
Fun Quotes

There are 33842 quotes

"We think fun is optional; it's not optional, it is mandatory if you want to live a fulfilling satisfying life."
"Intrinsic motivation is the simple fun of jumping around in a platformer, of winning a match against another player, or the satisfaction of finding a new solution to a problem in an immersive sim."
"I have been thinking for a while about how much fun we have been having. This fun, I never want this to end."
"Just because it's fun doesn't mean it's not a job."
"Using natural language makes the game more fun for everybody involved and allows you as a dungeon master to determine when and where the dice will be rolled instead of the players trying to decide that for you."
"Percy Jackson is a story that has been so synonymous with fun and quirkiness, charisma, and excitement."
"The goal of the game is not to win; the goal of the game is to keep it fun so everybody keeps wanting to play."
"I just want people, like, when they're having a good time, to go, 'Oh man, I wish Bert was here.'"
"The classic productivity equation is output over time. But I think the way for you to be the most productive...is to add three Fs: focus, forethought, and fun."
"When you're having fun, productivity takes care of itself."
"You're going to be really inspired to bring on a whole group of people with you and be like, 'Come on, break out of the box; it's actually really fun out here. Let's go play.'"
"Insane chemistry like each other equally, having fun."
"You can choose just about anything, and if you devote yourself to it, eventually... you'll have that moment where it's actually really fun."
"Don't compete, don't play the competition game, play the collaboration game and just be you and bring out that natural fun."
"Being good at a video game doesn't matter and there's no impact or meaning in it at all; it's just a video game so at the end of the day the video game should be fun."
"It was so much fun, and I really want to be able to share that memory again with her one day."
"It's so fun. I literally can't believe how fun it is."
"They want to have some fun, carefree times with you."
"It's always fun to go back to Independence Day to a more carefree, innocent time where movies like this were not to be taken seriously and were honestly just about fun."
"This was highly super [__] fun, and I hope we can do something again in the future too."
"Life is short, man. You got to have fun, for crying out loud."
"This is like some of the most fun the Pokémon card community has had in a while."
"It's the fun that you make on the journey... that's the win."
"The biggest threat for us to lose is actually ourselves. Sometimes we troll too much and we have too much fun."
"It's like a summer vacation filled with battles and monster slaying. Talk about unconventional fun."
"Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough."
"We're trying to preserve the old one; it was fun, it used to be fun."
"I research and find real off-brand items in the world, and that is perhaps more fun than actually writing the thing."
"It just seemed like I'm having fun and I am. I'm not going to lie."
"If it's not fun, then we work on it until it is."
"We're doing the pizza dance, and it's about to get saucy."
"We went to a retro bazaar in Heidelberg, which is like, you know, it's a big fair where people selling used games, and we had a lot of fun there."
"This is the balance beam pillow fight challenge."
"It's fun if, even if you're a great singer, it's fun to have fun with it."
"If we were the only ones in a nightclub, we would have fun 100% because we're all on the same page."
"Make time for dates and fun. Reignite the passion. Take the initiative. Try surprising them with a romantic gesture."
"Do you want to go to the arcade? Sounds fun."
"The whole background you kind of have to have originally is just having a passion for this thing and feeling that it's fun and something you're really interested and engaged in."
"Have a little bit more fun. You may be being way too by the book."
"Find more time for fun and playfulness, reconnect and rediscover your passions in life."
"Fun is one of the most important ingredients in any successful venture." - Richard Branson
"Mars in our fifth house means you're going to have more fun, become more productive, and your creative juices will start flowing."
"This is actually the first time I'm having fun in Monopoly."
"There are definitely dungeons I want to do again. AQ20 was always a lot of fun."
"Training should be fun and engaging for both the trainer and the dog."
"I am obsessed with that ride; it's so much fun."
"I'm just doing it because it's fun, okay? And that is literally the only reason we're doing this."
"We're here to have fun; what could possibly go wrong?"
"A third wheel is always better. I loved riding my tricycle growing up, so much more fun when you don't have to constantly focus on balancing."
