
Detox Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"Self-improvement, dopamine detox, detach away from technology...use technology in a pretty good way."
"I've watched all types of things; you never hear people talk about emotional detox."
"When you remove all the slow poisons and the inflammatory crap, you're actually able to hear your body again, and you may not like what it has to say."
"Release all toxic relationships and or habits; it's a detox period here that we're in right now."
"The dopamine detox and the reset ritual together are like chocolate and peanut butter—they are super strong, super effective."
"The dopamine detox is basically a process where you cut out this high stimulation, low value activity. It re-sensitizes your brain."
"Fiber is our natural detox; it goes through the body, picks up excess fat and metabolic wastes, and helps cleanse it out."
"A social media detox is Wise. It's good to take it every now and then, especially for us who are so involved in this space."
"You don't have to do some crazy juice cleanse to detox and clean your body... Your body cleans itself."
"Go to some of these people, get that shit about your system."
"Celery juice binds onto toxins from pathogens and pulls it out of their body."
"You have the power to let go of any toxic behavior or habits. Make choices that support your path to happiness."
"Sickness is about congestion in the body. When you get sick, it's your body asking you to cleanse itself."
"When you get into this fruit eating and you start detoxing with these, it's an experience."
"Your body is really powerful at detoxifying itself."
"I just felt like I was detoxing so much and the more I detox I just saw that my skin was having less active breakouts."
"This is someone releasing toxic [ __ ] wanting a reconciliation here."
"Lemon water is very detoxifying and brightening."
"Literally just a little capsule... clear skin no sweat odor and your gut will literally be detoxed by the cellular level."
"Chlorophyll... it literally cleanses out your system immediately... my skin has cleared up like immaculate."
"Freedom from toxic energy, people, situations, addictions."
"It flushes out my system which is really good, and I feel a lot lighter, a lot more energized."
"It's been a detox for me outside of Ramadan."
"You're gonna have to go through detox while you're out there."
"July is a month to detox any part of your life that has become overwhelming or toxic."
"Deleting Facebook is great for your mental health, surprise."
"When you finally turn off the news, you are no longer being poisoned by a toxic cloud."
"Avoid processed non-organic foods... eliminate toxic hair and skin products."
"You can actually see what this thing's doing to your body, and you also have the contrast because you've now eliminated all these poisons out of your body."
"Spirulina rocks, organic blue algae, eliminates impurities."
"2021 is also just the year of demi needing to get off Instagram."
"Disconnect from toxic energy for a massive change."
"They definitely work really hard to release toxic energy."
"Take some time out of the day, take a step back, turn everything off and go outside, take a big swig of that fresh fresh air."
"Ramadan is for your body as well, it detoxes your body."
"I release and transform all toxins, harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and low frequency programming."
"You have to rid yourself of all the toxic in your life."
"Learn to detoxify yourself from that energy, take plenty of soothing spiritual baths with sea salt or Epsom salt."
"You're moving away from any toxicity, anything that is outdated, that no longer serves your highest good."
"If you're planning on giving yourself a little social Media Detox leave me a comment below."
"Your soul is craving detox for your body, mind, and spirit."
"Start to remove yourself from toxic energy honestly, start to really be okay with the fact that patience is key."
"Remove the toxic bags and let your body heal."
"I am so back. I am yeah I cannot wait for the next few months. I'm yeah I just completely detoxed from all the negativity."
"Did you know drinking lime and chia water is great for a gentle daily detox that helps shed pounds, improve skin, and strengthen the immune system?"
"When you're starting new, flush those bad toxins out, kind of get on it."
"Fasting is essentially the ultimate cleanse; it's the ultimate master cleanse."
"This focuses on your entire system, your blood, your pancreas, your liver, your colon, it cleanses you out."
"Detoxing energies of people and situations that no longer serve you."
"Use this detox to take some time away and reflect on what you want out of your life, and come back stronger when you're ready."
"The most important part of the routine, if your goal is the brain drain, is allowing your brain to drain those toxins into that lymphatic watershed and get it out of your body."
