
Transformative Change Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"You are but one habit, one killer routine away from having the exact life that you want."
"All of us can do is simply believe survivors...if each one of us does that, it's transformative."
"By elevating our own consciousness to such a degree that our light radiates to those around us, and we become instruments of sacred transformative change by the goodness that we embody."
"The one thing that will get us out of this cycle, work and breaks the chain, is Africa uniting."
"You are not responsible for what happened to you, but you do have a responsibility to heal yourself and to do the work to change."
"This is a historic and transformative moment for us as academic workers within UC."
"Successful negotiation, successful negotiation, successful negotiation that is absolutely going to be mind-blowing and life-changing."
"It's not like a small incremental change; it's like that gap closes and when that day comes, it's an amazing thing for the gross margin."
"I believe that taking small steps can lead to major transformations in our cities."
"This is a huge deal and really I think a transformative moment for the police."
"They had to change their destiny of their season."
"AI is expected to bring about once unimaginable capabilities."
"The amount of change we're going to see... will dwarf everything." - Mark Cuban
"This type of bargaining could be transformative in the United States where union membership has been on a steady decline."
"If we had a director of football, United would change overnight." - Mark
"It will completely upend our entire world as we know it."
"Putting $1,000 a month into every American adults hands immediately would be the most transformative move in a progressive direction that we've undertaken in generations." - Andrew Yang
"We're at the cusp of the time when this is just going to break wide open."
"There's gonna come a time where there just is no sorrow and there's no enmity and everything's gonna become new."
"The Bible is full of testimonies of how prayer and fasting change the trajectory of a nation, of a season, of a people, of a bloodline."
"Destiny is malleable, believe in your own beauty and embrace the rebirth."
"This will change business as we know it forever."
"The differences over the last year are incredible."
"A door is gonna swing open and the walls come tumbling down when the people of the Lord get down to pray."
"Amazing inventions revolutionized our domestic lives. What I'm holding in my hand changed our homes forever."
"We're not looking for reform; we're looking for transformation."
"I think we can connect black and white and brown people in a way that can be transformational."
"Major growth, major healing needs to take place."
"This tower energy, a complete game changer, a complete, and it's a very positive one."
"If you are, we can in fact transform this country."
"When God calls you into the kingdom, he's calling you to a life that is going to be juxtaposed to one that you're accustomed to living."
"President Ibrahim Tror's leadership has ushered in a transformative era for Burkina Faso, marked by unprecedented development across various sectors."
"Feminism enables men to have a transformed experience of themselves and the people around them."
"The same principles that change a person's life change a nation's life."
"Whatever it is that's been keeping you stuck, the tower comes along and says, 'Boom, it's over; we're moving forward now.'"
"Our work will not be easy, but the change we need is coming."
"Imagine every financial institution settling with every other financial institution in seconds for less than a penny any asset that's fundamentally transformative."
"If we were really seeing the transformational change that many predicted, we would start to be seeing that one way or the other in these U.N votes."
"This is our time to make that defining difference."
"It's about putting it out in court and showing the evidence, and then dragging them out in the light with Discovery."
"Consciousness is moving to the next level, allowing transformation of negative structures into positive realities."
"Let love guide you, not fear. A great shift is happening."
"Evolution we're gonna be seeing with people is gonna be crazy."
"It took one act of loving kindness yeah one act to break a chain."
"I feel like if I'm really gonna move naturally and do this, it needs to be a big change."
"It's time to take back that power, it changes everything."
"This was a truly great story... making them change their ways and really consider it all in a different perspective."
"I think it's one of the most incredible 180 stories."
"For those reasons, I believe the Minutemen are the strongest they have ever been and would reshape the Commonwealth as never before."
"Inter ledger changes the rules of the internet... it's like changing the laws of physics."
"They're literally talking about transforming the world."
"We're on the verge of something that could cause a profound change in that substrate, and that is machine superintelligence."
"Radical change, making the impossible possible."
"If the University of California system loses the suit, the higher education landscape could change forever."
"COVID-19 has been used to clear out racism, industries, and leaders who are not leading us into the future."
"Big change. Loving lights. You're on fire, Kristen!"
"The spark that will ignite the flame that will burn down the first order."
"It's time to face the truth of self, of others, of our circumstances, of our situations."
"If black Americans and white Americans come together these people have zero power zero it's over for them immediately."
"Can we actually be a place where the charge stops, like where it hits a wall called the gospel and it dissipates?"
"Embrace what could hardly have been imagined before, moving forward in a way of power, understanding, beauty, truth, and brilliance."
"Sometimes it's not enough to make little changes. Maybe it's time for you to make some massive change."
"There's an awakening coming where it's going to be like a 1,000-foot tidal wave sweep across the Earth."
"He's claiming he's brought peace, he's claiming he's brought a new economic system, he's claiming he's brought a new world religion, a new world government, he's brought the solar eclipse, he is the great I am."
"This would be a very massive thing. This would quite literally change the manga industry for the better forever."
"A drastic change in turn between Jack 1 and 2 came out of nowhere yet it appeared to be the shot in the arm that the platforming genre needed."
"The actual legislation is really transformative on climate."
"It's not a plan that tinkers around the edges... It's a once-in-a-generation investment in America."
"It literally is so different than your before and after feels like it went from like a storage unit to a living space."
"This is the power to take our country and turn it in a new direction just like that."
"This could be an absolute game changer as far as helping raise children out of poverty."
"We must not underestimate the radical shifts we are undergoing right now."
"Things will never be the same again. We are entering a new era."
"Long overdue... it's a reboot, a change... ultimately, it's a positive thing."
"The potential here over the next decade or two is truly colossal, and everyone seems to be asleep."
