
Spiritual Path Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised."
"This is one path, the path of yoga, and Swami Vivekananda was a master yogi. He wrote his classic Raja Yoga, his commentary on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras."
"There is a path of light already paved before you."
"The fourth noble truth is that there is a way to go beyond suffering, there is a method to it, that is called Marga, the way, the well-known Eightfold Way."
"Whenever I see a white horse, it tells me that this person's on the path of their highest good."
"Buddhism is a path without fear, that's our goal, that's on offer here, how to live with no fear at all."
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105)
"You are going to be on the path of your higher calling and this is why it's going to be so lucky."
"Spiritual path now, there's two ways to look at it: the Darwinian way and the Vedantic way."
"Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
"Verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; worship Him alone. That is the straight path."
"Do you wish to get to God? Take his way, so quiet, so easy."
"Suffering for righteousness' sake is a sign you're on the right path."
"The heart of the path is compassion, and the heart of compassion is compassion for ourselves."
"It's a lie, a major deception to think that keeping the commandments or being on the Covenant path is somehow the slog, the hard, the miserable life."
"God's got some blessings for you in 2020 that's gonna blow your mind but you got to get in God's path in order to get what God has you must be in his pattern."
"Many will choose the broader way leading to death instead of life."
"This allows you to be of the greatest service to the most people it allows you to have the greatest freedom to follow your spiritual path."
"Part of your spiritual path and purpose might actually be to help other people."
"Jesus said, 'I am the way, the door, and the life.' There's no other way. No one can come to the Father any other way except through me."
"You are on the right path and on your purpose spiritually speaking even though at times it seems like your ego does jump in and try to question this."
"I am paving this path that will lead you to your dreams. Trust in my timing."
"Embrace this magical time and allow the celestial forces to guide you towards a fulfilling and meaningful path."
"A little way is the means of attaining sanctity by which the soul's supernatural relationship with its heavenly mother and father is modeled on the natural relationship that a little child has with its earthly mother and father."
"Listen to it. It's leading you to something that's very much meant to be where your soul path lies."
"Your path is divinely very much protected at this time."
"The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord."
"Recognize that the universe loves us and is trying to get us on our path."
"Jesus said unto them, I am the way, the truth, and the life."
"The direct path to self-knowledge is within us always."
"Motherhood is a spiritual path it is a spiritual journey like there's so many spiritual lessons within you."
"It's up to you to stay on your divine path, to listen to your own intuition."
"This is a life path, a decision to do with this holy love here."
"Your true wealth is in your spiritual path right now."
"The broad way leads to destruction, the narrow way leads to eternal life."
"This path of surrender, what you call the highest spiritual path."
"There's a walk that we are all supposed to have that we are supposed to have near and dear to us."
"You'll find the way, the truth, and the life."
"You're walking the path of God or the path of the universe."
"If you pursue the satisfying of some of your deepest desires some of your genuine desires with an attitude of mindfulness and consciousness and you put it in the proper context."
"If you can surrender and let go certain cravings... that's the most direct path."
"New beginnings are a cornerstone of our faith, offering us a path to transformation and renewal."
"This new age, it's turning of enlightenment and people understanding our love path, our course, our life path purposes, all of these things."
"Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight."
"There's all this light and this beautiful path, and they see it. They feel passionate about it."
"There's only one way to the Father and that's Jesus."
"If God were among us, would He make us walk such a painful path?"
"That's how you know you're on the path. We're all on a path."
"It's a readiness for the new path but also faith that the Sun consciousness life life itself, the sentient essence of life knowing that it's very much aware of you."
"Allah made the path to Halal easy and the path to Haram difficult."
"Mars here is looking to find the fortunate action and bold courage to follow a deeper path of true spiritual philosophy or faith for some of you cancer people."
"The way of knowledge that Jesus taught was not just a better way, it was a totally different way."
"The solar system is a school, and we are on an Ascension path now which means that we rise in our form."
"May Allah keep you and guide you on the straight path."
"By His grace, I get to walk right back into the plan He has for me."
"I know that the covenants and ordinances that we make, if we will live them and stay true to them, will keep us on a covenant path."
"Every synchronicity tells you you're on the path."
"There is only one way to heaven, and that is through Jesus Christ."
"Believe love do follow this path and God will work miracles to you to bless his precious children..."
"The ones that do begin to atone will have a different path of integration."
"This situation is on your soul path, 1 million billion percent."
"This is where we're going to dive in in this video, the trajectory that we have as lightworkers is mind-boggling."
"Feeling disappointed? Your guides want you to be aware you're on the right track."
"The end, the latter part of the human experience, from the awakening to the full entrance into the fifth kingdom, is what we would call the spiritual path."
"Sometimes that light will send you back to the path you're trying to leave."
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. If you follow me, I will show you the way to everlasting life."
"God the Father has a plan... His plan is a path of holiness."
"For the way of the Lord is the way of wisdom; I choose the way of the Lord."