"It's entirely natural and healthy because you're actually getting rid of all this kind of excess junk in your system."
"Spring is approaching, we always hear the cliche of spring cleaning, but there really is something that's just so freeing about throwing out things, cleansing your house, detoxing your house when the seasons change."
"We are going to mess up sometimes, but it's good to clean your body at least once per year."
"The claim is that it improves skin, helps weight loss, detoxes the body, and more. You literally will not smell your sweat."
"...the body is just we are so toxic too that maybe somebody should start out with a Daniel Fast."
"I think Paul could really benefit from going 30 days without social media."
"It is unfair that we put our souls through this detox of Ramadan the whole month in order for us to do what? To be a monster?"
"I feel like it's a great detox for our brain because we're not like posting Snapchats all the time."
"If you're the type of [__] who would eat on them leftovers until monday then you damn sure need some of this detox tea."
"This is a great time to take a good look at the content that you're consuming and do an audit as well as a detox."
"I knew I needed to completely detox and completely get out of where I physically was."
"It's just that your body needs to purge itself, basically."
"What happened to me was this incredible health awakening and I would never have taken my health seriously. I didn't have the self-worth to take myself to take my health seriously."
"I drink a really tall glass of warm water with half a teaspoon of honey and lemon which is fantastic as a detox and great for metabolism as well."
"A way to let your body rid itself of all the stored up junk it has had to process throughout the years."
"Honestly, if you ever feel like that, you need the way detox shampoo, best ever."
"If I can eat poop and it can make me feel better, I would. I've done detoxes, but the one thing I haven't tried... is taking vitamins that will bind the heavy metal and you'll be able to eliminate it."
"Nourishing your bodies with the super juices and superfoods is really a great way to detox and cleanse."
"...make sure you start to get this toxicity out of your lifestyle so that you can be not only healthier happier but live a longer life."
"It'll also inspire you to detox your soul from irony poisoning."
"Detox from people who tend to be jealous."
"I think crying is like detoxifying."
"Silence works because it begins to detox the brain. Our brains really can become addicted to stimuli."
"You guys are doing a digital detox, a social media detox."
"Detox range helps remove impurities, perfect partner to the Blondie detox shampoo."
"I'm in the middle of a cleanse right now."
"I'm just, um, literally because who's on the pod, um, I just said to him, 'Yo, I'm going to fast as well, blood, you get me? Show respect and all that, you get me? Cleanse myself, bit of a little detox, yeah? Why not, man, you get me? You feel me?'"
"Being obsessed with the internet, being on Twitter, let me tell you, deleting Twitter was amazing for my mental health."
"...detox was the biggest thing that kept me from getting sober."
"A wise man once said, 'You've got to detox before you retox.'"
"You've got to detox before you retox."
"If you eat your super as veggies or high sulfur-containing foods or sulfur-containing supplements like glutathione or N-acetylcysteine and you feel awful from them, it's not a detox effect."
"It's really really incredible and maybe it's the age we know know that I'm in my 30s but I'm really into these kind of wholesome detox Wellness trips."
"Juice cleanses are a great way of pressing a reset button in early 2024."
"Dhm detox is a recovery formula with a blend of natural ingredients, vitamins, and electrolytes that help you bounce back after drinking alcohol. Forget the next day nausea, brain fog, and anxiety."
"This is your time, your cleansing, your detox physically, mentally, and emotionally."
"DHM detox is the ultimate vitamin for when you drink"
"Fiber: the unsung hero of detox products."
"I have only been on juice for nearly 5 days now and to be honest I've really been struggling the last few days."
"Fat who cares, syphilis but anyway yes detox goes home."
"Every time you do a social media detox you bounce back like your energy is restored like oh my God you reach levels of peace and um you know calmness and tranquility and Clarity that is oh my freaking God."
"In this series of short videos, I'm going to show you how to detox your kitchen in three important areas: bakeware, cookware, and utensils."
"Yoga is like a good detox, you flush everything out."
