
Compatibility Quotes

There are 7347 quotes

"Be the kind of person who's open with that. By doing this and by being authentic, you might lose some fake friends... who cares? They were never compatible with you anyway."
"If you find the right person, it doesn't feel like effort."
"Sheer will will get you through a relationship, but there are some people with whom it's going to be easier."
"It's not about the money; it's about the compatibility."
"Having a clear understanding of what one desires in a partner or relationship is important; it helps individuals identify compatibility and build a strong foundation based on shared values and aspirations."
"Marriage is not the issue; it's marrying the wrong person and marrying for the wrong reasons."
"Finding someone with a compatible sexuality greatly increases your chance of finding someone who is more compatible with you in your broader life."
"You are my ideal match, everything I could ever want in a person."
"It's like a 'oh are we just completely on different pages about what is or isn't kosher in the relationship?'"
"When you are really with the right person, that wouldn't phase you anymore. You'd be like, 'Uh, please get out of here. I'm good. I'm doing amazing. I'm with the person I know is the one for me.'"
"Making sure our values are aligned...whether that be spiritual, financial values, whatever those things are, let's make sure we're on the same page about it."
"Relationships are like a Rubik's Cube; you gotta hope all the colors fit together."
"When two people are in love, they're on the same frequency intellectually, emotionally, and physically."
"I'm going to be looking if I'm actually compatible with them on a value sense if we share the same goals if we actually strive for the same things."
"If people always try to find somebody that they're 100% compatible with, they're always going to end up alone."
"The only relationships that work are when two people find themselves in the exact same place at the exact same time in life."
"You could be the most amazing, juicy, end-of-summer ripe peach, but if someone doesn't like peaches, you're not going to be a fit for that person."
"You're the right person, but at the wrong time."
"The relationship is healthy if both individuals are able to grow in the way that they want to grow and that complements the other person."
"You can't say the wrong thing to the right person."
"We want healthy relationships... especially when two people who know what the other person wants and they're able to provide that come together."
"Marriages last to the extent that you've selected somebody whose irritating qualities you can stand."
"Very hard to impress, you're going to find someone unexpectedly attractive, fitting just like that missing piece."
"Really what I look for, it's more of just kind of like if you can vibe with me and I can vibe with you, no negativity, positivity."
"You can't put a Porter House on the same plate as a cinnamon roll."
"If you genuinely enjoy spending time with someone, both sexually and non-sexually, then by all means, make that person your significant other."
"Facetime... now allows us to share a FaceTime call with someone that's on Windows or Android."
"Finding somebody that you really can jam with for a long period of time isn't like two puzzle pieces coming together; it's like two ripped pages with all these intricate jagged little edges finding enough alignment to fit well together."
"Find your missing piece, who completes your puzzle."
"What I want you to be able to do is to choose a woman who you can be happy with 10, 20, 30, 50 years from now."
"Would you enjoy spending 75 years with her in a jail cell? If the answer is yes, she's probably a great match for you."
"Approaching people is a skill; it's like bike riding. And just because someone can ride a bike doesn't mean they're going to be a good romantic partner."
"Let's go on our first date... to the movies, 'cause we both like videos, right? It's big brain."
"Compatibility is about how do we line up in the areas of our lives in such a way that if you never changed and I never changed, we would still fit like a glove."
"Finding an actual partner is like finding somebody that fits you right."
"You guys are a match made in heaven. Everyone can see it. Have you looked in the mirror? You two look perfect together."
"I think the theory of evolution is fully compatible with faith in God."
"A connection is when our spirit recognizes our match."
"If you don't know who you are, you don't know who fits with you."
"If you're choosing love or a relationship in that broken state, nine times out of ten, it will never, ever work."
"If your truest, best version of yourself is not right for someone, then they're not right for you."
"It really can be a great tool for you to help try to figure out what's compatible for you in relationships."
"Your sim will now have preferences that determine which Sims they are socially compatible with."
"Interacting with different types of people in real life... you can meet some people that are surprisingly different from you in so many ways and you can certainly get along with them."