"The time that you did not have provision will determine if you can still look at Jesus and say, 'Jesus, You're my provider,' you have entered the right path."
"Follow the path of love and all things are added, for God is love and God is supply."
"The Initiates who took their oaths in the presence of the Flame renounced the lesser concerns of ordinary life."
"The life path number gives you an overall picture of the path that your soul has chosen for this life."
"You are meant to walk a path of harmony, peace, love, beauty."
"Ananda, good comradeship, good friendship, good Sangha is the whole of the spiritual path."
"Everybody has to come the way of Holiness. The Bible plainly says, a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of Holiness."
"The idea of the bodhisattva ideal of perfecting these perfections over huge numbers of lifetimes, of striving for Buddhahood out of compassion for others, this is a later development."
"The spiritual path means basically, in a simple way, to take care to develop our inner qualities and to take care to eliminate the inner aspects that generate suffering."
"We need to make a very clear distinction in the very beginning which is the distinction between spiritual path, religion, and the institutional religious institution."
"He who follows a God-sent guru, walks in the everlasting light of God."
"The path to Allah is not long, it's just one word, one moment of genuine repentance."
"Indian thought is not pessimistic. Indian thought says the world indeed is suffering, but there is a way out. There is suffering, but there is a way out of suffering. There is a way of attaining deep lasting satisfaction and bliss."
"Praise God for showing us a better way."
"The wider gate, the wider way, and plenty of people walk through it. But the narrow gate is a very narrow path, very few people find it."
"The pathway to blessing is through obedience to God."
"We revere nature as a path to the divine."
"...if you're really sincere, you already found your way."
"Now before receiving these teachings set in your own mind a strong motivation to be able to traverse this spiritual path to reach Enlightenment as quickly as possible in order to benefit all living beings."
"Suffering can end, and the solution... is called the eight-fold path."
"Mindfulness is a critical element in all of the path; there is no path without mindfulness."
"The process of transformation doesn't get rid of the energy; it's a wake-up from being possessed by the demon."
"The path of knowledge and the path of devotion are the same path."
"The way to enlightenment is the eightfold path."
"When we let it be the place we pay attention, it actually wakes up love, it wakes up presence, it wakes us up to wholeness, it is the path."
"The Vajra path opens into such extraordinary possibilities for the unfolding of our own human nature."
"If you trust in God and you don't lean on your own understanding, and you seek to do His will in all that you do, God will show you which path to take."
"Hold on to the covenant path; it is less traveled, but it is the way home to our Father in Heaven."
"Oh our people, we heard a book that was revealed after Musa; it guides to the truth and the straight path."
"Thank you, Jesus, that you are the way, the truth, and the life."
"Love is the way, Guru is showing that way of love."
"Sikhi is the inclusive way to go."
"You have a powerful healing gift. Have faith in your abilities; stay true to your path as a Healer."
"You're supposed to create something; this Lover's card is your choice in life, it's your path, it's your soul mission and contract."
"Lean not on our own understanding, and trust in him; he makes our paths straight."
"I am the Vine; I am the way, the truth, and the life."
"We can transcend, we can realize this true happiness through the eight-fold path."
"The way is narrow that leads to life, and I am the door."
"Watch over our kids, our family, and continue to guide us in the path that you see for us."
"It really is a narrow path, and few will find it."
Jesus Himself says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."
"O ye knowledge-holding deities, pray hearken unto me; lead me on the path out of your great love."
"Deny yourself, live for yourself, take up your cross, ignore the cross, follow Jesus, follow this world or self or Satan."
"No, God's goodness, that's the way to go now."
"The cross, the death, and the grave, into which Jesus humbled Himself, were His path to the glory of God. And they are our path."
"The way is the sacred heroic human journey in which you are the unknown path ahead."
"He guides you into the path of righteousness."
"The early Christians called themselves children of light, and their path was not Christianity, it was the way."
"You are on a straight path that goes straight to its destination."
"We’re all still caught, to a certain degree or other, in delusion, because we’re still here, we’re not free yet. But we’re on the path to freedom."
"Ultimately both of these paths serve the self, but the difference is that the path of light serves the self through first serving others in love."
"Thou will show me the path of life; in Thy presence there's fullness of joy."
"All eclipses accelerate our Soul's path; our soul is pulling us forward."
"The Buddha has discovered a path for every single kind of thing to get out of suffering and to become themselves Buddha."
"The Buddha teaches the fundamental reality of our own life and the path to be followed to achieve the ultimate good of human existence."
"Your life purpose is aligned with your wishes, you're doing the right thing and you're on the path to light."
"I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go."
"This is the one-way path for the purification of beings, for the surmounting of sorrow and lamentation, for the passing away of pain and dejection, for the attainment of the true way, for the realization of Nibbana."
"They were in harmony because they were both on the same path in the spiritual side."
"The practice of mindfulness is on our spiritual path."
"The older the soul, the more you will accelerate, the more you will want to find this path."
"Follow his example and you'll find your way to me."
"He brought light into the world and he pointed out the true path to those who were close to him."