"You do not need to detox; your body does this naturally."
"Dhm detox uses science to help boost your body's natural response to alcohol and break down those toxins that are already swimming around inside of you."
"Once you get this stuff out of your system for a couple of weeks, you'll feel fantastic."
"You have the ability to rebalance your body. You can run a lab to check for estrogen dominance, and you can join a functional medicine detox for a healthier you."
"Give me a good metal and parasite detox."
"Even one use after detox can lead to a fatal overdose. Detox alone without any kind of treatment is just not adequate. You're putting the person at a very high risk of a fatal overdose."
"Those stupid juicing detox programs."
"Celery juice aids in toxin filtration and supports kidney function."
"Apple juice helps flush out toxins and keeps you hydrated."
"We are addicted to convenience, man, and unplugging, getting away from things, the detox, all those things, they will be hard, man."
"You need to periodically have a moment where the body can get rid of a lot of the junk."
"If you have thought about detoxing, whether it's from smoking, drinking, caffeine, anything like this is your sign to quit now."
"One thing I do want to mention, the last thing: work out, get out, be fit. Let your body sweat, okay? It's another way to detox and get all those things out."
"The best way to do a detox is to take care of yourself every day."
"I really want to do a coffee cleanse when I get home."
"Hopium detox and recovery: accepting and trusting unstoppable collapse."
"He's off of those. He has just completed almost six weeks of detox and treatment at an addiction center."
"Marine phytoplankton makes a great alkaline and mineralizing superfood when fasting or partaking in a detox regimen."
"Nothing helps clear your body out like some fresh greens."
"You want to have a way of detox and cleanse your system on a regular basis."
"Use beet juice, ginger, things of that nature to clean your blood."
"It's like pain relief, body detox, skin cleansing, improves circulation."
"A lot of people need to go through that cleanse... your body stopped craving those things because you eliminated them."
"I'm going to be recording probably my life detoxing from London and detoxing my creative mind."
"Doing a liver detox is probably one of the best things that you want to consider."
"The yoga detox class is just like zen me out, baby. Okay, clear my mind, clear my soul."
"Start your day with warm water and lemon... it resets the pH of your digestive tract."
"After you get through all of that initial detox, and when it passes, you feel amazing."
"A social media detox essentially allowed me to get back into the real world and connect with human beings again."
"I never regretted this decision of dopamine detox and I think that you should absolutely give it a try."
"Your body is obviously great at detoxing itself, but this just gives you a little extra boost."
"Taking a break from social media, man... if it's not about your money maker, you don't need to be on it."
"I'm doing it for 30 days, just trying to start off just clean my body out."
"Delete social media, delete it all."
"I feel the toxins just leaving my body. I have so much more energy now."
"Once you remove news, social media, and toxic people, holy [__], life is good, bro."
"By juice fasting and having more water intake, you can eliminate the water-soluble toxics from your body."
"Overall, my skin got rid of all of the nasty things that was inside of it."
"I took Twitter off my phone in October, it's the greatest thing."
"Break free from media that you recognize is toxic to you."
"Delete TikTok, become a normal person. You'll feel better."
"Detoxing my entire life to be a better version of myself."
"It's great for the lungs, it's great for detoxification."
"I personally really, really love it. It's actually the skin detox fluid which is the BB cream from Clarins."
"Bentonite clay is great because it's going to help pull toxins out of the mouth and help re-mineralize the teeth."
"Remove yourself from toxic anything; nothing toxic comes from God."
"Detox yourself, get out in nature, get out into the mountains, get out in the trails and walking, hiking, running."
"Watching the sunrise and sunset in the same day... actually listening to those birds in the morning, those are the things that detox you."
"It's so detoxing and makes you feel incredible."
"Just by spending a couple of rounds in a sauna or filling a bathtub with one or two cups of Epsom salt can reduce puffiness and bloating very fast."
"I'm on a journey to get all of that out of my system now."
"Helps with your digestive, eliminating toxins that will help give you the glow inside and out."
