
Relationship Dynamics Quotes

There are 5808 quotes

"We marry our unfinished business... if it's hysterical, it's historical."
"It's not about calling the moving company; it's about can you be an equal contributing partner in the relationship."
"I think there's enough space for one attention ho in this relationship, and it's going to be me."
"You will receive what you deliver in a marriage, often very rapidly."
"Maybe words were never really the problem. Actions speak louder, don't they say?"
"The relationship makes us, and the relationship is the dynamic between you and me."
"We provide space for each other. I'm not your therapist."
"A woman who values her health is more attractive and brings fewer complications into the relationship."
"Emotional quicksand is when you become obsessed with a girl, so scared of losing her or when she's already slipping away, that your life almost stands still."
"There's this energy here of you both wanting each other but afraid to admit it fully."
"Somebody slowly but surely is going to message and communicate."
"I feel like the sex scenes in there are tasteful. It shows about their relationship, the connection you know. And you get, I don't know, it adds to their character development."
"Drive and ambition alone is not enough to build a marriage."
"Emotional mirroring is responsible for a large part of security in a person."
"The reality of marriage sometimes is that it's not this exciting, exhilarating thing 24/7; it has its ups and downs."
"With friendships, I think people go in with the idea that this is my bestie, and that thing being drilled into their head of, 'Oh, this my friend through thick and thin.'"
"The biggest cause of relationships ending is uncommunicated expectations."
"Vulnerability is going to trigger trust and create trust between you and him."
"Jerry's accepting his wife's needs and he realizes he's so much happier for it."
"People who actually care about you will make the effort to make you feel loved, wanted, and valued. People who don't will display flaky and inconsistent behavior and take you for granted."
"You may have had something that started fast and ended fast."
"Initial vulnerability improves the right relationship. Repeated vulnerability over time with no progress can damage a good relationship."
"Revealing our vulnerabilities creates trust, but trust also is the condition from which vulnerability grows."
"Liam, I am sorry. You're a nice guy. I just can't with you living like this. I thought you would somehow work it out, but I was wrong."
"For a relationship to be healthy, it has to be give and take. One way to control a relationship is to be constantly the giver, constantly the power figure."
"If you're in a relationship, certainly if it's a husband and wife, and your goal is to win, what does that mean? That means that your partner is now a loser."
"A high-value woman frees her man's mind up to win."
"You both have to want it, you both have to...open up, essentially."
"We've been friends for so long... we just get to know each other better and get over things better."
"When a man lacks the wisdom to discern the true value of the woman and his divine role or her divine role in his life, he will always disrespect her."
"The way I look at a relationship is that you're both running the same race separately...you're more likely to succeed if you are at similar stages and levels."
"They see you as the ultimate prize but beneath that, they have very strong concerns over your single situation."
"Constant availability has shaped the way we experience relationships with each other."
"Stop trying to convince someone to change for you; it sets up an adversarial relationship."
"Whilst you're recognizing that your codependent traits are not healthy or imbalanced, your person hasn't got the capacity to even acknowledge their own yet."
"They've learned some very effective narcissistic ways of getting what they want."
"Deeply empathic can be just as destructive and dysfunctional as someone that's very avoidant and narcissistic."
"Guys bottle everything up and are so afraid of being seen as emotionally weak or co-dependent that they will sabotage their relationships to avoid demonstrating any of those basic human inner vulnerabilities."
"I have evolved from being masculine to feminine and now I have trained him and helped guide him to become more on the level where I now feel loved, cherished, adored."
"It is not to keep you happy with me, and I actually love you so much that I'm willing to do things that make you unhappy with me."
"Love is an unconditional agreement because you have to love a person truly to love them in all the different ways in which they might exist over a long enough timeline."
"The man that is capable of loving you is able to command your respect, not demand your respect."
"A man that breaks his woman is like a farmer that poisons his own soil."
"Making more money doesn't give anybody the right to dominate in a relationship."
"My marriage is 47 years old but what that relationship has been the ground of so much learning and growth, and suffering and mutual pain and mutual joy, but it's also my greatest teacher."
"As soon as you show your authentic feelings and get closer, your avoidant partner will feel uncomfortable with the intimacy."
"Equality isn't, 'Oh, they're gonna save money, we both take care of a bill.' That's all so stupid. It's both of us feeling full, like you're saying. That's the true equality. That's what we want."
"The word is arbitrary, right? You could call it equality, you could call it respect, whatever the [__] it is, but if both of us feel like we're fulfilled in the relationship, that's when we're gonna act our best."