"The idea of the Big Bang absolutely matches up with the biblical narrative."
"Our instincts have evolved to pick up invisible signals to find the most compatible partner."
"This could be a relationship that you end up being with for the rest of your life."
"Your values and the things that you want, the things that you desire to experience, absolutely 100% compatible."
"You two are almost like each other's best friend."
"If you have those values in line and also expectations and values as it relates to the relationship itself and roles in the relationship, if you agree on those, almost everything else can work."
"The most important thing I've said with every class when we're dealing with a new operating system is compatibility."
"Finding someone who shares interests with you is a really great way to start a relationship."
"It's important to be with someone who likes similar things as you, maybe not everything, but at least a couple of things that you guys can enjoy together throughout the duration of your relationship."
"I've been married twice. My first marriage was to a very wonderful record producer. My second husband, Greg, we were married for 23 years. We never fought. We never argued about anything. We were the happiest couple you ever saw."
"Values, vision, and lifestyle are crucial for a relationship."
"The key to a satisfying marriage is finding that perfectly compatible soulmate...someone who accepts me just as I am, somebody who will affirm me not change me."
"Who's the perfect fit for you? There is nothing and nobody that fits into me like you do."
"You can be compatible with tons of people, you can have chemistry with tons of people, you do not feel connection with a bunch of people."
"It's not about being in a relationship; it's about being with the right person."
"If I meet somebody in my life that is perfect for me and we get along really well and we have a connection, that's all that really matters to me."
"Christianity is not an ignorant superstition, and you don't need to choose between the two."
"We are compatible; we are meant to be together."
"You guys are just on the same wavelength like you vibe, it's just total vibes bro."
"Really the key is just finding someone who has values, ideas about life, and goals that align with yours."
"Be with someone that you feel is aligned with your life and compatible with you, whatever the number is between you."
"Compatibility is an achievement of marriage, it should not be its prerequisite."
"You might not be her cup of tea, but somebody else would love your energy."
"It's also important to have somebody who makes you laugh. If someone can't make me laugh, then that's whack."
"What does the kind of man you would want want from a woman, and is that who you are naturally?"
"Functional relationships occur because of compatibility, good communication, shared values and goals, hard work, not because two people have wealth, beauty, and fame."
"They feel that you are their missing puzzle piece."
"There are things that are special about you that only you do. There's things that are special about me that only I do. That's what you need. It's a yin and a yang."
"You know, there's always a person for somebody."
"If you have compatibility, when again you talk about people going the same direction, it's like, okay cool, we're committed to going in the same direction."
"This is truly ruining our relationships with other people and the potential for us to actually really find compatible, meaningful relationships."
"You being in a relationship or being with someone who doesn't share your goals, ambitions, and dreams is very, very challenging."
"Seeing the other side of things that people might not see... I think you guys are going to be a good match."
"Never go to bed without kissing good night, and if you don't feel comfortable doing it, you're in the wrong place."
"Compatibility... when you have compatibility... it's like, okay, cool, we're committed to going in the same direction."
"You want to say, 'How do you know when you've found your match?' All four: I admire this person, we have connection and chemistry, we have genuine mutual commitment, and we're compatible."
"Shoes or people, if they hurt you, they are not your size."
"Compatibility is when two things, (even if they're different) are able to occur or exist together in alignment without problems and without conflict."
"Even though you have differences, it's totally compatible which is beautiful."
"A soul mate is someone who fits into the future of one another."
"We're so perfect for each other. He likes video games, he's smart, he's like my male twin."
"We're not talking about x86 PCs where you can go and get any distro of Linux off the shelf; you have to have an image of your operating system available for the board."
"You'll get along like a house on fire, even better, one that isn't on fire; less shouting that way."
"Good guy doesn't mean right guy, and good girl doesn't mean right girl."
"You want to have something in common with the person you're with."
"It's about really finding people who are on the same page as you."
"It seems like you guys are getting to this place where you're thinking about long-term compatibility."
"If your life's in order, then you're compatible with a lot more people."
"You are a good match; you are good for one another."
"It's gonna be really hard for you to relate to somebody who you're not vibing with."
