
Necessity Quotes

There are 15005 quotes

"We think fun is optional; it's not optional, it is mandatory if you want to live a fulfilling satisfying life."
"Hard isn't bad; hard is necessary, hard is truth."
"Manifestation is not a luxury, it's a necessity."
"You got to be creative... I think that so much of creativity comes out of necessity."
"All of that waste along the way... tells you that there is one truth to money: I have basic needs."
"Struggle is not an impediment to success, it's a requirement."
"Recessions are necessary as sleep to human beings."
"People cannot live without love; people die from a lack of love."
"Human touch is not a sentimental human indulgence; it is a biological necessity."
"Love is not the only thing you need, but love can sustain you when other things fail."
"Those that don't have time to meditate are the people who most need meditation."
"We need a new system, we need a new society. We need to demand that which may have sounded impossible even a few weeks ago but is not only realizable but an imperative necessity."
"Life requires work. Life is work. It is impossible to live without work."
"The reason you have a right to own property is because in order to live, you need to produce."
"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit."
"The one thing we didn't have last time was any true leadership."
"Storytelling is almost as necessary as bread. We cannot imagine ourselves without it."
"Entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."
"You cannot play this game if you don't have confidence."
"Every season has a purpose. Every season is necessary."
"What we need more than ever right now, obviously, is we need to have integrity in our leadership."
"No one had to die in this war because it never had to start."
"Rules and regulations can add to the time or expense of a project; of course, those rules are there for a reason."
"I wish financial literacy was taught in school. So much, man. Like, people actually need this."
"Our hobby mine has turned into something that we absolutely need now."
"A creative person withers unless they're doing something creative."
"Pain is petrol; without petrol, the car is not going to go anywhere."
"Discipline is doubly necessary if you have some kind of neurological condition."
"The thing about Self-Discipline is that it is necessary for everything you do in your life."
"Given how evolutionarily unwise sleep would be, you are unconscious for a third of your life. That's a time when you can't forage for food, you can't defend yourself against predators, you're not mating. Why would evolution have kept this thing around?"
"We have come so far, we have given so much, we have done so well, but we have to do more. We have no choice. There's no other option."
"Seeing your friends in real life is a necessity for human health, not a luxury."
"We can't not use a phone... You can't not use it."
"Witness safety has always been recognized as a very compelling need."
"If you think we don't need the health system as it works...why on Earth have the health system then?"
"Legacy is paid at the cost of change, but sometimes that change is very much needed."
"Wisdom is not optional; it's an absolute prerequisite to religion."
"The energy R&D budget is way too small; that's got to go up dramatically."
"Economic identity is one of those things that you have until you don't, and when you don't, it's like water—you die without it."
"You don't really have an option but to run experiments."
"We are in great need of prison reform in this country."
"The notion that I think a lot of people believe in, in this day and age...is experimental validation ultimately the final test? It's absolutely necessary."
"Exercise is like brushing your teeth, you have to do it."
"After you have $100 million dollars, you don't need $400 million dollars. You can't even tell the difference."
"Everyone needs an understanding of basic calculus, whether they like it or not."
"Everybody knows they're going to need healthcare at some point in their lives."
"Money isn't everything, but not having it is."
"It's nice to have a creative outlet. I feel like everybody kind of needs one."
"If these predictions are even half accurate, migration will become a necessity for all nations and not an option."
"Everybody should get a financial education in a country that's based on capitalism."
"Having a purpose for living is crucial; without it, life can become very complicated."
"Pulp fiction is always still around because people need that kind of entertainment."
"Without negativity, you wouldn't have positivity; it wouldn't exist."
"Love ought to be out of choice; it ought never be out of necessity."
"The necessity of human struggle: the idea that many of us need those walls to push back against something of a challenge, or else we ultimately lose our own purpose in the world."
"I can't go to bed unless I cleanse my face. My face feels icky; I need to cleanse it."
"Self-care is not a luxury. It's something that we really need to pay attention to now."
"We need them; we need them for human health."
"We can't afford not to make some time for stress relief."
"Critique is absolutely necessary in science and in art and all endeavors."
"Until the lizard overlords bless us with access to those things, rockets are really all we've got."
"This medication is life-saving in many situations."
"Money is necessary but not sufficient for happiness."
"Without precision, modern civilization simply wouldn't exist."
"Everybody needs a solid financial foundation."
"A change is not only good for you, but it's probably necessary."
"You can't put a price tag on being warm and dry."
"The indispensable secrecy of grand jury proceedings must not be broken except where there is a compelling necessity."
