
Intrinsic Motivation Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"A kid will want to do that spontaneously because Mastery and learning are human hungers, human needs."
"Intrinsic motivation is the simple fun of jumping around in a platformer, of winning a match against another player, or the satisfaction of finding a new solution to a problem in an immersive sim."
"Games like Minecraft are the epitome of intrinsic motivation."
"One thing coaches can't teach is determination."
"Inspiration is something that comes naturally; it comes from within us."
"Learning should be a reward in and of itself."
"Intrinsic motivation is you're doing things because it brings you personal happiness, joy, fulfillment."
"Autonomy is one of the core drivers of intrinsic motivation."
"The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation where the person is fully immersed in what they are doing."
"Successful people are highly self-motivated! Intrinsically motivated versus extrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation means that you're fueled from the inside."
"Jesse is now moving toward intrinsic motivation, which is doing something for the joy of doing it."
"Intrinsic goals tend to subsume extrinsic goals... the more time I spend focusing on getting those carrots, the less I really care about what I came for in the first place."
"Cultivating a love of learning for its own sake and then maybe it'll also come in handy for something else."
"Why are people doing this? Why are they doing this work for free? Challenge and mastery along with making a contribution."
"Playing is supposed to be fun, doing something because you want to, that is called your intrinsic motivation."
"Students want to learn more when the topic is interesting to them intrinsically."
"The true master will be getting intrinsic enjoyment from the thing that she or he is doing."
"You're not doing it because someone's shaking a stick at you."
"Outer Wilds is strikingly good at creating questions, and it's because of this, instead of giving you an extrinsic goal at the start of the game, the developers lean on those questions and ask you to come up with a goal."
"You have to do what you enjoy doing, even if it doesn't bring in the views, subscribers, or money."
"The seeking impulse is your lifeline amidst man-made contraptions."
"There's this force within us that wants to be and needs to be connected with other people."
"There's no motivation needed, it makes you happy."
"Nobody of us here gets paid... because they for themselves have the feeling that they can contribute... because it just makes sense."
"Outside motivation can only last for so long. It is you. It's like, did you ever see that video? Like, what happens, you are celebrated in the light for what you do in the dark."
"Play and practice because you want to, not because you feel like you have to."
"True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof."
"Motivation to train should come from within, not just from aesthetics."
"You don't need to prove anything to anyone just doing what you feel is right and following that will yield a lot more success than speaking about your plans before they're meant to happen."
"Find something in the process that you enjoy as well, or that gives you warmth, not just the feeling of the end result."
"You should be playing the game because the game is good to play, and then you just happen to get these rewards because you're playing the game."
"Money is no longer what drives your motivation."
"Children who were intrinsically motivated were most likely to continue doing those behaviors."
"It's better when people do a thing because they like it."
"What's going to motivate you when the chips are down?"
"Purpose is not on the outside, it is within you already."
"Manifest your gift even when no one is looking."
"The thing about passion is you don't summon it; it's just there."
"The money is a byproduct for doing something that you love."
"Bitcoin is now 2% the size of global Equity markets total market cap and it's easily going to trend to 10% over the next few years or maybe even this year."
"I didn't want outside validation to make me feel successful. I would rather feel good about what I'm doing."
"We were doing this because we liked doing it, not for the money."
"You don't do it for the plaudits. You do it because you must have loved football."
"Gabe's a fighter in the heart. Do you know what I mean?"
"A reminder that perhaps instead of just serving up our soul to one game for extrinsic reasons, it's worth seeking out intrinsically motivated experiences."
"Intrinsic motivation and self-confidence are revealed to a higher degree."
"I was just simply doing things because I love to do them."
"Curiosity supports our intrinsic inquisitive nature, the necessary driving force behind any growth and evolution."
"There's something in you that says I don't want to die, that's your God-given will to live."
"That desire to be better is such a beautiful part of ourselves... it shows that that desire that knowledge of what is good is intact inside you."
"Do the thing for the sake of the thing itself."
"Human beings are not here to be motivated; they're here to be inspired from within."
"Focus on greatness just for the sake of being great."
"Find joy in what you do for the sake of it and recognize how you're being shaped in the process."
"Real confidence is something we find inside ourselves, not something we get from others liking or praising us."
"You're devoted to what you do because you love it. You don't do it because of financial gain. Okay, or personal gain."
"Music was in my soul, it wasn't about the money."
"The proper rewards are not simply tacked on to the activity for which they are given but are the activity itself in consummation."
"Your confidence should come from inside, 100% intrinsic. But you're allowing the external factors to tell you how confident you should be."