"A dude just being like, 'Listen, I'm working hard to maintain all this, and I like doing it, don't get me wrong. But that little acknowledgment that I'm [__] holding it down, just that tip of the hat, that's fire.'"
"The hardest thing about saying what I need is I might not get it, which sounds so logical, but if it's so hard for me to say what I need and then it's not met, it's like, bro, I don't matter at all."
"If you're with a good woman and you bring up a shortcoming that you have, she's gonna be like, 'Oh, I completely understand. I failed in providing for you emotionally. Let me fix it.'"
"To serve as the long-term partner of a narcissist, you must have a very deficient or distorted grasp of yourself and of reality."
"To be the more attractive person, you want to be the grounding energy in that dynamic."
"It's scary to kind of date younger people because if you start dating like a 23 year old and you're like 30, by the time they hit 25 they might realize I actually don't want this type of relationship."
"Men feel most loved when women in their lives hug, kiss, and smile at them, explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection. Men also feel loved and connected through sexuality."
"Narcissism and codependency arise within the context of relationship, not all of life."
"Inside every narcissist is a covert codependent, and inside every codependent, is a covert narcissist."
"Our early caregiver relationships are the greatest predictors for how we're going to behave and how we attach in our adult relationship dynamics."
"When people are in healthy relationships, they're able to see themselves as an individual. They don't enmesh or fuse with this other person."
"They're going to be very patient and very kind with you."
"The fragility that I spoke about works both ways; it's a sad reality that while many doors to new relationships open, most of them will eventually close."
"Girls want to be with a man that wants them but doesn't need them. That's really powerfully attractive."
"Addressing issues of giving too much in personal or business relationships can lead to more equitable dynamics."
"A man who has proper frame, in other words, his mindset is correct, and he's confident in himself, and he has a happy fulfilled life, if a woman starts giving him a hard time, he doesn't need other plates spinning."
"Did you realize that everything you mentioned was what you're pouring into him but you have yet to tell me how he pours into you?"
"When things got hard, they got stronger instead of things got hard so we had a miscommunication trope or something like that."
"Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of."
"Love bombing is a one-way action... Connection is a two-way experience."
"I would argue real love, real connection is fast."
"We don't find our partner; you choose your partner."
"There are black women who think that they are going to get relationship security, a provider, and a stable partner, and really that's what you should be getting out of marriage."
"No friendship or relationship is ever going to be 50/50 in terms of money spent, effort, time."
"If somebody screams at you all the time, you stop listening to them. And what you have done is just down-regulated your sensitivity to this pain-in-the-neck person."
"You are so strong, you are so compelling that you make this person feel like they're unraveling."
"They respect you and don't want to do wrong by you."
"Both of you are really wanting to make things go faster but...it's just gonna take its time."
"Shift response versus support response... Support responses are really great for a date because people care about how you make them feel."
"You're closer to union when you're in separation, which is ironic."
"A man needs to feel respected and also needs to feel respect towards you."
"If you're dealing with someone who is dismissive or you know someone who's emotionally unavailable, they could come across as very cold and aloof, but deep down inside, they do want to be loved."
"If you haven't watched that video yet, I suggest going back to watch it because I break down the four different types of attachment styles, one which is healthy, three which are unhealthy."
"Their self-esteem comes fully from their partner, what their partner thinks about them."
"A soulmate allows you to be your own person... a soulmate is going to give you the whole thing, like you're gonna become your whole package."
"When people are in relationships, they like to feel like they're getting a special part of you that not everybody else gets."
"Often, frustration is coming from outside circumstances which you tend to channel into the person you spend the most amount of time with."
"You're not supposed to be completed by your relationship; you're supposed to be challenged."
"I think the general trend is, if some days you'll be super in love and other days it might even go down a little bit, but as long as the general trend is up, then that's fine."
"Novelty isn't about creating just new positions and new interactions in the bed itself; novelty is new parts of us that we bring, new parts of the partner that we are with."
"Tell me how you were loved, and I will tell you how you make love."
"Honestly, married by the end, I was tired of you defending yourself."
"The longer a couple knows each other, the less important physical attractiveness becomes for maintaining a long-term relationship."
"Open relationships may appear to be a selling point at first, but they seem doomed to fail as underlying frustration would inevitably fester and end badly."
"Love is an act of will, namely, both an intention and an action."
"Laughter is there in the beginning as a sign, and then intimacy is next, and then you move in together, live, marry, whatever. And then when things don't go well, it's the reverse. Laughter goes first."
