
Requirements Quotes

There are 516 quotes

"You've got all this potential, you can turn it into skill set, but the thing that's required is time and energy."
"If you want to get any kind of loan or credit line, you need one of these three things: cash flow, credit, or collateral."
"Doing things in space requires three things: spacecraft, launch vehicles, and ground-based operations."
"Find out what's required to accomplish and do what's required, no matter what. No fucking excuses."
"Make the requirements less dumb." - Elon Musk
"Answer all parts of the question to achieve task achievement."
"One quick note is that I said that Ansible’s agentless, and it doesn't require anything special to be installed on the servers. That's mostly true, but you do need Python, a version of Python, to be installed on the servers."
"Make sure that it's super comfortable that it will hold all of my crap inside of it."
"Air forces around the world clearly want the next generation of fighter aircraft to be packed to the absolute gills with powerful sensors, cutting-edge electronic warfare suites."
"Every effective bodybuilder must have a genetic predisposition."
"What's required in order for this to end is real systemic change."
"A bad requirement up front can result in you producing a sub-par or even terrible weapon system almost no matter how the development process goes, unless there's a massive change in direction."
"We could have high schoolers who are all graduating with the requirement that they have some level of financial literacy."
"This is a lot of options and I love the differences between them. Going above and beyond and making sure we get the best of both worlds requires Shepard to do things outside the trial, and unique requirements should provide unique results."
"She won't do a damn thing unless they remove the entire conservatorship."
"So we can't get it, unless we have arm tattoos?"
"If you're not at that minimum frequency or that minimum energy that you need, nothing is going to happen."
"You cannot commit a crime without intent. It's a requirement."
"Occasionally you might have to wear a specific outfit for a certain quest."
"You don't have to fulfill all of these requirements all the time."
"We reviewed all of the documents provided by Maricopa County in response to our requests and the answer is that none of the documents that they created meet the requirements."
"We need someone in the White House who understands our economy."
"Oculus is going to require you to sign into a Facebook account to use the VR, you guys know that?"
"It's not about doing your best, it's about doing what's required."
"It's a perversion of the gospel to say you must do something to achieve unity."
"I don't think everything raised in the defendant's Motions demands an evidentiary hearing."
"For Crash, we have poker chips... you have to end the match with 15 healing items within your inventory."
"What does it take to be a Supercross Rider? The short answer is everything."
"Before you do anything else in watching this video... you absolutely have to do it. If you don't do it, you're not gonna get a loan. I'm gonna say it again, if you don't do it, you're not gonna get a loan."
"Figure out what information students need to recall to meet expectations."
"You have to actually know the real requirements behind a winning product."
"Masks or face coverings will be required by every guest and every cast member."
"Technically, he'd complied with the requirements to win his bonus."
"Quality is defined as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements."
"If there is any chance of crypto ever being used as money, it's going to have to be privacy, it's going to have to be faster, and it's going to have to be cheaper."
"Choosing the right cloud computing platform is a decision made based on the user or organization's requirements."
"This apartment meets all my requirements."
"You don't need a super expensive gaming PC to run this game."
"Invest in user stories: Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized appropriately, Testable."
"As a user or persona, I want this feature so that I can..."
"To get monetized, you need to have 1,000 subscribers or more, and you need to have 4,000 or more watch hours in the last 365 days."
"This is what Allin looks like is this big freaking list right here these are all the things that I need you to do right yeah or I want this."
"Start with a simple design... don't add requirements that don't exist."
"For whoever is going to be my partner next, you have to have that sense of open-mindedness."
"No matter the kingdom, it is an absolute requirement that the nobles who are in charge have high-level magical power and magical abilities."
"The game I'll be playing, Dead by Lead, needs a 3ftx 3ft area to play on."
"Affinity estimating: understanding user requirements and fulfilling needs."
"...employers are absolutely ridiculous with their requirements...there's a lot of people who are frustrated by it and honestly rightfully so."
"I think overall the property is the most comprehensive of the three that we've seen in terms of our needs."
"Everything that I can think of requires at least those two things to work."
"Each Guild had a little home base where they set up a chalkboard with the guild requirements pre-written out."
"What does love require? Best friend chemistry, sexual chemistry, and mutual respect."
"Main... required for accessibility."