"Intrinsic motivism is also a thing. People's value systems, the culture work is, I do certain things not because I'm going to get anything financially from it or necessarily even status from it, but because I just intrinsically care about the thing."
"I love what I do. If I got paid nothing to do what I do... I just did it... because it just felt right."
"I'm intrinsically motivated by growth and learning."
"It has to be something you're intrinsically drawn to."
"You don't need to self-motivate because you're just tapped in."
"You cannot be broken when you have an intrinsic goal, when you're doing it because you value it, when you're doing it because it represents who you are."
"...comes with booing and I think that is the thing that frightens me like I I know that in order to have a happy life going forward what I need is a small context of people that I love that are around me and to be doing things for intrinsic reasons."
"For as long as you do it because you love it, then you know you get rewarded in other ways which I think is beautiful."
"I think there has to be a level of intrinsic motivation from joy that you get from it...the consistency and your ability to show up every single day...only comes from enjoying it and from wanting to be a part of it and enjoying the process around it..."
"I'm looking for a journey through what I'm doing. I'm not looking for an external reward."
"Do it for the sake of doing it, love it for the sake of loving it."
"Happiness and team spirit comes from within."
"So all of a sudden we need to get kids to have intrinsic motivation."
"It wouldn't be about the money, it would be about making."
"You cannot force intrinsic motivation. It just is something that has to develop naturally."
"People didn't make them for any glory or recognition; they made them because they got such a kick out of what they were doing."
"The enjoyment of doing the job is enough because it is far more satisfying than any pat on the back could ever be."
"None of us were getting paid. Everybody did that for four or five years for nothing, you know? Like, we weren't doing it because we were getting paid. We did it because it was something special and it was a team and we were friends."
"You don't need to push anything on somebody because they've already got it there, they've got the mental strength, they've got the ability."
"Your passion right the things that you do passionately the things you would do without money right the things you'll do for free."
"The place to get to... is can you get to a place... where you're driven but not by the external rewards... do you actually enjoy showing up every day in the practice and the game and the strategy?"
"It's not about the money now, it's because it's in my blood and I can't stop doing it."
"It's very important that you have to have that intrinsic motivation to never give up."
"Human beings are born with intrinsic motivation and joy in learning."
"Money doesn't motivate me. What motivates me, excites me, is that I see the long-term benefit."
"If we are to have a future where we make it through the meta crisis, we will be less focused on design systems of extrinsic incentive and more motivated around intrinsic incentive associated with a deeper connection to life."
"I'm not driven by materials or money. That stuff don't do nothing to me or for me. I'm driven off of music, purpose, and really making change."
"I think that passion is inherently in you."
"Intrinsic motivation is going to be the desire to perform an activity for its own sake, rather than some external reward."
"You have to enjoy part of the process being there, and you have to do it because you really just want to do it."
"Generally, intrinsic motivation is a healthier source of motivation because it can keep you going through the whole process."
"It's not really the reward that's driving them, there's something else deeper down driving those people forward."
"It's not about money for us, it's not about fame for us; we just do our thing."
"Every child is born with a core driving motive that makes them who they are."
"Intrinsic motivations give a sense of personal satisfaction."
"Students are more likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn if they feel a sense of belonging and respect in the classroom."
"There's quite a lot of power in just doing something because it just feels good and you enjoy it."
"Following your heart and expressing yourself and being creative is an intrinsically motivated activity."
"Please don't do it for the money, for the fame."
"It's not about the money anymore, it's not about the fame, I just love playing baseball."
"Play is something to do just because it's fun."
"It's so delightful doing something for the sake of doing it and not the sake of needing to be productive."
"You'll never have to remind someone to work for something they really want."
"Human beings also have a third drive: we do things because they're interesting, because we like doing them, because they're fun, because we get better at them, because they're the right thing to do."
"Intrinsic motivation is when you do any kind of behavior because you enjoy it and it is personally satisfying."
"Don't show me the money when you're working with intrinsic motivations."
"I'm not motivated by any desire to be acclaimed or compensated for that."
"Motivation 2.0 is about external rewards and punishment. Motivation 3.0 depends on your intrinsic drive."
"You will personally know if you have that 'aha' moment, and it's typically when you feel like you would do this for free."
"Play the game for the sake of the game itself, not the reward that the game might give to you."
"Intrinsic motivation is if none of that were there, you would still do it; you want to do it for its own sake."
"Being intrinsically motivated, knowing you want to do this, and starting to get better at it, is the key."
"Many artists love their work and would continue to do it even in the absence of any monetary reward whatsoever."
"When you love something, you don't need motivation."
"I would be doing it even if nobody was watching."