"Learning how to recognize signs early in a relationship won't work out or that someone is just too incompatible can save us a lot of pain and regret down the road."
"It's something that's meant to be and you'll know it's meant to be. It's like a match made in heaven."
"There's no reason to be with somebody that you cannot be a hundred percent comfortable with, that you can't be a hundred percent honest with, and be a hundred percent yourself with."
"Her vibe was just cool and chill, and I like chill and cool."
"Going to an escape room with a person is exactly how you figure out if you guys are compatible together."
"A deal breaker is a fundamental incompatibility."
"Christianity and evolution are 100% compatible."
"Years after Hendrix's untimely passing, Mitch reminisced about his relationship with him, 'I think what it comes down to is a kind of mutual respect for each other musically. It was a very compatible situation.'"
"I don't know that I could be married to anyone literally anyone else that could be more perfect for me."
"My boyfriend and I were having a lot of issues in the beginning, like a lot, and ultimately I felt like we weren't compatible, even though we had a lot of love for each other."
"A relationship really is about two people figuring out what each needs and wants, and then figuring out a way to make those needs and wants compatible."
"If you watch this and aren't at least a little interested, then I'm sorry, I really don't think we could be friends."
"These are nearly identical where they all work with both iPhones as well as Android phones."
"Aquarius is the sign of astrology, Jupiter is also a sign of studies... astrology is very beneficial for Jupiter and Aquarius."
"The highest scholarship and the most zealous devotion with childlike faith fit hand and glove together."
"Compatibility, in my opinion, is ultimately something that you work at and develop."
"Simple with a mouse, keyboard, or a gamepad." - Sean
"The characters are written in such a way that they are perfect for each other."
"They were like two jigsaw pieces that fit together, they were phenomenal."
"The right person will love you for those values."
"Can a scientist be religious? On the face of it, it seems absurd."
"HDMI 2.1 is here with support for 10k and dynamic HDR support. And it is backwards compatible with previous HDMI specifications."
"There's no better way to vet the compatibility of a relationship than time."
"Science and faith do not contradict, they're like two lungs that breathe together."
"Don't force it, if it doesn't fit, it doesn't work."
"When you find someone you are comfortable with, you'll know."
"All relationships are different and what works for one couple won't always work for another couple."
"You guys complete each other's vibe, like the yin yang."
"They feel like you two are meant to be together."
"That's what we've realized we like to do and I think that's a really important thing that if you want to be with someone long term you have to figure out what you want to do together."
"It's just one of those things where if someone gets your humor, it's one of those things like, 'Okay, I can get along with this person.'"
"Not one verse of Quran has been refuted by modern science, not one."
"Faith is an essential ingredient in science."
"Have congruent beliefs and communication styles."
"Just like you can buy a g-sync model and use it with an AMD GPU."
"Automator compatibility is really cool for automation."
"So the thing is a lot of the oil ingredients actually match most skin types."
"You guys are really unique, and this person, this new love, they're unique too."
"When we put science and the Bible together, we can come with a very understandable view."
"Compatibility ultimately is an achievement of love."
"Sometimes those are the best relationships because not only do you get to spend time together and find common ground, but you also still have your own things."
"If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't look."
"Queens are clear on who fits into her life. Queens are not around here trying to force something that's just not working." - RC Blakes
"There's a lot to be said from society's perspective for monogamy being the state that is the best that is the most compatible with the values that we all share..."
"There are lots of people that you can fall in love with, but they're not necessarily the same people you can make a life with."
"Science is not only not incompatible with faith, but it seems like science is pointing us to the God of the Bible."
"Compatibility is a prerequisite to being successful."
"The VSS has a dovetail adapter, allowing for easy attachment of various sights."
"They feel like you guys are a perfect match."
"They're like, 'Okay, well you make me feel amazing or they see your value and they're like it just makes sense for us to be together.'"
"Starting a relationship on weird grounds is never a good option."
"Having a big animal in a small space rarely works well."
"You have to know what you want in terms of emotional Harmony and reciprocity do you want someone who's on the same page as you yes or no."
"Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton go together like a hot dog and mustard."
"Having a partner that complements you is priceless."
"That's how I know he's the one for me because I can't... it's like we're magnets..."
"I feel like we can make it work with anyone that we're with. We just have to put in the work to make it work, plain and simple."
"Real recognize real; age doesn't matter when minds align."
"These guys are OEM so they have to fit right."
"Consider purchasing a USBC to lightning cable to be able to charge your iPhone from your iPad pro."
"There is no mistake, you and Mr. Shimazu are 99% compatible with each other."
"Your father believes that due to your near perfect compatibility, anything that will happen is because the two of you are meant for each other."
"If she don't like you as a man, your character, and what you bring to the table, what the hell is the point of having a relationship with her?"
"Follow the natural flow of things and as you spend more time with each other you're going to get a better vibe."
"You have enough in common to be able to spend more time together."
"A relationship works best when two people have something relatable and are going in the same direction."
"If the TV is not Freesync Premium certified, the feature is disabled."
"Compatibility is at the bottom of it because people can look good on paper but still not fit together."
"If you're not compatible with them, that just means that there's someone out there better for you that you are compatible with and that great relationship is worth the wait."
"You have to have some basic fundamental things in common. You have to know that has to get down to your values as a human being, what do you care most about most deeply about." - Unspecified speaker
"They felt like this person feels like the two of you were peas in a pod."
"You want to find someone who complements you, not completes you."
"If someone doesn't want to commit to you, they don't want to commit to you, and it's as simple as that... If you're not the right person for them, they're not the right person for you."
"Religion and science aren't on a collision course."
"Find yourself and then find someone that compliments yourself."
"If you need even more reach... the 1.4 and two times teleconverters do work with this lens."
"When Gemini and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, it can be a truly spectacular match."
"It's hard to relinquish power to a man that doesn't show he's capable."
"PC building is very modular but there are compatibility issues... make sure that your socket type is compatible with the CPU."
"There's a big difference between loving someone, and being compatible with someone."
"If a person is not open, not willing to be open then it's not a person for you."
"Chemistry, shared values, blendable lifestyles, and emotional maturity are the four legs of a relationship stool."
"I don't mind this pack, and thankfully, all the whims match."
"Marcy having an interest in objects that mirror her interest would check out with me."
"Partners should share their values and life dreams with each other as soon as they can. This way they can understand their compatibility and decide if something that something that could work for them long term."
"Looks attract you to somebody but after the looks what else do you have right um?"
"AMD has promised four years of motherboard compatibility with the AM4 platform."
"You don't need to purchase a G-sync compatible monitor to get adaptive sync with your NVIDIA GPU."
"It's a really great mixture of older and newer material that feels right at home."
"That's really the crux of the problem: how do we leverage the benefits of self-play... while keeping the strategy as human-compatible as possible?"
"PS5 backwards compatibility means any games you've redeemed as part of PlayStation Plus monthly games will also be accessible."
"Being with the right person does not have to be so hard."
"Women like her are far more the norm than women who are suitable and fit and ready for a relationship."
"Do they like to go out? If the answer is no, that's a big sign."
"Freesync and newer monitors that are g-sync compatible are widely available and will work with AMD GPUs and modern Nvidia ones."
"He's a great guy, but he just doesn't have the evil in him."
"There's no scientific reason to reject the God of the Bible."
"I don't think theology demands you turn your back on science."
"We can fall in love with someone who feels good to us but is not good for us."
"Building a solid relationship is about so much more than just if you get on if you support the same sport team if you watch the same TV shows those things can all be important by the end of the day you need compatible morals."
"Wow, this person is interesting and I think I could see myself working with them or like getting along with them at work."
"Just by what that motherboard will accept if you do that it's it's easy-peasy again buy good quality parts."
"Unique pairing is when you find two different qualities that are both attractive but on their own can be a bit two-dimensional."
"The architecture of your shellcode is so important; if it doesn't match your target's architecture, your program won't work."
"You just totally fit one another like you had the key to their heart."
"Compatibility ultimately is an achievement of love; it isn't a precondition."