"Excellence requires purpose, competence, and accountability."
"What does it really take to become one?"
"You got to have them requirements: you got to be a six-figure earner, saved, single, stable, got to have your degree too."
"For our note, we want the following: we want to have a title."
"So for all candidates but particularly senior and staff candidates the non-functional requirements are incredibly important."
"Alright as per usual I'll be starting this one off by talking about functional requirements."
"It is very important that all the stakeholders' expectations are captured adequately and represented in the requirements document."
"You don't have to have a license, you don't have to have good credit."
"The church age is over and the Lord has some very specific requirements of does and don'ts for those who wish to enter into his kingdom."
"It's not the age, but where you live, that dictates your basement floor's requirements."
"What do you need to play a game of volleyball?"
"It's about the fact that I have standards and expectations that must be met."
"If you ask me what kind of wheels do I need and you don't know what kind of car you have, I can't tell you what kind of wheels you need."
"The table control requires a data source."
"Enrichment math, they need to go and when you're talking about requirements understand that."
"Whatever the minimum requirement for something is, is not necessarily the actual minimum requirement."
"You need to clearly establish your requirements, scope of work, and the true definition of done."
"A friendship defies logic or words. It doesn't have any requirements."
"Light, water, proper temperature, and aeration are needed for the rooting process."
"He's the guy who defined the requirement, he's the guy who would evaluate the technical merits of the bids coming in without seeing the price."
"There are no shortcuts, there's no simple way to bypass hiring manager requirements."
"Requirements should cover both product features and properties. All of those should be included as you're getting ramped up on this."
"It doesn't work like that because they put the CEUs into categories, and you can only use a certain number of webinar categories in a three-year renewal period."
"That's proof that we need to eliminate the aquatic requirements from becoming a Navy SEAL."
"Tests are intended to focus on the contract but actually our tests are focused on the implementation details."
"Only write production code in response to a test, and only write a test in response to a requirement."
"What is the minimally acceptable quality level for your needs?"
"It all depends on the types of requirements."
"A project is said to meet quality expectations when all the project requirements agreed in the beginning are met."
"The technology requirements are very minimal. Typically it works better with Windows but I have seen some people get accepted with Apple OS as well."
"Astrobiologists now believe that the existence of life throughout the universe requires a source of energy, a type of atom that allows complex structures to exist, a liquid solvent in which molecules can float and interact, and sufficient time for life to arise and to evolve."
"The person must have a driver's license too, right?"
"The things that you measure are the things that you optimize and the things that you don't measure are as bad as they can be while still meeting the requirements of the things that you do measure."
"So it's pretty much that simple: 620 credit score, been on your job for two years, show proof of income."
"If it's a requirement, there's no sense in bidding it if you can't make the requirement."
"One, I had to get a letter from Tom Hanks saying it was okay that he talked to me. Two, I had to read Undaunted Courage overnight and give a book report to him the next day."
"Voice of the customer is a technique to organize, analyze, and profile the customer's requirements."
"Good engineers build to requirements, great engineers pushback on requirements."
"That's all the stuff we're looking for."
"The new requirements get into a ton of detail... there are things like additional assessment that they need to do, they need for risk analysis their capabilities and capacities as well as the hazards that can impact them."
"Requirements encompass high-level business goals, stakeholder needs, and solution characteristics."
"The document conforms to best practices and is the primary tool for structuring requirements."
"You must be this tall to ride the ride."
"I wasn't allowed to go to college without having a high school degree, so I had to take a gap year."
"Aaron is shocked: the Balia plant requires water and fertilizer every 2 hours."
"You need to find out what they have in their apartment. Do they have a washing machine? Do they have a dishwasher?"
"You need to find out about parking. Do they have a space for parking?"
"Joseph quickly establishes the requirements for this promised blessing."
"I think the requirements for my therapist, I think I would want I think I would pay a lot of money because I would I would think that I I need someone who has been doing this for a long. I need like an expensive one."
"Make sure you have a solid title, defined research problem, clear methodology, and a comprehensive list of references. Your literature review should provide context, while your methodology outlines how you will conduct your research."
"You must be this tall to have a maiden."
"If you want to go though, fun fact, you need a visa."
"Requirements workshops: a structured and facilitated event to discover, refine, prioritize, validate, and discuss requirements with the stakeholders."