"Expressing myself creatively is very important to me. I lose my mind if I don't express myself in any creative way."
"You shouldn't need to put a label on yourself to identify things about you. That shouldn't be a necessary thing."
"I think there are a lot of reasons why this conversation is a necessary conversation."
"In Jude 1, Jude tells the saints of God... 'I found it necessary to appeal to you to contend for the faith.'"
"What you may need is just a simple curiosity."
"Having money isn't everything, but not having it is."
"I think it's a great compliment, that we need-- more like this."
"Without Free Speech, we really have nothing at all."
"Without Sanji... he won’t become Pirate King… or rather… he CAN’T become Pirate King."
"To have any reasonable conversation, we have to make some concessions that some axioms are necessary for any further communication."
"Everyone deserves love. I think it's such a necessity of life."
"Without quantum mechanics, our civilization would fall apart."
"It's a hard lesson to learn, but it was a lesson that needed learning."
"Money, like oxygen, when you got it, it means nothing, but when you don't have it, it's everything."
"The United States, our culture, our population, our economy, needs immigration like lungs need oxygen."
"Self-care is not selfish. It's essential for being able to give to others effectively."
"Change is painful, but it is what our future needs now if we want it to be great."
"Sometimes all you have is the dream and honestly, sometimes that's all you need."
"Investigative reporters are something we really need right now."
"You cannot deal with climate change, you cannot deal with cross-border crime, you cannot deal with terrorism without acting together."
"The snake has to shed skin, if it doesn't shed skin, it dies."
"Freedom is something that has to be fought for; otherwise, you never get it."
"You need Jesus. You can't live without Him. You need Him in your life."
"Achieving price stability, restoring price stability, is an unconditional need. It's the bedrock of the economy."
"The discussion about race is a very difficult discussion but it's one that's necessary. People are dying and people are dying needlessly so because of, just because of the color of their skin and that's unacceptable."
"A prerequisite for democracy is information."
"If you want to have economic prosperity, you need to have some sort of a market economy."
"Life on Earth needs energy to function, and the Sun frequently provides that energy."
"Everyone needs a nurse from now and then, and everyone also understands that when you need a nurse, you need a nurse."
"Everything from the tallest, largest elephant to the smallest, teeniest microbe needs water."
"I think that, you know…and the question I really like is that is there a need for a definition for life?"
"It's not gonna be easy work to fix this system, but it is necessary work."
"Marketing isn't an optional extra; it's an essential."
"I regard free speech as a prerequisite to a civilized society."
"Remember, in programming, patience is not just a virtue; it's a necessity."
"Do you really need this person? Do they make you happy?"
"Society could continue to function even if all novels ever written disappeared overnight. Without bookkeeping, we're shut down."
"To not have laptops and connectivity is today the equivalent of not having running water and electricity."
"Free speech is never popular, and neither is 4chan, but both of them are of paramount importance."
"A good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity, it is a prerequisite."
"There can be no reconciliation without truth."
"Confidence, unbounded, unshaken faith in yourself, which even amounts to boldness at times, is absolutely necessary in all great undertakings."
"I don't think you understand that until you do it. Saying goodbye is necessary, and I will."
"The kind of leadership that I wanted to execute...it can't be done without God. It just cannot be done. It will fail without God."
"War was never to annihilate your enemy unless absolutely necessary."
"The spirit of rebellion, without which freedom is literally unthinkable."
"It sucks that the system as it is is built such that it makes these things really hard, makes these movements necessary."
"We live in a reality that relies on money for everything. It's a tool. It is the tool of exchange. So why wouldn't you want enough to make it easy to live?"
"He has to be successful because there's no other chance for Saudi Arabia."
"The #MeToo movement is real. It matters. It is needed, and it is long overdue."
"Adjusting the handbrake, not entertaining content, but it's got to get done."
"The Holy Spirit is not a reward for being spiritual; He is the only chance that you have at being spiritual."
"Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention."
"Let's not just pray because we're supposed to; let's pray first because we absolutely have to."
"Freedom of speech isn't one freedom among many. It's a necessity and it's a moral responsibility."
"The need of the January 6 committee is so great that it overcomes any privilege that might exist within the executive branch."
"I'm here for two reasons: Lyons needs me, and the access to this kind of technology is immeasurable."
"It's okay to be a man; it's not okay, it's necessary."
"The mobile phone is the most desired invention of our lifetime and without it, we'd be completely lost."
"Nobody is going to benefit from infrastructure in this country going kaput."
"Know your priorities. Know what you need to spend money on and what you want to spend money on. Not everything in life is a necessity."