"I'm going to get a colonic, get lymphatic drainage, and get IV hydration."
"This natural detoxifying mask sucks out the impurities in your pores, making your skin super squeaky clean."
"This smoothie will detox you while keeping you so full for the day."
"When you detox and you wake up and you're like, you don't need anything just to get out of bed and be a person, and it's like, wow, this is actually pretty freeing."
"Don't be afraid to detox for a little while, just go ahead and log it out."
"This is about boundaries, this is somebody finally getting rid of all toxic codependent energy."
"It's a really good way to detox your brain."
"I love celery juice, it just makes you feel cleansed and it goes right through you."
"I'm just gonna stop going on social media for like a year."
"I feel like that really flushes all the toxins out of my body."
"It's day one of my caffeine detox... I'm hoping that it improves my sleep and just makes me feel less stressed."
"The beauty of the energy soup is that it cleanses you and rebuilds you at the same time."
"I just want to cleanse my body and detox and I just kind of want to be more on a healthy journey."
"Activated charcoal made from coconut shell is the number one antidote for radioactive poisoning."
"Getting rid of the toxicity in my life."
"It gives your body a chance to clean and stay in shape and boost your metabolism."
"It's so great for your digestion; it's really great for detoxifying the body."
"We should be trying to detox our lives from everything toxic."
"I'm just trying to detox and get myself ready for whatever is coming."
"I deleted all social media from my phone."
"You want to detox from all this stuff and you're going to save so much money."
"You got to get your hair off those drugs."
"Social media cleansing, that absolutely."
"If you need to detox your body and your mind and your spirit, we're about to do all that today."
"Natural high once you get your body out of the toxic stuff that you putting in your body and you get back into your true state of divine being that is the best high that you can possibly feel."
"Delete your social media even if for a day, just so your brain doesn't have any option but to think on its own."
"I'm not saying I'm slim or anything, but I've been back for a week and I feel like I lost so much bloatiness from that clinic."
"Detoxing from things like caffeine and sugar and everything, you're going to feel so incredible."
"Release yourself from that which holds you back. A need to detox. Unnecessary worry based on lack of self-confidence."
"I'm going on a health grind, everything that has green color or the word detox on it, I take it."
"Going into the new year, you should cut off anything toxic in your life."
"You guys are leaving anything toxic in your past and you're walking away from that."
"I'm taking a social media detox, a big social media cleanse."
"I'm really enjoying this place, and I would love to come here for a week detox or just to relax and unwind."
"I'm starting a detox tomorrow to help with all of that and it's super strict on what I can eat."
"I'm currently on the road to recovery... I kind of want to detox my body and I just feel like I need a little bit of clarity."
"There's freedom from anything that is toxic or that you were bonded to."
"Sprouts are good for your gut; they contain compounds that assist the liver in detoxification and help to balance hormones."
"It really detoxifies your body after exercise in the morning; it's a really refreshing drink."
"Juice cleanses are in fact no joke."
"I think it's good for everyone to have a social media detox sometimes."
"Breathe in passion and breathe out toxicity."
"We're really detoxing out of our body is anything that is blocking us from listening well to ourselves and to those around us."
"Accept that yeah, you might miss out on stuff, but honestly, every time you go on and detox you kind of realize how much you didn't need to see."
"Yes, you made it! We're on day 8. Welcome to our 8-day detox challenge."
"It's a good reset, especially after you've had sugar or alcohol."
"Detox to clean, cleanse everything from the body, wash all the dirt."
"I took an Instagram detox that kind of cleared my mind."
"I feel like we all should have some detox days every once in a while."
"I'm going to spend the next 21 days not only experiencing a spiritual detox and a spiritual reset but a physical one as well."
"You're finally disconnecting from something that's been so toxic."
"Be willing to move out of any type of toxic energy."
"Health maintenance, detox, breaking bad habits, lifestyle changes, making healthier choices."
"Detoxifying the unnecessary situations, lifestyle, old ways of doing things or being."