
Health Statistics Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"Every 70 seconds, another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia."
"About 30 percent of Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease."
"The average Japanese person... has a 5-year increased life expectancy compared to the average American."
"The advent of ABS technology dropped accident rates by 20 to 25 percent, which was deemed a revolution. Here is the simple fact of getting enough sleep that will drop accident rates by 70 percent."
"The average person spends one-third of their life sleeping."
"Just 15 minutes a day of exercise a person can reduce their risk of heart attack by 45 percent."
"Compared to fully vaccinated Texans, unvaccinated Texans were 12 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 and 26 times more likely to die of a COVID-19 associated illness."
"The rates of hospitalizations, admissions in ICU, and deaths are really low in those who are fully vaccinated."
"Going from zero activity to just 90 minutes a week is about a 15% reduction in all-cause mortality." - Dr. Peter Attia
"An estimated 90% of type 2 diabetes, 80 to 90 percent of heart disease, and 40 to 70 percent of cancers are considered entirely preventable."
"Within the next three decades, somebody in the U.S. will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease every 33 seconds. So, what can be done to slow that train down?"
"The CDC says the COVID-19 cases in the US may be 10 times higher than reported."
"This is probably gonna be the first generation of children who are going to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents."
"By 2030, 1 in 3 people in the United States will be living with some form of diabetes."
"Nearly 100 million adults in the US are estimated to have cholesterol levels that are too high."
"Every 52 seconds an adult in the United States dies from heart disease."
"Rates of depression tripled, rates of anxiety disorders quadrupled, drug overdoses and alcohol-related deaths shot up by 30 percent."
"Vitamin D deficiency had 17.3% [severity], people with normal vitamin D levels only had 14.6%... indicating that by getting vitamin D levels up... would reduce severe complications by 15.6%."
"Metabolic illness is a really sad statistic but it's true, nine in ten adults today have some component of it."
"It is now conservatively estimated that smoking kills 480,000 Americans every year."
"Only about 10 to 20% of those individuals are able to keep that weight off in the long run."
"The risk of severe COVID-19 cases among patients with severe Vitamin D deficiency is 17.3% compared to 14.6% for patients with normal Vitamin D levels."
"Heart disease accounts for one out of every three deaths worldwide."
"For the first time in four years, life expectancy in the United States of America has increased."
"The UK and Sweden... seem to have the lowest rate of smoking in Europe."
"The number of new positive cases continue to decline nationwide. Recent hot spots appear to be stabilizing."
"The numbers that we're getting from China about new infections and deaths are highly suspicious."
"If we were told 95 0.7 percent effective depending on whether or not you're looking at relative risk or absolute risk reduction then people are going to start to go wait what."
"One in two Americans suffer from either pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes."
"According to the CDC a young black man aged 10 to 43 is 13 times more likely to be murdered than a white male."
"More people die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol."
"Everyone wears jeans but no two people will wear them exactly the same way."
"The number of daily deaths is slowly decreasing, maybe leveling off."
"Life expectancy... once you strip out the variables... we're not living that much longer."
"The president's focus here is just making sure people understand that while the numbers grow, there are people that come off the list because they get better."
"The vaccines had their highest efficacy in the 18 to 29 year old age group with a 99 times higher rate of death in those that were unvaccinated."
"I just worry that, sure there's maybe 10% of the population are exquisitely healthy."
"Protection against reinfection was 81.8 percent"
"We're talking about north of 10,000 [cases] in the United States."
"How many Americans have a cholesterol of 150? It is very hard to find, not naturally." - Dr. Esselstyn
"This has shown to decrease hospitalization risk by seventy to 75%."
"The overall infection fatality rate is a lot lower than originally was supposed."
"18% of people hospitalized with Covid-19 ended up dying." - A stark statistic highlighting the severity of the disease.
"The death rate is much higher among those who are unvaccinated compared to those who have..."
"I do think that some of the excess deaths were due to COVID. However, I don't think that the majority of the excess deaths were due to COVID."
"Currently adults age 60 years and older account for the majority of the hospitalizations, critical care admissions, and deaths."