"Oh, successful fun, it's successful, I promise."
"You got to have fun. That's the freaking key."
"If air traffic control can be fun, my friends, anything can be fun."
"We can make anything fun or anything work depending on its design."
"We wanted to make it fun for a single player."
"Moon in Gemini...if this moon is not having fun, it will lash out and make everyone know it."
"It's just for fun, and in general, I think we need to take that aspect of fandom culture a little less seriously."
"Having so much fun right now, I hope everyone watching is having some fun too."
"We were having so much fun, just on the field off the field, just overall."
"We're having an awesome pool party... it's the best water ever; it's party water."
"Freedom equals fun. When I'm free and I can just do what I want, that's where I have fun."
"At this cool pool inside the house, wow, you can swim in it, you can jump in it, you jump on the Diamond Balls. Just is awesome. This is so much fun."
"My favorite part was the blood vial system; it's such a clever idea and it was so much fun to strategize around."
"Gaming is about having fun, dude, and these people are trying to ruin it."
"I had an absolute blast; this was probably the most fun I have had in this game."
"I think it's so much fun, and Sonic as a character is so much fun and he's so iconic."
"A roller coaster is like a big rail that you ride on with a mine cart and you can go like really fast, and it's really fun."
"I'm going to have all the most epic gaming food like enchanted golden apples inside."
"Love is not serious, love is playful and fun."
"The introduction of playable Navies with unique skills being a load of fun."
"Do something really cool and cowboy...Yeehaw! Okay, and then you can put the hat on in celebration."
"There's fun and then there's reality. And you had fun up to the point where reality is coming to hit you."
"It was like very organic collaboration... it was just super fun."
"This person does know how to also have fun but they also are very mature at the same time."
"Higher morale and more fun. It's just going to be more fun, you know, hanging out with someone, maybe in Discord, you're talking and stuff. Again, we're playing an MMORPG, right? Where we play this game so we can interface with other players. There's a social component there, right?"
"Decide amongst yourselves what your best challenges are, and we'll have some fun together."
"The fun aspect is more important than ultra-realism."
"A better way of going about things is to do it from a little bit more of a fun, playful, lighthearted energy."
"You broke out a [] Duo synchronized choreograph dance at the party. That was pretty [] cool."
"The healing journey or the healing process doesn't have to be all serious all the time. It's important for you to have fun and to make positive memories."
"I think it'd be fun, interesting, challenging, and those three reasons are a great trio to do a lot of things."
"Don't be afraid to be who you are; it's way more fun that way."
"Life can be more fun. Life is more fun when unexpected events keep happening."
"I'm having so much fun doing that show. I want you guys on it every week with me because it's just... it's very fun."
"Balance is important. Have fun with life, balance. Don't judge yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, have a vision for your life, for where you want to go, work hard, and don't let nobody outwork you."
"Enjoy the process, enjoy yourself. Like it's okay to have a little fun."
"There's so much fun you can have in Grand Theft Auto online without ever actually playing what the game wants you to."
"I'm about to twerk, dude. I was so excited for this."
"Cooking is really fun, dude. It's like chemistry but you can eat it afterwards."
"It's really important for families to try to get together, figure out what your goals are, what your common purpose is as a family, do something productive together but also have fun together."
"Make the fun part also the correct strategy to win."
"The most fun thing to do in the snow is play tackle football."
"It's been a battle, it's been a whole hell of a lot of fun."
"Your relationship can be fun, it can be loving, it can be all that you ever wanted it to be."
"Limitations and restrictions are an important part of D&D and are an important part of having fun in D&D."
"Problems to be resolved, time to go out and have fun, sunrise, new creative ideas, new ventures, a fresh start."
"Let's make it fun, because that's what it's supposed to be."
"If you're not having fun when you're creating content, that's the other thing that the audience picks up on so fast."
"Have more fun with who you are, bringing out that loving personality rather than the serious personality."
"Fashion is supposed to be fun; it's supposed to be very free. There's really no rules."
