi bu,' which means to eat until you're 80% full."
"It's all about moderation and finding what works for you."
"The most basic thing we need to do is have some major reforms of our political institutions to encourage more moderation, compromise, and cooperation."
"It's not about extremes; it's about balance."
"It's not about going cold turkey. It's more about moderated, controlled, positive use of this technology."
"Basically, I'd like to get more Aristotle into the general culture. Focusing on the golden mean between laziness and overworking is difficult to argue against."
"Validation is important for children, just as much as moderation is."
"Just trying to be healthier overall...cleaning up the diet a little bit, trying not to drink as much."
"I really love eating cake but I don't eat it often because it's not healthy."
"The interesting thing that I find about your work is that although you're obviously engaged in the substances that you take...you've never seen you cross the line into someone who's just kind of recreationally being very blase around the drugs."
"I don't want to overflow you, like what Olive Garden does when they put the cheese on the salad. I'll tell you when to stop."
"The data has repeatedly shown that moderates and conservatives consume media from the left and know the left-wing argument, but the left doesn't do the other."
"Getting healthy with money is very similar to the way you get healthy with food, which is to say, in a very moderate and progressive way that allows for the way you honestly live your life."
"Cheat days don't do it, cheat meals yes, but time and a place."
"Everything in moderation, but don't restrict yourself too much."
"Embrace life, enjoy life, take care of your family, take care of those who are in need, lead a life of discipline and moderation."
"The most important thing is to know the measure."
"Any comments that have spoilers in them and they seem like an accident will just be removed because I understand it sometimes you actually mess up and you hint towards something or spoil something because maybe you don't know the rules."
"The truth on the matter, however, is where it normally is between the two extremes."
"In other matters, they were, as a rule, generous and not greedy, but contented and moderate, so that estates, farms, workshops, and small trades tended to remain unchanged for generations."
"When you fill up on good quality food, you are so full and satiated that the smallest amount of chocolate is actually a reasonable treat."
"Allah recognizes that sometimes you can have a proportion of something without it being the whole thing, and it's better for you to undercut it early on so that it does not become to your detriment not in this life and more importantly not in the Hereafter."
"Balance your commitments. Promote equilibrium in all things you do. Don't overextend yourself."
"Too much of anything is bad, too little of anything is bad."
"Too much of something is never a good thing."
"We all need to calm our tits or our balls, Left, Right, Center."
"Procedural generation is best used in procedural moderation."
"I think if I was more moderate, I don't think I would have done half of the things that I was able to get completed."
"Moderation, moderation, all things in moderation."
"You can really only afford one vice in most income scenarios."
"Don't start your vacation by drinking around the world; pace yourself."
"A Discord server is meant to be fun don't take it too seriously don't be so crazy about the numbers just have fun."
"Moderation is key to making this a healthy, sustainable lifestyle."
"Moderation is good, but overindulging can lead to health complications."
"One should not allow his feelings to swing too far to the right or the left."
"Be kind to our moderators because I'll nuke all of you from orbit."
"He's constantly evolving. You see, he can trust that whatever positions he says he holds that are moderate, they'll be gone within a couple of years."
"Being reasonable as a conservative is not being a radical."
"Let's not go overboard, it was a very good performance."
"You don't just want to go 100 all the time with no downside to that. That's a very boring type of interaction."
"At least you're straddling that line instead of just going overboard and just into a disastrous state."
"There's a side where the government has to do its part and there's a side where we as a community have to do our part."
"I could eat anything as long as I wasn't overeating."
"Removing loud extremes gives the center more power."
"Both sides need to leave their extremists... and actually try to talk to each other."
"Maybe do a bit less of everything, not be so greedy."
"I do not recommend fasting every day... Alternate day fasting... three days per week is perfect."
"Video games are good for the brain in moderation."
"You must drink one, you have to have five, but this you must drink one."
"Biden happens to represent the rational, reasonable part of his side."
"Our Discord community is growing fast and it's, I'm trying very much so to keep it moderated correctly but boy, is it getting difficult."
"If I had to choose between eating and being a little bit hungry at the end of each meal or having to eat when I'm completely stuffed, I would choose the former."