"It's not lack of compassion but necessity that restricts relief to the immediate victim."
"Sleep is a non-negotiable biological necessity."
"Pain is necessary sometimes to make a difference."
"The internet is not a luxury; it's a necessity, especially in education."
"Discipline is where the motivation comes in; it's not always fun but it's necessary."
"Stop praising these last-minute efforts and at the same time don't discount them, they need to do this, this is necessary."
"It's absolutely necessary if you want to have a healthy relationship."
"Reparations are necessary...but giving somebody money doesn't mean anything if they don't know what to do with the money."
"Innovation is the child of imagination and necessity."
"Democracy requires liberalism; otherwise, you don't have democracy."
"Empathy for fellow members of the world... is something the world needs right now."
"Biological form requires biological information."
"You need a diverse media in a republic like ours."
"It's not easy being Spider-Man. It doesn't make it easy to be Peter Parker, but it is very necessary."
"The only way America can be saved is through revival."
"When you look at things like that, then you start to realize what's really needed and what's not."
"No matter what, boldness always requires faith."
"No senior should ever have to choose between medicine and food."
"Time is up, time for a peaceful Revolution. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution necessary."
"Even if everyone hates him for it. That's the hero we need."
"It's a dirty job, and someone's got to do it."
"The casting out of things too readily leaves you with a problem. It leaves you with the problem that you might need those things again."
"You cannot achieve a socialist society without also making significant social progress."
"Limitations do not only breed creativity; they are essential for creativity to exist."
"Prayer is not an option for us as believers, it's a necessity."
"If you don't schedule time for maintenance, your equipment will schedule it for you."
"This is precisely why we need actual regulation."
"Build your spiritual arms more importantly than your temporal arms because you're going to need it."
"Self-care should not be a luxury, both financially and time-wise."
"No matter what you do, you're gonna have to talk to people."
"Without credibility, there's no point in even having these conversations."
"Sometimes we have to go to war, but by god we've got to think about it."
"Voting rights are essential for our democracy."
"Are we at the place where we should all be progressives because progress is absolutely required? I think so."
"Men are important. The world wouldn't function without men."
"This preview isn't just necessary it's super necessary."
"Understanding moon phases is absolutely crucial at all times."
"It's becoming clear that drastic long-term action is needed."
"Aegon is essential to have awakened if you really want to play this dude to a high level."
"He's got the job done, and that's what you need sometimes."
"Choices are good, I think we need choices with lots of talented candidates."
"When you move as fast as I do, you've got to make sure your gear can keep up."
"Money is something that is a factor of life."
"Police officers need more training, not less."
"It sucks that it's necessary, but like you said, it's good they do this."
"Why did Tesla put three motors on the Tesla Semi if they weren’t necessary to keep up with the power of a Diesel Semi?"
"Without terror, virtue has no power." - Robespierre
"Zoro needed Enma to get to this level because he wouldn't have gotten here without it."
"Strong leadership from the White House is needed."
"There's less and less of it around same thing with copper we need way more copper um to build out the electric infrastructure that everybody is planning."
"This is something that the sport really needed."
"Therapy will be seen as the same way that we see exercise today, something that we used to think was not necessary, but now we realize is actually incredibly necessary for our mental health."
"Fundamentally this is a necessary component of this space for the sake of everyone."
"It would be pretty rough if we had to stop doing it because we have to like learn a trade or something."
"Sometimes the most convincing thing is just doing what needs to be done."
"People need help to pay their bills, to put food on the table."
"The Outer Worlds is exactly the game we need."
"There's almost a necessity of a monarchical rule in the church."
"Sometimes the best innovation comes from necessity."
"It is what it is; people in politics are going to do what they think is necessary."
"The world really needs Uber... I don't know how the world exists without Uber at this point in time."
"Abundant safe power is something that we need badly and that would benefit us in a thousand economic sectors."
"Still, if there is a ray of hope to shine on this, it is that necessity is the master of innovation."
"These laws need to change because it is causing more of a detriment."
"Is Bitcoin absolutely essential? Yes, I think it is."
"Somebody got to clean up the horseshit, somebody got to do the part that all the rest of us don't want to do because it's the hard part."
"The Ukraine supplemental is a desperate need. If we don't provide it... you'll see many more people who die in Ukraine."
"Creating a cohesive society is not an optional luxury."
"I'd rather someone steal diapers than their baby go without diapers or formula that they need to live." - Unnamed commenter
"Dehydration's a killer... getting the liquid into you is always vital."
"Health insurance is really, really critical."