"Now before we get to all the fun that is water slides, let's talk about safety."
"Language learning is hard, so we make it fun."
"Kids just want to have fun, and they don't care about all the important things we do."
"It ain't about winning or losing; it's about fun."
"It's meant to be a game that's fun for people to play, not necessarily something that's just incredibly complex and difficult."
"Crackdown 3 is really fun; it's a very underrated game."
"Everyone was just there to have fun and you could tell that that was integral to the actual Commander format."
"Everyone's just looking to have fun. There was so much camaraderie."
"It's pretty cringey, but so are most fun things."
"I don't care if some people don't like farming sheep; this game made it fun."
"This is an awful lot of fun, so even though this doesn't handle exactly as well as some of the competition that has a better weight balance, this has a very very engaging drive to it."
"It's dramatic, it's so much fun, it has great atmosphere, love, love, love this book."
"Let's just kick off our shoes and clown around. It sounds like a good book."
"I think programming itself is fun; it's puzzle solving in a variety of ways."
"This game is built on the belief that playing is always more fun when you're doing it with your friends."
"I would love to have been in the Barbie film. It looks like they were having the absolute most amount of fun."
"When you're having fun, productivity takes care of itself, and you don't need to worry about things like discipline and grit and willpower."
"You're a huge mood changer because you bring the fun back into things, the humor and the fun and the excitement."
"One of the most fun things I've done, one of the most challenging things I've done as a content creator."
"Our D&D games don't have to be groundbreaking or original in order to be fun."
"People primarily play video games to simply relax and have fun."
"Let's just keep getting to know each other and having fun with one another."
"Have some fun with these spells; the warlock is a really cool class."
"Summer jobs can be a lot of fun and a great way to earn some extra money."
"Why can't we do an activity together? Why can't we meet up in a park and run around and try to pet five dogs? Why can't we go to a street with a lot of dumpling places and create our own dumpling tour and figure out our best one? Why can't we have an experience together where we're doing something, we're having fun?"
"We're going to have fun, we can talk about anything."
"We just try to make something fun out of a boring day."
"Have fun with the choices you make, the actions you take, and the thoughts you have."
"You guys are having so much more fun with life. Taking life much less seriously and purely enjoying it."
"I think the key to a marriage is having a lot of fun together."
"It's more fun to be productive, to do things that actually benefit me in the long run."
"You need to be open and honest and have fun and really be friends."
"I think the brand of Adopt Me is just silly and fun and crazy, right?"
"It shouldn't be about winning or losing, it should be about having fun."
"Leo's are attractive because you make everyone have fun even when they don't want to."
"Oh sweet, there's stereos in this temple. Heck yeah, this is like the nightclub temple."
"There is, of course, no right or wrong way to play, but if you are not having fun in an MMO anymore, try playing less efficiently and just see what happens."
"Don't take yourself seriously, put love in every interaction and everything you do, and have fun."
"Servos though? So fun, like so fun to have a Servo bot."
"My definition of fun is going to be different from someone else's definition of fun."
"It's about learning and evolving... it's about social, it's about fun."
"Winning is more fun than fun is fun, man. Dude, that's a fcking hey, write that sht down."
"I think it's gonna be so much fun for all of us."
"It was his first time DMing...but what he did have was imagination and the desire to make it a fun experience for all of us."
"Take the risk; it'll be worth it. Go do something risky and embarrassing. It'll probably be fun."
"How do you make your games fun? Pro tip for anyone who's just getting into game design professionally: we don't like the word 'fun' very much because it's too amorphous, too broad, too hard to define what exactly you mean."
"Start the momentum, start the action, and try to have fun with it if you can too."
"Your union can be very playful. Again, this theme of fun comes up, this theme of playfulness, childishness."
"It's definitely a really fun sensory experience and I truly believe that kids would really enjoy this."
"This stall is not about winning at all costs; it's about having fun."
"This was a ridiculous escape room but probably the most fun I've ever had cheesing one."
"I just love big dumb fun and this looks like it could scratch that itch for me."
