
Emotional Distress Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"It's exhausting to talk and not be heard...to live your life and be invalidated."
"Last night was just like, I miss them. I mean, I missed them cuddle up on their couches... it was tearing me apart last night."
"The wealth of countless stockholders was brutally harvested, and cries of despair echoed among them."
"You're killing me with this! I'm trying to have a relationship with my kids, and I can't do it."
"The false and defamatory statements have caused me to suffer severe emotional distress."
"In terms of emotional distress, [borderline personality disorder] would be severe... chronic feeling of emptiness, suicidal behavior, impulsivity, affective instability."
"It was the most humiliating and horrible thing I've ever been through."
"They said I started feeling like both my brain and my heart were contaminated."
"Nobody does care about my parents, that's hard to grasp because you may get some people commenting on the way that you look..."
"In cognitive dissonance, we defend the abuser while feeling distressed by their actions."
"What's up? I'm not really happy right now. I felt like you not coming home last night was unacceptable and it hurt my feelings that you didn't feel like the need to communicate to me like your plans or the fact that you weren't coming home."
"I wish I understood it all. It's baffling. It's discomforting. It's scary."
"He's in clear emotional mental distress... it's the medium that is the problem as opposed to the effort that either party are putting."
"Thank you so much for that question I used to stay awake at night every night for like years sobbing about this."
"You Knoxville [ __ ] you spike [ __ ] you Jeff you [ __ ] never cared about me man."
"My heartache and the fear of these old finger holy [ __ ]."
"The public suffered pain and anguish... trust has been lost."
"I struggle to have the words, I struggle to find the words to describe how painful this is. This is horrible for me to sit here for weeks and relive everything."
"The most unhappiness you will ever have is the secret you're hiding."
"Every day feels like dying now that I'm back in the States."
"I will never forgive you for dragging me down into the depths of fear itself. I'll never forgive you for making me worry about you that much, which is why I'm then going to drag you back by force if necessary."
"I just feel like at the end of the day this is him, Will Smith is hurt. He's deeply hurt."
"At this point, I was shaking and crying to the point where it was actually hard for me to breathe."
"I'm numb and cold and I'm lost, where does one go when he has nowhere left to turn?"
"I don't feel like a boy I don't know what to do."
"You're crying over a liar or somebody who can't even be honest with you."
"Society abuses her emotionally, mentally and physically until dysfunction becomes her norm."
"That was the most disturbing thing... I feel violated."
"They may feel like you left Pisces, this person feels like you're not being fair and they feel like you left them out in the cold."
"He wasn't just upset. He was scared of something."
"Not knowing what happened is pure agony, but I need to know."
"To have a loved one go missing is an awful experience and to think some people would take advantage of such tragedies in order to gain a profit is awful."
"I know people will say that it's just hair but I understand how shitty it feels to have a bad haircut."
"The struggle was fierce, overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
"I actually felt sick making this post, but this is sadly very similar to what happened with a certain liver. I guess this is what they've been doing internally, ordering people to ignore someone they don't like and verbally abusing them daily."
"I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was very, very wrong."
"Look at the pain and suffering that she's put this poor guy through for years."
"It's been agonizing, agonizing, painful, and humiliating thing I've ever had to go through. Oh, no one ever has to go through something like this."
"Katie Joy Paulson intentionally engages in internet trolling for the purpose of harassment and causing others consternation, grief, emotional distress, financial ruin, and otherwise cause damage to their reputations, well-being, and livelihoods."
"It's not uncommon for this unusual behavior to occur when there are emotional or mental health-related issues at play."
"I said love you more, keep the evidence put away. Evidence away, I'm not there to save you no more."
"I've really struggled this summer. There's a lot of guilt and shame that I feel."
"I'm sick and tired of you. She's literally harassing me."
"If you're struggling in any type of area, you kind of have to hide it and it festers up and it turns into something evil."
"This person's heartbroken. Someone is in their feelings because they know they screwed this up."
"Trying hard to fight these tears, I'm crazy worried, messing with my head, this fear."
"He was dazed as hell started crying and then threw up all over the floor."
"A chilling reminder of how intense emotional distress can be and how it can ultimately lead to devastating consequences."
"I'm out here by myself. Nobody don't want to play with me. Bro, it's too much. Everybody's having fun. I'm just lonely."
"She went there begging for help... but instead, she was completely broken down and turned into a zombie."
"The grandiosity gap between reality and fantastic self-image is emotionally wrenching."
"I feel personally attacked and I am not okay with that."
"You don't understand, I feel horrible today."
"There's a pit in my stomach because every day that I wake up and Gabby is still missing, this becomes less and less likely that we're getting to an outcome that we all want."
"Leah Remy has established the requisite minimal merit of her claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress."
"It's like putting an animal out of its misery... like your favorite pet or something... it's that kinda thing."
"The past three years of my life have been hell because of this scandal."
"There's no feeling worse than seeing happiness disintegrate in front of you."
"He's a pretty sad lad. He has seen some [ __ ] in his life."
"It's really hard to cope when you think you're a terrible person because you have attractions you can't control."
"I hope that nobody ever feels this way again."