"The path of a light worker is open to all who choose to walk it, guided by a heart full of love and a vision of a world transformed."
"Wherever the Eightfold Path is found, there you will find people of the first, second, third, and fourth stages of enlightenment."
"I'm a Child of God; I want to go the Godly way, close to your love again."
"Each has a different path; this thing that is common to all paths in third density is that you are learning how to be loved and how to love."
"You have powerful healing gifts; have faith in your abilities, stay true to your path as a Healer."
"Jesus himself said, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life.'"
"The only way to Nibbana, the ending of suffering, is the Eightfold Path."
"The way leading to the end of suffering is to make the Dhamma arise as a reality within our own minds."
"The noble Eightfold Path is the way to the cessation of suffering."
"The Four Noble Truths give us everything that we need to gain Liberation."
"The Dharma is essentially a path, a way that leads to the realization of Truth."
"Morality, concentration, and wisdom are all one; they are the path on which all the noble ones have walked to enlightenment."
"The knowledge and vision of things as they really are is one of the steps on the insight path."
"The mundane path leads to enlightenment."
"The Noble Eightfold Path is the way leading to the cessation of dukkha."
"At this time, the eight factors constitute the super mundane Noble Eightfold Path."
"The Dharma is the path and the truth, and the Sangha is the community of those on the path."
"Choose life because broad is the way that leads to destruction, narrow is the path that leads to everlasting life."
"Once you step on this path to self-empowerment and enlightenment, you're cloaked by the Divine."
"The Noble Eightfold Path brings liberation by giving rise to the liberating wisdom."
"Jesus loves you, accept Him, He is the way, the truth, the life."
"Disciples went from town to town... We are at different stations in our lives."
"Keep my heart steadfast on Your path."
"We will make the path of goodness easy for him."
"The Noble Eightfold Path is the way to freedom from dukkha... right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration."
"One of the biggest roadblocks on the path to enlightenment is not the path itself, but the beliefs we hold about how impossibly unattainable a state like enlightenment is."
"Selfless Love is the path which Satan cannot stop."
"The way to realize the self is Gana Yoga, the path of knowledge."
"O divine soul! like Arjuna, forsake this small weak-heartedness (of mortal consciousness). Arise! Before you is the royal path."
"Those who strive in our way, we shall guide them to our way."
"Insight isn't the goal, it's the practice, it's the path to something greater, to the heartwood, the hardwood is simply freedom from suffering."
"This isn't the path of receiving anything; this is the path of giving yourself."
"The highway of holiness... the unclean shall not pass over it."
"Many are called, fewer chosen; broad is the path that leads to destruction."
"This is one path where you need not be discouraged at all."
"So have patience and walk on this path."
"God has placed in each soul an apostle to lead us upon the illumined path."
"Spirit is showing you a lighted pathway for you to walk down, showing you a clear path forward."
"The path that spirit is showing you is the path that you are creating yourself anyway because thou art that."
"The noble eightfold path is the most important teaching on the way out of suffering... at the very beginning, mother and father are mentioned in terms of Karma and rebirth."
"We have a path to that self-realization, to that absorption, and to that union inside our brains."
"Follow the path of Ibrahim, he came to his Lord with a pure heart."
"May [God] guide us all and keep us on the right path."
"Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life."
"Envision synchronicities as cosmic breadcrumbs scattered by the universe to illuminate the path toward reunion."
"You kept calm and accepted the spiritual journey."
"I was embracing this path and really trying to maintain it."
"God has already paved a way for all who have received Jesus Christ to have a restored relationship with God."
"We are not ready for the mystic way until we are approaching the time of our freedom from the wheel of birth and death."
"The Buddha showed a path which we actually could walk."
"You're on the right path because you are an answer to prayer."
"The path of the spiritual master only a few people walk on that."
"The noble Eightfold Path would help us escape suffering and achieve enlightenment."
"So what is true religion? The incarnation establishes it and also sets out a new path."
"The eternal way of rightness, the eternal right way of living, right thinking, right behavior, right contemplation, right aspiration."
"You are on the right path regarding some aspect of your life, spiritual guidance, protection from harm."
"The path of Chelaship in Theosophy presents a unique and transformative spiritual journey."
"Jesus is not the way to heaven; He's the way back to the Father."
"We stepped onto the path because we also touched some kind of suffering and we want to be liberated from that."
"Guru Granth Sahib Ji's spiritual path is what's going to take you beyond all of these worldly pleasures."
"It shows us the path to spiritual redemption, spiritual goal."
"Absolute self-resignation to the will of the Divine Mother is the surest way to God vision."
"Only Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life."
"We want to lead you to Jesus Christ, the truth, the way, and the life."
"The method to stop suffering is through understanding of the Noble Eightfold Path."
"Islam is not just a religion amongst other religions; Islam is the way to Allah."
"The Royal Road to Brahma Gyan is the path to Brahma Gyan."
"I take the path of love and devotion."
"The very path is the path of giving up the illusion of control."