"People that were vitamin D-sufficient had less C-reactive protein in the blood."
"Vegans have 78% lower total risk of diabetes than keto dieters."
"The incidence of all cancers combined is lower among vegetarians than meat-eaters."
"Is there a risk increased risk in this group from 11 risk over five years up to 25 increased risk over five years if so that is a massive massive increase."
"An absolute risk reduction of actually over 50 percent."
"More people will die from cancer in this country in the next three years than all the American soldiers who died fighting since the American Revolution."
"I'm very happy to go through that, but the overall mortality rate is in our view 1 percent or less overall."
"It's a clear inverse correlation: people with higher levels of vitamin D are getting lower levels of death."
"Numbers are coming down all over the United States very rapidly."
"For every one person who gets the seasonal flu, they will pass it on to on average 1.3 people."
"11 million deaths a year attributed just to poor diet."
"Around 80 percent of people who are infected with the coronavirus have mild cases."
"Statistically speaking, you are extraordinarily unlikely to get seriously ill or die from COVID after you've been double vaxxed."
"The excess death toll is much bigger than the official death toll."
"There's not enough education around why fiber is so important."
"The Bible says we have not because we ask not. Do you want Him to come and speak to you in a dream?"
"Regular self-weighing can assist with weight loss and is not directly associated with negative psychological outcomes."
"New research suggests numbers of kids hospitalized for COVID is overcounted."
"You're in heart failure. Your ejection fraction, which should be around 55-60, you're at 30."
"85 percent of the infected people wore their masks always or often."
"The older the age or particularly we can actually say greater sixty years old is associated with a higher mortality rate."
"A man who quickly discovers exactly how the swamp operates."
"Look at the facts, look at the data, look at the fact that we have one of the lowest case fatalities in the world."
"The actual infection fatality rate is way way lower than it looked."
"One dose of Pfizer vaccine reduces hospitalizations by 84%, one dose of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine reduces hospitalizations by 94%."
"Kids are not getting this particularly young kids. If you're under the age of 20, the statistics suggest you're more at risk from the flu than you are from this."
"This is what really matters as and our death rate from confirmed cases this is what we call the case fatality rate is also amongst the lowest in Europe."
"Mississippi ranked number two in the country in teen pregnancy rates."
"Wow staggering fall off your chair kind of number: 83% reduction in deaths."
"It's estimated that 50% of people in this country and in Europe and 40% worldwide have what's considered elevated cholesterol."
"That difference is a 36% reduction in the risk of a heart attack."
"The probability of death increases with increasing age."
"The prevalence in India is most indicative - 80 to 90 percent of people are deficient."
"Cases per million people officially confirmed and diagnosed... Of course, this has to be taken with some caution."
"Why do third world countries have lower COVID-19 rates? Perhaps it's their natural vitamin intake."
"Just two tablespoons a day decreases death rate by eight percent."
"When you look at it grouped with high HDL and low triglycerides, it’s associated with low mortality."
"The highest amount of saturated fat have the least risk of heart disease."
"You could live your whole life in an area with ten times the normal background radiation, and even at that, you would only have comparable chances of dying from cancer as you do from driving your car."
"Ninety-eight percent chance of recovery - that's pretty amazing."
"The good news is that if you have coronavirus, you may be less likely to die than 1.3 percent. The bad news is that a lot more of us are gonna get coronavirus."
"The risk of stroke with chiropractic care is zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero, that's six zeros one seven."
"For children without a serious medical condition, the danger of severe COVID is so low as to be difficult to quantify."
"The true rate of hospitalization for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people was less than one percent."
"Indeed, these statistics are shocking, but there's a silver lining... most of these diseases are preventable."
"High vitamin D blood levels are associated with lower rates of SARS coronavirus II infection."
"An overwhelming majority of people who have been hospitalized needed a ventilator or died from COVID-19 have been overweight or obese."
"The cases are going up because we do so much testing."
"It's life or death because the rate of suicide attempts in the trans community is 40%."
"Recently a study was published that showed that 88% of Americans are in poor metabolic health."
"Italy: Cases down, lowest daily infection rate in two months."