"Love gone wrong, he's so distraught, he gets in a personal attack and then he can't live with what he did."
"Secretly in love and broken-hearted, reading your old messages."
"This person is missing you... they're feeling intense sadness right now and they are grieving something major that's happened."
"I hate when families have to go through that and get that hope and think maybe this is it maybe they're still alive."
"Imagine being a family member or with a missing daughter or a missing sister or your best friend's missing and you can't get anyone to pick up the phone."
"I had been drinking, I was so upset that day, and I'll tell you why."
"Shaming torture: Exposing individuals to public disgrace or humiliation causes severe emotional and psychological distress."
"I tried to back the process, I can't take this [__] no more."
"If I threw a 3 billion dollar lottery ticket in the trash I would never live that down. I would lose my mind, I would lose my mind."
"She confided in me about how worried she was for her safety... she lost it."
"They ran out of choices. They feel cursed. There's something about someone's fate, something is fated here."
"Micah has left people in her wake that have been hurt so much by this."
"This man is a mess, he's crying for his queen of pentacles."
"Dragging out Ochi's death feels more like torture to me."
"Maybe it's the fact that you were traumatized because you watched your parents get killed in front of your [ __ ] face."
"I will do anything and I will pay any amount of money to not feel the way I'm feeling right now."
"Depression and having done something terrible are not the same thing."
"When things come undone they come apart you can also say I've come undone which means that you're coming apart inside like your feelings are all you're very confused and you're not sure about things and you're just not feeling good about yourself."
"The hurt we're talking about is him stalking Cassie."
"Unsustainable hate and death threats have been crushing to read."
"It had to do with being in a loveless and volatile and unhappy marriage for years."
"I worry about Florian because there's something going on there for him."
"I was really severely depressed for a while over it."
"I never wanted to make Fed look bad to other people... I just felt alone and unhappy."
"Oh my God, I feel like I'm gonna cheat on my husband and get a divorce."
"Few things are more devastating than a loved one going missing."
"I don't feel too great, I don't know why I wasn't enough."
"Never in my wildest nightmares would I ever have planned to do that to a healthy animal prematurely."
"I'm sorry, everybody, my family, my friends, I won't be back for a long time. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it." - Denali Bremer
"I'm freaking out here guys, there's something going on, it's not right."
"This is a traumatic time for the entire globe, people are going through every dimension of suffering."
"It feels gut-wrenching, there's something about it that just feels like it's tearing at your soul."
"Living with no answers has got to be the worst thing ever."
"People are tired of hearing about this, but it's hurting people so bad."
"Death seems like the only escape from this living nightmare."
"I don't want to have surgery, this is the worst day of my life!"
"Left a friend who was toxic. Claimed she'd constantly hit me, did hit me, got pretty violent in all. Emo curse that crap. I'm out."
"The fear I was experiencing was beyond belief, it was like I was being attacked by a monster."
"I'm trying not to cry... why can't they just give her a triple dose and let her go, you know?"
"They really feel like it's unfair that they can't be with you, they just feel like it's not right."
"A woman with broken petals yearns for the sight of her husband. She has not seen him for so long."
"If this is life, all the misery, all the shame, all the betrayal, all the hurt and pain, if this is it, I don't want it, take me out." - SL
"I'm just so sick of crying, oh, it's so pathetic. Leave it on, sir. That's weird though."
"It's not true, this is painful and humiliating for any human being to go through."
"I almost can't stream right now because I'm really rattled."
"The pain that Alex Jones and Infowars have visited on these families, that have unimaginable pain already."
"Damn they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not, really fine."
"She's my baby girl, and to think that we could lose her because of alcohol, it just... it tears me apart."
"People are hurting, people are beyond hurting."
"The world is starving for God, overflowing with fear and sadness."
"If I'm the reason it falls apart, I'm gonna crawl into a hole and die."
"I can't sleep, I can't eat because my grandson had never come home again."
"People are just watching their lives being destroyed."
"The worst thing in the world is not knowing what happened to someone."
"I can't even be happy. I can't hold conversations with people for a long time. I don't feel like I want to be on this Earth. I wish he would just have shot and killed me if I knew I would have to go through this torture."
"I genuinely feel like we're... going downhill from here."
"He's making you think you're going crazy. You're apologizing because of your diary. What?"
"It feels like somebody's trying to rip us apart and I feel like part of me is being ripped away from me."
"Cody referred to having a physical relationship with Mary as emotional torture."
"I'm down bad, dude, I'm simping, I'm down bad."
"The reason we haven't seen her is because the poor gal is devastated."
"Your love interest feels broken. They feel sad, very brokenhearted."
"Don't you think I'm trying? Do you think I like feeling like I'm dying?"
"I felt so lost, I felt so unsafe and unsure and ungrounded because I just didn't know what I was doing."
"I hope you guys are happy with ruining my entire life because, in fact, for the last eight months, that's what you guys have done."
"Cat cried in her husband's arms all night long, something is very wrong."
"It's horrifying that girls are put in this situation."
"He was deeply sad, tearful, and very clear that he did not remember, he did not understand what had happened."
"I cannot imagine in a million years watching a video about somebody making a video about my husband cheating on me."