"It's not about how much effort you put in. It's not that I want you to try your hardest. I want you to do what's required."
"They let us define a series of properties and methods we want to use. They don't implement them, they just say these must exist. There's no code behind them, just a requirement, a bit like a blueprint."
"What's the minimum version of ArcGIS Enterprise and Pro that I need to support branch versioning?"
"The minimum offer is A*AA, and it has to involve one of those being in chemistry."
"Remember that well-defined standards and requirements lead to less rework and schedule delays."
"If you can get to heaven by being good, then the follow-up question is, how good do you have to be?"
"Before designing the mapping, we need to discuss with the data modellers and the business analyst for better understanding of the requirement."
"Most important... What is the most important requirement for a married life? Because all many of us are married many of you will be married, and most churches are built not of individuals but of homes."
"List what are your five requirements. Think of this as your five requirements. Are you looking for a quad card? Can you do it? Yes, but if you quad card, you sacrifice GPU."
"...over time, it's like, in the beginning I put up more and more and more hoops that someone has to jump through for me to be like, 'All right, let's [__] do this.'"
"All it takes to install is just cloning the repository, jumping in that directory, and then installing all the requirements with Pip."
"Prototype and mockups serve as tangible examples that bridge the gap between abstract requirements and the actual solution."
"I'm a very firm believer in documenting requirements. Remember I said all programs have requirements, implicit or explicit. I'm very strongly in favor of explicit requirements because they aid communication and help mitigate misunderstandings."
"Scope creep is when requirements are not properly stated and new features are added to an existing product in the course of a project."
"Clearly non-functional requirements aren't non-functional at all. Ideas like security, responsiveness, resilience, and so on are often things that users value very highly indeed."
"Best practices aren't suggestions; they are requirements."
"If you have bad requirements or unclear requirements, you're going to have a bad product."
"By using this kind of property specification approach, we've actually understood the requirements in a much deeper way."
"Well, you have to, uh, that's one of the, uh, requirements, you have to make your bones so to speak."
"The basic requirements for raising Queens: you need a breeder Queen, a cell starter or finisher, plenty of resources, good weather, remaining drones, and a place for the newly emerged Queens."
"A falconer had to be sober, patient, chaste, sweet-smelling, and avoiding preoccupations, as in not sleeping with people."
"Let's look at what is going to be required of you guys, not just buying a house, yeah?"
"Optimization algorithms can automatically tune parameter values to match response or meet requirements."
"Use cases are a type of requirements document that provides narrative descriptions of scenarios that will be handled by the system."
"For shipments going to Amazon, Amazon requires you to create a shipping plan. The shipping plan lets them know what you're shipping in and the shipping plan will tell you which fulfillment centers you need to ship your products to."
"Personal preferences do not count. Your team, your customer, your landscape, your requirements, is what matters most."
"You need to have an Apple business manager account."
"When you get to the comedy club you have to buy two drinks or two items of food. It's a two-drink minimum."
"You need a dispatcher version of a subscription."
"It's really important that you clearly understand their business use case and their technical requirements because it does help you a lot."
"It's not an and or or I should say it's an and it's not an or if you don't have all five of those things you're not stealthy."
"Absolutely. I'm required to complete 40 hours of continuing education credit in my field."
"But what does love require of me?"
"The air force has a requirement for a legitimate requirement. It says that the canopy, the windscreen, has to withstand a strike by a four-pound chicken at a given speed."
"The YF-22 and the YF-23 were successful designs and filled the mission requirements."
"Overall, lighting is going to be hands down the most important requirement."
"Bush said that if illegal immigrants wanted citizenship they'd have to pay taxes, learn English, and work in a meaningful job. Well, Bush didn't meet two out of three of those qualifications."
"You have to tune your consciousness to what the present requires of you."
"The fact that they have a 600 maybe on their uh math s.a.t uh section uh is doesn't matter you know to me I don't like I don't need to know it tells me what does what I need to know is can they do the math requirement at UChicago."
"Indeed is the only site where you only pay for applications that meet your must-have job requirements."
"If you don't know what it is the premise was just a website that was all different playlists that people could make and the only requirement was that each playlist had to have at least eight tracks on it."