"Becoming like a superhero because the conditions have changed."
"Big shifts, big changes, lots of new coming for you this year."
"When you're changing the world, you can do whatever you want."
"He goes from skeptic, to born again in less than an hour."
"I implore you to consider the transformative potential of dismantling the Federal Reserve."
"Direct action is the most radically and rapidly transforming strategy."
"Life is fundamentally changing for you... it's like going from night to day, rags to riches."
"This is a moment where the outsiders become the leaders."
"This incoming change is actually just blowing that all the way."
"Build Back Better delivers transformational investments in child care, climate action, housing, healthcare, and more."
"The death card showing a total change in transition is that your normal way of life is being disrupted but not for the worst and usually for the better in the grand scheme of things."
"The universe is like getting rid of everything and everyone it needs to get rid of so that I can Thrive next year."
"It's going to change the world... 40,000 people a year in the United States die..."
"One person can change everything about your business."
"We are getting ready to come into a new era of even more power in many ways."
"They're watching you grow, they're watching you change, they're watching this major glow up from you."
"Rearranging things in your space can make magic in your life."
"He is convinced that Luffy is the one who can free Wano and change the world."
"You have to destroy old foundations in order to rebuild something new."
"During moments of cataclysmic change, the previously unthinkable suddenly becomes reality."
"We're on the precipice of something really, really wild."
"It was as if some Cosmic hand flipped a switch and altered the whole balance of nature on planet Earth."
"We are literally at the cusp of this new, completely new transitions for humans."
"Staying focused will literally change your life."
"I'm ready to flip the city upside down. Something big is happening."
"He's the one threat, he's the structural change."
"Dawn offered both a visual feast and characters you actually shed a tear for."
"There really is a widespread awakening amongst a large section of the population that something deeply transformative is happening here."
"Ethereum is having the most transformative update that any cryptocurrency has ever had."
"Climate change events will be blatantly obvious and transformative."
"We are on the cusp of, like, completely changing the world."
"Innovation implemented at the correct time and with the appropriate plan might alter everything."
"The universe is actually trying to help you to move you on. Don't fear the changes group two, this is powerful transformative stuff and it's about you deserving more and you ultimately being able to get more."
"You are on the verge of creating a huge change, and you'll never go back once you do."
"A coherent political organization is needed for transformative change."
"People who are outside of the old system now investing in the new system are going to be the first ones hitting the rubber to the road here and creating that new earth."
"We're going to make some big changes around here."
"The way we are going to change this world is focusing on the incredible high-frequency energy that's coming in for us."
"We're really starting a civilizational change that's once in every few thousand years."
"This is the largest shift in consciousness the universe has ever seen."
"We're on the brink of a real step change for humanity."
"I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, 'Over your life and over the many people in this audience for I am bringing not only a Great Awakening, I'm bringing a turnover.'"
"The destruction itself is just making these adjustments so that something more long-term and invaluable can really take place."
"Pluto in Aquarius changes the games, changes the rules."
"You could call that transformative, heck, I'd argue it even falls under fair use."
"There's a powerful shift in terms of humanity during this solar eclipse."
"AEW has already drastically changed pro wrestling."
"The true solution is the conversion of hearts. Cutting off demand to dry out the market."
"Sometimes we have to tear that construct down to rebuild it in a healthier way."
"This person is rebuilding their life, learning something better, and breaking a cycle set up in the past."
"Time to spread your wings, time to evolve and make progress... if you feel like you've been going through a very difficult time where you've lost your sense of self, it means you're on the precipice of change."
"I'm so proud of my father... it was insane to see this guy who was just like a Good Time Charlie end up being like a Sanctified member of our family."
"The change that is coming is bigger than anyone can imagine. It will fundamentally change the world."
"Education is going to be the thing that really leads to a quantum leap here."
"You and God control the script. Listen to me, at any time you want, you can simply decide to be a new character."
"Make this about a major change in everything you do."
"It takes renegades like the family of light to come into a system that has been primarily dark for eons and change it."
"The more people with their acts together, the better the probability we'll manage the exponential transformation."
"This is actually going to shake us out of complacency in a very liberating, very positive, very powerful way."
"Bring healing to the body... remove everything that is unlike you."
"Blacks benefit from the New Deal was transformative."
"We're in a moment of unprecedented urgent need colliding with this unprecedented opportunity for very deep and transformative change."
"You will be able to go back to school or go to college for the first time ever if you want to completely for free so that will basically change the game and how our current school system works."
"Can we actually end this cycle this time, can we heal it?"
"I am moving in to change everything at once, it will be shocking and it will bring a great awe upon this Earth."
"Expect a powerful change... given that you surrender."
"Endings bring new beginnings, the death card is here twice."
"Let love guide you, not fear. It's our time right now, deep divers, to create a new world."
"We cannot predict, but I believe there is a revolution in science. In everything, everything will be changed, whether in immunology, in virology, even our life will change. Things will not be like before."
"They compare themselves favorably to HIV, Ebola, SARS, and viruses that cause cancer because cancer represents true transformative change."
"The Transformer is categorically better than everything that came before."
"The future of African Club football will never be the same again."
"When we, Generation Z, come together for a collective cause, we don't just leave the box behind, we blow it out of the water."
"A paradigm shift is a fundamental change of basic concepts, don't get left behind."
"You can't get to consciousness by adding little increments of something; there is a moment at which a leap has to be taken."
"If you listen to what I'm about to tell you in this video, your life is gonna become like magic."
"If we go back and fix these mistakes while we still can, the effect can be transformative."
"The basic income grants have been transformative."
"This is a real major revolution in the way that medicine is now being performed."