"I cried out to God, I said Lord please if you can only take this depression from me please just take this from me."
"We're really at a loss right now... Optimism had dwindled. Actually, we were all preparing ourselves for the worst."
"They feel lost without you and wish things could be different."
"Some of the worst things I saw working with dogs was the way this man treated the dogs when he was upset."
"I hate it. It's very scary because it's so unfamiliar and scary."
"His relationship with his dad is dying, you know, maybe it's just he's not even proposing to Alexis because he's in a dark place."
"I'm distraught that this is what I have to come back and tell you guys."
"The first amendment applies to Kayla Moore's intentional infliction of emotional distress and fraud claims."
"Sometimes the most abusive environments are the environments that look like everything is completely fine."
"That's the worst feeling, you know, to be in."
"I literally started gagging, someone or something held me as I cried and I don't know if it's worse that it was a stranger or a ghost but I was not okay."
"Please, I can't take it. Like I need someone to be more apparent so your mind could be controlling you feeling like, 'Oh I need someone who's like more free.'"
"I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry. I run because I'm just no good right now."
"Archie is still shaken up... it's really making Archie nervous."
"I was left to suffocate in the hole of tainted memories."
"I need you to help me help you. I need you to give just a little bit of what I did or didn't do so I'm not going crazy in my head to figure it out," Shanann's message to Chris.
"They definitely have feelings for you, like they love and care for you, but in it actually is upsetting to them that they're not sharing it with you."
"Every night for the past two years, I've suffered."
"Emotional pain caused by accusations of drug use is a shitty thing to experience."
"There's a lot of pain, there's a lot of fear, there's a lot of panic."
"It's very hard, like everyone's been sobbing."
"Jesse is distraught over Todd's actions but Walt is shockingly unbothered."
"They've cried themselves to sleep you know um what the whole pillow type Vibes in regards to what's going on here between you and them."
"I was so shook up I almost felt like violated."
"There's the love that eradicates emotional distress in the moment, and then there's the love that is devoted to fostering adaptive behavior over the medium to long run."
"I just wanted to escape. I didn't want to be here anymore."
"The torment was relentless – taunts, jeers, and cruel pranks that left her emotionally battered."
"Tenola felt broken when she saw her most personal thoughts being passed around, she ran to the school bathroom and broke down crying."
"I just caught my girlfriend in bed with my dad."
"I could literally feel part of my soul dying."
"I feel like my soul was just ripped clean off of my body."
"She was hysterically crying on the other side of the door."
"I feel you leaving me behind. So much anxiety comes from this."
"We're married now, and this kind of betrayal is just too much for me to bear."
"The basic premise of feminist approach is that disconnection is really the root of all emotional distress."
"He's gone guys, he's gone, he left me, he left me guys, he left me, I can't believe it."
"I feel devastated, I feel upset, tears are willing a bit."
"I know I've been crying every night. I cry every night. I get it. I was losing myself entirely. I had to go. He misses his dad. I hear that all the time. They miss you."
"I feel this tight chest feeling can't breathe just on the verge of tears all day."
"No child should have to ask why mommy is on the floor crying."
"He just cried and told me that he doesn't want to divorce me but he does want us to have some time apart."
"You made me look crazy, you made me look crazy."
"'I was so upset that I found it difficult to breathe, like there was a stiff wall in my throat blocking me from sucking in or breathing out.'"
"I just feel completely destroyed, empty, and alone. Please help me divorce. No kids, 10k average with lawyers."
"That poor kid. We were so happy together. I can't stand it, Terry. I'll crack up."
"When there's been a nasty story written about me for days, your stomach's on fire. You just don't know what you're thinking. Is everything over? Can it hurt so much?"
"Oh man, I had a meltdown last week."
"I felt like this pressure in my chest, like not being happy at all."
"I almost went into rehab not because I loved the person too much, but because I felt so unclean."
"He just wouldn't stop sobbing. He was so loud I'm surprised he didn't wake anyone in the neighborhood up."
"The Power Threat Meaning Framework highlights the links between wider social factors and emotional distress or troubled behavior."
"Despite logically being able to know that their thoughts are not facts, the anxiety that they cause can be so overwhelming."
"I never want to feel like this again."
"It is like a tornado, a twister in their hearts and minds, swirling around."
"I kind of want to curl up into a ball and cry for seven hours."
"I can't get over this I really really can't"
"...I was devastated... I went around depressed for three weeks because one person had said something negative about me."
"Karen, how are you? What can I do for you? I just killed my son."
"It's been sort of a rough day. I've been sort of on the verge of tears or at least a minor little breakdown."
"Now that I know we just keep coming back, I don't even care. I'll shoot myself right now."
"Getting over this is a nightmare, it sucks, going through a breakup is like the literal worst."
"I'm doing stop 'cause I'm not okay."
"I just wanted to curl up on myself."
"I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown."
"Two weeks without you, I've nearly killed me, Gail."
"I have tears rolling down my face and I think I'm never gonna see my family again."
"I hated it. People were mean to me."
"He was whimpering practically crying."
"I'm scared for my life, I'm sincerely scared for my life."