"Assault squads, Dark Fury squads will of course be mandatory in this list."
"With a performance specification, we're saying we need something which is going to hold open this door."
"We need a smaller tractor, bit more basic on 34in tires, and look what they've sent us, exactly what we asked for."
"...you didn't have to be 20/20 you had at that point you need to be 21 fit for admission specialist not the the test pilot applicants needed have 20/20."
"I still believe that two-year-old experience is an attribute but it's no longer a requirement."
"It's not anymore just about the look, you have to have so much more."
"We're defining that we want our collection to have a username field and it has to be a string, it has to be required, so you won't be able to create a user without a username, and it also has to be unique."
"In the product backlog, the QA team gathers the requirement from the customer."
"Code is really just text, so most of these IDEs don't require a lot of processing power or any graphics processing."
"Experience shouldn't be a requirement for an entry-level position or internship."
"If you have high demanding clients... then yes, 50 megapixels is more than appropriate."
"Are there special requirements for your cells?"
"I'd like to buy a desktop computer, but I want one that's mostly for word processing and a printer."
"You need a high-vis jacket for every single person in the motorhome, including kids."
"It just may have all of the requirements for life."
"Students continually perpetuate the myth that getting into med school is all about MCAT and GPA, and it's so much more than that."
"Another thing that is so important when it comes to fruit trees is the particular pollination requirements."
"Do your research in your country, in your college, in your industry, and see what employers require."
"The unique shape and design of the X-47B fulfilled the stealth requirements."
"The switch from flat shoes to heels was a requirement to stay taller than her onscreen sons who were beginning to grow taller than her."
"Our networking gear has one requirement from us, and we show judgment and keep it simple."
"Identify the requirements for the automated solution, including understanding the inputs, outputs, and tasks it should perform."
"Internet connection required to pair disk drive and PS5 console upon setup."
"As long as it's music related and it meets our spec requirement, we want it."
"All you need is images and corresponding masks, that's it."
"Communication is super important, so we don't just need to know how to analyze the requirements, we need to know how to communicate them."
"Once again I don't want to dwell on this topic but to really get exporting down you're going to often have to build Paginated reports to meet the requirements that you want."
"Before we dive into the details, let's review together the requirements and the calculation that we want to obtain."
"IELTS is not compulsory; you just need a letter of English proficiency."
"She's only got to have the most fantastic character, she's only got to be funny, she's only got to be able to act, she's only got to be able to sing, and she's only got to be able to dance."
"The adequate accommodation requirement requires you to submit documentation that shows there will be adequate accommodation without recourse to public funds."
"The current gross annual income from employment must equal or exceed the financial requirement that applies."
"The basic documents they need to have... it's a compulsory instrument for coming to Lithuania."
"As long as you went to school, went through the required curriculum, did the required courses, came out of school, and sat for your NCLEX examination, you will be licensed."
"Everyone thinks in drifting that you should have no grip. Completely opposite, you need power and grip."
"You must provide all of your information to complete your entry; failure to do so will make you ineligible for the DV Diversity Visa."
"If we're going to talk about justice, we're going to talk about what does God require of us."
"You're not allowed to say you're a fan of movies if you've not seen that movie."
"You don't need to submit your English exam; that's really good."
"Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve actually use quite a bit of RAM."
"If you want to be successful, there's certain things you're going to have to do."
"For the CSS profile, both biological parents need to submit this to college board."
"You have to use a combination of all these techniques to gather the requirements."
"Spend some time figuring out the general requirements."
"As and when the complexity increases, the techniques we use for our requirement illustration also changes."
"We'll start off onto the new topic of how do we go about documenting our requirements."
"Now that we understand how to get the requirements clear, how to understand the requirements, we will focus on how to document them as well."
"We only do house sits where they have high-speed internet because we will be going live."
"You will need a heat source without steam."
"Purdue was test-optional, but starting from Fall of 2024, they have made ACT or SAT mandatory."
"Your job as the BA is to come up with the requirements, to document clearly, communicate clearly, facilitate the meetings to uncover dependencies."
"You have to elicit, you have to draw out, you have to get to the root. It's not very obvious; you have to ask and probe until you actually get the responses that itemize and show what the actual requirement is."
"The two things that it needed to have is it needed to be off-grid and off-road."