"There's real-world data showing unvaccinated people have about 20 times the risk of dying of COVID."
"Let go, even if it's hard, because what's ahead is even better than you imagined."
"So even if you have a very large tumor, even 8 centimeters, even the lowest number here in terms of survival at 10 years is 80%. Thyroid cancer patients do really well."
"The UK has got the world's worst coronavirus death rate per million people."
"Life expectancy between 2020 and 2021 dropped by three full years in the United States."
"Florida reopened everything on September 25th... Florida has fewer deaths per million than the UK."
"Race is no longer a statistically significant factor in terms of looking at adults who have chosen to become vaccinated."
"Decades of evidence that smoking kills has caused consumption to plummet."
"Average smoker had a 9 to 10 fold risk of developing lung cancer."
"An amniotic fluid embolism is very rare, occurring anywhere between one in every 40,000 deliveries in North America."
"More than 99.8 percent of the deaths occur in people over 24 years of age."
"The case fatality rate overall is going to be about 1 percent."
"Canada right across the border, you've got 39 percent fewer deaths for almost 40 percent."
"The infection fatality rate for this new coronavirus is likely to be in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza."
"What you see is a steady decline in the number of confirmed COVID deaths."
"One in eight older Americans has Alzheimer's and there are more than 200,000 people in this country under age 65 who have the early onset form of this disease."
"The number of deaths relative to the previous periods... very low."
"How many months is that? 202 days with no local community transmission." - Information about Taiwan
"The flu kills between 250 and 500,000 people a year. That is with no lockdown and no social distancing."
"A surge in deaths among those aged 18-49 by over 40% prompts questions beyond the pandemic."
"More Americans have died this year than last year under COVID."
"Life expectancy dropped an entire year... that number had plummeted to 76 years."
"The number of malnutrition cases in England has almost doubled in five years."
"Only 3.5% of adults hit their recommended physical activity levels every week."
"The fatality rate of this virus is in the ballpark of a bad seasonal influenza."
"Men were drinking about three liters of actual liquids per day and women were drinking 2.2 liters. That's actually more than eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day."
"Insulin resistance is affecting the majority of the Western population."
"Between six to nine million patients may be suffering from long covet in the U.S. right now."
"Poor diet is the leading cause of mortality in the United States."
"New York sees its lowest number of daily deaths in two weeks."
"70% less likely to get viral or bacterial chest infections."
"COVID increased the risk for heart failure by 72%, heart attack by 63%, and stroke by 52% even among those whose original illnesses were mild."
"Life expectancy... the reality is that the mortality rate for amputees is higher..."
"Over 85% of adults in the United States are metabolically ill."
"The United States has the highest infant mortality rate of all developed countries. We are also the most vaccinated."
"128,000 Americans die each year from the right drug at the right time in the right dosage."
"The number of Americans using prescription medication is at an all-time high."
"Per capita, they were leading the one of the main leading countries of getting people vaccinated."
"The highest level of Omega-3 was associated with 10 times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"If you had less than four percent omega-3 in your cell membranes... that would lead to a 42% risk reduction in having a heart attack."
"60% of Americans over the age of 18 take at least one type of pharmaceutical drug."
"48% of all the referrals to the Tavistock were either diagnosed with autism or had autistic traits."
"The Czech Republic has 6,000 confirmed cases and about a hundred and forty deaths - one of the few countries that can really say it's flattened the curve."
"Why is it that people that are vaccinated under 60 have twice the rate of dying than people who are unvaccinated?"
"It's very interesting to see how vaccination affects the severity of infections. For example, the rate of death in unvaccinated individuals is drastically higher compared to vaccinated individuals."
"If you see, the death rate has only been really one tenth of a percent."
"This is live data... three and a half times more likely to die from COVID."
"The data actually suggests this is a pretty mild illness, at least the omicron variant."
"Deaths from the variant appear to be low, very low, extremely low."
"A hundred thousand times more Americans died of fentanyl than of the omicron variant."
"Even though Earth has gotten 1% warmer in the last century, deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5 to 15 times."
"Life expectancy is still below average. Wow, no private health care."
"China tallying around 60,000 deaths in just one month."