"To recapture romance, allow your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine."
"If you haven't made a paper airplane, you haven't lived."
"Veganism can and should be fun. You get to recreate your favorite comfort foods but in a better-for-you way."
"My main goal with this video is for anybody who struggled to skip rope or hesitated to get started to have sort of a confidence so that you can do it fluidly and have lots of fun and get a great workout at the same time."
"These will be judged by uniqueness, challenge, creativity, charm, how well-hidden they are, but most importantly, how fun they are to collect."
"Normally, you have to use a bunch of poles to go through an obstacle course, which is pretty fun on its own."
"The dog bark Park Inn hotel... takes the concept of a doghouse to a whole new level of fun and creativity."
"Soaring above the skies and be a dragon, it is by far the most fun spell they've introduced in years."
"Once the 30 days are up, it's time to be a hero for fun and fight evil in whatever form it may come."
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun."
"There is nothing wrong with having fun, but be careful when fun destroys focus."
"It actually looks like a lot of fun; it looks dangerous but it looks like a good time."
"Life is supposed to be fun, and we promise you that it's just a little bit of tuning; you're gonna remember that too."
"The raids and even some of their other content like dungeons are so incredibly creative, fun, and fulfilling."
"The game puts a strong emphasis on fun first, and that is exactly the right impulse when dealing with such larger-than-life characters."
"You can have a sophisticated brand but still have it be fun. Not everything has to be super serious and black and white."
"This is literally the most fun I've ever had."
"We play games to have fun. Everyone does. Let's have fun and help others have fun."
"We're having fun or we're educating people. It's like there's a lot of people that's behind the scenes that's getting paid, and it's creating a whole economy."
"This is a super fun build, so I think why not add a piano if we have the room."
"Transparency, having strong faith foundations, and being fun... these three things have gotten us through."
"This will be so much fun to decorate year-round, especially during the holidays."
"The whole fun of Dead by Daylight is the interaction between the killer and the survivor."
"I think when you're learning a new skill, that's really what it's about, it's just having fun."
"Sometimes it's not about winning, sometimes it's about having fun."
"The best thing about the game is you're not doing it right unless you get it wrong."
"The possibility of all the fun we can have is endless."
"Let's embrace the whole idea; it's the North Pole, we've got Christmas on the horizon, it'd be a fun little thing."
"Anything can be fun, even when it seems like the worst thing that could have happened."
"If you had a pogo stick, you could say, 'Hey Justin, let's go get some froyo on our pogos. Yo, yo, let's go-go froyo.'"
"I think it looks really fun. I wanna do that. Goal."
"The shame is the game actually looks kind of fun and very well could be a good TCG."
"If you've never done an escape room before, I highly recommend it; they are super fun."
"Life is short, and it should be fun, and sometimes you have as much fun making mistakes as you do having big successes."
"The most important thing is you're going out there and you're having fun."
"I make social clubs for fun. It's fun to bring people together and see what happens."
"Constructing a build that is not only fun but powerful is an integral part of the game."
"What's the one thing we're not talking about but we really should be? Having fun. We've made it all so serious."
"Thank you so much for the riddles again. There's been a lot of fun, dude."
"Doodling and taking a moment for yourself away from screens is just about having a bit of fun with the pen in your hand."
"Well the purpose of a party is to have fun together!"
"Gemini... they just want to see you smile. They're a fun time, just pure laughs with them."
"I think it's really fun to ask random questions."
"This is great. I love this game. It was really, really fun and cute."
"Learning is meant to be fun, but sometimes the most productive thing you can possibly do is take a break."
"My mom and I are proof that you can have so much fun even post-diagnosis. I mean, my mom was pretty far along in her dementia, and I took her to Disneyland."
"Being able to step outside of reality for a moment and do something that is realistic-ish but still just a lot of fun is the glorious part of gaming."
"This year you are going to have a lot of fun; lots of interesting stuff is waiting for you."
"As the DM, you can set an example by embracing being absolutely fucking ridiculous."