"The path of development is not to one extreme or another, it's the middle way."
"The Senate was designed to play this independent and, I might emphasize, moderating role in our government."
"For every move that the left has gone more bananas with everything... the right has actually moderated."
"It's really, really important that you turn down the tribalism, not up."
"Any good thing in excess is a poison...you want to be in the middle with things with many things."
"If the Democrats in the media just like took a second to breathe and they said how about we nominate someone who's just calm, a populist moderate kind of like Trump but not as bombastic..."
"It takes a lot of principle to know when you can be like a Brash Advocate and when you have to kind of dial it down."
"There has to be flag-bearers, ones that sort of bridge the divide between the extremes, and just, it's not pulling over to the other side, it's just sort of pulling back to the middle a bit."
"There must be a reasonable space between climate change doomers and deniers."
"There's nothing wrong with being hungry every now and then."
"We're not asking for saying anything extreme, just common sense gun reform."
"It's because of them that I can do streams like this. Salute to my mods."
"Throughout this painting process, while it's good to get up close and really work on those details, you're probably going to want to take a step back and make sure that you're just not overdoing it."
"Alright, you're at like an 11, we need to get you down to a five, five and a half tops."
"I really think there has to be a fine balance."
"Let's give a big shout-out to all the fine mods of day9 TV."
"You have become this temperance who's all about their balance in life."
"I honestly wish that when we had to discuss you know the internet or net neutrality or moderation of comments on internet platforms I wish that wasn't a political topic."
"Western policy should get behind forces of modernization and moderation."
"But then people say it should not be too artificial. - There's a moderate line."
"If the Democrats had run a bunch of moderates, they would have done better across the country than they actually did."
"I hope Elon as he purges the Bots as he lifts the insane woke rules on speech as he fires the people who were enforcing this leftist censorship policy I hope he doesn't doesn't go a little bit too far."
"Fun is good, fun is encouraged, fun is something you want to participate in moderation is the key in all this stuff."
"Despite all of this, limits should obviously be put in place."
"It'd be a very good thing for the country if the Democratic Party would move somewhere closer to the semblance of sanity."
"So I'm here to tell you that. The good news is that, yes, you can still eat your chocolate and you could still have your coffee, just be careful what else you mix in with them."
"Stay grounded, avoid extremes, and people will be truthful."
"Just eat well 95% of the time... so we can enjoy it when we don't."
"The sensible moderate voices on AI risk are now saying things that sound a lot like the more radical voices."
"Moderation is a sacred game and it should be taken seriously and you should make a good effort to produce a good conversation."
"If you give your body what it needs, when it needs it, later on it's not gonna be trying to... overindulge."
"I'm like a moderate, you know? We're fighting for the soul of our nation."
"Moderation is the key to the longevity of nations."
"Patience is key. You've got to be really patient, not overdo it. It's key, really key."
"No one ever got skinny from having one salad and no one ever got fat from having one donut or a slice of pizza."
"Extremism is only extremism if you take the position of having a moral compass and of being a moderate person." - Anthony
"Big thanks to our moderators, they do a fantastic job."
"These mods keep this a safe place for us to hang out."
"Moderation is the key to not have too many limits on you."
"You don't even have a group of people that are advocating for the more reasonable middle ground."
"There are no moderators left in our culture."
"Eat till you're full, not till you're stuffed."
"Just chill out and don't have to go for that adrenaline rush every time you play poker."
"Everything is good in moderation... it's all relative though."
"So I think I could do it in a way that propels the conversation further but not to the point where I'm advocating for a specific worldview."
"It's all about balance eventually. A few bites and donuts won't make it or break it."
"I have fun with it, but I don’t play it constantly."
"Take it easy on yourself, don't feel like you have to necessarily overextend yourself."
"Understanding these scientific mechanisms underscores the importance of moderation and timing when consuming alcohol."
"Slow mode is honestly like an absolute lifesaver for streamers."
"We think that the answer is not some giant leap but rather a little bit of moderation."
"If she feels strong enough to drink in moderation and cannabis is helping her, I'm obviously a huge supporter of it."