"I really think it's because women stopped caring about douchebags... guys that don't put in effort and don't want to actually value women for who they are are gonna be lonely."
"We have a rule in our marriage: we do not call each other names... it doesn't happen. I do not yell at my wife; my wife does not yell at me."
"The vast majority of cheating men cheated with women who were older and much less attractive than their own wives and when asked why, most of them said because we could, there was opportunity."
"Her personality just starts to grow on you...you want passion and intimacy, and that's something you can't replace."
"Affection makes wishes happier and stronger."
"You can't change another person. You can create conditions to hopefully motivate them to change, but you can't change them."
"Love is wanting to share intimacy and intensity, both the good and the bad."
"I would say a relationship Dynamic that is optimal has deep connection where you could say there's a deep friendship there but also there's sexual polarity."
"The people you meet are not problems to solve, they're people."
"Bridgerton season 2 has the same emphasis; while it takes Kate and Anthony a long time to admit their feelings, the more emotionally wise people around them urge them repeatedly to be honest about what they really feel."
"They take care of you whilst you take care of them, it's equal."
"Sometimes intimacy is cultivated with appropriate boundaries."
"You must come from a place of abundance... If you're so fearful of losing the other person because he or she is the only option, you're going to be too clingy."
"It sounds manipulative and passive-aggressive...making your marriage more difficult than it has to be."
"The best thing about living in this beach cottage is just we're really getting to know each other. It's a small space, but you better know each other."
"Managing contact with the narcissist is actually 90% managing your addiction to codependency, to the drama cycle, and to your malignant optimism."
"You icing them out is hard for them, but this is teaching them how to treat you and what you will and won't put up with."
"We are each other's best friends... There's really an unconditional love there that was kind of conditional before."
"Isn't that kind of a weird thing to say at the beginning of a relationship? Like if you want to make your partner insecure, tell them you've already decided who you're going to if things go bad."
"The majority of people don't want who wants them; they want the other person."
"Touch is essential. Humor, touch, playfulness, an ongoing curiosity, and interest in who this other person is... this is the lubricant of a relationship."
"You manage different aspects of our lives; maybe one person is more in charge of bringing home the bacon, the other person is more in charge of things at home."
"They feel like they've come to terms with the possibility of losing each other but it's worth it to go forward."
"A marriage isn't one interaction; a marriage is one interaction then another one then another one. And that pattern of interactions has to be played in a way that doesn't degenerate across time."
"You're concerned about your lack of conflict resolution."
"We have this astounding availability of sexual stimuli at the click of a button at any moment, and that seems to be demotivating people to actually seek out meaningful sexual relationships."
"If you want to create intensity in a relationship, it demands risk-taking, doing new things outside of your comfort zone."
"She was fearless and crazier than him. She was his queen, and God help anybody that dared to disrespect his queen."
"Every time something happens in a relationship that doesn't get talked about or communicated, a brick goes down...slowly you have this whole brick wall and then the bedrooms like you've got a brick wall between you."
"Love bombing has four functions: to signal intensity and persistence, to convey purity and authenticity, to create an immersive virtual reality bubble, and to induce the target to enter the Hall of Mirrors where she is idealized."
"Relationships may change their nature, but love never dies."
"Regardless of her feelings on the matter, going back to Michael is obviously the least complicated option."
"Child support is for the child, not a failed relationship. It's not adult support."
"When you message them, they message you back. They don't ignore your messages."
"It's not that you're falling out of love, it's that what you need at this stage is changing."
"Yes, there were times that I was giving so much more and she was on the receiving end, but there were also times where she would do something and then I would have to be responsive to it. So to me, it was just a total partnership between the two of us."
"The true value of a spouse exists in their ability to find their own happiness."
"The big problem a lot of dudes have is once they start talking to a woman, they already have an endpoint that they have in mind so they forget to be present and to just have a conversation."
"Our strengths and our weaknesses match up really nicely...it makes us a power couple."
"If somebody cares about you, they'll find a compromise with you."
"Princess treatment is about being taken care of by your man, being made a priority."
"Entitlement is growing in someone you love, and the scariest part."
"Men are no longer expected to remain stoic; they can express themselves, admit to vulnerability, and accept that in relationships, there are no set roles."
"Your woman should be your biggest cheerleader and advocate for what you do."
"If you love someone, let them go, and then if it's meant to be, they'll come back to you."
"I can understand people losing desires for intimacy when other parts of the relationship aren't being fulfilled. That's super common."
"In a relationship, the romance... the flame... it can be fleeting, but the connection remains."
"If you've chosen to trust your partner, you shouldn't have the negative jealousy."