"He said there are millions of adolescents on puberty blockers... Study says it's under a thousand."
"COVID cases in this country have dropped off by 50 percent."
"Diabetics generally have higher levels of blood sugar throughout the day, and vegans have as high as 78% lower risk of all diabetes."
"Nearly 60 percent of black women folks ages 20 and older suffer from heart disease."
"Deaths following COVID-19 vaccination are rare."
"For every 100 excess calories from sugar, there's an 11-fold increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes."
"30 percent of couples have difficulty conceiving."
"Reinfections are common than people thought this figure of one in around one in ten people is quite reasonable."
"17 million people die every single year from cardiovascular related illness. And this is directly because of their meaty lifestyle."
"For every standard deviation increase in vitamin D levels, people had like an 8% or were eight fold eight times less likely to have a severe form of COVID-19."
"Our case mortality rate is half to a third of many of the other countries."
"South Korea has one of the lowest obesity rates in the OECD, which means, you know, they must be getting something right."
"Fracture rates go down as bone score goes up."
"America is not the fattest country in the world, it's around the 17th according to the WHO."
"Bringing up this statistic which I found so interesting and so remarkable because it really shows you how this system helps seniors stay independent and healthy for longer."
"That's why probably South Asians and Indians in particular have the highest risk of cardiovascular disease out of any ethnic minority in the United States."
"The infection fatality rate of COVID is half what we would experience from a normal flu season."
"Models estimate that about 30% of hospitalizations due to COVID were attributed to obesity."
"Most of these premature deaths are caused by six major killers in order."
"99.6 percent chance not to be hospitalized. 99.996 percent chance not to die."
"It's as clear and stark as that: 97-99% of people hospitalized or dying from COVID-19 in the United States are unvaccinated." - Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
"Mississippi, highest rate of obesity in the United States."
"Life expectancy in America dropped an entire year during the first half of 2020."
"Going from being in the bottom quarter to the third quartile has the equivalent of reducing your mortality by 50 in any given year."
"22% reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer... that's a great thing!"
"The vast minority of hospitalizations have been vaccinated. The vast majority of hospitalizations are unvaccinated. That's the simple statistics."
"80% of premature death comes from smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise."
"Cancer is on the rise, and there's a much stronger correlation with cancer rates in people who are obese or have type 2 diabetes."
"The number of heart attack deaths among 25 to 44 year olds in the US over the first two years of the pandemic was 30 percent higher than predicted."
"42 percent of Americans are obese, another almost equally large percentage are overweight, at least a third are in the early or later stages of diabetes."
"Lockdowns could double malaria deaths to 770,000 total per year."
"Deaths remain low, hospitalizations remain relatively low – remarkably encouraging."
"The number one killer of cops is actually COVID."
"Now in Israel, we're seeing the opposite. They're saying now that more than half of the people who are seriously ill with COVID-19 in Israel are fully vaccinated."
"If 50 to 60% of the people in a community already have tested positive for the virus, it's very difficult for that virus to spread much more."
"It's a nine percent protection...that's the way I tend to think of it."
"According to the Israeli government, the cases they investigated, zero people under 50 died from COVID who didn't have a comorbidity."
"Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel according to newly released data."
"A lot of these coronavirus numbers they're attributing to black folks are not even confirmed."
"I know I'm fat almost one million British school children are already obese."
"63% of deaths and hospitalization from covid could have been prevented by better diet."
"Here's what is true: U.S. life expectancy continued to fall in 2021 and probably in 2022 as well."
"Nine of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States right now are either directly caused by poor blood sugar control or are worsened by poor blood sugar control." - Casey
"Folic acid deficiency rates: lower in vegans."
"Every year, per the CDC, 30,000 left due to flu in the United States."
"95% of diets fail so there's a one in 20 chance that the diet you're on right now is going to work."
"If you're a black woman in America, it is statistically safer to have an abortion than carry a pregnancy to term or give birth."
"New figures show that deaths of pregnant women increased by 40 percent from 2019 to the year 2021 due to covid."
"Of every three Alzheimer's patients, two are women."
"One quarter of 12 to 19 year olds have pre-diabetes."