"The Democrats have put forward some new modest reforms."
"Our community is just amazing, obviously the community team and our volunteer mods have been wonderful."
"There is balance in the world... Not everything is an extreme... Take a chance this month."
"I think that they both have some good ideas, they both go to two extremes, and they need to compromise."
"Moderation is important... not like the hypocrisy stuff... that go you think deliberately showing porn to minors..."
"He's the guy you want to ban from every platform."
"Understanding both sides keeps me in the middle."
"Biden's coming out now way more moderate than people thought he was going to be."
"All I'm saying is, either extreme is bad, let's find a middle ground here."
"You don't have to solve every problem that people have 100%."
"You cannot ever eat the entire buffet but enjoy your meal."
"Lay low, don't blow up - short-lived intensity in the sky."
"Anything you overdo... will have a side effect."
"Just stop eating when you are full... you pretty much can have whatever you want, but you can't have it all at once."
"In this age of everyone having their own truth, public moderate debates are important."
"Not everybody who voted for the Nazis was an extremist that wanted to murder all the Jews."
"How about we stop doing the all or nothing mentality? It causes more harm than good."
"There's some things that you are in the middle in that you're supposed to master."
"Every personality trait is bad without moderation."
"Can we have a big hand in the chat for the mods who are just being constantly lovely?"
"Wisdom understands the importance of balance and moderation."
"Teach it like it's all about balance. You can have birthday cake if it's a balance. You can't have cake every meal."
"Going to extremes is always bad. Balance is important in everything."
"I'd much rather live in a world where aimbotters get the occasional free pass then allow these kinds of people to freely roam around unchecked."
"Do one to two cups daily but not more than that or you risk burning out your adrenals and causing problems with your blood sugar, so just be careful with that."
"Religious moderates can't stand for this discourse."
"My mods have done an absolutely fantastic job moderating all of my live streams."
"Nothing is off-limits, but if you're just trying to spew a bunch of hate or [__], then people are gonna flag that."
"There is a middle way, and the middle way may be just to go your own way."
"It's fun to do a video where I'm angry at the right, but just go a little... By the way, you people on the left, like this, cut it out. This doesn't win anybody over."
"Why do we have to insist on glorifying the extremes when we all know that moderation, as unfucking sexy as it may be, is actually what works?"
"We are very proud to have a troll-free chat."
"You kept yourself balanced, never indulging in excess."
"We've handed power over to the individual creators... to set their own moderation rules."
"Find the extremes... and drive a truck right through the middle."
"Moderation is key, take care of your inner world."
"The truth typically lies somewhere in the middle."
"Moderation is key—avoid overindulgence and excess."
"It all comes down to moderation guys, including moderation."
"It's okay to eat junk food but it's not okay to eat it all the time specifically because you're my dad."
"It's better to be sparing with ingredients... the best pizza has just the right amount of sauce and just the right amount of cheese on it."
"Christians who have overstated things, you need to back off a bit, faithfully to the evidence."
"Do you guys think that I'm fair with my ban Appeals? I am extremely [__] fair."
"Alarmism is not something I am very much in favor of on either side of the political aisle."
"Let's not go crazy here but... I just want to emphasize moderation." - Dr. B
"Consuming in moderation is something that I certainly would advocate for."
"WWE's priorities are clearly fucked up. They don't give a fuck about the fans, they don't give a fuck about the prestige of the Royal Rumble."
"Temperance card is all about balance and moderation."
"The conclusion I keep coming back to is, let's eat a little bit less of it."
"Life is all about balance with anything that you do."
"Moderation is key in both vegan/vegetarian and omnivorous diets."
"Most people are reasonable, fairly moderate. Most Americans are."
"If pleasure becomes the norm, that's when you gotta start modifying yourself."
"It's never recommended to drink every single day."
"I'm not gonna be taking all the super chats like normally I might read one or two but I don't want... save that for another stream."
"Luxury in moderation is exactly what I love."
"This never would have happened if roblox mods noticed the red flags he showed on twitter."
"You don't have to fast 20 hours out of the day."