"I love you but I would shove you into a ditch."
"A man cannot love a woman completely without a relationship with God."
"Relationships are very ebb and flow. What relationship really isn't, though?"
"People reveal themselves in small little ways over a long period of time."
"Instead of being a piercing spear, I should have been a protective shield."
"These are just relevant findings to the topic at hand and in no way excuses acts of infidelity but it does provide potentially a more sympathetic explanation to some degree of adulterous behavior."
"The man might be the head, but the woman is the neck and the neck turns the head whatever she wants."
"I'm just learning at the moment to try and get my self-worth from myself rather than validation from my partner."
"The strength of her feelings for you... is the number one factor in your relationship with a woman."
"Being married and happy, you cannot be a selfish person. Your life should revolve around selflessness."
"I've given a lot of second chances, and sometimes they've worked out, and sometimes they don't. It's just flip a coin."
"Every relationship is a mess in its own different ways because it's two human beings trying to relate to one another when they don't have the same perspective."
"I wouldn't be a very good deity if I hid my thoughts from someone so devoted to me."
"In order for a marriage to work, it can't just be all bad; it has to be good."
"I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you."
"Another example of a couple who can easily joke around without fighting and just love in their hearts. We love to see it."
"Women want men to be men. Women are women and they think like women, that's great, but they expect men to be men."
"The person with feminine energy is happy, everybody's happy in the room."
"Men have always wanted one thing from women across the board: cooperation."
"The lovers kicking it off and the recent past strong connection could be Gemini on your chart, but let's keep going."
"A relationship really is about two people figuring out what each needs and wants, and then figuring out a way to make those needs and wants compatible."
"I've gotten a travel bug here, maybe it's because my wife is such a great travel partner. She's funny, she loves food, her son's a chef so he gives us all the places to eat."
"My most recent relationship... what I regret or fail to do was stand up for myself."
"Just because you're building with that person does not mean that you will finish that structure with that person, nor does it mean that you own that person."
"He put you back in the best moves so he'd be damned to see you get stepped to by a [ __ ]."
"The moment you think someone can do no wrong is the moment you probably underestimate them."
"Relationships are actually getting worse today than they were 20 years ago."
"Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly."
"One of the best feelings in the world is having somebody that feels like they're genuinely trying to understand you."
"You're escalating, you're like just not turning around."
"He was able to flip the roles, but you can only do that as a man if you've built an enormous amount of rapport and attachment."
"The love is in abundance. You are not losing out if your partner shows affection to a friend."
"People really love seeing that because men can be shitty."
"You're a liar wait are you telling me that a guy lied to you about what he actually likes and women to make you feel better yeah shocking yeah seriously like how dare you."
"There is nothing that is sexier or more desired in this world to a woman, than a man who is always looking for ways to ensure her of her safety and well being."
"Women would rather share an alpha than be saddle with a faithful beta anymore."
"Girls put guys in specific roles because the reality is, most guys are deficient in things that make them attractive long-term."
"The man is always the prize. You need to assert dominance and make these women qualify for you."
"Gift-giving on the one hand and mutual support on the other are both the key predictors of the longevity and success or otherwise of an intimate relationship."
"The Sparks, the chemical reaction that could form a relationship."
"I love the fact that she is now comforting him."
"This connection is going to trigger a transformation in the both of you."
"I need you in my life, I want you in my life, and I want to be in your life in some way."
"This isn't a date for two anymore, it's a date for three."
"He's demonstrated some very distorted masculine energy that has led her to think, 'This isn't good enough for me right now. I deserve more.'"
"You become better not to get the girl, but so that you don't tolerate the [__] that inevitably comes with dealing with the girls."
"The characters are written in such a way that they are perfect for each other."
"It was all about their relationship, their rhythm, their timing, how well they worked together."
"Boyfriends are supposed to spoil their girlfriends."
"Just because we're connected to somebody inexplicably without words or language behind it, doesn't mean we're on the same page."
"They love you enough to give you space to work on yourselves."
"You gotta do the parenting together if we're together. That's how it's supposed to work."
"Love is everything, oh my God. I think it's everything."
"We're very honest, we're sometimes too honest."
"So I think it's a really, I think one of the biggest pills right now it's hard to swallow for many women is that in the beginning stage sex does not mean as much to a man."
"My love for you is not predicated on your doing."
"Stevonnie is a great representation of a budding relationship of any kind: new, exciting, unexpected- each of you provide characteristics that help to balance each other out."
"We all talk about love languages but none of us talk about conflict languages."